更新时间:2023-09-06 19:46:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载
Cultural Variations in Negotiation Styles
Quotations first “A manager’s success in the worldwide marketplace depends not only on job related expertise but also on sensitivity and responsiveness to a new cultural environment.” “在不舒适的环境下,人们可能会违背本意, 言不由衷。” (American president Jefferson)
英国政界领袖欧内斯特 贝文(Ernest Bevin) 则说,根据他平生参加的各种会谈的经验, 他发现,在舒适明朗、色彩悦目的房间内 举行的会谈,大多比较成功。
中方在钓鱼岛 问题上的立场 是一贯、明确 和坚定的。
中韩建交原则:要求韩方与台 湾断交、废约、撤馆(钱其琛)
Brainstorming What is negotiation? Where does it take place? What makes it hard to have a successful negotiation? What are the aspects of cultural influences on negotiation? Illustrate one of them?
Brainstorming How can we compensate for an incomplete understanding of another culture? How can intermediaries or interpreters be helpful in cross-cultural negotiation?
Definition “…the ability to deal with business affairs, to arrange by discussion the settlement of terms, to reach agreements through treaties and compromise, and to travel through challenging territory.” (The Roots of Sound Rational Thinking) Negotiation is a conflict-solving process.
4P Principle Positioning the competitor Preparing for the negotiation Process of the negotiation Passion in the negotiation
1923年5月,柯伦泰(Kollontay)被任命为苏联驻挪 威的全权贸易代表,奉命与挪威商人洽谈购买鲱 鱼。挪威商人十分清楚苏联的情况,想乘机敲竹 杠,索价十分高。柯伦泰竭尽全力与他们讨价还 价,但双方距离较大,谈判陷入僵局。后来,她 又与挪威商人会晤时,十分慷慨地表示:“好吧, 我同意你们提出的价格。如果我国政府不批准这 个价格,我愿意用自己的薪金来支付差额。”挪 威商人惊呆了!柯伦泰接着道:“不过,我的工 资有限,这笔差额要分期支付,可能要支付一辈 子。如果你们同意的话,就这么决定吧!”
Thought patterns “The Asian develops and disciplines man’s emotional nature, his sense of propriety, his aesthetic tastes. The Western develops and disciplines the reason, will and capacity to think and act independently. The one begets a culture of courtesy, the other a culture of realism.” (Culik, 1962)
Individualism vs. collectivism In individualistic cultures the focus of one’s behavior can be unashamedly selfcentered. They prefer linear logic and tend to value open conflict.
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