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______________(rain)now. He ______________ (go) to school by bike.

14. What do you usually do at weekends? I usually __________ (watch) TV and ____________(catch) insects

15. It’s Friday today. What _____she _________ (do) this weekend? She ______________ (watch) TV and _____________ (catch) insects.

16. What ___________ (do) you do last Sunday? I ____________ (pick) apples on a farm. What _____you______ (do) next Sunday? I ______________ (milk) cows.

17. Mary ____________ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow.

18.Liu Tao ____________ (fly) kites in the playground yesterday.

19. David ______________ (give) a puppet show next Monday.

20. I ________________ (study)English now.


⑴say及物动词,“说”,强调说的内容,后面不能用人做宾语,如:He said he was hungry.

⑵speak用及物动词时,其宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词,作不及物动词,意思是“说话”。在会议上正式发言也用speak,表示“同某人说话”,要用“speak to sb.”如:He speak English very well.He didin`t speak a word.He spoke at the meeting.

⑶talk是不及物动词,一般指随便漫谈。表示“同某人交谈”,要用talk to sb.或talk with sb.表示谈论某事,要用talk about sth.如:I want to talk to you about something.

④tell是及物动词,“告诉、讲述”。表示告诉某人某事,要用tell sb. sth.;表示“告诉某人做某事”要用tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事,是tell sb.not to do sth.tell后面时常用人做宾语。如:Please tell me your secret.Tell him not to make much noise.

M10 U1 Activity1 (P.38) Listen,point and find“going to”.听一听,指一指,并找出“going to”。

1、Sam:Are you going to go to middle school this September,Daming?


Daming:Yes.I’m really excited.是的。我真的很兴奋(激动)。

Amy:What are you going to study?你将学什么(课程)?

Daming:I’m going to study Physics,Chemistry,History……What about you?


①Are you going to go to middle school this September,Daming?大明,今年九月,你将上中学吗?middle school中学。go to middle school上中学。this September今年九月。

②Yes.I’m really excited是的。我真的很兴奋。really,副词,修饰形容词excited。M1 P.2 What’s a hot dog?Is it really a dog?(really,副词,修饰动词is。副词修饰动词时,如果副词在句中,常放在系动词之后、实义动词之前,如果副词在句子末尾,常放在实义动词之后The dog is singing very loudly<P.18>。Is it really a dog?的陈述句是It is really a dog.)。be excited兴奋(be tired,be happy,be afraid,be sad)。Excited/ik'saitid/ adj. 兴

奋的;激动的;活跃的\v. 激动;唤起(excite的过去分词) ,比较级more excited 最高级most excited. excited 常和be连用。

③What are you going to study?你将学什么(课程)?I’m going to study Physics,Chemistry,History……What about you?我将学物理、化学、历史……你呢?study Physics/Chemistry/History学习物理/化学/历史(Chinese,maths,science,English,P.E.,music,biology……)。例句:I’m going to study English. (对划线部分提问) →What are you going to study?What(How) about+名词,代词,V.ing意思是“……怎么样?……呢?”,用来征求意见或询问感受等,大多用于承接上面的同样问题。如:I want to go to the park.What(How) about you? (后跟代词you) This shirt is too small. What(How) about that shirt? 那件衬衫怎么样?(后跟名词that shirt)We’re not going to go to the park. What(How) about going to the zoo?(后跟V.ing)

2、Sam:We’re also going to start a new school,in England.


Amy:And we’re going to speak Chinese there.我们将在那儿说汉语。 Daming:Really? 真的吗? Sam:Yes.Lots of children are learning Chinese in England.


①We’re also going to start a new school,in England.我们也将上一所英国的新学校。also,也;too,也。also用在助动词/系动词之后,实义动词之前。too,用在句子末尾。例如:She is also writing.Sheis writing,too.(P.21/P.30) start a new school上一所新学校. start=begin.in England在英国.

②And we’re going to speak Chinese there.我们将在那儿说汉语。speak Chinese说汉语。

③Really?=Are you really going to speak Chinese there?

④Yes.Lots of children are learning Chinese in England.是的。许多孩子在英国学汉语。Lots of=a lot of=many. lots of children许多孩子. learn Chinese学习汉语. in England在英国.

3、Daming:How am I going to practise my English now?


Amy:Don’t worry.We can write lots of emails.


Daming:I’ll miss you. 我会想你的。 Amy: We’ll miss you,too. 我们也会想你的。 ①How am I going to practise my English now?现在我将怎样练习我的英语?.practise English练习英语。

②Don’t worry.We can write lots of emails.不用担心。我们可以写许多邮件。don’t worry别担心。write emails写邮件.write lots of emails写许多邮件.She usually sends emails to her chinese friends她经常发邮件给她中国的朋友们。get emails 或 receive the email收邮件。Did you receive the email I sent you? 你收到我给你发的电子邮件了吗?

③I’ll miss you.我会想你的。We’ll miss you,too.我们也会想你的。 I miss(想念) you very much.我非常想念你(们)。

I miss(想念) you,too.我也想你(们)的。miss you想念你。


一、根据M10 U1 Activity1 (P.38)回答问题。

1、How does Daming feel about middle school?

2、What subjects is Daming going to study?

3、Where are Sam and Amy going to go?

4、What are Sam and Amy going to do there?

5、Who is learning Chinese?

6、How is Daming going to practise his English?

7、Who will Sam and Amy miss?

二、根据M10 U1 Activity1 (P.38)判断对(T)错(F)

1、Daming is going to middle school in August.( )

2、Daming is very excited.( )

3、Sam and Amy can’t speak Chinese in England.( )

4、Many English children are learning Chinese.( )

5、Daming and Amy will write e-mail. ( ) (FTFTT)


A: Hello ,Wang Li! This is Mary. B: Hi , Mary!1 ? I miss(想念) you very much.

A: I’m in Canada .I’m studying here now.

B: That’s great! How’s it going? A: Not bad . 2 ?

B: Pretty good.How’s the weather there?

A: It’s cold and humid.3 .

B: Snowing?wow.Beijing is sunny and hot.The weather is very different in different palaces.

A: You’re right!4 ?

B: I’m talking to my good friend,Tommy! A: Oh, 5 ,thank you.

(Where are you?How/What about you?It is snowing now.What are you doing?I see) M10 U1 Activity2 (P.39)Listen and say听,说。

1、A:Are you going to go to middle school this September?


B:Yes.I’m really excited.是的。我真的很兴奋。

2、A:I’ll miss you. 我会想你的。 B:I’ll miss you,too. 我也会想你的。 M10 U1 Activity3 (P.39)Learn to say学着说。

Picture1:Where are you going to go this summer? 今年夏天你将去哪儿? I’m going to go to…… 我将去…… Picture2:What are you going to do? 你将干什么? I’m going to …… 我将……

①Where are you going to go this summer?今年夏天你将去哪儿?I’m going to go to……我将去……。例句:I’m going to go to England this summer. (对划线部分提问) →Where are you going to go this summer? I’m going to go to the park.(对划线部分提问) →Where are you going to go?this summer


②What are you going to do?你将干什么?I’m going to ……

