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Teaching Plan

Topic: Shapes

Title Aims: Look and say Look and learn Listen and enjoy Language aims: 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read, spell and use the words: circle, square, triangle, star, rectangle, side b. Learn to say: A circle’s like…, I have… Ability aims: a. Using modeled sentences to give specific information: I have a big rectangle. I have two small squares. b. Understanding wh-questions asking for specific information What shape is it? Emotional aims: Shapes are very useful in our life. Main points Difficult points 1.Pronouncing the key words correctly : 2.Using modeled sentences to find out specific information 1.Pronouncing the key words correctly: rectangle, triangle, square 2.Using modeled sentences to find out specific information: A … is like … Teaching aids Step Pre-task Preparation

1.shape 2. circle 1. 2. Daily talk Multi-media Procedures Contents 1. Sing a song What do you have? What do you like? … Read 在儿歌中操练单词,并使学生注意相近单词的发音,帮助学生辨音。 创设情境,使学生进入形状家庭,了解家庭成员。 Know the sound: sh-/?/ 2. Chant Use the word: ( Go to the Shape’s family ) (T: What shape is it? S: It's a circle. ) 1 11

Methods Purpose 复习旧知进入学习状态并为新授课程打下基础铺垫。

While-task procedure Post-task activity

A circle’s like… 3.square A square‘s like… I have a… 4. rectangle I have some… 5. side 6. triangle 7.star 1. Read the passage 2 22

1. T: What is more useful? Let’s listen and get the answer. Elicit: side ( teach). 1. sides. ( Count the sides) 2. Make a sentence. Elicit: It has… 1. Teach the word. 2. Read a dialogue. 3. Make a dialogue.. Elicit: 1. Tell the difference. 2. To know the different meaning of star. 1. Read the word. 通过学生了解的图形使学生掌握所学句型。 通过游戏的方式使学生们增强竞争意识,使学生们能主动开口说,培养连续说话的能力。 使学生在听力中区分square 与rectangle,并引出side。 猜谜,使学生掌握所教形状特征。 使学生所熟悉的单词了解更对的意思,吸引他们的兴趣。 通过小练习,培养了学生的听、写能力。 Teach the word. 2. Teach the sentence: 3. Use the sentence. ( Elicit) 1. 2. Use the word. 4. Practice. Elicit: Look, another baby comes? What's his name? 1. Teach the word. 2. Make a chant: T: Let’s count the rectangles. How many rectangles? 3. Teach the sentence: I have some rectangles. 4. Use the sentence.

2. Emotion 3. Make a house, then write down. Assignment 1. Make anything you want with shapes, and talk to your parents. 2. Write about your things. 板 书 设 计 square I have… triangle star rectangle M3U1 Shapes circle A circle’s like … 3. 2. Shapes are very useful, they make our life beautiful. Writing. 通过所学知识使学生感受形状是非常有用而且是围绕在我们身边的。 使课堂的知识生活化。


本课是牛津小学英语3BM3U1 Shapes第一课时,对于三年级的孩子来说,本单元是学生们全新接触的一个单元,着重解决本课中Look and learn 与Look and say 中的单词与句型,所教单词对于学生来说是个难点,尤其是单词rectangle,triangle,而句型I have…是在以前已接触过的旧句型,所以考虑到本课时的内容,我把后面的Listen and enjoy中的句型A+ shape+ is like…放在了本课时,对教学内容进行了文本再构。

在设计本课时,我围绕着单元Things around us 中shapes这一主题,进行情景的创设,通过the Shape’s family的五个形状孩子想知道谁的本领大这一线索贯穿整个课堂,让学生感知原来形状是无处不在的,使抽象的东西变得鲜明具体,同时使学生能在生活中根据事物所拥有的形状特性进行描述。

在情节设计中,用“比一比”推动整个教学任务的串联,对文本中的单词与句型也以递进方式展现,最后得出新的文本: Shapes are around us…; 在教side 这一单词时,首先用Rectangle的话使学生了解它与Square 的区别,再用老师的肢体语言得知什么是side,同时又不脱离I have…句型的巩固。也通过竞赛的方式激发学生想说的欲望。


Shapes are around us. We see the sun in the sky, that’s a circle, a circle’s like a big ball. We see the stars in the evening, those are stars.

But one thing can have many shapes. Look at the house, it has a rectangle and some small squares. Look at the hat,it has three sides, that's a triangle. All the shapes are useful, when they hands in hands, they are more useful; They make our life (生活) colourful!

Task: Writing

My ______.

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This is my ________.

It’s ________ ( big/ small) It has a _____.

A ______ is like ____ ____. It has some _____ _______. They are _______. I like my _______. How nice!

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