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考试须知:1. 不要留空白,只要填上了就有可能得分。 2. 作文要注意收集例句模板。

3. 考试作文最重要的是流畅通顺,没有语法错误。如果没有把握尽量用简单的句型、自己常用的词汇,得不到高分,至少保证不多扣分。基础好的同学,在有把握的条件下,可以尝试复杂句式、亮点词汇以求加分。

4. 基础薄弱的同学,请一定要记住,哪怕写上作文的名字、写上一句话都不至于得零分。实在不行,从别的地方背上两句稍微扯得上关系的句子写上,也可以得一点分的。 (以上也适合统考)

I. Match the words in column A with the definitions in column B.(请将A栏的单词和B栏的意思配对) Part 1

Column A Column B

( )1. courteous A. question to decide if sb. is right for a job ( )2. deadline B. question intensely; cook under or over direct heat ( )3. employment C. to look into private facts about a person ( )4. interview D. polite and respectful, well-mannered ( )5. blurt E. an occupation, esp. regular paid work ( )6. endeavor F. utter abruptly and thoughtlessly ( )7. pry G. a time limit by which sth. must be done ( )8. grill H. an effort or attempt to do sth. Part 2

Column A Column B

( )1. decrease A. a thing that is in the way of sb/ sth ( )2. promoter B. a death caused by accident or in war. ( )3. lucrative C. become or make sth smaller or fewer ( )4. manufacture D. supporter of sth ( )5. rotate E. group together

( )6. bunch F. make (goods) on a large scale using machinery

( )7. fatality G. move or make (sth.) move in circles around a central point ( )8. obstruction H. producing much money; profitable Part 3

Column A Column B

( )1. span A. maintaining or being maintained ( )2. hike B. to the point; related (followed by to)

( )3. maintenance C. not easily seen or understood; not well-known ( )4. contend D. sudden increase or growth ( )5. pertinent E. extend across in space or time ( )6. obscure F. happen again or repeatedly

( )7. boom G. go for a long walk ( )8. recur H. struggle or compete

II. Fill in the blanks with the given words, change the form if necessary. (请用括号里的单词的正确形式填空)

1. He was ______ upset when he learned that he failed in the final examination. (evident) 2. You can often read ______ stories about film stars in the local newspapers. (spice) 3. I knew by _______that he had come to deliver bad news. (instinctive)

4. _______ plastic is often used for packaging foods, enabling the consumer to see the product inside. (transparency)

5. Having been ill for several years, he has a particularly fragile ______. (constitute) 6. The _______ of the state government was much criticized by the people. (efficient) 7. The professor expressed great satisfaction ________ the students? thesis. (concern) 8. A major problem is the _______ of a detailed plan for the sales promotion. (absent)

9. Hitler badly miscalculated when he assumed the ______ of the USSR would be simple. (conquer) 10. The Asian financial crisis severely _______ some countries. (weak)

11. Some famous private schools are theoretically open to the public, but in ______ are attended by those who can afford the fees. (real)

12. The weeds just ______, and before long the garden was a jungle. (multiple)

13. Some sociologists have carried out large-scale historical-_________ studies. (comparison) 14.To open up the space ______, NASA will try to lower the cost of access to Earth orbit. (front) 15.There is enough evidence to suggest that job _____ may increase a man?s risk of dying from heart disease. (stressful)

III. Vocabulary and Structure (词汇与选择)

1. Everyone else was killed in the accident. I was the only one to __________. A. alive B. outlive C. survive D. relive 2. His manner __________ my attention. A. searched B. kept C. arrested D. attended

3. Camping _________ include a tent, a sleeping bag, a rucksack, a stove, and so on. A. equipment B. facilities C. instruments D. devices

4. Sometimes you have to make a _________ to get what you want. A. sacrifice B. profit C. loss D. victim]

5. What I am trying to do is to ________ why your condition has not improved A. look for B. find out C. search for D. get in

6. many people complain of the rapid ________ of modern life. A. rate B. speed C. pace D. growth

7. Apart from blue eyes, blonde hair is also ________ of Swedish people. A. specific B. peculiar C. characteristic D. particular 8. The fire was the worst _________ ever to hit the town. A. accident B. incident C. event D. disaster

9. I was told that the sweater would not __________ in the wash but it has. A. dwindle B. shrink C. decrease D. contract

10. His fatness ________ him unable to touch his toes.

A. renders B. causes C. becomes D. allows

11. The ___________ property market is making it very difficult for many people to sell their houses..

A. growing B. stagnant C. staggering D. staging

12. I enjoyed my job _________, but I?m bored with it now. A. at the beginning B. for the beginning C. on the beginning D. about the beginning

13. He didn?t offer any _________ criticism—just complained he didn?t like it. A. destructive B. constructive C. consultative D. combinative 14. Who was responsible for the _________ this plan? A. conception in B. conception of C. concept in D. concept of 15. In the end, it will be destructive _________ our whole society. A. for B. in C. at D. of

16. On their own they work will, but in __________ they?re a disaster. A. operation B. coordination C. corporation D. combination

17. What do you think will be the destiny __________ the government?s new housing legislation. A. for B. of C. in D. on

18. He has already been living in China for twenty years, so it?s possible for him to see things from the _________ of a Chinese.

A. perspective B. prospective C. perceptive D. permissive

19. Those anticancer drugs are effective, but also __________ to white blood cells. A. effective B. constructive C. perceptive D. permissive

20. Some politicians fear that agreeing to the concession would set a dangerous _________, since it might allow a whole range of changes to be introduced. A. example B. precedence C. precedent D. precept 21. The sergeant?s orders were perfectly ___________. A. executed B. exercised C. developed D. applied

22. He would ________ in Pacete every few months and stay a little while; he would get money out of someone or other and then disappear again. A. turn in B. turn out C. turn over D. turn up

23. It _________ on us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling about every forty years. A. dawned B. occurred C. drew D. struck

24. He ___________ his engagement just before the wedding. A. broke out of B. broke away from C. broke off D. broke up

25. The health program outlined in the article seems very sound to me, but it has ________ considerable public outcry.

A. run into B. met with C. put up with D. put down

26. No one has ever _________ the senator of being at a loss for words; he can speak at a great length on almost any subject.

A. accused B. blamed C. charged D. scolded

27. I ________ looking at him with what must have been all but unbearable curiosity. A. remind B. recall C. recognize D. realize

28. Because of the accident, grandmother will __________ my brother and me to swim in the river unless someone agrees to watch us. A. prevent B. forbid C. prohibit D. restrain

29. What do you ________ to do about the problem now that this solution has failed? A. consider B. think C. suggest D. intend

30. The high court reversed the decision of the lower court because the ruling ________ the defendant his right.

A. consider B. think C. denied D. ignored

IV. Cloze (完形填空) Passage 1

As civilization 1 in the direction of technology, it passes the point of supplying all the basic 2 of life --- food, 3 , clothes, and 4 . Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and 5 needs which have hitherto been regarded as unnecessary and, 6 the other hand, using technology to 7 the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of living. In other words, we either raise our standard of living above 8 necessary for comfort and happiness or we 9 it at this level and work shorter hours. I shall take it as axiomatic (其理自明的)that mankind has, by that time, chosen the latter 10 . Men will be working shorter and shorter hours in their paid 11_. It follows that the housewife will also 12 to be able to have more 13 in her life without lowering her standard of living. It also follows that 14 servants will have completely 15 to exist. Yet the great 16 of the housewives will wish to be relieved completely from the 17 operations of the home such as scrubbing (擦洗) the floors, the 18 or the 19 , or washing the clothes or washing 20 , or dusting and sweeping, or making beds.

1. A. proceeds B. profits C. projects D. promotes 2. A. events B. processions C. essentials D. luxuries 3. A. shower B. shopping C. shoulder D. shelter 4. A. warmth B. friendship C. sickness D. disease 5. A. fulfill B. remark C. reject D. regulate 6. A. for B. with C. on D. in

7. A. increase B. reduce C. release D. relax 8. A. all B. what C. which D. that 9. A. leave B. lower C. locate D. list

10. A. chance B. choice C. alternative D. substitute 11. A. labour B. employer C. employee D. employment 12. A. consider B. exist C. expect D. expand 13. A. lever B. leisure C. liberty D. luck

14. A. dramatic B. domestic C. diverse D. discrete 15. A. paused B. stopped C. ceased D. ended 16. A. majority B. minority C. minimum D. maximum 17. A. rotary B. row C. route D. routine 18. A. bathe B. bay C. bathtub D. bat 19. A. cook B. cooker C. coil D. comb 20. A. up B. away C. out D. over

Passage 2

People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it. Most Americans have 21 been out of the country and have very 22 experience with foreigners. But they are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and 23 meeting new people, having guests and 24 people together formally or informally. They tend to use first names in most 25 and speak freely about themselves. 26 if your American hosts do something that makes you 27 , try to let them know how you feel. Most people will 28 your honesty and try 29 you uncomfortable again. 30 you?ll all learn something about another culture!

Many travelers find it 31 to meet people in the U.S. than in other countries. They may just 32 and introduce themselves or even invite you 33 before they really know you. Sometimes Americans are said to be 34 friendly. Perhaps it seems so, but they are probably just 35 just 36 anywhere else, it takes time to become 37 friends with people in the U.S.

If and when you 38 American friends, they will probably enjoy 39 you to their friends and family, and if they seem proud 40 you, it?s probably because they are. Relax and enjoy it! 21. A) over B) never C) sometimes? D) often 22. A) much B) little C) many D) a great deal 23. A) enjoy B) avoid C) dislike D) like

24. A) receiving B) gathering C) taking D) bringing 25. A) situations B) conditions C) circumstances D) cases 26. A) And B) Hence C) So D) But

27. A) awkward B) uncomfortable C) pleasant D) comfortable 28. A) confirm B) praise C) appreciate D) appraise

29. A) not to let B) letting not C) not to make D) not to cause 30. A) Thus B) Then C) And D) Moreover 31. A) easier B) happier C) simpler D) harder

32. A) come to B) come around C) come on D) come up 33. A) over B) out C) in D) around

34. A) naturally B) superficially C) heartily D) extremely 35. A) killing time B) make a good time C) having a good time D) taking their time 36. A) like B) unlike C) as D) different to 37. A)real B) true C) devoted D) loyal

38. A) live with B) stay with C) stay away from D) are helpful to 39. A) inviting B) leading C) being acquainted D) introducing 40. A) to have recognized B) to know C) recognizing D) of knowing Passage 3

Americans suffer from an overdose of work. Regardless 41 who they are or what they do, Americans spend 42 time at work that at any time since World War II. In 1950, the US had fewer working hours 43 any industrialized country. Today, it exceeds every country 44 Japan, where industrial employees log 2,155 hours a year compared 45 1,951 in the US and 1,603 in the 46 West Germany. Between 1969 and 1989, employed Americans 47 an average of 138 hours to their yearly work schedules. The work-week 48 at about 40 hours, but people are working more weeks each year: 49 ,

