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全英文说课模板(一 )

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.

I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure.

Part 1 Teaching Material

The content of my lesson is New Senior English for China Book___ Unit____________________. This unit is about____________________ (topics). By studying of this unit, we’ll enable students to know_________________________ and develop the interest in___________________. At the same time, let the students learn how to____________________ (functional items). From this lesson, it starts___________________________(structures). (As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of this unit. If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.

Part 2 Teaching Aims

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

(1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expressions. (2)The Ss can use the __________________ (grammar) in the proper situation. (3)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about


_______________________ (information) and get their own idea about _______________________________.

2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing (2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.

(3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

(4) To train the Ss’ abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating . 3.Emotion or moral objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野) (1)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in ____________________and set up self-confidence in___________________.

(2)Teach the Ss_________________________, put the moral education in the language study.

Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points Based on the requirement of the syllabus.

The important points are__________________________ such as ______________. The difficult points are_________________________ for example_____________. Part 4 Teaching Methods

As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of the English language. For achieving these teaching aims, (after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论) .

1. 2. 3. 4.

Communicative Approach(交际教学法) Whole Language Teaching(整体语言教学法) Task-based Language Teaching (任务教学法)

Total Situational Action (情景教学) a “scene — activity” teaching

method , it establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss. At the same time, CAI (电脑辅助教学) can provide a real situation


with its sound and picture, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English. Part 5 Teaching Procedure Step 1. Lead-in. (_____min)


Purpose of my design: (1) to catch Ss’ attention about the class/topic/passage. (2) To set up suspense/develop interest in _______________. Step 2. Pre-reading

Task 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min) Let Ss _____________________________________________________________ Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min) ___________________________________________________________________

Now, let’s see what happened to the_______________/ let’s check whether it is right or not.

Purpose of my design: (1) to get to know something about the _________________. (2) To have a better understanding about the importance of ___________________. Step 3. While-reading

Task 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min) Skimming: Ss should read the material fast to find out the main idea/topic sentence for each paragraph. Para 1 ___________________ Para 2 ___________________ Para 3 ___________________ ?

Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min) Scanning: Listen to the tape part by part to finish ___________________________.

Task 3. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min) Scanning: Guide Ss to read the material carefully and take some important notes, then answer the following questions.


Task 4. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min) Scanning: Ask Ss to read the material carefully and find out the correct answers to finish the following chart.

Purpose of my design: Enable students to understand the given material better by using different reading skills. And proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning. “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained. Step 4. Post-reading

Task 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min) (接task3)Ask Ss to close books and finish the summary according their notes. (接task4)Retell the story /Sum up the passage in Ss’ own words according to the chart.

Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min) Discuss _______________________________________________with other group members and then choose a reporter to share their opinions about ____________________________________ with the whole class.

Purpose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English. Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study.

Step 5. Homework

1. 2.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________


Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and necessary for to master the knowledge they learned after class. It will check whether the Ss achieve the teaching aims.


Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material 1.Status and Function

The lesson is the first lesson of Unit 7 . The main content of this lesson is what your hobbies are. It’s related to our daily life.

2.Teaching aims and demands Knowledge objects

1)Make the Ss say their hobbies. 2)Learn how to use Verb- ing. Ability objects

1)The Ss can express their hobbies.

2)Make the Ss share the others’ hobbies and understand each other in English communication.

3)The Ss can use Verb- ing. Emotion objects

1)Enable the Ss to have desire to study English and enjoy the lesson. 2)Encourage the Ss to say what they enjoy doing. 3.Main Teaching Points and Difficult Points

In this lesson, there are two points to be solved, this is:1)Help the Ss understand the scenario of the text by reading and master the grammar—Verb- ing.2) Help the Ss to master the Function: What are your hobbies? ( such as: swimming / playing the computer games / skating?) .It is necessary for a teacher to identify the main teaching points and the difficult points. The teacher, at the process, presents new language items and explains model skills, lets the Ss have more opportunities to


express the new language and use in each activity.

4.Teaching aids

blackboard , pictures , tape recorder , multi-media computer Part 2 Analysis of the students

Most of the students in this class aren’t good at English because their English teacher is often changed. They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others. Some students aren’t active in the class, they don’t want to open their mouths because they are afraid of making mistakes.

Part 3 Teaching methods

According to New Course Standard of English, combining with the language level of Ss, I take Three task-teachings; Communicative methods; Aural-oral methods with the help of the computer.

In the teaching process, I will apply blackboard , pictures , tape recorder and multi-media computer to arouse the Ss’ interests in learning.

Part 4 Learning Strategies

In the process of learning , lots of linguistic activities are to be applied. Because the language activity-practice is the only approach for Ss to master either the basic knowledge of English or the language competence.

Help the Ss to learn to study independently, learn to cooperate with others. In class, encourage the Ss to communicate with others and build up their confidence.

Part 5 Teaching procedures Step 1 Pre-task

1.Listen to the song “You Are You!”

(Song is a good way to relax the Ss themselves. By listening to the song , the Ss can receive some moral education. It’s helpful to teach the lesson.)

2.Warming up . (In this period, I’ll show some pictures of hobbies to arouse the Ss’ interests.)

3.Free talk. Show some pictures and ask. (individual work) a.Do you like writing/reading/???


T: He likes writing. Writing is his hobby. b.Do you have a hobby?

c.Would you like to have a hobby? d.What’s your hobby?

(It provides a chance for the Ss to improve and practice their speaking skills.) Step 2 While-task

1. Introduce the new words on the screen. (class work) hobby guess sell frame wall instruction roll

2.Introduce the meaning of “hobby”. (A hobby is just something you like to do in your spare time. It’s fun!)

3.Play the tape, while making the Ss answer the questions: a.Where is Danny now? b.What would he like to buy? c.Did he buy a tree? Why? d.What did he buy at last? Step 3 Post-task

1.Add –ing after the verbs and discuss the regulars of verb-ing. (group work) skate-skating ; run-running ; read-reading ; listen-listening ; sing-singing 动词-ing形式的构成:



⑶、以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这一字母,再加-ing。 2.The Ss go through grammar points by themselves. (individual work)

3.The teacher collects the results and makes Ss practice sentence patterns. (class work)

The teacher explains the important points: ⑴.He’s buying thing for his hobby. buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物


⑵.I’ll take two rolls of film, please. two rolls of film 两个胶卷 ⑶.A hobby is something you enjoy doing.

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 eg: He enjoys playing basketball.

Step 4 Discuss in groups: If you have a hobby, talk about it with your partner. If you don’t have a hobby, what hobby would you like to have?

Step 5 Show your hobbies!

T: Today, there will be a famous journalist. He wants to know what hobbies you have. Let’s give him a warm welcome!

Journalist: Hello everyone! I come from CCTV. I want to interview what hobbies you have.

J:Excuse me! S1:Yes?

J:Can I ask you some questions? S1:Sure.

J:Can you tell me what hobby you have? S1:Yes. My hobby is singing. J:Why?

S1:Because I like singing very much. Especially English songs. I am a middle school student. I am always busy studying. When I feel tired, I will sing an English song. Then I will relax myself.

J:Very good! That’s all. I have something else to do. I must go now. Bye! The journalist interviewed some students. They are getting interested in English and very happy.

Then collect the Ss’ hobbies. (climb mountains, fly kites, play baseball??) Part 6 Homework

Write a composition. The title is “My Hobbies”. (Prepare it after class, express your hobbies next class.)

Part 7 Self-assessment

Help the Ss make self-assessment before class.---2 Tables


It aims to help the Ss to improve their ways of learning. Part 8 Feedback

During the teaching course, I made the Ss discuss about their hobbies and made an interview. I encouraged the Ss to take part in different kinds of activities and helped them build up their confidence, especially the poor ones. I gave the Ss encouragement as much as possible. The class was comfortable, and the Ss were active. However, because I don’t have enough time to divide the groups, some Ss can’t do their activities well. So it’s important to divide the groups well and it’s necessary to improve the efficiency of the group work.

Self-assessment for Students Table 1 Table 2

questions answers

1 Do you often ask your teacher if you have problem? 2 Do you have a note book?

3 Do you often finish your homework on time? 4 How long do you learn English every day?


Unit 1 . Can you play the guitar?说课稿(模版一) 各位评委老师,上午好!

我是 号考生,我今天说课的题目是《Unit 1 . Can you play the guitar?》。我主要从教材分析、学情分析、教学方法与策略 、教学过程、板书设计等几个步骤向大家详细地讲解我对这节课的安排。





三、教学目标及要求 1、知识目标:

(1)单词:sing ,dance, play the guitar, join ,speak English, play chess , swim

(2) 重点句型:Can you? ? Yes , I can. No, I can’t . What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club.


(1)掌握用情态动词表达自己在某方面的才能,谈谈彼此的特长与爱好。 (2)通过相互的对话练习,培养学生的群体意识和合作能力。 3、情感目标:



