
更新时间:2023-10-14 00:26:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1. Long long ago, there was a lion. He l_______ in the forest. There were some flowers in f_____ of the house. One day, an old man walked by the house. He p_______ a flower. The lion was angry. She shouted at the man and a________ the man to give him a child. The old man?s c_______ was a beautiful girl. She lived w_____ the lion. The lion was nice to her. One day, the lion was s______. The girl l______ after him. Then the lion turned into a prince.

2. It was Sunday morning. The w_______ was windy and c________. We went to a park by bike. At f_______, we saw some interesting a__________. Then we flew k_______ in the sky. It was time for l_______. We had some dumplings and some bread.In the afternoon, it r________. We had to g______ home. What a day!

3. Sam m_____ Bobby in the park yesterday. Bobby looked s______. He l______ his kite. Sam wanted to k_______ why. Bobby and Tina flew the kite in the park. It was n_____ windy at first. They c_______ up a hill. It was windy there. But the kite f______ too high, and it flew away. Sam laughed. He found the kite n______ the hill.

4. The students talked about the National Day h_______. Mike went to Shanghai and v_____ his aunt. He saw many interesting things in the Shanghai M________. David went to a f________. He picked some apples and c_______ big fish there. He h______ a good time on the farm.

5. Bobby came home late b________ he had a fashion s_______ in the park. Tina was e_______about the show. She asked Bobby a________ the show. Bobby w______ a paper shirt. the show w_______ well at first, but there was heavy r_______. They were all wet.

6. Mum: Hurry up, Jim! You will be l ______ for school.

Jim: I can?t f______ my white T-shirt, Mum. It was on my bed j_____ now. Mum: It?s next to the computer.

Jim: Thanks! Oh, no! W_____ are my brown trousers? Mum: They are on the sofa.

Jim: Now where are my socks? They w______ on the chair a moment ago. Mum: They are under your bed, Jim. Can you s_____ them? Jim: Yes. Oh, no!

Mum: What?s the m_______?

Jim: It?a a q________ past eight. I?m late for s_________.

7. There are many changes in my family these years. Five years ago, my father u______ the telephone to call people. But now he h_____ a mobile phone. He can call people a_______. My mother d_______ shopping in the shops, but now she often b______ things on the Internet. I made friends at school. Now I can m______ e-friends on the Internet. I like r______ and w_______ news on the Internet, too.

8. It was time for l_______. Tim and Tina were hungry. They w______ to have some hamburgers.They went into a snack bar. A worker was cleaning the f________. There was a s_______ at the door. “ Be c_______, Tim. The floor was wet, said Tina. Then they t______ the food and d_________ to the park.After lunch, Tina said, “ Look at the sign o_____ the tree, Tim. Let?s l_____ for a bin for our rubbish.”

答案1: lived front picked asked child with sick looked

答案2:weather cloudy first animals kites lunch rained go 答案3: met sad lost know not climbed flew near 答案4:holiday visited Museum farm caught had 答案5:because show excited about wore went rain

答案6: late find just Where were see matter quarter school 答案7:uses has anywhere did buys make reading and watching 答案8:lunch wanted floor sign careful took drinks on look

首字母填空 unit5--8

1. We live in a beautiful and c________ city. What can we do to k_______ our city clean? We can m_______ factories away from the city. We can p_______ more trees to keep the a______ clean. We should not p_______ rubbish in the river. We should not l_______ everywhere. Let?s do together and m_______ our city more b___________.

2.We drink water and u_______ water to clean things every day. It is u________. But there is n______ much water in many places. We should not w______ it. We should r_______ and save it.

There is not m_________ coal or oil on Earth. We should not d________ too much to work. We can t______ the bus and the metro to school. So we can save energy.

3.It is going to be Christmas next w_______. Lily is very e_______. Tomorrow, she is

going to b_____ a big Christmas tree and some food with her p_________. On Christmas Day, they are going to have d_______ with her grandparents. After that, they are going to watch f_________. They are going to have a lot of f________.

4.It is nine thirty in the morning. Mr Green and his students are going on an o_________. They are now in the park. The children are h_______ a good time. Liu Tao and David are fishing near the r________. Then a park keeper comes up to them. He p________ to a sign near the river. He says to the boys, “ Look at the s________. It says ?No f__________, please.?”Liu Tao and David say s________ and leaves quickly.

5. It was s_______ last week. There was an Art Festival at Yang Ling?s school. The students drew some pictures. They put the p_______ on the wall near school g_______. They m________ a lot of colourful kites and f_______ them in the playground. They also sang English songs and d_______. Yang Ling had a good t________. Some parents c_______ to the school. They w_______ happy , too.

6. Plastic is cheap and useful. We can use it to m______ many things. But too much plastic is not g______ for the Earth. We should not use too m______ plastic bags o_____ bottles. We should use p______ bags and g______ bottles. Let?s p______ the Earth together. 答案

1.clean keep move plant air put litter make beautiful 2.use useful not waste reuse much drive take 3.week excited buy parents dinner fireworks fun 4.outing having river points sign fishing sorry 5. sunny pictures gate made flew danced came were 6. much good many or paper glass protect

