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内容简介 本工程为XX学院教学配套附属用房,属二类建筑,位于食堂南,实训楼西。总建筑面积1575m2,总高度11.7 m, 室内外高差0.500m。该项目设计合理使用年限50年,建筑抗震设防烈度为六度,耐火等级为二级,结构安全等级为二级。土建部分:基础为柱下独立 ...


本工程为XX学院教学配套附属用房,属二类建筑,位于食堂南,实训楼西。总建筑面积1575m2,总高度11.7 m, 室内外高差0.500m。该项目设计合理使用年限50年,建筑抗震设防烈度为六度,耐火等级为二级,结构安全等级为二级。 土建部分:基础为柱下独立基础与墙下条基,主体结构为现浇钢筋砼结构,墙均为240厚。±0.000以下部分采用MU10淤泥粉媒烧结砖、M7.5水泥沙浆砌筑;±0.000以上部分采用外墙240厚,卫生间隔墙为120厚Mu5.0淤泥粉媒空心砖,孔隙≥25%,内墙采用240厚Mu5.0加气砖,M5.0混合砂浆砌筑。装修:外墙贴外墙,挂贴磨光花岗石,铝板幕墙;内墙:乳胶漆墙面,瓷砖贴面门窗:窗采用硬聚氯乙烯塑钢门窗,白色框料,无色透明中空玻璃,窗立樘居墙中,凸窗立樘见详图;防火门、防盗门立樘均居墙中,内门立樘靠开启方向墙里平。油漆:木料涂水泊油防腐;金属,不露明刷防锈漆二度,露明刷防锈漆一度,铅油二度。散水为1米宽砼散水。雨水斗、雨水管采用?100UPC材料。


第一章 工程概况-4
第二章 工程部署-5
第三章 准备-10

第四章 各分布分项工程施工方法及确保工程质量的技术措施 13
第五章 质量保证措施及保证体系45
第六章 施工组织机构与管理人员配备47

第七章 工程材料进场计划几材料质量保证措施-49

第八章 保证安全生产文明施工,降低环境、噪声污染措施-52
第九章 施工进度计划表及网络计划图 58

第十章 施工现场平面布置图-59

摘  要






Translation, a bridge between different languages and cultures, plays an indispensable role in cross-culture communication. However, as a translator, we have to choose which strategy to deal with the cultural differences between the source language and the target language in the process of translation where there exists two major translation strategies--- domestication and foreignization. In this thesis, I will discuss these strategies and their application from translation, linguistics, and cross-cultural communication perspectives.

In the thesis, I will first talk about the current research of the domestication and foreignization in the translation circle as well as point out the necessity for further research. Then, I will illustrate the relationship between linguistics and translation as well as between culture and translating and next systematically discuss these two translation strategies including their definitions, the controversy in history and their current studies.

Besides, I will continue to deal with such neglected factors as may influence the

translator’s choice of translation strategies: the type of the source text (ST), the translation purposes, the level of the intended readers, the social and historical background, the

translator’s attitude and so on. Finally, from the linguistic and cultural perspectives, the thesis makes a comparative study of the application of domestication and foreignization by analyzing typical examples from the two English versions of Hong Lou Meng translated by Yang Xianyi and David Hawkes respectively.

The thesis will conclude that these two translation strategies have their respective features and applicable value. I sincerely hope that this research into translation strategies will enlighten translators and make a little contribution to the prosperity of translation studies and translation practice in China.

Key words: translation strategy; domestication; foreignization; application

摘要 Ⅲ

Chapter1 Introduction    1

1.1 The Cultural Turn in the Study of Translation    1
1.2 Studies of Domestication and Foreignization    3

1.3 The Purpose, Significance and the Framework of the Thesis    4
Chapter 2 Towards Domestication and Foreignization    5
2.1 Definitions of Domestication and Foreignization    5

2.2 The Disputes over Domestication and Foreignization in History    7
2.3Why Have the Disputes Always Been Going on?    8

2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Domestication and Foreignization    9

Chapter 3 Factors that Influence Translator’s Selection of Translation Strategies    11
3.1 Types of Text    11

3.2 Social and Cultural Background    15
3.3 Target Language Readers    15
3.4 Translator’s Attitude    17

Chapter 4 The Application of the Two Strategies to the Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng    19

4.1 A Glimpse of Hong Lou Meng and Its English Versions    19
4.2 The Reasons for Choosing These two English Versions of Hong Lou

Meng    20

4.3 A Comparative Study of the Two Versions of Hong Lou Meng    21
4.4 Translating Hong Lou Meng According to the Social Culture    22
Chapter 5 Conclusions    25
Bibliography    27

Acknowledgements    29


摘  要:本文通过对湖南机械类上市公司的现金流量的充足性、稳定性、成长性的分析,来研究湖南机械类上市公司现金流量质量的好坏;通过对全国机械类上市公司行业现金流量的指标与湖南省机械类上市公司的指标进行比较分析,从而得出相关结论;并从2007年到2009年湖南省机械类上市公司现金流量指标的变化来分析企业现金流量质量的好坏。


Analysis On Cash Flow Quality of machineryListed Company

Abstract: This article through to hunan machinery of cash flow of the listed company adequacy, stability, growth, to study the analysis of hunan machinery listed company cash flow quality is good or bad; Through to the national machinery industry cash flow of the listed company index and hunan machinery listed company index for comparative analysis, thus draw relevant conclusion; And from 2007 to 2009 hunan machinery listed company cash flow index variation to analysis enterprise cash flow quality.

Key words: The listed company;Hunan;Machinery;Index

摘    要


【关键词】 CEPA  粤港区域 金融合作Abstract

A turning point was found for the financial cooperation betweenGuangdong and Hongkong when the “Closer Economic PartnershipArrangement” (simply called CEPA) was formally signed in 2003.Guangdong,as a fast developing province in the inland China, has aunique advantage of the economic strength and the local position tocooperate with Hongkong for the further development. On the basisof theoretical analysis and affirming the strategic significant ofthe cooperation between Guangdong and Hongkong, this paper mainlydiscusses the status of the financial cooperation and theopportunities of the future cooperation between the two. Then thesetup of the capital exchange could be gradually formed, and thecooperation in payment or clearing would be promoted rapidly, andthe cooperative business between bank would be handed well. Withthis good condition, there will be much development space inexpanding market business and changing the mode of the economics.Yet, because of the complete deference system, there is still somebarriers between the two partners’ cooperation in social credit andmarket mode. The following steps can be adopted for the furthercooperation, fatherly strengthening diversified cooperation infinancial field, making the condition to improve the cooperationlevel in financing, fatherly strengthening the support power of thegovernment to ensure the effectively enact of the financialcooperation.

【Key Words】CEPA;the Region of Guangdong and Hongkong;Financial cooperation

目  录   字

1   CEPA背景下粤港金融合作的战略意义 .......................................2
1.1 CEPA内容简介 ...........................................................2

1.2  CEPA背景下加强粤港金融合作的意义 .......................................3

2   粤港金融合作的现状及未来双方进一步合作的机遇 ...........................4
2.1 粤港金融合作的现状 .....................................................4
2.2 未来粤港金融进一步合作的机会与领域 .....................................6

3   目前粤港金融合作存在的主要障碍 .........................................8
3.1 两地对CEPA的反应时滞和对策时滞较长影响了双方合作....................... 9
3.2  广东金融业发展的不足影响了双方合作的深度 ...............................9
3.3  制度的不健全影响了双方的深入合作 .......................................11

4   CEPA背景下加强粤港金融合作的政策建议 ...................................12
4.1 进一步加强粤港两地在金融领域的多样化合作 ...............................12

