Unit 16 Stories 教案

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Unit 16 Stories Warm-up

Teaching Aim:

The part here introduces the topic of the whole unit----stories. Students are asked to accumulate the English names of all kinds of stories, such as true story, love story, legend, myth, biography, adventure stories, and detective story and so on. Stage 1 word –building

Look at the pictures and match each picture with its concerning type. Stage 2 testing their short-time memory

In order to check students? short-time memory, students are asked to identify the characters in exercise 2 and match the name to the extra pictures given by the teacher. Stage 3 listening

Listen once to the tape and identify the type of the story. Before listening, teacher can give several relatively difficult words to students. Stage 4 translation

Before listening for the second time, the teacher can give several Chinese sentences on the screen and ask them to listen for their equivalent. Stage 5 speaking

Students are asked to talk about numbers of books they read a month, the last book they read, the best book they read, the book in English they read, book they enjoy as a child, and their favorite legend.

Lesson 1 Stories from History

Teaching Aim:

Grammar: past perfect tense

Read for certain information, such as information for numbers, and for people. Stage 1 warm up

Show students several pictures about the city of Pompeii, and give them a brief introduction of the city.

Stage 2 reading for three times

a. look at the title, and guess what the passage talks about.

b. Read for the first time and get the main idea of the whole passage.

c. Read for the second time and find out the information related to the certain numbers. d. Read for the third time and find out the information related to the certain persons. Stage 3 understanding of the whole passage

a. check the students? understanding of the whole passage by doing exercise 2. b. Explain some of the difficult words and phrases from the text in English. c. Summarize the whole passage and treat it as an oral practice. Stage 4 grammar focus: past perfect tense

Introduce past perfect tense by giving several sentences from the text. Give some extra examples with some time adverbs(时间副词). Grammar- Past Perfect We use the past perfect when we wish to stress that one action or situation in the past occurred before another action or situation in the past.

? ?

It was obvious that something had happened to them. (It had happened before it became obvious) I had been waiting for more than an hour when they arrived. (When they arrived I had already been waiting …) ? ? ? ?

The past perfect can serve the same purpose as conjunctions of time such as when, after and before: When she (had) finished her work she left the office. After Jimmy (had) arrived, the party became really good. Before he retired my father (had) worked in the post office.

Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect. Pay attention to the position of the adverb in your sentence. 1 Nobody believe him because __________ he __________ (often lie) before. 2 They weren?t surprised at all. __________ they__________ (hear) the news earlier? 3 Did the police believe that he __________ (yet not steal) the car? 4 I first met her at a party. I __________ (never see ) her before. 5 When we arrived at the theatre, the play __________ (already begin).

6 I __________ (hope) to meet you at the airport, but I was caught in the traffic jam. 7 We __________ (decorate) the hall for the party by 5 o?clock yesterday evening . 8 The boss __________ (leave) the office before I called him.

Stage 5 an oral practice for past perfect tense --situation Henry, from London, married Anna from Poland.

He once told a reporter that he had never been in love until he met Anna. Suppose you were Henry, what else would you like to say to the reporter?

Visit Poland…fall in love with a girl…eat Polish food…want children…spend all his time on one person…talk so openly…

Stage 6 exercises on page 52 and 53.

Language Points witness 1. vt. 目击

他亲眼看见那个意外事故。 He witnessed the accident. 2. n.证人, 目击者


He is the only witness to the accident.

occur occurred / occurring

通常指偶然事件的 ?发生?, 可与happen发生,但两者均无被动态. 译: 许多意外的事发生在家里.

Many accidents occur/happen at home. c.f: take place 通常指有计划的事件 ?发生,举行?, 同样无被动态.

Preserve vt. 保护, 保持, 保存, 保藏

? 盐能防止食物腐烂。

? Salt preserves food from decay. ? 多做眼保健操保护视力.

? Do more eye exercise to preserve eyesight.


表示在过去某个特定时间以前发生的动作,一直延续到那个特定时间刚刚结束,或还要继续延续。但是,决不会延续到现在。 另外,过去完成时是一个相对的时态。它是与一般过去时相对而言的。也就是说,在一般情况下,我们不会一起句就用过去完成时;而往往是在交代了\过去的某个特定时间\以后,根据需要和可能才选用过去完成时的。 这种时态主要适用于下面的情况:

1. 两个动作都发生在过去,如果要强调它们的先后,先发生的动作用过去完成时,后发生的用一般过去时;如果不强调它们的先后,则都用一般过去时。

She suddenly remembered that she had left her cellular-phone in the taxi. 她突然想起来她将她的手机留在计程车上了。


She said to me that she had seen that film . 她对我说,她看过那部电影。

If you had come to me yesterday, I would have told you the news. 如果你昨天来我这儿,我就告诉那条新闻了。

1. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests ______ when he ______ at the party.

A. left; had arrived B. left; arrived C. had left; had arrived D. had left; arrived 解析: 正确答案为D。guests先“离开”,Tom后“到达”。 2. We ______ four thousand new words by the end of last year. A. had learned B. have learned C. learned D. will have learned

解析: 根据by短语中的last year得知是到去年年末,正确选项为A。

3.They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I ______ a good drink. A. had enjoyed B. was enjoying C. enjoyed D. had been enjoying 正确答案为A。

4. Helen ______ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband ______home.

A. has left; comes B. left; had come C. had left; came D. had left; would come 答案为C。had to wait说明事情发生在过去, “忘带钥匙”的动作发生在“等丈夫回家”之前。

Lesson 2 Name Stories

Teaching Aim:

Learn to talk about the origin and hidden story behind one?s name. Learn to make suggestions, assumptions and guesses. Stage 1 warm up

Teacher at this time can raise some questions about name, such as the following: What sort of names do you think is popular in China in 1960s, in 1970s, in 1980s? Among some of the Chinese celebrities, whose names do you like? Why? Are you satisfied with your name?

If you had a choice to make a name for your children, what name would you like to make? Why? Part /Period A Stage 2 pre-listening

e. Blank-filling practice for the following words: pillar of society, capable, metal, ancestor and migrate and so on.

f. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with proper words, which are from the listening. Stage 3 while –listening

d. Listen for the first time for the answer of exercise 4 e. Listen for the second time for blank-filling Stage 4 post-listening

Guess the meaning of some phrasal verbs in exercise 5 and finish exercise 5. Home work after the first period: exercise 3 and 4 on page 54

Part /Period B Stage 1

a. listen to the monologue in exercise 6 for the expressions of guessing, assumptions and beliefs. b. Do some oral work in exercise 7 Stage 2

a. Listen to the name story for the answer of linking words in exercise 8. b. Listen for the second time for contractions

exercise 1 and 2 on page 54 can be treated as supplementary exercise. Stage 3 speaking

Here are some questions for parents? names. And speak them out according to your understanding.

Here are some questions for parents? names. And speak them out according to your understanding.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Think about stories attached to your parent?s names. Use the question cues to write notes. What characters are used to write about their names? What do these characters mean?

Were they named after anybody in particular? If so, who and why? Example

A: I think, our parents? names are different from ours. B: What do you mean?

A: My father?s first name is Zhongqiu, that?s interesting to me. B: Yeah, I know what it means. He must be born on that day.

A: That?s right. And what?s more, it?s given to celebrate an important event- the founding of our country.

Lesson 3 Life Stories

Teaching Aim:

a. Learn some useful reading strategy: predicting, general idea, and working out the meaning of important words from the context.

b. Learn to retell a story according to time order

