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总分复查人 座位号 2015年全国外贸业务员考试


(考试时间:2015年5月17日 上午9:00—11:00)

题 号 得 分 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 阅卷组长

得 分 评卷人 复查人 一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,




1.根据《INCOTERMS? 2010》的规定,卖方必须支付国外运费的贸易术语是( )。


A.L/C<D/P<前T/T<后T/T C.后T/T<D/P<L/C<前T/T A.FOB C.CIF 日之内。 A.4 C.6

5.不用出具汇票的信用证是( )。

A.议付信用证 C.假远期信用证 A.英国 C.瑞士

2.对进口商而言,以下支付方式风险从小到大的排列顺序是( )。

3.我国海关法规定,进口关税完税价格是指( )。

4.根据《UCP600》的规定,开证行的合理审单时间是收到单据次日起的( )个工作

B.5 D.7

B.承兑信用证 D.延期付款信用证 B.德国 D.美国

6.截至2015年4月1日,仍未申请亚洲基础设施投资银行意向创始成员国的是( )。

外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷) 第1页 (共12页)

7.D/P付款条件下,出口商业汇票上的受票人应是( )。

A.代收行 C.托收行 采用( )术语为宜。 A.CIF C.DAP 的( )。 A.1% C.0.5% A.装运期 C.汇票到期日 ( )。 A.一切险 C.一切险+战争险

12.以下不能单独投保的险别是( )。


C.Institute War Clauses A.生产者 C.经营者


D.Malicious Damage Clauses B.销售者 D.供货者 B.水渍险

D.平安险+战争险 B.0.1% D.0.05% B.交单期 D.信用证效期 B.CIP D.DAT B.进口商 D.出口商



10.根据《UCP600》的规定,遇节假日不可顺延的期限是( )。


13.因产品存在缺陷造成人身、缺陷产品以外的其他财产损害的,最终( )应当承担赔偿责任。


抛入海中,使船舶起浮,继续航行至目的港。搁浅和抛货造成的损失( )。 A.前者属单独海损,后者属共同海损 C.都属单独海损

A.开证申请人与受益人 C.受益人与开证行 A.UL


B.前者属共同海损,后者属单独海损 D.都属共同海损 B.开证申请人与开证行 D.开证行与通知行 B.CCC D.PSE

15.信用证实际上是( )之间的一份契约。

16.以下属于日本安全认证标志的英文缩写是( )。

外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷) 第2页 (共12页)

17.根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》规定,卖方无需承担( )的义务。

A.交付货物 C.支付价款 A.5 C.7

B.移交一切与货物有关的单据 D.移交货物所有权给买方 B.6 D.8

18.我国某残疾人康复机构以特定减免税进口的残疾人专用物品的海关监管期限为( )年。


FOB青岛,信用证金额为60000美元。则该公司最多能装运多少数量,最多能收入多少美元?最少能装运多少数量,最少能收入多少美元?( )

A.20吨60000美元;20吨60000美元 B.20吨60000美元;19吨57000美元 C.21吨63000美元;19吨57000美元 D.21吨60000美元;19吨57000美元 20.( )属于进口贸易融资。

A.信托收据 C.福费廷

B.出口押汇 D.打包贷款

21.The following are the basic functions of a bill of lading except to act as( ).

A.a receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporter

B.a certificate of origin, which certifies that the goods were produced in a particular country C.a document of title to goods being shipped overseas D.a quasi negotiable document

22.The following statements are how to use INCOTERMS? 2010 rules. Which one is correct?

( )

A.Incorporate INCOTERMS? 2010, rules into your contract of sale

B.Choose the appropriate Incoterms rule and specify your place or port as precisely as possible

C.Remember that Incoterms rules do not give you a complete contract of sale D.All of the above

23.In INCOTERMS? 2010, two new Incoterms rules — DAT and DAP—have replaced the

INCOTERMS? 2010 rules( ). A.DAF,DES, DEQ and DDU C.FAS, DEQ, DAF and DDU


24.If the goods consigned to collecting bank, after the importer satisfies the collections

conditions, the collecting bank ( )the bills of lading to the importer. A.endorses C.transmits

B.delivers D.carriers

外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷) 第3页 (共12页)

25.The risk of leakage is considered to be the ( ).

A.Free of Particular Average C.General Additional Risks

B.With Average

D.Special Additional Risks

26.According to INCOTERMS? 2010,( )means that the seller delivers when the goods are

placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. The seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to the named place. A.DAP C.DAT


27.Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, the minimum amount for which the insurance

document must indicate the insurance cover to have been effected is the CIF value of the goods plus ( ), but only when the CIF value can be determined from the documents on their face. A.5% C.15% A.open account C.documentary credit air waybill. A.shipper C.consignee

invoices in foreign currency?( ) A.Confirmed documentary credit C.D/A

B.Open account D.None of the above B.underwriter D.guarantor

B.10% D.20%

B.documentary collection D.public bonds

28.Foreign trade can be conducted on the following terms except for( ).

29.The exporter or his agent is normally the person named as( )on a bill of lading or on an

30.Which of the following payment terms eliminates the exchange risk, assuming the exporter

Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

Business-to-business (B2B) is commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G), B2B branding is a term used in marketing.

The overall volume of B2B (Business-to-Business) transactions is much higher than the volume of B2C transactions. The primary reason for this is that in a typical supply chain there will

外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷) 第4页 (共12页)

be many B2B transactions involving sub components or raw materials, and only one B2C transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end customer. For example, an automobile manufacturer makes several B2B transactions such as buying tires, glass for windscreens, and rubber hoses for its vehicles. The final transaction, a finished vehicle sold to the consumer, is a single (B2C) transaction.

B2B is also used in the context of communication and collaboration. Many businesses are now using social media to connect with their consumers (B2C); however, they are now using similar tools within the business so employees can connect with one another. When communication is taking place amongst employees, this can be referred to as “B2B” communication.

Compared to B2C, some differences between organizations and consumers as customers include:

I. For consumer brands the buyer is an individual. In B2B there are usually committees of people in an organization and each of the members may have different attitudes towards any brand. In addition, each party involved may have different reasons for buying or not buying a particular brand.

II. Since there are more people involved in the decision making process and technical details may have to be discussed in length, the decision-making process for B2B products is usually much longer than in B2C.

III. Companies seek long-term relationships as any experiment with a different brand will have impacts on the entire business. Brand loyalty is therefore much higher than in consumer goods markets.

VI. While consumer goods usually cost little in comparison to B2B goods, the selling process involves high costs. Not only is it required to meet the buyer numerous times, but the buyer may ask for prototypes, samples and mock ups. Such detailed assessment serves the purpose of eliminating the risk of buying the wrong product or service.

V. A B2B product in many cases is bought by a committee of buyers. Buyers are usually well-versed with costing levels and specifications. Also, due to constant monitoring of the market, these buyers would have excellent knowledge of the products too. In many cases the purchases are specification-driven.

31.Which one is a term used in marketing?( )



外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷) 第5页 (共12页)

