20152016学年人教版英语必修3《Unit 5 Canada The True North》

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2015-2016学年人教版英语必修3《Unit 5 Canada The True North》word单元词汇句子练


Unit 5 Canada---“The True North”


1、—Are you worried about his safety? —Only ____、

A、 gradually

B、 broadly

C、 slightly

D、 extremely

2、 The girl who is studying at the art college has a ____ for music and dance、

A、 gift

B、 present

C、 power

D、 strength

3、 It is obvious that water is to be _____to the development of life、

A、 gentle

B、 fundamental

C、 harmful

D、 fierce

4、 She has good eyesight、 She can see ____ the distant island in the sea、

A、 as long as

B、 so far as

C、 as much as

D、 as far as

5、 Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good ___on a potential employer、

A、 experience

B、 reputation

C、 expression

D、 impression

6、 There was a hole in the door, through which I _____sight of Mr、 Brown sitting in a chair、

A、 caught

B、 made

C、 took

D、 got

7、 Why not get some work experi ence first ____ go straight on t o university?

A、 other than

B、 rather than

C、 more than

D、 less than

8、–How do you keep in touch with your old classmates or schoolmates?

-- By chatting with them on the Internet, _______for three hours every day、

A、 approximately

B、 averagely

C、 mostly

D、 absolutely

9、 In his impressive manly voice, my father always _____ the importance of setting proper goals in different stages of life、

A、 explains us

B、 impresses on us

C、 suggests to us

D、 describes to us

10、 Though difficult, I ________ him find a job, which made him very pleased、

A、 tried to help

B、 managed to help

C、 tried helping

D、 succeeded to help

11、 It is normal for kids to feel anxious and not to be able to ______ their studies just before a quiz or an examination、 Parents should try their best to help them relax within their power、

A、 settle down

B、 devote to

C、 get down for

D、 settle down to

12、Friendship can’t be ____ in terms of money but money is an effective me ans to ____ how strong the friendship is、

A、 measured; test

B、 weighed; weigh

C、 measured; measure

D、 tested; measure

13、 _____ development, a multicultural society is believed to have more advantages _____one that is mono-cultural

A、 As for; about

B、 To; over

C、 As for; over

D、 With; above

14、 The beautiful ____ beyond the mountain was so beautiful that the tourists coul dn’t ____ themselves away from it、

A、 scenery; tear

B、 view; take

C、 sight; keep

D、 places of interest; pull

15、 Ten passengers ____ the plane, which crashed into the urban area last night because of the thick fog, are reported to have survived the crash, but the news has not been _____ yet by the officials in charge、

A、 on board; made known

B、 aboard; confirmed

2015-2016学年人教版英语必修3《Unit 5 Canada The True North》word单元词汇句子练


C、 on board; said

D、 aboard; made sure

16、 Americans eat ____ vegetables per person today as they did in 1990、

A、 more than twice

B、 as twice as many

C、 twice as many

D、 more than twice as much

17、 A mixture of joy and anxiety ____ me as I watched the rocket soaring upward into the deep universe、

A、 held

B、 caught

C、 settled

D、 measured



People have the belief ____________________________________ the deadly disease 、2、我们得到消息,无论谁有音乐才能都将上这节课。(gift)

We got the news ______________________________will attend the class、


They have some doubt ___________________________the high mountain、


The fact that a new kind of virus thre ats people’s life _________________________、5、她们表达了她们能够买一座大房子并定居下来的愿望。

They expressed their wish、


This small village ___________________ green moun tains and clear waters、

7、据我所知, 她有做生意的天赋。( far )

_____________________________, he has a gift for business、


With the development of Chinese economy, many foreigners



_____________________________________________ the exams mostly depends on whether you study hard、


I find it _________________________________________this problem、


He _________________________________ his teacher entering the classroom, for he was still chatting with his desk-mates、


It is reported that the population of China is approximately



You have no idea _________________________________take every chance to live life to the fullest、(how)

14、直到考试没及格她才静下心来努力学习。 (settle)

Not until he failed in the exam __________________________hard、

15、 ----您能告诉我怎样提高我的英语成绩不?

----我建议您向您的老师征求意见。 (seek)

---Could you tell me how to improve my English?

2015-2016学年人教版英语必修3《Unit 5 Canada The True North》word单元词汇句子练


---My suggestion i s _______________________________your teacher、

16、她正忙于写信而不就是读报。 (rather)

He was busy writing a letter _____________________________________、

Unit 5 Canada---“The True North”



1----5 CABDD 6—10 ABABB 11-15 DACAB 16-17 CA


1、 that we can manage to get ri d of

2、 that whoever has a gift for music

3、 whether we can climb

4、 worries people much

5、 that they could buy a big house and settle down

6、 is surrounded by

7、 As far as I know

8、 have settled (down) in China、

9、 Whether you can succeed (in) passing

10、 it very hard/difficult to d eal with

11、can’t have cau ght sight of

12、 four times as large as that of America

13、 how important it is for us to

14、 did he settle down to working

15、 that you (should) seek advice from

16、 rather than rea ding the newspapers

