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短语 unit1

(be)free of摆脱,免于 draw the line(at)划清最后界限 get away from it all远离这一切; have a point和情理;是明智的 live with容忍 off the grid 没有联网 save for除??之外 serve up sth.提供 sniff at对??嗤之以鼻 unit2

a host of一大群;许多

buck the tread抵制某种趋势;反潮流 by definition依据定义;当然地 center on以??为中心 check off清点

get out of the way使某人或某物不碍事 in terms of根据,就??而言 kick in开始生效 unit3

act out把??付诸行动

be on one's way to 正要成为;正要做 connect the dots 理清头绪 for fear of 以防;生怕 have no awareness of 不知道 in service 在使用中;可运用

keep sth.in perspective 适当处理;摆正位置 play out 把戏演完;让戏上演 seek out 追寻到;找到

throw sb.off balance 使某人心神不安 to that end 为了实现这个目标 unit 4

at the height of 在......的顶峰或鼎盛时期 brim with 充满 bring to mind 使想起

conjure up 使呈现于脑际;使想起

contrast with 与......形成对照;和......相对照 draw attention to 吸引人注意...

in great demand 需求量大的;受欢迎的 refer to 提及 unit 5

after the manner of 仿效

in company with 和...一起 in miniature 小规模地 jump about 跳来跳去 make love to 向...示爱

plunge into 纵身投入;一头进去 unit6

be concerned of 担心;忧虑 be stuck in困于;陷于 have...to do with与......有关 make an appointment预约 participate in参与

plan ...out为......计划;策划 take a toll (on)对......造成损失 up to直到,多达,高达 Unit7

come into contact with与......打交道 deter...from阻止 in part在一定程度上

in the/one's way碍人的,碍事的 none the less尽管如此 on the offensive处于攻势 resonate with与......产生共鸣

step in干预 Unit8

ahead of 在????前面 at risk 处于危险中/处境危险 cling to 坚持/墨守 excel in 擅长/善于 give off 发出/放出/释放

lose out to 输给???/被??取代 put up with 忍受/容忍 reside in 存在于 rub off 传播/感染


Landuage in use

1.The change in economic environment gives him an (urge) toward a more ambitious goal,which makes him in (urgent) need of big investment.经济环境的变化使他渴望实现更远大的目标,这使他迫切需要大的投资。

2.Concerns over the online social network's new privacy policy have led some faithful users to (delete) their accounts.Still,the account (deletions) are claimed to be not numerous enough to affect the sites' overall size.对在线社交网络新隐私政策的关注导致一些忠实用户(删除)他们的帐户。


3.Traffic police in Cambodia have not (enforced) traffic laws for four months due to the election and have been strongly appealed to resume

conducting(enforcement) for traffic violations.由于选举,柬埔寨交警没有强制执


4.With tons of imitation,synthetic diamonds pouring into the market,it has become necessary to establish a diamond (identified) method by which fake and synthesized diamonds can be clearly (identified).随着大量的仿制品、人造钻石涌入市场,建立一种钻石(识别)的方法,


5.The doctor couldn't explain the (persistence) of his high temperature.What's worse,the (persistent) cough and headache has led to his continual insomnia.医生无法解释他持续高温的原因,更糟糕的是,持续的


6.The essence of (civilization) is the attempt to control the animal instincts of humans to build a better life.Until we understand that,all our efforts to (civilize) ourselves are doomed to failure. (文明)的本质是试图控制


7.Rich in folklore and stunning scenery,such a vast is sparsely (populate) by about 1000 people.It retains a relaxing,friendly atmosphere towards outsiders,especially those from (populous) regions.


8.Chinook salmon hatch in freshwater rivers but (migrate) out to the Ocean.It turns out these fish may have a magnetic “map”in their heads that enables them to make their oceanic (migration) to strange locations.

