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Contract for Warehousing (holding in trust) of Ordinary Goods

合同编号: Contract No.:_____ 签约日期 Date of Signature :

甲方: Party A: 地址: Address: 电话: Tel: 传真:Fax: 电子邮箱: E-mail:

乙方: Party B: 地址:Address: 联系人:Liaison Person: 电话:Tel: 传真:Fax: 电子邮箱:E-mail:


Pursuant to relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, Party A and Party B, through adequate consultation, have entered into this Contract according to the terms and conditions set out as follows:

第一条、仓储货物标的:Article 1 Terms of Goods and Warehouse 1) 货物类型及包装: Goods type and packing:

2 ) 租用区域及建筑面积: Rented Area and Building Area:

3) 仓储期限: Term of


第二条、入库货物的验收:Article 2 Check and Acceptance of In-Coming Goods: 1)乙方的仓储货物出入库时必须经甲方验收。

2.1 Any in-coming or out-going goods of Party B shall be checked and accepted by Party A.

2) 甲方对出入库货物的验收仅以货物的本质外观或符合国家标准的外包装是否完好无损为限,不涉及货物的内在质量及数量。

2.2 Party A will only check the nature and appearance of the in-coming goods as well as whether the outer packing up to the national standards is damaged or not, and will not check the quality and quantity of the goods.

3) 如货物在约定的仓储期限内会基于其本身原因而发生损耗的,乙方须提前向甲方予以说明。如甲方须乙方配合方能对货物予以验收的,乙方应积极予以配合。 2.3 In case some goods may suffer from loss within the term of warehousing agreed herein due to any cause of the goods itself, Party B shall notify Party A of the matter in advance. In case Party A needs Party B’s assistance to check and accept the goods, Party B shall provide necessary assistance.

4) 如货物有保质期限的,其约定仓储期限不得超过国家规定的保质期限,双方另有约定的除外。

2.4 If the goods have a quality guarantee period, the term of warehousing agreed by both parties shall not exceed the quality guarantee period required by the State, unless otherwise agreed by both parties.

5) 甲方收货时如发现乙方货物有破损等异常情况,应及时通知乙方,并经乙方书面确认后,根据乙方要求办理是否入库。

2.5 Party A shall, upon discovery of any damage or abnormal condition to the goods of Party A during the course of check and acceptance, notify Party B as soon as possible. After Party B gives a written confirmation, Party A shall, according requirements of Party B, accept or not accept to store the goods.

第三条:费用结算:Article 3 Settlement of Fees 计费项目及标准:Fees and Standards: 1)仓储费warehousing fee(RMB): 2) 装卸费 loading/unloading fee (RMB) 3)管理费management fee (RMB) 4)电梯使用费Lift fee (RMB) 1/㎡


The normal business time of our company will start from 8:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m., and from Monday to Friday. Any hour falling out of the normal business time shall be treated as overtime work.

装卸费在货物入仓时按2倍一并计收,出仓时不再计收,如遇加班则分开计算。 The loading/unloading fee shall be collected when the goods are stored in the

warehouse at double amounts. In such case, the goods shall not be charged with the loading/unloading fee when the goods are taken out of storage. In case of overtime work, the overtime work fee shall be charged separately.


The loading/unloading fee for overtime work shall be 200% of the normal loading/unloading fee.

费用结算程序:除另有约定外,双方按月结的方式按月结算仓储费。 Means of settlement: Unless otherwise agreed, both parties will settle the warehousing fees on a monthly basis.


