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上海版牛津英语 8A 第四章 学习辅导材料(11.10)

学 习 新 词 语

nearly adv. 几乎;将近;差不多 例如:I nearly forgot him. 我几乎忘记了他。

I‘m nearly 16 — it‘s my birthday next Friday. 我快十六岁了,下周五是我的生日。

词义辨析:almost 和nearly 都是“几乎;差不多;将近”的意思,并且在与动词、副词、 形容词及名词连用时含义相近,可以互换。例如:

It‘s nearly lunchtime. = It‘s almost lunchtime. 快到吃午饭的时间了。 Dinner is almost ready. = Dinner is nearly ready. 晚餐快做好了。

但是,almost 可与no, none, never 以及nothing 等不定代词连用来表示否定,而不能用在含 有not的否定句中;nearly 则常用在含有not 的否定句中,而不能与no, none, never 以及 nothing 等不定代词连用来表示否定(两者应用范围正好相反,使用时应多加注意)。例如: There is almost no water left in the bottle. 瓶子里快没有水了。(这儿不能用nearly) It is not nearly so pretty as it was before. 它远不如以前漂亮了。(这儿不能用almost) develop v. 发展;开发;壮大 例如:

Some children developed more slowly than others. 有的儿童比其他儿童发育得慢。

John developed his reading skills. 约翰开发了他的阅读技巧。 词义辨析:discover; invent; 和develop

discover 是“发现”的意思,指客观存在的事物经人类努力后被找到。例如:

Columbus discovered the new land — North America. 哥伦布发现了北美新大陆。 They discovered a new coal mine. 他们发现一处新煤矿。

invent 是―发明‖的意思,指原本不存在的事物经过科学的创造后得以诞生。例如: The ancient Chinese people invented the compass. 古代中国人发明了指南针。 develop是―发展;壮大;开发‖的意思,指在原有的基础上进一步提高或改进。例如: The Indians invented the number ?0‘, and developed the 1 to 9 number system. 印度人发明了数字0,从而发展了1 至9这个数字系统。 develop 的同根词:developed; developing; development

developed 是形容词,意思是“发达的”,有“已经发展起来了”的意思。例如:

The United States is a developed country. 美国是一个发达国家。

developing 是形容词,意思是“发展中的”,有“正在发展着的”的意思。例如:

China is the largest developing country in the world. 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家。 development 是名词,意思是“发展”。例如:

The development of his bussiness is very fast recently. 近来他的业务发展得很快。 against prep. 与??相比 例如:

You must weigh the benefits against the cost. 你一定要权衡利益与成本。

[注意]:against的用法比较广泛,有如下多种意义,但都是围绕着“对着;反对”的中心词义: (1)对着;对立 例如:They played a football match against a team from another village. (2)不喜欢;反对 例如:Many people are against the plan. 许多人都反对这个计划。 (3)防止;预防 例如:

Have you had an injection against the disease? 你注射过这种疾病的预防针了吗? (4)靠着;倚着 例如:Put the cupboard against the wall. 把这个橱柜挨着墙摆放。 living adj. 活着的,活的 例如:

Some people say he is the greatest living writer. 有人说他是健在的最伟大的作家。 词义辨析:alive; live; living

alive 通常与be 动词连用作表语,而living一般放在名词前作定语。比较: The great man is still alive. 哪个伟人依然健在。

All the living things need air and water. 所有的生物都需要空气和水。

live 作形容词的时候意思是―有生命的;活着的‖,但都指动物,如:a live fish(一条活鱼)。此外,live 作形容词时还可以是“现场直播的”的意思,如:a live show (现场直播的表演)。 following adj. 下述的;下列的 例如:

Please answer the following questions. 请回答下列问题。

following 还有“接着的;下一个”的意思,相当于next。例如:

I came back from holiday on Sunday and went to work on the following day. 我星期天度假回来,第二天就上班了。

同根词:follow v. 跟着;接着;跟着发生 例如:Spring follows winter. 冬去春来。

follow 还有一个意思是“理解;明白”,相当于understand 例如: I don‘t quite follow you. 我不太明白你的意思。

amazing adj. 相当于surprising , 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的 例如:

What an amazing painting! 多么了不起的一幅画!

同根词:amaze v. 使吃惊 例如: Your letter amazed me. 你的信令我惊讶。 amazed adj.吃惊的;惊奇的 例如:He was amazed at what he saw.对看到的情形,他惊诧不已。 complete v. 使完整 例如:

Can you complete the story by yourself? 你能够独立把这个故事写完整吗? complete 又可以是动词“完成”的意思。例如:

He has completed his homework. 他已经完成了家庭作业。(相当于finish) complete 还可以作形容词,是“完整的”的意思。例如: Is this a complete list? 这是一份完整的清单吗?

complete 的反义词是: incomplete 意思是“不完整的”。例如:

She gave an incomplete account of the incident. 她对那件事作了不完整的叙述。

常 用 词 组 及 短 语

degree Celsius (C°) 摄氏度 an official language 官方语言 the railway system 铁路系统 the solar system 太阳系 an electronic typewriter 电子打字机 an electronic watch 电子表 square root 平方根 as a whole 作为一个整体 on the whole 总的说来 a human being 一个人 the human race 人类 work out 解答出;解决

like lightning 闪电般地;飞快地 divide A from B 把A和B分开 divide into 把??分成 play a … part 起??作用 do one‘s part 尽自己的责任 take part in 参加 body language 形体语言 living room 起居室 the cost of living 生活费用

语法知识 祈使句 (Imperative Sentence)

一.定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于 表达命令,因此在学校文法中也常称为命令句。祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称,所以


Go and wash your hands.去洗你的手。 Be quiet, please.(Please be quiet.) 请安静。 Be kind to our sister. 对姊妹要和善。(劝告) Watch your steps. 走路小心。(警告) Look out!Danger!小心!危险!(强烈警告,已如感叹句)

Keep off the grass. 勿践踏草坪。(禁止) No parking. 禁止停车。(禁止) 祈使句也常把主语―You‖表达出来,使对方听起来觉得柔和些,例如:

You go and tell him, Chris. 克立斯,你去告诉他。 二.表现形式 ●肯定结构:

1. Do型(即:动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分)。如:Please have a seat here.请这边坐。有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。如:This way, please. = Go this way, please. 请这边走。 2. Be型(即:Be + 表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分)。如:Be a good boy! 要做一个好孩子! 3. Let型(即:Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分)。如:Let me help you. 让我来帮你。 ●否定结构:

1. Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加don't构成。如:Don't forget me! 不要忘记我! Don't be late for school! 上学不要迟到!

2. Let型的否定式有两种:―Don't + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分‖和―Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分‖。如:Don't let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。

3. 有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如:No smoking! 禁止吸烟!No fishing! 禁止钓鱼!


1. 请照看好您的包。 2. 让我们去学校吧! 3. 亲爱的,高兴点儿! 4. 不要把书放这儿。 5. 不要让猫进来。 \带头的祈使句

由\带头的祈使句(Imperative Sentences)是个常见的动词句型,它的主要用法有下列三种: 1.表示―建议‖。 这个句型里的\后头紧跟着一个第一人称的代词宾语,如: (1) Let me try. (2) Let's do it. (3) Let me go and look for it.


(4) a. Don't disturb him. b. Let's not disturb him. (a)是直接命令,语气强烈,不如 (b)温柔悦耳。 2.表示―间接命令‖或―愿望‖。 这句型里的动词宾语是第三人称名词或代词,如: (5) Let Robert take charge of the marketing department. (6) Let her join our choir(合唱团).


这种祈使句里的宾语也是第三人称为主。除了口气凶悍之外,有时还语带讽刺,如: (7) Let him try and he will expose(暴露)his inability(无能)to work on his own.

(8) Let the invaders(侵略者) come and our armed forces will wipe them out in no time. 用\的祈使句时,必须注意下列几点:

一、\的否定句有二。如果宾语是第三人称用\(见例(9));如果宾语是第一人称,则用\(见例(10)): (9) Don't let this type of things happen again.

(10) It's raining now. Let's not go out until after the rain.

二、\只适用于现在时态,可以有被动语态 (the passive voice),如: (11) Let the recalcitrant criminals(反抗的罪犯) be sent to prison.

(12) Let all the dedicated(贡献) capable(能力) staff(职员) be promoted.(提升) 三、\后头除了是不带\的不定式动词之外,还可以是某些适当的副词,如out, in, down, alone等: (13) Let the puppy out. (14) Open the windows and let the fresh air in. (15) The room is too sunny. Let the blinds(窗帘)down. (16) Let me alone, please. 四、用\时,把谈话者的对象包括在内;用\时,并不包括对方,如: (17) Let's try it, shall we? (18) Let us do it by ourselves, will you?


数 词 (numeral)

(一)基数词 在英语中表示数目的词称为基数词。 1.基数词的构成

(1)1-20 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,

fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty (2)21-99 先说―几十‖,再说―几‖,中间加连字符。


(3)101—999先说―几百‖,再加and,再加末两位数或末位数; 586→five hundred and eighty-six,803→eight hundred and three

(4)l,000以上,先从右往左数,每三位数加一个―’‖,第一个―’‖前为thousand.第二个―’‖前为 million,第三个―’‖前为billion(美式)或thousand million(英式),然后一节一节地表示。 1,001→one thousand and one

9,785→nine thousand,seven hundred and eighty-five

18,423→eighteen thousand,four hundred and twenty-three

6,260,309→six million two hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and nine 750,000,000,000→seven hundred and fifty, billion(美式)

seven hundred and fifty thousand million(英式)


(1)作主语 eg.Four of them come from Paris.

(2)作宾语 eg.---- How many books would you like? ----I would like two. (3)作表语 eg.Seven minus two is five.

(4)作定语 eg.There are three people in my family· (5)作同位语 eg. You two will go swimming with us.


eg. There are six hundred students in our grade.

(7)表不确定的数字时,数词用复数。若带名词,再加of hundreds of(数百,成百上千的),thousands of(数干,成千上万的),millions of(数百万)

eg. They arrived in twos and threes.他们三三两两地来了。 (8)表示―…十‖的数词的复数可以表示人的岁数或年代。

eg. He is in his early thirties.他有三十来岁(31—34岁):

This took place in the 1930s.这事发生在二十世纪三十年代;

(9)表示时刻 eg.I watch CCTV News at seven o‘clock every evening. (二)序数词 在英语中表示顺序、次序的词称为序数词。 1,序数词的构成

(1)一般在基数词后加th eg.four→fourth,thirteen→thirteenth

(2)不规则变化 one→first,two→second,three→third,five→ fifth,eight→eighth,



twenty→twentieth, forty→fortieth, ninety→ninetieth

(4)从二十一后的―几十几‖直至―几百几十几‖或―几千几百几十几‖只将个位的基数词变为序数词。 twenty-first,two hundred and forty-fifth 2.序数词的用法


eg.Tom is their second son. He is the first one to come here. (2)序数词有时可与不定冠词连用,表示数量上\又—\,―再?”

eg: He tried a second time.他又试了—次.

Shall l ask him a third time?还要我再问他—次吗?


1st 2nd,3rd,4th,20th,21st,22nd,23rd (4)表示年、月、日时,年用基数词,日用序数词。

2005年8月15日: (英)15,8,2005=15th,August,2005;

(美)8,15,2005=August 15th,2005


No.1(1号),No.3bus(3路公共汽车),Room 103,(103号房间) The first lesson=Lesson One(第一课) (四)分数词的表达


eg.1/3 one-third;2/5 two-fifths (五)数学运算的表达

eg.3+5=8 Three plus/and five is eight.

9-2=7 Nine minus two is seven.

6x5=30 Five times six is thirty /six unutilized five is thirty. 8÷2=4 Eight ridded by two is four.


1. ________ sleep too late. It‘s bad for your health. A. Do B. Not C. Don‘t D. Please not

2. ________ you books, Tom. Don‘t leave your things here and there.

A. Put on B. Put off C. Put away D. Put down

3. ________ late. It‘s your first day to work. You see, well begun is half done.

A. Don‘t to be B. Don‘t be C. Not be D. Be not 4. ________ me the truth, or I am not going to leave the room.

A. Telling B. To tell C. If you don‘t tell D. Tell 5. The road is over ________ metres long.

A. six hundred and fifty–two B. six hundreds and fifty-two C. six hundred, fifty-two D. six hundred, fifty and two

6. —How much does it cost to build the school library? —Four ________ yuan.

A. million B. millions C. millions of D. million of 7. Kate lives in ________. Mine is next to hers.

A. the room five B. Room Five C. five room D. Five Room

8. ______ the students in the primary school is about three thousand, ________ of them are girls.

A. A number of, two third B. The number of, two thirds C. A number of, two thirds D. The number of, two-third

9. The low temperature will be minus 5, The underlined part means ________. A. 5 B. — 5 C. 0.5 D. < 5

10. Mr. and Mrs. Brown get 2,000 dollars in all from their work every month. They spend

________ on clothing and food every month. (45%) A. $ 800 B. $ 900 C. $ 1,000 D. $ 700 11. — What‘s 1/9 and 2/3? — ________.

A. Seven-ninths B. Five-sixths C. Seven-ninth D. Five-ninths 12. February 28 should be read as ________.

A. February of the 28th B. February of 28 C. 28 of February D. the 28th of February

课 文 译 文 数字:每个人的语言

你懂几种语言?每个人至少懂两种语言——他/她的母语和“数字”这一国际语言。 古代的数字





算盘是最早的计算工具之一。用算盘计算快且正确,以致于人们今天仍然在使用它们。 现代化的电子计算器可以做加、减、乘、除运算。它还可以计算百分数和平方根。 电脑是十分强大的计算工具。一瞬间,电脑就可以完成一道你可能花一辈子的时间也未必能做完的计算题。





91674867692003915809866092758538016248310668014430862407126516427934657040867096593279205767480806790022783016354924852380335745316935111903596577547340075681688305620821016129132845546805780158806771 (201位——译者注)




一.选择最恰当的答案: 1. __________ equals four.

A. The square root of twenty-four. B. Ten plus four C. Four-fifths multiplied by four D. Ten minus six

2. We may use ________ to draw circles.

A. a protractor B. a pair of scissors C. a pair of compasses D. a camera 3. None of the two: 13.5%, 0.23, is ___________.

A. an odd number B. a fraction C. a percentage D. a decimal number 4. ------ How much is 90 _______3? ------It‘s 30.

A. multiplied B. divided C. multiplied by D. divided by 5. They always tell us _________.

A. what to do it B. what not to do C. to do what D. not to do what 6. In 2005, the number of traffic accidents ________ to 3,748. A. falls B. rose C. will rise D. were 7. Machines make _________ easier for us to calculate. A. that B. it C. / D. this

8. We count in ________ because we have ______ fingers.

A. ten, ten B. tens, tens C. tens , ten D. ten , tens 9. Yesterday morning, Alice _______ off her bike and hurt herself. A. feel B. falls C. felt D. fell 10._______ is it? It‘s eight thirty.

A. How many B. How old C. What time D. What 11. 2,036.36 is read as ______________________________.

A. two thousands and thirty-six point three six B. two thousands thirty-six point thirty-six C. two thousand and thirty-six point thirty-six D. two thousand and thirty-six point three six 12. There is a number, we call it ―x‖. First , add 10. Next, multiply the answer by 2 . Then add 7 .

After that, multiply by 2 again. Finally, subtract 10 and we can get the answer 64. Which is the number?

A. 5 B. 15 C. 50 D. 30

13. You‘d better ________ the information in the encyclopedia.

A. look up B. to look it up C. look it up D. to look up 14. Eiffel Tower is one of ________ architectures in France.

A. more famous B. famous C. the most famous D. less famous 15. The boy, together with his family, ________ dinner when the telephone rang. A. were having B. is having C. are having D. was having 16. The hut is too small for the whole family to ________. A. live in B. live C. live with D. live on 17. You can give me ________ you can.

A. as much example as B. as many example as C. such few example as D. so many example 18. After making many films, he became ________.

A. rich and rich B. famous and famous C. richer and richer D. unknown 19. ________ he was to read such an interesting story!

A. How happily B. What happy C. How great D. How happy 20. Don‘t _______ the used cans. It can be kept for recycling. A. throw to B. throw away C. throw at D. threw 21. Mary was born ________ the morning ________ July 12. A. on, in B. in, on C on, of d. of, on 22. I prefer ________ to ________.

A. read books, watch TV B. reading books, watch TV C. to read books, watch TV D. reading books, watching TV

23. John‘s ambition was ________ a manager in a big company when he was twenty-five. A. / B. be C. to be D. to being

24. Mary was very lucky to have a penfriend ________ Xiaolin from China. A. called B. is called C. is calling D. call

25. Tim has three brothers. One is in Shanghai, ________ two are in Beijing. A. the other B. the others C. other D. another

26. Mr Wang looked up and saw an old man ________ beside him. A. stand B. standing C. standed D. to stand

27. It‘s raining heavily outside. You‘d better ________ out now. A. go B. not go C. to go D. not to go

28. Where ________? Your hands are so dirty. Don‘t touch anything!

A. have you gone B. did you go C. have you been D. are you going 29. He seemed ________ me before.

A. met B. to meet C. meeting D. to have met 30. Have you got ________ to tell me?

A. important something B. anything important C. something important D. important anything

31. Sandy always ________ A grades ________ all her subjects. A. makes, on B. gets, to C. achieves, in D. have, in 32. Who will teach ________ English next term? A. ourselves B. us C. our D. ours 二.按所给单词的适当形式填空:

1. Some animals eat _______ (leaf) for food.

2. We should use the ________ (little) time to do the work best. 3. It is his __________ (twenty) birthday today. 4. I go to school ________ (early) than any one else. 5. The boy was _______ (frighten) to see the tiger.

6. The Italian ________ (invent) Marcini invented the radio.

7. China is a ________ (develop) country belonging the third world. 8. I can work out the maths problem ________ (accurate). 9. He has a good ________ (electric) calculator.

10. Please tell me the ________ (solve) to the problem.

11. At sea the wind can build up giant, _______ (power) waves. 12. Are there any ________ (live) things on one of those stars? 13. Please put the ________ (follow) sentences into Chinese. 14. ________ (check) information is very important.

15. It is ________ (amaze) to read such an interesting book. 三.选用方框内的单词填空,每词限用一次:

multiply divided plus point minus odd even divide subtract hundred 1. 8_______ 20 equals 28. 2. If you _______ 5 from 20, you get 15. 3. If you _______ two by eight, you get 16. 4. A _______ minus 30 equals 70. 5. Half of nine is four _______ five. 6. Thirty-six _______ by six equals six. 7. 12, 20 and 24 are _______ numbers. 8. If you _______ 12 by 2, you get 6. 9. 3, 5 and 15 are __________ numbers. 10.18 ______ 9 equals 9. 四.按要求改写句子:

1. We have computer lessons every day. (改为否定句) We ________ _______ computer lessons every day. 2. He has some beautiful pictures.(改为感叹句) _______ ________ pictures he has!

3. Betty is so clever that she can solve the problem.(保持原句意思) Betty is ______ ______ to solve the problem.

4. They went to Beijing for a seven-day trip.(改为一般疑问句) ______ they ______ to Beijing for a seven-day trip? 5. We have been here for two years. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ have you been here?

6. The new clock costs 50 yuan. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ the new clock cost? 7. Let us go to school.(改为反意疑问句) Let us go to school, ________?

8. Ben is eating in class.(改为否定的祈使句) ________ ________ in class, Ben.

9. Dogs help the police catch thieves. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ dogs help the police ________?

10. I‘ve read about Thailand in the magazine. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ you read about in the magazine?

11. Father asked him to send a parcel to his aunt. (对划线部分提问) ________ did Father ask him to ________?

12. I‘m very interested in playing computer games. (改写句子,句意不变) I‘m ________ on ________ computer games.

13. Tom weighs 50 kilograms. Mike weighs 100 kilograms. (将两句合并成一句) Mike is ________ ________ than Tom.

14. Ben‘s grandpa died ten years ago. (保持原句意思) Ben‘s grandpa has _________ __________ for ten years.

15. My brother prefers music to sports. (改写句子,句意不变) My brother likes _________ better than ________. 五.阅读理解: (A)

From: 11350@ csu. edu ________________ To: Jennysmith@ yahoo. Com_______________________ Invitation Hi Jenny, My sister Ann and I are going to have a party this Friday at home. Some friends will be there. Mostly they are from the office. My best friend, Tom, will come, too. I want you to meet him. Do you want to come? We‘ll play games and talk. Then we‘ll have dinner. Everyone will bring food or drinks. It begins at 4:00 p.m. and ends at 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. We‘ll have a great time! I hope so! Let me know soon. Call me or send me an e-mail. Lisa 选择正确的答案; 1. Who sent this e-mail?

A. Jenny B. Tom C. Lisa D. Ann 2. The party begins at __________.

A. 4:00 a.m. B. 6:00 p.m. C. 4:00 p.m. D. 6:00 a.m. 3. Tom is _______ best friend.

A. Jenny‘s B. Lisa‘s C. Ann‘s D. Jack‘s 4. What‘s true about the party?

A. It‘s on Saturday. B. All of Jenny‘s friends will come. C. People will not bring things. D. It will last four or five hours. 5. What will Jenny do first?

A. Buy food for the party. B. Call Tom. C. Send an e-mail to Lisa D. Drive to Lisa‘s house.

(B) Helen woke up at midnight. ―The afternoon tea is too strong…?‖ She thought with her eyes half-open. Suddenly, her eyes was caught by the doors of the cupboard, they were open! Now, she was fully awake! She was so frightened that she felt herself sweating. ―There must be a thief in my room! What can I do? I can‘t move now! Let me think!‖ She looked around and listened carefully, but there‘s no person and no sound. ―He‘ll arrive in the first minute. But what will the thief do when he hears my voice? Has he a knife?‖ She felt herself sweating coldly.

―That‘s strange!‖ suddenly she got something, ―My window is very small, even I can‘t go through. How can a man do so?!‖ She began to calm down. After a while, she found out the reason. She hadn‘t finished her maths homework in the school, there was one exercise left. But last night, afte3r she had slept for ten minutes, she thought of it. Then, she jumped off her bed, opened the door of the cupboard, took out the maths homework and began to work on it. After some time, she finished. But she was too tired to put them back. She threw the books on the floor and fell asleep…

―Oh, how foolish I am!‖ Helen said to herself. And then, she slept again, with a smile on her face.

根据短文内容,回答下列问题: 1. What did Helen drink that afternoon?

__________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why was she ―fully awaken‖ when she saw the open doors of cupboard?

__________________________________________________________________________ 3. When her eye was caught by the doors of cupboard, what did Helen firstly think of?

__________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did Helen think that was impossible for a man to come into her room through the window? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why did Helen open the cupboard last night?

__________________________________________________________________________ 6. What did Helen do after she said ―Oh, how foolish I am!‖?

__________________________________________________________________________ 六.完形填空:


The world population _____1____ very fast. This is a big question. Look at your watch for just one _____2____, during that time, 174 babies ____3_____ in the world. Perhaps you think that isn‘t many. In the next hour, over ____4_____ more babies _____5_____ on the earth. So it goes on, hour after hour. In one day, people have to feed about _____6______ mouths more. Just think how many more there will be in one year! What will happen in a hundred years! 1. A. grow B. grows C. are growing D. is growing 2. A. second B. minute C. hour D. day

3. A. was born B. were born C. is born D. are born 4. A. 1,044 B. 10,440 C. 100,440 D. 104,400

5. A. will be born B. will born C. would be born D. would born 6. A. 6,264 B. 62,640 C. 626,400 D. 6,264,000


Nowadays computer crimes rise quickly. Thieves s________ money online don‘t need any g________ to rob a bank. They rebuild their computers s________ and steal other‘s passwords. A famous international bank was reported to have lost several m________ US dollars. All of the backers are computer e________. A few years ago, a R_______ backers stole a lot of money by computer from all over the world.

