Case-study Presentation Rubrics

更新时间:2023-07-20 05:03:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Case Study Presentation RubricCriteria Knowledge / Understanding Level 4 (18-20) -knowledge of issue is exceptionally accurate and is explained clearly and effectively during explanation using details and little reliance on notes/PPT. -exceptional critical comments and analysis of issue / interpretations using details, insight, evidence from case material and comprehensive thought -exceptional delivery and timing of information -exceptional discussion initiated and maintained to further student learning -powerpoint is exceptionally detailed, organized, logical and includes images, clear and large font Excellent interaction with audience; keeping eye contact; using varied tone of voice, etc. Clear evidence of good mastery of the language and communication skills; Clear pronunciation without a noticeable accent; sophisticated range of vocabulary, including business vocabulary appropriate to the situation. Level 3 (16-19) - issue is accurately explained and uses many details and various sources in presentation with some reliance on notes/PPT. -proficient critical comments and analysis of issue /interpretations using many details and evidence and some insight -proficient delivery and timing of information -proficient discussion started and maintained - powerpoint is detailed, organized, logical and includes images, clear and large font Level 2 (13-15) - issue is explained with some accuracy but need more details and more variety in sources and less reliance on notes /PPT. -some critical comments given to issue - more details, insight and critical thought needed -delivery and timing of information needs to be more smooth (too much reading) -more active interaction and discussion -- powerpoint is somewhat organized and includes some images Generally good interaction with audience; Some evidence of fairly good use of the language and communication skills ; Language easily understood though some errors in structures, pronunciation and choice of vocabulary, use of vocabulary related to the situation. Level 1 (12-) -issue needs to use more accurate information and details or examples -heavy reliance on notes /PPT. -lack of critical or analytical thought in comments and little to no insight used -poor delivery and timing of information -discussion needs to be more controlled and dynamic -- powerpoint needs to be more organized and logical Interaction not completely effective, not really at ease with the language and perhaps the subject. Limited evidence of good use of the language and communication skills. Limited range of structures and vocabulary with frequent mistakes; limited range of business vocabulary -questions that that lacked any insight

Thinking /Inquiry


Use of Business language


- presenters make critical conclusions and connections in feedback and answering questions -

Good interaction with audience; keeping eye contact etc. Some evidence of good mastery of the language and communication skills; Uses a range of structure

s with confidence, with rare mistakes; clear pronunciation with only traces of accent; good range of vocabulary, including the vocabulary related to the situation- there may be occasional use of inappropriate register. - presenters make clear conclusions and connections in feedback and answering questions

- presenters need to make clearer conclusions and connections




