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1吨磅秤称量箱 box for weight of 1-ton scale PNPN型开关二极管 PNPN diode PN结激光器 PN junction laser
R信号(已收到) signal R ( received) T形线夹 T-shaped wire clip U形插塞 U-link
U形磁铁 horseshoe magnet U形管压力计 U-tube manometer V形接法 V-connection; open delta connection V形拉线 V-stayguy
Y-?接法 Y-delta connection
Y-?形起动器 star-delta starter; Y-delta starter
Y形结线 Y-connection; star connection Y形拉线 Y-stay
艾多福投影机 Eidophor projector 安培 ampere
安培容量 ampere capacity 安培小时 ampere-hour (Ah)
安全灯头插口 bayonet safety lamp socket 安全开关 safety cut-out; safety switch; safety cut-off
安全日光灯座 safety fluorescent lamp socket 安全遥控设备safety remote control equipment 安全载流量 safe carrying capacity
安装图 installation diagram; installation drawing; erection drawing; erecting drawing 安装误差 erection error 按 press; push 按钮 button
按钮电话 push-button telephone
按钮开关 push-button; phshbutton; push button; press-button; key button; button 按钮控制器 press button control; push-button control
暗敷设 concealed wiring; laid concealed; concealed laying 暗红 dark red
暗配线 concealed wiring 暗室 dark room 暗装的 concealed 凹度 concavation
白炽灯 incandescent lamp; incandescence lamp; incandescent light; filament lamp; tungsten filament lamp
百分数误差 percentage error
百分之…… ……per cent; ……percent; ……% 百叶窗 louver; shutter
半闭式循环 semi-closed cycle
半波整流器 half-wave rectifier; single-way rectifier
半导体二极管 semiconductor diode 半导体管电路 transistor circuit 半导体激光器 semiconductor laser 半导体开关元件 thyristor
半封闭式电动机 semi-enclosed type motor; semi-enclosed motor
半封闭式开关装置 semi-enclosed switchgear
半负载 half-load
半圆球罩 semi-globe lamp shade 半圆形灯 dome lamp
饱和电抗器 saturable reactor; saturation reactor; transductor
保安电阻 protective resistance; protective resistor
保护断路器 protective circuit breaker
保护继电器 protective relay; protection relay; protect relay
保护接地系统 protection earthing system 保护套管 protective sleeve 保密码 secret code 保险丝 fuse
保险丝盒 fuse box
报警灯 alarm lamp; guard lamp; warning lamp 报警灯 danger light
报警电路 alarm circuit; warning circuit 报警继电器 alarm relay; alarming relay 报警系统 warning system
报警信号 guard signal; alarm signal; warning signal
报警装置 alarm device 报警装置 alarm device 报时信号 time signal 爆炸 explosion
爆炸危险 explosion hazard
备件 spare parts; spares; reserve parts; repair part; service parts 备用 emergency
备用电池 emergency battery; emergency cell; stand-by battery
备用电源 stand-by power supply; stand-by power source; reserve power supply; emergency power supply
备用机组 standby unit, emergency set 备用接点 spare contact, standby contact 备用容量 reserve capacity; margincapacity; idle capacity 背板 backboard
背面接线图 back connection diagram 被保护设备 equipment being protected 被测压力 measured pressure 被控系统 controlled system
被控制量 controlled variable, regulated variable
本地广播信道 local channel 比例尺 scale
比例系数 proportional coefficient
闭合 make; closing; closure; close-up 闭合电路 close circuit; closed loop 闭环控制 closed-loop control
闭路电视 closed-circuit television (CCTV)
闭式循环 closed cycle 闭锁继电器 block relay
壁灯 bracket lamp; bracket light; wall lamp 壁挂式 bracket type
避雷带 strap type lightning protector
避雷器 arrester; lightning arrester; lightning protector; surge discharger; spark-gap
避雷器开关 arrester switch
避雷网 network of lightning conductor
避雷针lightning rod; air terminal; lightning conductor; lightning guard
编号 code number; serial number; numbering 编码矩阵 encoding matrix 编码器 encoder
编织电缆 braided cable
编织线 braided wire; litz line 扁孔插座 receptacle for flat pin
扁形电缆 flat cable; ribbon cable; tape cable 变电所 transformer station, substation
变电所 substation; transformer substation; transforming station; transformer station 变电站 substation; transformer station;
transformer substation; transforming station 变电站变压器 substation transformer 变化 variation; change
变换器converter; convertor; changer; inverter; transverter; transformer 变量 variable; variable quantity
变流器 changer; converter; convertor; transverter
变码 garbled code
变频器 frequency changer; frequency converter; converter; convertor; transverter 变频同步发电机 variable frequency synchro generator
变送器 transducer; transmitter 变压 voltage transformer
变压比 transformer ratio; transformation ratio; turns ratio; ratio 变压器 transformer 变压器低压侧 low voltage side of transformer; step-down side of transformer 变压器高压侧 high tension side of transformer; high-voltage side of transformer; step-up side of transformer
变压器利用系数 transformer utilization factor
变压器容量 transformer capacity
变压器室 transformer room; transformer vault; transformer compartment 变压器损耗 transformer loss 变压器铁心 transformer core 变压器亭(配电亭) kiosk 变压器线圈 transformer coil 变压器箱 transformer tank 变阻器 rheostat; varistor
变阻式调压器 rheostatic voltage regulator 标称电路电压 nominal circuit voltage 标称电压 nominal voltage; rated voltage 标称容量 nominal capacity 标记 mark; marking; sign 标签 label; tag
标准件 standard parts
标准配件 standard fittings 标准设备 standard equipment 标准设计 standard design
标准图 standard drawing; typical drawing 标准图目录 list of standard drawing
表 table; list; schedule; sheet; meter; gauge 表盖 meter cover 表壳 meter case
表面高温计 surface pyrometer 表面面积 surface area
表面式冷凝器 surface condenser 表面温度计 surface thermometer
表面泄漏电流 surface leakage current 并激电动机 shunt motor
并联电路 parallel circuit; shunt circuit 并联电容器 shunting condenser
并联电阻 resistance in parallel; parallel resistance; shunt resistance 并联绕组 parallel winding 并联稳压器 shunt regulator 并联阻抗 shunt impedance 并列负载 shunt load 拨号盘 dial
波门录取 gate extraction 波绕组 wave winding
玻璃纤维 glass fiber; fiber glass; glasswool 播音室 studio
播音室广播 studio broadcast 播音室广播节目 studio program 播音员 announcer
铂铂铑热电偶 Pt-Pt-Rh thermocouple
铂电阻温度计 platinum resistance thermometer 铂合金 platinum alloy
铂热阻 platinum thermistor
薄壁穿线钢管 thin wall steel conduit 薄膜电线管 light-wall conduit 薄片 lamina; lamel; lamella 补偿电动机 composted motor
补偿电缆 cable for compensation 补偿电路 compensation circuit
补偿电容器 compensating capacitor; compensation condenser; compensating condenser
补偿电阻器 compensating resistor; compensation resistor
补偿过度 over-compensation
补偿器 compensator; compensation apparatus 补充 supplement; making-up 补救 remedy
不便移动式用电设备 stationary appliance
不带电的金属外壳 non-current carrying metallic case
不等速的 non-uniform velocity 不定期检查 casual inspection
不对称的 asymmetric; dissymmetric; unstmmetrical; non-symmetrical 不发火 nonsparking 不方便 inconvenience
不合格 unguarded
不合理的 unreasonable 不合适 misfit
不间断的操作 non-stop operation; continuous operation
不接地中性点 insulated neutral point 不可靠性 unreliability 不连续性 discontinuity 不良导体 poor conductor
不良接点 bad contact; imperfect contact 不平衡馈电线 unbalance feeder line
不平衡三相电路 unbalanced three-phase 3
操作人员 operator; operating personnel; operating staff
操作失误 misoperation 操作误差 operate miss
操作须知 operating instruction 操作员终端 operator terminal
槽式充油油开关 oil bath type oil circuit braker
草图 sketch; sketch drawing; draft; rough draft; rough drawing
侧灯 side lamp; side light 测力计 dynamometer circuit
不平衡三相电压 unbalanced three-phase voltage
不平衡三相负载 unbalance three-phase load 不切断切换触点 holding transferring contact 不燃的 non-inflammable; non-combustible
不同部门电缆并列 parallel arrangement of different purpose cables 不透明 opacity
不透气的 air-tight; gas-tight 不透水的 water-tight
不用稿子的广播 unscripted broadcast 不圆度 out of roundness 不正常电压 abnormal voltage 布暗线 concealed wiring
布电线 electric wire ( cotton covered ) 布明线 open wiring; exposed wiring
布线电容 wiring capacitance; wiring capacity 步 step
步进开关 stepping switch; step switch
步进旋转选择器 step-by-step type uniselector 步谈机 walkie-talkie 部门 department
材料单 bill of material
彩色传输 color transmission 彩色电视 color TV 彩色信号 TV signal
参比电压 reference voltage 参比频率 reference frequency 参比条件 reference condition 参比温度 reference temperature 参考线 reference line
操纵 operation; operating; control; manipulation;
manoeuver; maneuver 操纵按钮 control button
操纵板 control pane; control desk
操纵设备 control unit; commanding apparatus 操纵室 control chamber; control room
操纵台 control desk; control console; control panel; control board; operation's desk; bench board
操纵系统 control system
操作程序 sequence of operations
操作工序 operational sequence; operation sequence
操作平台 operating platform
测试 test
测试设备 instrumentation; testing device; test equipment
测试用变压器 testing transformer 测试用放大器 test amplifier 叉形拉线 forked stayguy
插接式母线槽 plug-in bus duct 插孔板 female receptacle 插口灯座 bayonet lamp socket; bayonet holder; bayonet base; bayonet socket
插口平灯座 bayonet flush lamp socket
插入 inserting; inset in; inlay; plug in 插入式 plug-in type; jack-in type 插入式保险丝 plug fuse; push-in fuse 插入式继电器 plug-in relay 插入式熔断器 plug fuse 插塞开关 plug switch
插塞式保险丝 plug cut-out 插塞式熔丝 plug fuse 插头 plug; plug pin 插头(塞子) plug
插头风扇 oscillating fan
插座 receptacle; socket; outlet; female receptacle; plug receptacle 插座(塞孔) jack, socket 查号台 directory enquiry 差 difference
差动测量 differential measurement 差动电流计 differential galvanometer 差动式压力表 pressure manometer 差动仪表 differential instrument
差压式传感器 differential pressure pick-up 拆除 dismantle 拆下 detach
拆线 cutting the line 拆线键 clearing button
柴油发电机 diesel dynamo; diesel generator 长波 long wave 长方形孔 slot
长期过载 prolonged overload 长途电话 long distance telephone calls, trunk call, (Am.) long distance call 长途电话台 long-distance exchange ( operator )
常闭触点 normally-closed contact; normally closed contact; normally-made contact
常开触点 normally open contact;
normally-open contact; normally-broken contact; normally opened contact
厂区照明 illumination of factory site; lighting of plant site
厂用电系统 station service system 敞开式 open type
敞开式保险丝 open fuse
敞开式熔断器 open type fuse 超短波 ultra short wave 超高频 ultra frequency
超高压 super-voltage; super-tension; 4
冲孔 punch
虫胶 lac; shellac
虫胶清漆 shellac varnish
抽水蓄能式水电站 pump-storage power station 抽头 tap; tapping
抽头变压器 tap transformer 抽头转换开关 tap changer 出厂长度 completed length 出线容量 outlet capacity 初步加工 pre-treat
初步设计 preliminary design; basic design; super-high tension; super-high voltage 超高压电网 supergrid
超高压水银灯 super-high voltage mercury lamp 超功率继电器 over-power relay 超前电流 leading current
超前角 angle of advance; angle of lead; lead angle;
advance angle
超声波 ultrasonic wave
超声波探伤仪 ultrasonic flaw detector 超声波探伤仪 ultrasonic flaw detector 超正析摄像管 image orthicon 超重型 extra-heavy-duty
潮湿环境 damp location; location moist 潮汐电站 tidal power station
车间 shop; workshop; plant; department 衬里 liner; lining
称重传感器 weight transducer(sensor) 撑木 brace
成反比的 inversely proportional 成套备件 set of spare parts 程序 program
程序 program; programme; procedure; sequence 程序控制 program control
程序控制触点 sequence-controlled contact 程序设计系统 programming system 持续短路 sustained short-current
持续短路电流 steady short-circuit current; sustained short-circuit current 持续时间 duration
尺寸公差 dimensional tolerance 充电电缆 charging cable 充电电流 charging current
充电电容器 charging capacitor; charging condenser
充电电压 charging voltage 充电电阻 charging resistance 充电电阻器 charging resistor 充电二极管 charging diode
充电指示器 charging indicator
充气电缆 gas-filled cable; gas cable 充气电容器 gas-filled capacitor
充气式温度计 gas-filled thermometer 冲击电流 impulse current 冲击电压 impulse voltage
冲击电压试验 impulse voltage test 冲击负载 impulse load; shock load 冲击型水轮机 impulse water turbine
predesign; outline design
初级(一次)屏蔽 primary shield 初速 initial velocity 除气器 de-aerator
储备系数 assurance factor 触点 contact
触电 electric shock; elelctroshock 触电危险 shock hazard 触发电路 trigger circuit 触发器 trigger; flip-flop 触摸式键盘 touch key board 触头 contact
穿墙进线绝缘导管 wall entrance insulator 穿墙套管 wall bushing; wall entrance bushing sleeve
穿心式绝缘子 shackle insulator 穿越套管 thoroughfare bushing 传动 drive
传感器 sensor, sensing element 传呼电话 messenger call 传呼电话 messenger call 串并联 series parallel 串联 series connection
串联电路 series circuit; current circuit 串联电容 series capacity
串联电容器设备 series capacity installation 串联电阻 series resistance; resistance in series
串联电阻器 series resistor 串联扼流圈 series reactor
串联过载继电器 series over-current relay 串联式相位补偿器 series type phase advancer 串联线圈 series coil 垂直度 verticality
垂直分量 vertical component 垂直天线 vertical antenna
瓷大螺口管子灯头 porcelain big screw tube lamp socket
瓷管型油断路器 porcelain type oil circuit breaker
瓷绝缘子 porcelain insulator 瓷绝缘子 porcelain insulator 瓷瓶 porcelain insulator 瓷质灯头 porcelain knob
磁吹避雷器 magnetic blow-out arrester 磁带 magnetic tape
磁带机 tape handling unit
磁带录像 video tape recording( VTR )
磁带录音机 tape recorder 磁轭 magnetic yoke
磁放大器 magnetic amplifier 磁化电流 magnetizing current 磁化线圈 magnetizing coil 磁开关 magnetic switch 磁控管 magnetron
磁控制器 magnetic controller 磁力开关 magnetic switch
磁力探伤仪 magnetic flaw detector 磁力脱扣器 magnetic trip 磁盘 magnetic disk
磁盘录像 magnetic disc recording 磁探伤法 magnetic fault find method 磁探伤仪 magnetic flaw detector 磁铁 magnet
磁铁制动器 magnetic brake
磁通密度 flux density; magnetic flux density 磁性元件 magnetic element 次分支 sub-branch
次级(二次)屏蔽 secondary shield
粗调 coarse regulation; coarse adjustment; rough adjustment 粗加工 pre-treat
粗线 thick line; heavy line 错缝 dislocation 错开 stagger 错算 miscount 错误 E (error)
搭接 lap; overlap joint 搭接焊 lap welding
答问比赛节目 quiz program 打错了。 \大坝 dam, dike
大地电导率 ground conductivity; earth conductivity
大电流 heavy current;strong current 大电流变压器 strong current transformer
大规模集成(电路) large-scale integration( LSI)
大量生产 mass-production; large-scale production
大事故 major accident 大小 size; dimension
大修 capital repair; major repair; big repair; heavy repair; general overhaul 带 belt; strap; strip; tape; zone 带电线芯 live core
带钢热轧机计算机控制 computer control of narrow strip controlling mill
带荷自动抽头变换开关 automatic on-load tap-changer 带盘 tape reel
带通滤波器 band pass filter
带状馈电线 ribbon type feeder line 带状熔丝 strip fuse
单 mono-; uni-; single-
单刀开关 single-pole switch; single blade switch
单刀双掷开关 single-pole double-throw switch 单独屏蔽电缆 individually screened cable 单费率计度器 single-rate register
单管式彩色工业电视摄像机 single-tube color TV camera
单轨 monorail; single track 单机功率 unit capacity
单极单投开关 single-pole single-throw switch 单极开关 single-pole switch
单极双投开关 single pole double-throw switch 单量程仪表 single-range instrument 单脉冲天线 monopolies antenna 单喷口 single jet
单纱包线 single cotton-covered copper wire 单丝包线 single silk-covered wire
单台起动器在墙上安装 installation of single starter on wall
单稳开关 monostable switch
单线铠装电缆 single wire armored cable 单相220伏负载 single-phase 220V load 单相半波整流器 single-phase half-wave rectifier
单相传动 single phase driving
单相带零点的三孔插座 single phase with neutral wire 3-hole receptacle
单相电度表 single phase kilowatt hour meter; single phase watt hour meter 单相二线 single-phase 2-wire 单相管 monoscope, monotron
单相全波整流器 single phase full wave rectifier
单相三线 single-phase 3-wire
单相三线制变压器 single-phase three-wire transformer
单相自动同步机 single phase selsyn motor 单芯充油电缆 single-core oil-filled cable 单芯电缆 single-core cable; single core cable 单掷开关 single throw switch 弹簧垫圈 spring washer
弹性系数 elastic coefficient 蛋形绝缘子 egg insulator 刀开关 knife-switch
刀形转换开关 knife change-over switch 刀闸换向开关 knife reversing switch 导轨 guide rail; guide way
导航监测系统 navigation observation system 导航雷达 navigation radar 导纳 admittance 导频 pilot
导体 conductor
导线穿管敷设 conduit wiring
导线截面积 cross-sectional area of conductor 导线由上引来 conductor leading downward 导线由下引来 conductor leading upward 导线载流量 conductor current carrying capacity; conductor capacity 导压管 tapping pressure tube 导叶 guide blade, guide vane 倒电容 elastance
倒角 chamfer
倒数 reciprocal; inverse number 倒数值 reciprocal value 倒相器 phase reverser 倒置式 inverted type
道路照明 road lighting; street lighting 灯 lamp
灯插头 lamp plug 灯架 lamp bracket 灯泡 bulb
灯泡瓦数 wattage of lamp 灯丝 filament
灯罩 lamp shade; lamp cover; lamp reflector 灯柱 lamp post; lamp pole; lamp column 灯座 lamp holder; lampholder; lamp socket 等臂电桥 equal-arm bridge
等边三角形 equilateral triangle 等效电路 equivalent circuit 等效电阻 equivalent resistance 等效网路 equivalent network 等效阻抗 equivalent impedance 等腰三角形 isoceles triangle
等一等。 MOM (wait, waiting), \the line, please.\
等值阻抗 equivalent impedance
低功率因数电路 low power-factor circuit 低频 low frequency
低频示波器 low frequency oscillograph 低水头 low head
低水位第一值信号 first low water level limit 低通滤波器 low pass filter
低压避雷器 low voltage arrester 低压测电笔 low tension test pencil 低压灯泡 low-voltage bulb
低压灯泡插口 socket of low-voltage bulb 低压电缆 low-voltage cable
低压电缆箱 low voltage cable end box 低压电力电缆 low-voltage power cable 低压电路 low tension line
低压电容器 low-voltage capacitor 低压电源 low-voltage power supply 低压负荷 low-voltage load
低压开关装置 low-voltage switchgear 低压母线 low tension bus bar
低压配电屏 low tension distribution panel 低压配电室 low tension distribution room 低压汽缸 low pressure cylinder 低压汽轮机 low pressure turbine 低压绕组 low-voltage winding
低压水银灯 low-voltage mercury arc lamp; low pressure mercury vapor lamp
低压线圈 low-voltage coil; low-tension coil; low-voltage winding
低压涌流器 low pressure flash vessel 低压总开关 low voltage main voltage 堤坝式水电站 dam-type power station
底板 baseplate; base plate; underplate; sole plate; bottom plate; bed piece; bottom board 底漆 primer; priming paint
底座 base
地方广播信道 regional channel 地面电波(地波) ground wave
地面监视雷达 ground surveillance radar 地面站 ground station
地热电站 geothermal power station 地热钻孔 geothermal bore-hole 地下布线 underground wiring 地下电缆 buried cable
地下电缆 underground cable; buried cable; ground cable
地下配线室 underground distribution chamber 地下引入线 underground service conductor 地址码 address code 第二栅 second grid
第一系统控制原理图 control diagram of system No.1
颠值,峰值 peak value
典型布置 typical-arrangement
典型设计 typical design; modular design 点光源照明 spot lighting 点焊 spot welding
点火 ignition; lighting
点火变压器 transformer for ignition
点火电路 ignition circuit; firing circuit 碘钨灯 tungsten iodine lamp; iodine tungsten lamp;
quartz-iodine lamp 电 electricity
电冰箱 electric refrigerator
电波的发射 emission ( radiation ) of radio waves
电波的反射 reflection of radio waves 电场强度 electric-field intensity 电传机号码 telex number
电磁波 electromagnetic wave 电磁场 electro-magnetic field
电磁交流继电器 electro-magnetic AC relay 电磁接触器 electro-magnetic contactor
电磁开关 electro-magnetic switch; electromagnetic switch; solenoid switch 电磁式示波器 electro-magnetic oscillograph 电磁式中间继电器 electro-magnetic intermediate relay 电导 conductance
电导率 conductivity; electrical conductivity 电灯泡 electric lamp bulb 电灯软线 lamp cord 电笛 electric whistle 电动机扩大机 amplidyne
电动机时间继电器 motor timing relay 电动交流发电机 motor-alternator 电动开关 motor-operated switch
电动联锁装置 electric interlocking device 电动绕线组 electric winding machine 电动式继电器 electro-dynamic relay
电动式瓦特计 electro-dynamic watt meter 电动式仪表 electro-dynamic type meter 电动势 electromotive force
电动液压调节器 electro-hydraulic regulator 电度表 watt-hour meter
电度表 watt-hour meter; kilowatt-hour meter 7
电缆挂钩 cable hanger; cable dropper; cable suspender; cable hock; cable clips 电缆管 cable duct
电镀 electric plating; electroplating 电杆 pole
电杆上拉线的终端环 stay thimble 电杆上线路开关 pole line switch 电感 inductance 电感 inductance
电感电压降 inductive drop 电感负载 inductive load 电感计 inductometer 电感器 inductor
电感式电压调整器 induction voltage regulator 电感应 electroinduction
电工设备 electric equipment 电功率 electric power
电恒温器 electro-thermostat
电弧 arc; electric arc; voltaic arc 电弧接地 arcing ground
电弧炉 arc furnace; electric arc furnace 电话 telephone
电话分机 extension telephone 电话号码 telephone number
电话号码簿 telephone directory, telephone book
电话局 telephone exchange, telephone office 电话总机 telephone exchange 电极夹 electrode holder
电解电容器 electrolytic capacitor; electrolytic condenser
电解式避雷器 electrolytic lightning arrester 电介质 dielectric; dielectric medium 电抗 reactance
电抗电压降 reactive drop 电抗分量 reactive component 电抗负载 reactive load
电抗起动器 reactive starter 电喇叭 electric horn 电缆 cable
电缆暗道 cable gallery 电缆槽 cable tank
电缆槽 cable channel; cable chute; cable trough; cable tank 电缆车 cable car
电缆地下接头盒 cable underground terminal box
电缆吊架 cable hanger 电缆分线杆 cable pole
电缆分线盒 cable conduit junction box
电缆封头 sealing end of cable; capped end of cable
电缆敷设 cable laying; cabling
电缆敷设机 cable plow unit; cable layer 电缆沟 cable duct
电缆沟 cable trench; cable channel; cable canal
电缆故障探测器 cable-fault locator; cable-fault detector; cable fault finder
电缆管道路线 conduit run 电缆护套 cable sheath
电缆夹 cable clip, cable clamp
电缆夹 cable clamp; cable grip; cable cleat 电缆架 cable stand 电缆剪 cable cutter
电缆连接头 cable connector 电缆盘拖车 cable drum trailer
电缆牵引线 drawing-in wire; fish wire 电缆隧道 cable tunnel
电缆探伤器 cable fault locator; cable flaw; cable fault finder
电缆探伤寻觅器 cable-fault detector 电缆填料 cable filler
电缆芯线 cable core; cable conductor 电缆与公路交叉 cable run across highway 电缆与水管平行 cable run parallel to water pipe
电缆与铁路交叉 cable run across railway
电缆支架 cable bearer; cable bracket; cable carrier
电缆走线架 cable trough 电力 power
电力变压器 power transformer 电力变阻器 power rheostat
电力干线 power main; power main line 电力干线系统图 diagram for power feeder 电力网 electric network; power circuit
电力系统安全控制 security control on electric-power system
电力系统自动化 automation of electric-power system
电力消耗 power consumption;
electric power consumption; electric energy consumption 电流 current
电流表 ammeter; ampere meter; current meter 电流调节范围 current adjusting range 电流过载继电器 current overload relay 电流互感器 current transformer
电流计 ammeter; ampere meter; galvanometer 电流密度 current density
电流强度 current intensity; current strength 电流容限 current margin 电流线路 current circuit 电路 circuit
电路功率因数 circuit power factor 电木插座 bakelite receptacle
电木分头转换开关 bakelite multi-tap rotary switch
电纳 susceptance
电能消耗量 electric energy consumption 电平 level
电屏蔽 electric shield
电瓶车 electro-mobile; battery truck 电气工程 electrical engineering
电气化 electrification
电气遥测压力表 electric remote test pressure gauge
电气遥测转速表 electric remote test tachometer
电气仪表 electric meters; electrical instruments
电容 capacitance
电容电流 capacitive current 电容接地 capacity ground
电容量 capacity, electric capacity
电容率(介电常数) permittivity; dielectric 8
potential drop
电压跳闸 shunt tripping 电压线路 voltage circuit
电压指示器 voltage indicator 电涌吸收器 surge absorber 电源 power
电源 power supply; power source; electric source; source or supply; source; current supply
电源变压器 power transformer; supply transformer; mains transformer 电源电路 power circuit
电容器 capacitor, condenser 电扫描 electronic scanning
电石 calcium carbide; tourmaline 电石作业灯 carbide working lamp
电势 electrical potential; potential 电视 television(TV) 电视车 TV mobile unit
电视电话 TV picture-phone
电视电话机 picture phone, video-phone, view phone
电视电影 telecine
电视发射机 TV transmitter 电视观众 televiewers 电视广播 telecasting 电视广播剧 teleplay
电视记者招待会 televised news conference 电视监测系统 television observation system 电视讲话 televised speech
电视节目监控器 television program monitor 电视课程 telecourse
电视录像 video recording
电视频道 TV (frequency) channel
电视摄像管 TV camera tube, (A.m)pickup tube 电视摄像机 TV camera, telecamera
电视实况转播 live telecast, televising 电视塔 TV tower
电视台 television station 电视演播室 television studio 电视转播 television relay 电枢 armature
电枢电抗 armature reactance 电枢电阻 armature resistance 电枢绕组 armature winding 电枢线圈 armature coil 电刷 brush
电刷火花 brush spark 电位差计 potentiometer 电位计 potentiometer; three-wire compensator 电线杆上操作台 pole platform 电修车间 electric repair shop 电压 voltage
电压 voltage; tension; pressure 电压比 voltage ratio
电压互感器 voltage transformer; potential transformer
电压降 voltage drop; volt drop; volts lost;
电源电压 supply voltage; power line voltage 电源开关 power switch; power source switch; on-off switch
电源设备 power equipment; power supply unit; power unit; current supply device; power-handling equipment (including transformers, switchboards, panelboards, large switch and circuit braker )
电源指示灯 power light; pilot lamp of supply; power supply indicating lamp
电源转换电路 power-switching circuit 电源总开关 main switch of power supply 电晕 corona
电钟 electric clock
电子测试仪表 electronic test instrument; electronic measuring instrument 电子秤 electronic weigher 电子秤 electronic scale
电子放大器 electronic amplifier
电子管电压表 electronic tube; vacuum tube 电子管继电器 vacuum-tube relay; valve relay 电子继电器 electron relay; electronic relay; electronic switch
电子扫描显微镜 electronic scanner microscope 电子射流 electron jet 电子束 electron beam
电子束录像 electron beam recording (EBR) 电子显微镜 electron microscope 电子仪表 electronic instrument 电阻 resistance 电阻 resistance
电阻电桥 resistance bridge
电阻电压降 ohmic drop; resistive drop 电阻高温计 resistance pyrometer
电阻率 resistively; specific resistively; specific resistance; unit resistance 电阻器 resistor 电阻器 resistor
电阻式热敏元件 resistance temperature detector
resistance-thermometer element 电阻温度计 resistance thermometer 电阻线圈 resistance coil
电阻压力计 electric resistance manometer 电阻应变仪 resistance strain gauge; electrical resistance strain gauge
垫层 bed course; bedding course 垫片 shim; filler; filler piece
垫圈 washer ( for fastening ); gasket( for sealing ) 垫隙片 shim
吊车滑触线 trolley wire for crane; collector wire for crane
吊灯 pendant lamp; cord lamp; suspension light; suspended lamp; ceiling lamp; pendent 9
定子 stator 定子 stator
定子电流 stator current
定子和转子均用水内冷 internal water-cooling for both stator and rotor 定子机座 frame
定子绕组 stator winding 定子绕组 stator winding 定子铁芯 core
吊顶 hung ceiling; suspended ceiling 吊钩 hanger
吊开关 pendant switch; pressel switch; pear-switch; suspension switch; suspension-switch 吊扇 ceiling fan
吊线 suspension wire; catenary; messenger wire
调幅 amplitude modulation (AM)
调节 adjustment; adjusting; regulation; regulating
调节开关柜 regulator cubicle
调节用变压器 regulating transformer 调频 frequency modulation ( FM )
调速变阻器 speed-adjusting rheostat; speed regulating rheostat
调速电动机 variable speed motor; adjustable speed motor
调速器 speed regulator, governor 调速系统 speed-governing system 调相 phase modulation(PM)
调相用电容器 capacitor for phase adjustment 调谐器 tuner
调压变压器 variable transformer; regulating transformer
调压电阻器 regulator resistor 调压器 voltage regulator 调整器 modulator 调制 modulation 调制器 modulator
跌落式熔断器 falling-type fuse; fuse-link with expulsion fuse 叠片磁极 laminated pole 叠绕组 lap winding
蝶式绝缘子 butterfly insulator
蝶形螺母 butterfly nut; thumb nut; wing nut 顶板 top plate 顶端 top end 顶盖 head cover 顶盖 top cover
定距片 spacing piece
定期检修 periodic repair 定时电话 fixed time call 定时开关 time switch
定时限继电器 definite-time limit relay 定向广播 directional broadcast 定向继电器 directional relay
定值调节 constant value control, fixed set-point control
定子-转子起动器 stator-rotor starter 定子阻抗 stator impedance
动磁铁仪表 moving-magnet instrument 动力干线 power main
动力工程 power engineering
动力配电板 power distribution panel; power panel; appliance panel
动力配电箱 power distribution cubicle; power distribution box; power distributing box; power distribution cabinet
动圈式仪表 moving coil instrument
动圈温度指示仪 moving-coil type temperature indicator
动态补偿装置 SVC(static VAR compensation) 动态电感 dynamic inductance 动态电阻 dynamic resistance 动态精度 dynamic accuracy 动态阻抗 dynamic impedance
动铁式安培表 moving-iron ammeter 动铁式电流表 moving iron ammeter 动铁式仪表 moving-iron instrument 斗门(挡板) apron 读出 readout
读数误差 read error
独立电源方式 individual electric source system
度盘灯 dial lamp
镀锌 galvanization; galvanizing; zinc plating
镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 镀锌紧固件 galvanized fasteners
镀锌蛇皮管 galvanized flexible conduit 端盖 end cover
端接头 end connector
端帽 end cap; terminal cap 端子 terminal; connector
端子板 terminal block; terminal trip; terminal panel; terminal plate 短波 short wave
短路 short circuit; short-circuiting 短路棒 drop bar
短路保护开关 short-circuit protection switch 短路报警继电器 permanent loop alarm relay; short-circuit alarm relay
短路电流 short-circuit current; short current
短路电流最大有效值 maximum effective value of short circuit current
短路方向继电器 short-circuit directional relay
短路故障电流 short-circuit fault current 短路火花 short circuit spark 短路继电器 short circuit relay
短路开关 short-circuit switch; short switch 短路器 short-circuiter; short-circuiting device;
short-circuit device
短路容量 short circuit capacity
短路特性曲线 short-circuit characteristic 10
多振子天线 multi-element antenna
额定电流 rated current; nominal current; current rating
额定电流(标称电流) nominal current
额定电压 rated voltage; nominal voltage; voltage rating
额定电压(标称电压) nominal voltage 额定功率 rated capacity
额定功率 rated power; nominal power; power curve;
short-circuit curve
短路制动器 short-circuit brake 短路阻抗 short-circuit impedance 短时电流 short-time current 短时工作制 short-time duty 断电 supply interruption
断电开关 disconnecting switch
断开 break; disconnect; switching out; open; disconnection; disconnection; turn out; turn-off; turn off; throw off; switching off; quench
断开电路 to open ( cut off, turn off) a circuit 断开容量-千伏安 interrupting capacity-KVA 断路电流 interrupting current; breaking current
断路开关 cut-off switch
断路器 circuit-breaker; circuit breaker; disconnector;
cut-off switch; interrupter; line breaker; disconnecting switch; cut-out; extractor 断续焊 intermittent welding 对 pair
对部分地区暂停供电 load shedding 对角拉条 diagonal bracing
对绞电缆 paired cable; pair cable 对零,零设定 zero setting 多 multi-; poly-
多卜勒雷达 Doppler radar
多刀开关 multi-pole switch; multi-point switch
多电源配电板 multi-source distribution panel
多电源配电箱 multi-source distribution box 多极开关 multi-pole switch 多角形的 polygonal
多声道录音 multi-channel recording 多声道录音机 multi-channel recorder 多速鼓形开关 multi-speed drum switch 多相变压器 polyphase transformer 多相换流器 multiphase inverter 多芯300伏控制
电缆 multiconductor 300V control cable
多芯扁形电缆 multicore flat cable; multiple flat cable
多芯电缆 multicore cable; multiple cable; multi-conductor cable; polycore cable 多芯铠装电缆 multiconductor armored cable 多用途输出变压器 universal output transformer
rating; rated horsepower
额定功率因数 rated power factor 额定熔断电流 rated blowing-current 额定一次电压 rated primary voltage 额定遮断容量 rated breaking-capacity
额定值 rating; rated value; rating value 额定转速 rated speed
扼流圈 choke; impedance coil; reactor; choke coil; choking coil; reactance coil retardation coil
二次电路 secondary circuit 二次干线 secondary main
二次记录仪表 secondary recording instrument 二次接线柱 secondary terminal
二回路(汽轮机)动力装置 secondary plant 二极管 diode
二极开关 two-pole switch 二类负荷 second class load
二路转换开关 two-way change-over switch 二门滑轮 double-sheave block 二位置继电器 two-position relay 二线制电路 two-wire circuit
二相三线制 two-phase three-wire system 二相四线制 two-phase four-wire system 二氧化碳激光器 carbon dioxide laser
发报 running a tape, sending off a message 发电 electric power generation
发电厂 power plant; generating plant 发电厂房 powerhouse 发电机 generator
发电机主断路器 generator main circuit breaker
发电量 yield
发电设备制造厂 power equipment plant 发电站 power station
发光强度 luminous intensity 发话人 calling party, caller 发射功率 transmitting power
发射换能器 transmission energy converter 发射机 transmitter
发射台 transmitting station 发生器 generator
发送器 transmitter; pick-off
乏 var (abbrev for volt-ampere reactive ) 乏-小时 var-hour 阀 valve
反比 inverse proportion
反比时限过载继电器 inverse time limit overload relay
反常情况 abnormal condition
反电动势起动器 counter e.m.f. starter 反口瓷管 aboral porcelain tube 反馈 feedback
反馈控制系统 feedback control system
反流断路器 reverse current circuit breaker 反流继电器 reverse current relay 反射镜 mirror
反射器天线 reflector antenna
反时针方向的,逆时针方向 anti-clockwise; counter-clock-wise
反时针方向旋转,逆时针方向旋转 anti-clock-wise; counter-clock-wise rotation 11
放大 amplification; enlargement 放大器 amplifier
放大图 enlarged drawing 放电电流 discharge current
放电电阻器 discharging resistor 放电器(避雷器) discharge device
放风雨式插座 weather-proof receptacle 放砂阀 sand feed valve 放射螺旋线 spiral curve 放音 playback
飞逸转速 runaway speed
非标准设备 non-standard equipment; special 反相继电器 reverse-phase relay
反向电流 inverse current; reversed current; opposed current; reverse current 反延时继电器 inverse time lag relay
范围 range; scope; domain; sphere; zone; region; extent; ambit
方格吸顶灯 square ceiling lamp 方孔 square hole 方螺母 square nut
方套管 square bushing
方头螺栓 square head bolt
方位角录取 azimuth angle extraction
方向阻抗继电器 direction impedance relay 方形杆 square pole
防爆变压器 explosion-proof transformer
防爆灯 anti-explosion lamp; explosion-proof lamp; flame-proof lamp
防爆灯吊杆 pendant tube for lamp with anti-explosion wire guard
防爆式感应电动机 explosion-proof type induction motor
防爆外壳 explosion-proof enclosure; flame-proof enclosure
防潮材料 non-hygroscope material
防潮双绞软线 moisture-proof twisted cord 防尘罩 dust guard
防盗报警装置 burglar alarm
防滴式感应电动机 drip-proof type induction motor
防风雨式电动机 weather-proof type motor
防腐电缆 corrosion-proof cable; corrosion protected cable
防滑装置 anti-slip device 防火的 fire-proof
防裂卡钉 anti-cracking irons( anti-splitting irons)
防裂铁箍 anti-cracking hoop 防爬器 anti-creeper
防鼠电缆 gopher protected cable 防水灯头 water-proof lamp socket
防水防尘灯 water-proof and dust-proof lamp 防水防尘式荧光灯 water-proof and dust-proof type fluorescent lamp
防止虫蛀电缆 teredo protection 防止飞弧 flash-over protection 防止过载 overload protection
防止鼠咬 protect against rodent attack
非法代码 improper code
非归位式 non-homing position type 非金属穿线管道 nonmetallic conduit 非屏蔽电缆 unscreened cable 分度号 Dial No.
分段绝缘子 section insulator
分段开关 sectionalizing switch; sectional switch
分段母线开关 bus section switch 分格式开关板 cellular switchboard 分机 extension 分局,支局 filial
分局号码 area code, district code
分裂铁心式变流器 split core current transformer
分流电阻 shunt resistance
分流线圈 shunt winding; shunt coil
分路电流 shunt current; branch current 分路电阻 shunt resistance 分路开关 branch switch
分马力感应电动机 fractional horse power induction motor 分母 denominator
分散就地控制按钮 local control push-button 分线杆 distributing pole; junction pole
分线盒 branch box; branching box; tapping box; junction box; adapter junction box; distributing box; distributing cabinet 分线开关 tap switch
分线箱 split box; connecting box; cable box 分相电动机 split-phase motor 分压电路 bleeder circuit
分压器 voltage divider; three-wire compensator; potential divider; volt box; potentiometer
分支接头 branch joint 分子 numerator; molecule 分子钟 molecular clock
风扳机接管 steel tube for pneumatic spanner 风翅(叶片) vane
风冷变压器 air-blast transformer; air-cooled transformer
风力发电站 wind power station 封闭式保险丝 enclosed fuse
封闭式刀开关 enclosed knife switch 封闭式弧光灯 enclosed arc lamp
封闭式鼠笼电动机 enclosed squirrel-cage motor
封闭式组合开关 enclosed type combination switch
封皮 envelope
峰压 peak voltage; crest voltage 峰值 peak value; crest value
峰值电流表 crest ammeter; peak ammeter
峰值电压表 peak voltmeter; crest voltage 12
复归 to reset
复合式断路器 reclosing type circuit breaker 复合压力真空表 bourdon tube type comound gauge
复激电动机 compound motor
复位弹簧 retracting spring; reset spring 复原按钮 reset push-button 副板 sub-panel 副本 duplicate
峰值伏特表 peak voltmeter; crest voltmeter 峰值负载 peak load
峰值功率限制 peak power limitation 蜂鸣器 humming 缝焊 seam welding
缝焊机 seam welding machine 敷设 lay
敷设电缆 laying of cable; cabling
敷设在电缆沟内 running in cable trench 伏安 volt-ampere (VA) 伏安比 volt-ampere ratio
伏安计 voltmeter; voltampere meter 伏欧表 volt-ohmmeter 伏特 volt
浮点 float point
浮子开关 float switch 符号 sign
符号 symbol; sign; mark; notation 符号总消耗时间 total elapsed time 辅机 auxiliary set
辅助电缆 auxiliary cable 辅助电路 auxiliary circuit
辅助电容器 auxiliary capacitor 辅助电源 auxiliary source
辅助动力装置 auxiliary power unit 辅助开关 auxiliary switch
辅助开关设备 auxiliary switchgear
辅助设备 auxiliary equipment; accessory equipment;
auxiliary device; auxiliary means; auxiliary plant; auxiliary apparatus; ancillary equipment; accessories; auxiliaries; auxiliary; adjunct; appurtenances 腐蚀性气体 corrosive fumes 腐朽杆 doty pole
负号 negative sign; minus 负载电流 load current 负载电路 load circuit 负载电压 load voltage 负载试验 load test 负载因数 load factor 负载阻抗 load impedance
附加电阻 additional resistance; extra-resistance; supplementary resistance; added resistance; series resistor; dropping resistor; booster resistor 附属的 subordinate
复费率计度器 multi-rate register 复费率仪表 multi-rate meter
副面板 sub-panel; subpanel
赋形波束天线 shaped-beam antenna 覆土 backfill
覆土压实 backfill consolidation
改正 correction; correct; put right 概率 probability
概率曲线 probability curve 干涉仪 interferometer
干湿球温度计 wet-and-dry bulb thermometer; pay-chronometer
干式舌簧继电器 dry reed relay
干线用断路器 main circuit breaker 干心变压器 dry core transformer
干纸绝缘电缆 dry paper insulated cable 杆 pole; post; rod; bar 感抗 inductive reactance 感应 induction
感应电动机 induction motor 感应电压 induced voltage
感应调压器 induction type voltage regulator 感应环式继电器 induction ring type relay 感应欠压继电器 induction type under-voltage relay
感应式过电流继电器 induction type over-current relay
感应式过电压继电器 induction type over-voltage relay
感应式过载继电器 induction type over-load relay
感应式频率计 induction type frequency meter 感应式同步发电机 induction type synchronous alternator
感应式无功功率继电器 induction type reactive power relay
钢带铠装 tape armor
钢绞线 stranded steel rope; steel strand 钢丝 steel wire
钢丝铠装 steel wire armor
钢线铠装电缆 steel wire armored cable
钢芯铝绞线 steel core aluminum strand wire 钢芯铝线 aluminum conductor steel reinforced;
steel cored aluminum cable; steel cored aluminum wire
钢芯塑料软线 plastic covered steel cord 杠杆 lever
杠杆式指示器 lever indicator
高低水位警报器 high and low water level limit alarms
高度录取 height data extraction
高峰负荷时间 peak-load period, peak hours 高脚瓷瓶 porcelain stand-off insulator 高灵敏度真空管电压表 high sensitive vacuum tube voltmeter
高炉自动化 automation of blast furnace 高频 high frequency
高频变压器 high frequency transformer 高频发电机 high frequency generator 高频放大器 audio frequency amplifier 高容量电缆 high capacity cable 高水头 high head
高水位第一值信号 first high water level limit 13
高压母线 high tension bus bar; high tension circuit
高压配电板 high tension panel 高压汽缸 high pressure cylinder 高压绕组 high tension winding
高压试验变压器 high voltage testing transformer
高压水银灯 high pressure mercury vapor lamp 高压铁壳开关装置 high voltage metal-clad switchgear
高压油断路器 high voltage oil circuit breaker 高压针式绝缘子 H.T. pin type insulator signal
高速电机 high speed motor
高速断路开关 high-speed circuit breaker; high speed circuit breaker
高速断路器 high-speed circuit breaker; high speed circuit breaker
高速多触点跳闸继电器 high-speed multicontact tripping relay 高速射流 high speed jet
高通滤波器 high pass filter 高温计 pyrometer
高压侧 high tension side; high voltage side 高压电缆头 high voltage cable thread 高压电缆箱 high voltage cable end box 高压电流互感器 high voltage current transformer
高压电路 high tension line
高压电路试验器 high voltage circuit tester 高压电容器 high voltage condenser 高压电网 grid 高压电线塔 pylon
高压电压互感器 high voltage potential transformer 高压断路器 high tension circuit breaker; high voltage circuit breaker; high-voltage circuit breaker
高压负荷切断开关 high voltage load switch; H.T. load switch
高压高遮断容量保险丝 high-voltage high
rupturing capacity fuse ( high-voltage HRC fuse )
高压隔离开关 H.T. isolating switch; high voltage isolator
高压蝴蝶瓷瓶 high tension shackle insulator 高压户内穿墙套管 high tension indoor wall entrance bushing sleeve
高压户外变压器 outdoor high voltage transformer
高压绝缘子 high tension insulator; high voltage insulator
高压开关 high tension switch; high-voltage circuit-breaker
高压开关柜 high tension switch cabinet; high voltage switch cabinet; H.T. switch cabinet 高压开关盘 high tension switch board 高压空气断路器 high tension air circuit breaker
高真空压力表 high vacuum gauge 高阻表 megger; megohm meter 高阻箱 megohm box 高阻仪 earthmeter
告警指示器(报警信号设备) alarm 隔离开关 isolator
隔离开关 isolating switch; disconnecting switch; extractor
隔片 distance piece; spacer
隔热材料 heat-insulating material 跟踪雷达 tracking radar 工厂 factory; works; mill; plant; manufactory 工厂照明 factory illumination
工频电流 industrial frequency current 工时 man-hour; work hour
工序 procedure; process; working procedure; operational sequence; sequence of operation 工序自动化 process automation
工业电视(五头一尾) Industrial TV ( five cameras and one monitor)
工业电视 industrial television; closed-circuit television
工业水银温度计 industrial mercury thermometer
工业仪表 industrial instrument
工业用电阻炉 industrial resistance furnace 工业照明设备 industrial lighting equipment 工业自动化 industrial automation
工作电流 working current; operating current 工作电压 working voltage; working volt; operating voltage; running voltage 工作电源 working power supply
工作可靠性 operational reliability
工作照明配电箱 distribution box for working lighting
工作照明一次配电箱 main distribution box for general lighting
弓形滑接线 bow trolley 公差 tolerance; allowance 公称直径 nominal diameter 公共电话 public telephone
公共电话间 telephone kiosk, (Am.)telephone booth
公共支路 common branch 公认标记 admissible mark 公务电话 service telephone
公制丝功 international screw tap
公众用户电报挂号单 booking form for telex call through public booth 功率表 wattmeter; power meter 功率单位 power unit
功率方向继电器 power direction relay
功率放大系数 power amplification coefficient 14
管吊架 pipe hanger
管夹 pipe clamp; pipe clip; pipe strap; tube clamp; tube clip 管绞刀 pipe reamer
管接头tube connector; pipe connector; coupling; pipe union; union; pipe joint 功率计 power meter; dynamometer 功率因数 power factor
功率因数补偿电容器 power-factor capacitor 功率因数电容器 power-factor capacitor
功率因数调节继电器 power-factor regulating relay
功率因数调节器 power factor regulator 功率因数改善 power-factor improvement 功率指示器 power indicator 功能图 functional diagram
供电 feed; supply; power supply 供电板 panel board
供电部门 power supply department
供电电压 power line voltage; mains voltage; supply voltage
供电电源 electric power supply 供电调度员 load dispatcher
供电方案 power supply program (scheme, plan, alternative, option) 供电干线 supply main
供电规程 electric power supplying regulation 供电设备 power supply equipment; supply unit 供电系统 electric supply system; electricity supply system; power supply system; power-supply system; feed system
供电系统图 diagram of power supply system; drawing of power supply system 共母线制 common bus system 钩 hook
鼓风干燥箱 wind drying box
鼓形绝缘子 drum insulator; knob insulator 鼓形开关 drum switch
鼓形控制器 drum controller; drum type controller
鼓形起动器 drum starter 鼓形绕组 drum winding 固定 fixing; fixation
固定升降变压器 step-up and down transformer 固定延时继电器 definite time-lag relay 固态激光器 solid state laser
故障 fault; failure; trouble; malfunction; disturbance; bug
故障电极电流 fault electrode current
故障探测器 fault detector; fault locator; fault finder 挂 hang
挂号 booking a telex call 挂线配件 suspension fitting 挂线匣 rosette
观察 observation; viewing 管扳手 pipe wrench
管道内截面积 interior cross-sectional area of conduit
管螺丝 pipe tap
管螺纹切割机 pipe threading machine; pipe screw cutting machine 管配件 pipe fittings 管丝锥 pipe tap
管托 pipe carrier; saddle 管托架 pipe holder 管支架 pipe support
管子扩大器 tube expander 光导摄像管 vidicon
光电管 photo-element; photo-tube; photo-electric tube; photocell; photo cell; photoelectric cell; photomissive cell; photosensitive cell; light cell 光电摄像管 iconoscope(ico)
光电效应 photo-electric effect
光电元件 photo-element; light cell; photo-unit
光激励 light excitation 光阑 diaphragm
光缆 fibber-optic cable
光录像 video recording by laser 光敏二极管 photo diode
光皮铅包电缆 plain lead-covered cable 光谱 spectrum; light spectrum
光学谐振腔 optical resonant cavity 光照型灯(广角型) wide-angle lamp; flaod light lamp
广播电话 broadcasting call 广播电台 broadcasting station 广播稿 script
广播技术 broadcasting technique
广播节目间的简短通知 spot announcement 广播节目撰稿者 scriptwriter 广播剧 radio drama
广播课程(电子学) radio course (in electronics)
广播时间 air time
广播台 broadcasting station 广播讨论会 panel discussion 广播讨论小组 panel
广播体操 broadcast calisthenics 广播信道 broadcast channel
广播有效作用区 broadcast service area
归位式 reset; homing type; homing position type
硅可控整流器 silicon controlled rectifier 硅橡胶绝缘 silicon rubber insulation 轨 rail
轨道倾斜 track grade 轨道阻抗 rail impedance 滚动轴承 rolling bearing 滚珠轴承 roller bearing
滚柱轴承 ball bearing 锅炉 boiler
锅炉水位报警器 alarm of boiler water level 国际电视现场转播 live international 15
盒式磁带录音机 cassette recorder 赫兹 Hertz (Hz.)
黑白电视 monochrome TV, black-and-white TV 恒流变压器 constant current transformer television coverage
国际广播 international broadcast
国际无线电话 international radio telephone 国际终端交换所 international terminal exchange
国际转话 international transit call 国内广播 home broadcast
过电流 over current; excess current 过电流保护设备 over current protective equipment
过电流继电器 over current relay 过电流脱扣器 over current trip
过电压 over voltage; over-voltage; excess voltage
过电压保护 over-voltage protection 过电压保护装置 over-voltage protection device
过电压继电器 over-voltage relay 过电压吸收器 surge arrester 过调量 overshoot
过功率继电器 overpower relay
过量程保护 over-range protection
过流脱扣器 over current release; overload release
过热继电器 over heat protective relay 过压释放 over-voltage release 过载保护 overload protection
过载保护系统 overload protection system 过载保护装置 overload protection device 过载断路器 overload circuit breaker 过载开关 overload switch 过载容量 overload capacity 过载跳闸 overload trip
过载效率 overload efficiency
氦氖激光器 helium-neon laser, He-Ne laser 焊接 welding on; sealing on 焊接电流 welding current 焊丝 welding wire
焊条 electrode; welding rod; welding wire 焊药 solder
航海雷达 marine radar
航天雷达 spaceborne radar 毫 milli-
毫安表 milliammeter; milli-ampere-meter 毫伏计 millivoltmeter 毫欧计 milliohmmeter
合成电流 resultant current
合格证书 certification of fitness; acceptance certificate 合力 resultant force
合闸 closing; switching on; switching in 合闸力 switching force 合闸顺序 switching order
核电力 nuclear-generated electric station 盒式磁带 cassette tape
恒温炉 thermostatic oven
恒温器继电器 thermostat relay 恒压 constant voltage
恒压变压器 constant voltage transformer 恒压充电 constant voltage charge 横臂拉条 cross arm brace 横担 crossarm; cross arm
横断面 cross-section; cross section 横梁 traverse
横向 cross direction 横坐标 abscissa
红宝石激光器 ruby laser
红灯泡插口 socket of red bulb 红外线 infra-red ray
红外线灯 infra-red ray lamp; infra-red lamp 红外线灯泡 infra-red lamp bulb 红外线干燥箱 infra-red dryer 红外制导 infrared guidance 后灯(尾灯) rear lamp (light)
厚壁穿线钢管 heavy wall steel conduit; rigid steel conduit 厚度 thickness
呼号 call sign, call signal 呼叫 call
呼叫号码 call-number 呼叫信号 calling signal
呼叫信息记录 call information logging (charging)
呼叫转移 call transfer 弧 arc
互连 mutual connection; interlink; interconnection
户内变压器 indoor type transformer; indoor transformer
户内穿墙套管 indoor wall entrance bushing sleeve
户内单极隔离开关 indoor single pole isolating switch
户内高压隔离开关 indoor high-voltage isolating switch
户内三极隔离开关 indoor three-pole isolating switch
户内油断路器 indoor oil circuit breaker 户内支柱绝缘子 indoor support insulator
户内组合负荷开关 indoor combined load switch 户外变压器 outdoor transformer; outdoor type transformer
户外动力配电箱 outdoor power distribution box
户外开关装置 outdoor-type switchgear 护板 guard plate 护套 jacket 花灯架 luster
花篮螺丝 turnbuckle
滑触变阻器 sliding rheostat
滑触线 trolley wire
滑触线 trolley wire; collector wire 滑动配合 slide fit
滑环电动机 slip-ring motor
滑环式感应电动机 slip-ring induction motor 滑石粉 tale powder
滑线变阻器 slide-wire rheostat; slide rheostat
滑线电阻器 slide-wire resistor; slide resistor
滑线式集电器 trolley shoe; trolley collector 16
活性区分离装置 core separation plant 火花放电 spark discharge 火花隙 spark-gap
火花隙避雷器 gap arrester 火箭 rocket
火警系统 fire-alarm system
火力发电 thermal power generation 火力发电站 thermal power station
火力发电站自动化 automation of thermal power station
火线,带电电线 live wire
化工生产过程自动化 automation of chemical processes 话筒 mike
话务员 telephone operator, telephonist 环 ring; annulus 环形干线 ring main
环形馈电线 ring feeder; loop feeder; loop system transmission line
环形线圈 ring coil; ring winding 环氧树脂 epoxy resin
缓冲器 buffer; bumper; damper; shock reducer; snubber
缓动继电器 slow-acting relay; slow-operating relay
缓释继电器 slow-releasing relay; slow release relay
换电源 power supply change-over 换流器室 converter room
换路开关 circuit changing switch 换热器 heat exchanger
换算系数 conversion factor; reduction coefficient
换相器 phase changer
换向极电动机 commutating pole motor
换向极发电机 commutating pole generator 换向开关 reversing switch; reverser 换行键 \
黄灯泡插口 socket of yellow bulb 回波 radio echo
回波脉冲 echo pulse
回车键 \回程 reverse running
回呼密语 answer-back code, back code 回路 circuit; contour; loop 回声室 echo chamber
回转开关 commutation switch
汇流环 collector ring; collecting ring; slip ring
汇流条 bus-bar; bus bar; bus; bus-bar wire 会议电话 conference telephone 惠斯登电桥 Wheatstone bridge 混成线路 composite line 混合电缆 composite cable 混合照明 combined lighting
混凝土生物防护屏 concrete biological shield 混频 mixing
混频和音量控制 mixer and volume control 混频器 mixer
火焰保护系统 flame safeguard system
火焰监测装置 flame-failure detection device 火焰检测系统 flame detector system 击穿 puncture; breakdown 击穿电流 breakdown current
击穿电压 puncture voltage; breakdown voltage; disruptive voltage
击穿试验 puncture test; breakdown test 机内仪表 self-contained instrument
机械联锁继电器 mechanical interlock relay 机械扫描 mechanical scanning 基本负荷 basic load
基本设备 funtamental set 基群 basic group
基准电压 reference voltage 畸变因数 distortion factor 激光 laser
激光测距仪 laser rangefinder 激光导航 laser navigation 激光雷达 laser radar 激光器 gas laser
激光通讯 laser communications 激光制导 laser guidance
激光准直仪 laser collimator
激励电流 exciting current; field current 激励电路 exciting circuit; drive circuit driver circuit; feed circuit 激励电压 exciter voltage 激励回路 exciter circuit 激励器 exciter
激励装置 luminescent substance 级 stage; step; class; grade 极 pole
极靴 pole shoe
急用电话 emergency call
集成电路 integrated circuit
集电弓式隔离开关 pantograph insulators
集电环 collector ring; collecting ring; slip ring; ring collector 集电极接点 collector contact 集电极引线 collector terminal 集电器 collector
集电刷 collecting brush; collector brush 集电靴 collector shoe
集电装置 collecting device 集肤效应 skin effect
集流环 collector ring; slip ring 集蓄的河水 river water impounded
集中检测系统 centralized monitoring system
集中联锁 central interlocking
集中式控制 central control; central-station 17
serial wire; aerial line; serial conductor; air wire
架空引入 overhead entrance; over-head inlet 架线工 overhead line worker
ecentralized control
几何距离 geometrical distance 几何学 geometry 计度器 register
计划检修 regular maintenance 计时器 chronograph
计数继电器 metering relay 计数器 counter
计算机控制系统 computer control system 记录器 recorder; register 记录式安培表 recording meter 记录式电流计 recording ammeter 记录式电压计 recording voltmeter 记录式温度计 recording thermometer
记录式压示压力计 recording differential manometer
记录式液位计 recording liquid gauge 记录速度 writing speed
记录瓦特计 recording wattmeter 技术 technique
技术容限 technical tolerance
技术条件 technical condition; technical specification
继电保护系统 relay protection system 继电电压表 contact making voltmeter
继电联锁装置 relay operated interlocking 继电器 relay 继电器 relay
继电器插座 relay socket 继电器电路 relay circuit 继电器开关 relay switch 继电器驱动器 relay driver
继电器用变压器 relaying voltage transformer 加班 extra duty
加工 treatment; working; processing 加急电话 urgent call
加密电话 enciphered telephone 加密机 encipheror
加速继电器 accelerating relay
夹 clamp; clip; grip; cleat strap 架 frame; stand; rack; jig; mount 架空地线 overhead ground wire
架空电缆 overhead cable; aerial cable; over-ground cable
架空电路接线结构 overhead line terminal structure
架空电线 overhead line, aerial cable 架空干线 overhead main 架空裸线 aerial bare line 架空明线 overhead bare line 架空明线接地
高度 clearance of pole lines 架空明线线路 open-wire circuit
架空线 overhead wire; overhead conductor;
尖峰电压 crest voltage; peak voltage 尖峰负荷 peak load; top load 间断性 discontinuity 间隔信号 signal \
兼容制彩色电视系统 compatible color TV system 监测器, 监视器 monitor 监视点 monitoring point 监视系统 monitoring system 监视信号盘 supervisory panel
监听扬声器 monitoring loudspeaker 减去 subtracting
减速器 speed reducer
减压器 pressure reducer; reducer; reductor 减振器 damper; buffer; vibration absorber; vibration damper; shock eliminator; shock reducer; shock absorber; snubber 检波器 detector
检车灯 car inspecting lamp 检修门 access door
检验点 check position; checkpoint
简化 simplify; simplification; short cutting 建筑工程 construction work 鉴定 identification
键盘电话机 key telephone
箭头 arrow; arrowhead; arrow head 箭头方向 direction of arrow 降压比 step-down ratio
降压变电所 step-down substation 降压变压器 step-down transformer
降压电阻器 dropping resistor; voltage dropping resistor
交叉 interlace; intersection; intercross; transposition; cross-under cross over 交换台 telephone switchboard
cross-linked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed power cable
交流并激发电机 A.C. shunt generator 交流串激电动机 A.C. series motor 交流电 alternate current(AC)
交流电动机起动器 A.C. motor starter
交流电度表 A.C. kilowatt-hour meter; A.C. kWh-meter; slternating current watt-hour meter
交流电流表 A.C. ammeter; A.C. galvanometer 交流电位差计 A.C. potentiometer 交流电位计 A.C. potentio-meter 交流电压表 A.C. voltmeter 交流电阻 A.C. resistance
交流断路器 A.C. circuit breaker 交流分激电动机 A.C. shunt motor 交流检流计 A.C. galvanometer 交流接触器 A.C. contactor
交流接地继电器 A.C. earth relay; A.C. grounding relay
交流两相伺服马达 A.C. tow-phase servo-motor 18
接地电阻试验器 earthing resistance tester 交流声 hum
交流阻抗 alternating-current impedance 交直流快动开关 AC-DC snap switch 交直流两用电机 universal motor 郊区电话 suburban telephone 胶布带 rubberized tape
胶布电缆 vulcanized-rubber-sheathed cable 胶合板 plywood 胶木 bakelite
胶木插头 bakelite plug
胶木插座 bakelite receptacle
胶木穿线绝缘体 bakelite feed-through insulator
胶皮线 rubber insulated wire 角 angle; corner
角偏差 angular deviation; angular misalignment; angular misalignment 角铁横担 steel angle cross arm 角铁塔 angle tower
角铁托架 angle bracket 绞刀 reamer
绞合线 twisted wire 绞线 strand
脚灯 foot light
脚踏按钮 foot button
脚踏开关 foot switch; foot-operated switch 铰接 twist joint
叫号电话 station-to-station call, number call
叫人电话 person-to-person call, personal call
接触传感器 contact pick-off 接触电压降 contact drop
接触电阻 contact resistance
接触断路螺线管 contact breaker solenoid 接触断路器 contact breaker 接触器 contactor
接触器控制器 contactor controller
接地 earth; earthing; earth connection; ground; grounding; ground connection; contact to earth; put to earth
接地棒 earth rod; ground rod; earth bar; ground bar; drop bar
接地变压器 grounding transformer, earthing transformer
接地不良 imperfect earth; bad earth; bad ground; poor earth 接地插销 earth plug
接地导线 earth lead; ground lead 接地地网 grounded counterpoise 接地电极 grounding electrode
接地电流 earth current; earthing current; ground current; grounding current
接地电路 earth circuit; ground circuit
接地电阻 earth resistance; earthing resistance; ground resistance; grounding resistance
接地电阻测量仪 earthing resistance tester
接地端子 earth terminal; earthing terminal; grounding terminal; ground terminal 接地耳 grounding lug
接地干线 earthing mains; earthing bus; grounding bus; grounding mains; ground bus 接地开关 ground-switch; bed switch; earthing switch
接地良好 good earth
接地网 earth mat; ground mat; earthing network; grounding network 接地线芯 earthing core 接地引出线 ground outlet 接零干线 neutral main 接零母线 grounding bus
接入 throw in; switch-in; switch in 接入电路 put in circuit 接入继电器 cut-in relay 接收机 receiver 接通了。请讲话。 \in connection. Please go ahead.\
接头 joint; connection; connector
接线板 terminal plate; terminal board; distributor block; distribution block; mounting panel; patch panel 接线端座 terminal block
接线盒 connecting box; connection box; junction box; terminal box
接线箱 junction box; connection box; joint box; splice box 截面 section
截面积 sectional area 解调器 demodulator 解开 untie
解扣 trip; tripping
解扣电流 tripping current
解扣电路 trip circuit; tripping circuit 解扣继电器 tripping relay 解扣线圈 trip coil 解算器 resolver
解锁 unblocking; unlocking; unblanking 介电常数 dielectric constant 介电强度 disruptive strength 介质损耗 dielectric lose 金工间 machine shop
金相显微镜 metallographical microscope
金氧半导体集成 电路 metal-oxide semiconductor integrated circuit
金属铠装软电缆 flexible metallic armored cable
金属壳开关装置 metal-clad switchgear 金属线变阻器 metallic rheostat 金属线槽 metal raceway
紧固件 fastener; tightener; fastening parts 紧急开关 emergency switch 紧急信号 urgency signal
紧配合 tight fit; close fit 紧线钳 draw tongs
进入同步 fall into step
进水管 penstock
进水闸门 intake gate
进线电源 incoming power supply 进线总闸 main incoming switch
浸入式快速热电偶毫伏信号 MV signal of submerged fast thermocouple
禁区 forbidden region; forbidden zone; excluded region; closed security zone 经纬仪 theodolite
晶体二极管 semiconductor diode; crystal 19
局部放大视图 partial enlarged view 局部平面图 part plan
局部照明变压器 local lighting transformer; local illumination transformer 局部照明灯 local lighting lamp; lamp for local lighting
局部照明示意图 schematic diagram of local lighting
局间电话 station-to-station call 矩形截面母线 rectangular bus bar
晶体管 transistor
晶体管检漏仪 transistor leakage tester 晶体管万用电表 transistorized multimeter 精调 fine adjustment
精密补偿器 precision potentiometer 精密电位差计 precision potentiometer 精密刻度盘 precision dial
精密绕线电阻 accurate type wire wound resistor
精密天平 precision balance
精密仪表 precision instrument; precision type instrument
警报,报警 alarm; warning 警报灯 warning lamp 警报器 alarm; siren
警报装置 alarm apparatus; alarm
警告牌 warning board; caution board 警戒标志 caution notice
警卫照明 guard lighting; protective lighting
净化中心站 decontamination center 净间距 clear spacing 净距 net distance 净跨 clear span 净宽 net width 净重 net weight
静电搭地线 static ground wire
静电电容器 static capacitor; static condenser
静电电容器柜 static condenser cabinet 静电放电 static discharge 静电干扰 static interference
静电屏蔽 electrostatic screen; electrostatic shield
静负载 static load
静区 risk area; lead zone; shadow region 静态精度 static accuracy
静态自动稳压器 static type automatic voltage regulator
静压力 static pressure
静止卫星 geostationary satellite 镜面反射器 mirror reflector
镜面深照型灯 mirror deep-bowl type lamp; silver finished deed shade type lamp 镜式电流计 mirror galvanometer 酒精温度计 alcohol thermometer 旧型号 earlier model; old model
就地控制 control in spot; local control
距地……米 meters from floor level; meters above ground
距离间隔 range interval 距离录取 range extraction
锯齿形避雷器 saw tooth arrester
锯齿形电流发生器 saw-tooth current generator 锯齿形电压 sawtooth voltage
锯齿形电压发生器 sawtooth voltage generator 锯齿形信号 saw-tooth signal; serrated signal
锯条辊压机 saw blade roller
锯条开齿机 saw blade hobbling machine 聚苯乙烯 polystyrene; styrene resin
聚光灯 spotlight; floodlight; floodlamp projector
聚光灯泡 condensing bulb
聚光照明 flood lighting; spotlighting 聚焦电极 focusing electrode 聚焦线圈 focusing coil
聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride
聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 p.v.c insulated cable
聚氯乙烯绝缘线 polyvinyl chloride wire; polyvinyl chloride insulated wire 聚氯乙烯线 polyvinyl chloride wire 聚乙烯 polythene; polyethylene
聚乙烯醇缩甲醛绝缘线 polyvinyl formal wire 聚乙烯绝缘电缆 polythylene insulated cable 绝对误差 absolute error 绝对值 absolute value
绝缘电阻测试器 insulation resistance tester 绝缘击穿 insulation breakdown; puncture of insulation; break down
绝缘击穿电压 break down voltage 绝缘胶带 insulating tape 绝缘手套 insulating gloves 绝缘水管 insulation pipe
绝缘套管 insulating bushing; insulating sleeve; insulation sleeve; empire tube 绝缘体 insulator
绝缘橡皮手套 rubber insulated gloves 绝缘子 insulator 绝缘子式切断
开关 insulator type cut-out switch 绝缘子头 insulator cap 均方根 root-mean-square
均方根值 root mean square value 卡灯明敷 exposed laying by staples 卡箍 clamp loop 卡环 shackle
卡口插座 bayonet socket; bayonet holder 卡口灯头 bayonet holder
卡塞格伦天线 Cassegrain antenna 开动 starting up 开关柜 cabinet
开关控制杆 start-stop lever
开关浪涌(冲击) switching surge 开关设备 switchgear
开关设备室 switchgear room
开关装置 switch unit; switching device; switchgear; switching arrangement 开环控制 open-loop control
开口销 split pin; cotter pin; forelock 开路电流 open-circuit current 开路电压 open-circuit voltage
开路过渡法 open-circuit transition method 开路指示器 open-circuit indicator 开路阻抗 open-circuit impedance 开门码 opening code 开启式 open type
开式感应电动机 open type induction motor 开式循环 open cycle 开锁 unlock
开尾销 split pin; cotter pin 开闸 switching off 铠装 armor; armoring 铠装带 armoring tape
铠装电缆 armored cable; iron-clad cable 铠装软电缆 flexible armored cable 抗断强度 breaking strength 抗剪强度 shearing strength 抗拉强度 tensile strength 抗扭强度 torsional strength
抗弯强度 flexural strength; flexure strength; bending strength; transverse strength 抗压监视设备 remote supervisory control equipment
抗压强度 compressive strength
壳 casing; case; housing; enclosure; inclosure; shell
壳式变压器 shell-type transformer; shell transformer
可变电感器 variometer
可变电感线圈 variable inductor
可变电抗器 varactor; variable reactor
可变电容器 variable capacitance; adjustable condenser; varicondenser
可变电阻箱 variable resistance box 可变负载阻抗 variable load impedance
可变线绕电阻器 variable wire-wound reistor 可变阻抗变换器 variable impedance transformer
可调变压器 adjustable transformer; variable transformer; variable ratio transformer; transtat
可调电感器 adjustable inductor 可调电容器 adjustable capacitor 可调电阻器 adjustable resistance 可调速电动机 adjustable speed motor
可调稳压器 adjustable voltage stabilizer 可调整补偿电容器 adjustable compensating capacitor
可见报警信号 visual alarm
可见信号 visible signal; visual signal; optical signal; light signal; lamp signal 可靠性 reliability
可控硅 thyristor, controlled silicon; controllable silicon
可控硅充电机 silicon controlled rectifier battery charger
可控硅整流器 silicon-controlled rectifier 可控硅整流元件 silicon controlled rectifier 可连续调整的 continuously adjustable
可逆转换开关 reversible changeover switch 可伸缩的 telescopic
可闻报警信号 audible alarm signal 可压缩射流 compressible jet
可移动无线电话机 cordless portaphone 刻度 division 刻度盘 dial
空间雷达 space radar
空间目标跟踪激光器 space tracking laser 空间遥测 space telemetry 空气加热器 air boiler 空气冷却器 air cooler 空气喷射 air jet
空心变压器 air-core transformer 空心电抗器 air-core reactor
空心铜线圈 hollow copper wire coil 空载电流 no-load current 空载电压 no-load voltage
孔 hole; opening; orifice; aperture 控电盘 switch board
控流阀 flow control valve 控制棒 control rod 控制间 control booth
控制量 manipulated variable 控制设备 control equipment 控制手柄 control handle
控制台 control desk, control board 控制系统 control system 控制栅 control grid
控制中心 control center 跨步电压 step voltage 跨接电缆 jumper cable 跨接线 jumper wire
跨马路拉线 over road stayguy
快充慢充起动三用硒整流器 selenium charging rectifier (for rapid or slow charging or starting motor)
快动开关 quick switch; snap switch 快速充电器 quick charger 馈电 feed; feeding; supply
馈电电缆 feeder cable; feed cable 馈电电流 feed current
馈电盘 feeder panel; feeder line
馈线压降 feeder voltage drop; feeder drop 扩压器 diffuser
扩音电话机 loudspeaking telephone 扩展内存 expended memory 拉 pull; staying; drawing
拉线瓷瓶 porcelain stay insulator 拉线夹板 guy clamp
拉线开关 pull switch; cord switch 拉线式铁塔 stayed tower
拉线用绝缘子 stay insulator; guy insulator 来话 incoming
来话代答 call pick up
来话等待,呼叫等待 call waiting 雷达 radar
雷达发射机 radar transmitter
雷达覆盖空域 zone of radar c0nverage 雷达监视系统 radar observation system 雷达接收机 radar receiver 雷达信号 radar signal
雷达信息录取 extraction of radar information 雷达中继站 radar link
雷电或然率 lightning and thunder probability 雷涌 lightning surge
雷阵雨的频率及强度 frequency and severity of thunder storms
累计计量法 summation metering 累计计数器 summating meter
累计无功电度表 integrating reactive watthour meter
冷端(热电偶) cold junction
冷端温度补偿(热电偶) cold junction compensation
冷还原取向性硅钢片芯 cold-reduced grain-oriented silicon steel core 冷凝器 condenser 冷凝水 condensate
冷凝水泵 condensate pump
离心式压气机 centrifugal compressor 离子激光器 ion laser 理论 theory
立杆 vertical bar 立式 vertical type
立式电动机 vertical type motor 立体声广播stereophonic broadcast 立体声录音机 stereo recorder 利用吊车轨道作零线(接地) crane rails used ad neutral wire ( grounding ) 利用率 availability
利用系数 utilization factor; coefficient of utilization; coefficient of occupation; operation ratio
利用主筋做引下线 main reinforcing bar used as downlead
利兹线 litz wire; litzendrant wire
励磁电流 exciting current; field current 励磁机 exciter
沥青 bitumen; asphalt
沥青绝缘纸电缆 bitumen sheathed paper cable 例行 routine
连续自动工作机床 transfer machine 连字符 hyphen
联播 network broadcast, chain broadcast 联播节目 network program 联机操作 on-line operation
联立一次方程 simultaneous linear equation 联络开关 interconnecting switch 联锁电路 interlock circuit 联锁继电器 interlocking relay
联锁开关 interlock switch; interlocked switch;
interlocking switch
联锁系统 interlock system; interlocked system
联轴器 coupling 链路 chain circuit
两个独立电源供电 two independent source supply
两路立体声广播 binaural broadcast
量程 measuring range; measurement range 量程变换开关 range-changing switch 量程控制开关 range control switch 量具 measuring tool; measuring means 量油尺 dipstick
临界点 critical point
临界温度 critical temperature 临界转速 critical speed 临时布线 haywire wiring 临时插头 temporary plug 临时供电 temporary service
灵敏度 sensitivity; sensitiveness; sensibility; susceptivenss; susceptibility 灵敏度范围 range of sensitivity 灵敏仪表 sensitive instrument 灵敏元件 sensitive element 零 zero; null
零点 zero point; null point; star point; neutral point
零点接地 neutral-point earthing 零位调整 zeroing 零位刻度 zero mark 零位线 zero line
零线 neutral wire; neutral conductor; zero conductor; neutral line
零相电抗 zero-phase reactance 零相位 zero phase
零相序电流 zero-phase-sequence current 零相序分量 zero-phase-sequence component 零相序阻抗 zero-phase-sequence impedance 流量 flow discharge
流量调节器 flow regulator
流量计 flow gauge; flow meter; flowmeter 流量率-立方米/秒 rate of flow-cubic meters per second
流量指示器 flow indicator 流明 lumen
留言电话 leave word call
六相环形接法 six-phase ring connection 六相桥形接法 six-phase bridge connection 六相星形接法 six-phase star connection 六相整流电路 six-phase rectifier circuit
龙伯透镜天线 Luneberg lens antenna 楼梯照明 stair case lighting
漏电 current leakage; electric leakage 22
螺旋口灯座 screw socket
螺旋式连接器 screw connector 螺旋式熔断器 screw-plug fuse
漏电继电器 earth leakage relay 漏电流 leakage current 漏电阻 leakage resistance 漏气 air leakage 漏油 leakage of oil
露天变电站 outdoor substation 露天场地 open areas
露天开关场 outdoor switchyard
露天油断路器 outdoor oil circuit breaker 陆上移动通讯业务 land mobile service 录像磁带 video tape 录像器 video recorder 录音车 recording van
录音电话机,书写电话机 dictograph (dictaphone)
录音广播节目 pre-recorded program, taped program
录音室 recording studio 滤波器 filter 路灯 street lamp
路灯架 street lamp bracket
路灯柱 street lighting pole; street lighting column
铝包电缆 aluminum-sheathed cable 铝导线 aluminum conductor 铝合金 aluminum alloy 铝母线 aluminum bus
铝芯电缆 aluminum cable
绿灯泡插口 socket of green bulb
氯丁橡胶包电缆 neoprene sheathed cable 略去 omit 轮毂 hub 螺距 pitch
螺孔 screw hole
螺口灯泡 screw socket bulb 螺口灯头 screw lamp socket
螺口灯座 screw holder; screw socket 螺口红灯泡 screw socket red bulb 螺口黄灯泡 screw socket yellow bulb 螺口绿灯泡 screw socket green bulb 螺口平灯头 screw flush lamp socket 螺母 nut
螺母锁垫 nut-lock washer
螺丝刀 screw-driver; screwdriver 螺丝灯头 screw cap 螺丝纹 screw tap 螺丝锥 screw tap 螺纹 thread
螺纹管接头 nipple
螺纹接头 threaded joint
螺纹孔 threaded hole; screwed hole; tapped hole; screw hole 螺旋插头 screw plug
螺旋灯丝 single-coil filament 螺旋口〔电灯头的〕 screw shell
裸导线 bare conductor; uninsulated conductor 裸灯泡 bare lamp
裸铝绞线 bare aluminum stranded wire 裸铝线 bare aluminum wire 裸铜线 bare copper wire
裸线 bare conductor; bare wire; uncovered wire
落地安装 installed on floor; floor mounted 落地式 floor type; console model 落地式控制箱 floor-type control box 麻 hemp; jute
马拉松式电视广播节目 telethon 马力 horse power
马力 horse power; horsepower
马路灯 street light; street lamp 马路弯灯 swan neck street lamp
马蹄形电磁铁 horse shoe electromagnet 埋入式插座 flush type receptacle 埋入式高温计 immersion pyrometer 埋入式开关(暗开关) flush switch 埋入式热电偶 immersion thermocouple 埋入型 embedded type
埋深 depth of burying; setting depth 埋头螺栓 counter-sunk bolt 脉冲 pulse
脉冲 pulse; impulse
脉冲继电器 pulse relay; impulse relay 脉冲雷达 pulse radar 脉冲系统 pulse system
脉冲压缩 pulse compression 满载 full-load; full load 满载电流 full load current 锚杆 anchor pole 锚栓 anchor bolt
锚柱拉线 anchor stayguy 没人接。 \
门开关 door switch, gate switch 门限电压 threshold voltage 米波雷达 metrewave radar 密度 density
密封电缆 hermetically sealed cable 免提机 hands-free
面板 panel board; panel; faceplate; front panel
灭虫紫外线灯 ultraviolet lamp for insect extermination
灭弧 arc suppression (quenching) 灭火器 quencher; extinguisher; fire-extinguisher
敏感元件 sensor; sensing element; sensory element
名义尺寸 nominal dimension; nominal size 名义外径 nominal external diameter
明敷设 exposed wiring; exposed laying; laid exposed
明配线 exposed wiring; open wiring
明线 open wire; open line; aerial conductor; naked cable
明线布线 surface wiring 明线干线 open main
明月形灯罩 moonlight lamp shade
明装 surface-mounting; mounted on surface 模拟电路图 mimic diagram
膜盒式压力计 diaphragm type pressure gauge; bellows manometer
膜式微压计 diaphragm type low pressure gauge 23
欧姆电阻器 ohm resistor 欧姆定律 ohm's law
欧姆计 ohmmeter; ohmer
欧姆型电抗继电器 ohm type reactance relay 偶合 coupling
爬电距离 creepage distance 排 row; tier
排除故障 troubleshooting; clearing of a fault 排水池 water discharge tank
盘面布置图 diagram of panel arrangement 摩擦 friction
磨煤机 pulverizer, coal grinder
磨砂灯泡 ground glass bulb; satin etched bulb;
frosted lamp
磨砂灯泡插口 socket of ground glass bulb 母线 bus-bar; bus bar; bus; busbar; bus wire; bus-bar wire; collecting main
母线穿X隔板 partition board for bus passing …
母线电抗器 bus reactor
母线电压调整器 bus voltage regulator; bus regulator
母线隔断电抗器 bus bar sectionalizing reactor
母线管道工程 bus duct work
母线伸缩接头 bus-bar expansion joint 母线系统(汇流条系统) busbar system
母钟 master clock; mother clock; primary clock
木电杆 wooden pole; wood pole
木横担 wooden cross arm; wood cross-arm 目标捕获 target acquisition 目视视察 visual observation 内电路 internal circuit
内燃机发电机组 engine generator set
耐风雨线 flame-proof; retardant; fire-proof; fire resistive
耐腐蚀材料 corrosion resistant material 耐久的 durable
耐张绝缘子 strain insulator
霓红灯 neon discharge lamp; neon lamp 你是谁键 \
你停止发送 PO(Stop your transmission )
你已与被叫用户接通 DF (You are in communication with the called subscriber) 逆电流 inverse-current
逆时针方向的 anticlockwise; counterclockwise
年负载率 yearly load factor
年工作小时数 yearly working hours; annual working hours
年耗电量 annual electrical power consumption 镍合金 nickel alloy
扭绞电缆 stranded cable 扭力 torsion
钮子开关 toggle switch 欧安计 ohm ammeter 欧姆 ohm
旁热丝 heater
旁通到地 by-pass to ground 抛物面天线 parabolic antenna 配错值 misfit value
配电板 switchboard; panelboard; power panel; power board; distribution panel; distribution block; distribution fuse-board; electrical panel
配电变电站 power distributing substation; distributing substation
配电变压器 distribution transformer; distributing transformer; substation transformer
配电分站 distribution substation 配电干线 distribution main
配电开关装置 distribution switchgear 配电盘 switchboard
配电盘 switchboard; switch board; distribution board; distribution switchgear; distribution panel; power distributing panel; electrical panel; power panel; cabinet panel 配电盘避雷器 arrester for switchboard 配电盘用仪表 meter for switch board 配电室 switch room 配电所 distributing substation; distribution station
配电网 distribution network
配电系统 electric distribution system; distribution system
配电线路 distributing line; distribution line
配电箱 distributing box; distribution box; distributor box 配方 formula
配套运转 operating on the unit principle 配线架 connecting rack
配线盘 distributing board; distribution board
配线箱 junction box
配置 layout; arrangement; disposition; allocation
喷水抽气机 water-jet air ejector
喷油灭弧室 oil blast explosion chamber 喷嘴 nozzle
膨胀断路器 expansion circuit breaker
膨胀系数 expansion coefficient; coefficient of expansion
皮线 covered wire 偏心 off-center
偏心度 degree of eccentricity; eccentricity 24
七股绞合线 seven-strand wire 偏心距 eccentricity
偏心率 eccentricity; eccentricity ratio 偏压 bias 偏置 offset
偏转极板 deflecting plate 偏转角 deflection angle
漂移 drift; wander; wandering 频带宽度 bandwidth 频点 frequency dot
频段(带) frequency band 频繁工作制 frequent duty
频分多路 frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
频分多址 frequency division multiaddress(FDMA) 频率 frequency 频率 frequency
频率调制音频信号 frequency modulated sound signal
频率码 frequency code
频率容限 frequency tolerance
频敏变阻器 frequency sensitive rheostat 频敏变阻器起动器 frequency sensitive rheostat starter
品质指标 index of quality, criterion of control quality
平衡变压器 balancing transformer; balanced transformer; balancer transformer 平衡点 equilibrium point
平衡电容器 equalizing condenser 平衡电阻器 balancing resistor 平衡活塞 dummy piston
平衡馈电线 balanced feeder line
平衡线路对不平衡线路用匹配电路 matching
circuit between balanced and unbalanced lines 平滑扼流圈 series reactor
平均绝对偏差 mean absolute deviation 平均误差 average error; mean error 平均相对偏差 mean relative deviation 平开关 flush type switch 平面度 flatness
平面对称 plane symmetry
平盘罩灯 flat dish type lamp 平台照明 platform lighting 平行度 parallelism
平行四边形 parallelogram
平行线 parallel; parallel lines 平行性 parallelism 平直度 flatness
屏蔽 shield; screen
屏蔽变压器 shielded transformer
屏蔽电缆 shielded cable; screened cable 屏蔽接地 shielded ground; screen earthing 屏蔽引线 shielded lead
屏幕录像 kinescope recording 屏幕录像机 kinescope recorder
普通灯泡 ordinary bulb; standard lamp 普通电话 ordinary call
漆包电缆 lacquered cable
漆包线 enemel insulated wire
漆包线 enameled wire; enamel-covered wire; enamel copper wire
漆包线绕电阻 enameled wire-wound resistor 起动变压器 starting transformer 起动变阻器 starting rheostat 起动电阻器 starting resistor
起动继电器 start relay; starting relay 起动接触器 starting contactor
起动自耦变压器 starting transformer 起火危险 fire hazard
起始暂态短路电流 initial momentary short circuit current
气吹式断路器 air-blast circuit breaker 气动开关 pneumatic switch
气动式液位指示器 manometer liquid level indicator
气冷石墨慢化天然铀反应堆 gas-cooled, graphite-moderated natural uranium reactor 气体激光全息摄影术 gas laser holography 气中开关设备 air-breaker switchgear 汽 vapor
汽轮发电机组 turbogenerator 汽轮机 steam turbine 汽轮机转子 turbine rotor
汽油内燃发电机 gasoline engine generator 千 kilo-
千乏 kilovar (Kvar) 千乏小时 kilovar-hour
千分欧姆表 millichm meter 千伏 kilovolt
千伏安 kilovolt-ampere (KVA) 千伏安小时 kilo-volt-ampere-hour 千瓦 kilowatt (KW)
千瓦时 kilowatt-hour(KWH)
千瓦小时 kilowatt hour; kilowatt-hour 千瓦小时计 kilowatt-hour meter
牵引力 traction; traction power; pull; pulling force; traction force 牵引线 drawn wire; fish wire
铅包电缆 lead-covered cable; lead sheathed cable
铅包线 lead covered wire 铅丹漆 red lead paint 铅皮 lead sheath 前池 forebay
前触点 front contact 前导码 lead code 前方馈电 front feed 前接点 front contact
前馈控制 feedforward control 前置放大器 preamplifier 钳 tongs
钳形交流电流表 A.C. clip-on ammeter
钳形交流电压电流表 A.C. clip-on voltammeter 钳形交直流电流表 A.C. and D.C. clip-on ammeter
欠电流继电器 under-current relay 欠功率继电器 under-power relay
欠压断路器 under-voltage circuit breaker 欠压继电器 under-voltage relay 欠压跳闸 under-voltage trip
欠载断路器 under-load circuit breaker 嵌入 inlay
嵌入式按钮 flush type meter 嵌装式 flush-type
嵌装在墙上 built in wall
强电 strong current engineering 强电流,大电流 intense current; heavy current 墙挂式控制箱 wall-hung control box
墙上插座 wall plug; wall socket; wall receptacle
墙上灯座 wall lamp socket; wall socket 墙上开关 wall switch 桥接线圈 bridging coil
桥式吊车 bridge crane; overhead crane; overhead traveling crane 桥式高阻表 bridge megger 桥式熔断器 bridge fuse
桥式整流电路 bridge rectifier circuit
切断 switch off; switch out; cut-off; cut-out; turn off; turn out; break; open; key off; key out
切断电源 cutting off the supply of electricity
切断开关 cut-off switch; cut-out switch; disconnecting switch; isolating switch 切线 tangent line
轻负载补偿 light load compensation 轻负载补偿装置 light load compensating device
轻瓦斯 light gas
倾斜角 angle of inclination
倾斜式差示压力计 slanting leg manometer 清单 bill; schedule; list
请复述 COL ( Collation, please/I collate ) 球形灯罩 globe glass lamp shade
区 district; area; region; zone; section 曲柄 crank
曲率半径 curvature radius
取压点 pressure tapping point 取压分接管 pressure tap
取压管 tube for pressure tapping 取样头 sampling head
全波整流 full-wave rectification
全薄膜化集成电路 all-thin-film integrated circuit
全厂负载因数 plant load factor
全电压起动 full voltage starting; line voltage start
全封闭式风扇冷却感应电动机 totally-enclosed fan-cooled type induction motor 全国广播网 national network
全绝缘氮封变压器 fully-insulated nitrogen-sealed
全铝绞线 all aluminum stranded conductor
全频道彩色电视机 all-channel color TV
缺点 shortage; shortcoming; demerit; disadvantage; drawback; defect; handicap 裙式绝缘子 petticoat insulator 群呼 group call
燃点 ignition point; firing point; fire point; kindling point
燃料管道 fuel-element channel
燃气轮机发电机组 gas-turbo-generator 燃烧室 combustion chamber
扰动(自动控制的) disturbance 绕板式单控暗
开关 sea-saw plate-way flash switch 绕线车 wire winder
绕线电阻 wire wound resistor; wire-wound resistor 绕线式可变
电阻器 wire wound variable resistor 绕线用导线 winding material
绕组转子式感应式电动机 wound-rotor induction motor
热电高温计 thermoelectric pyrometer
热电偶 thermocouple; thermoelectric couple; thermo-element; thermo-electric couple 热电偶高温计 thermo-couple pyrometer 热电偶冷端补偿器 thermo-couple cold end compensator
热电偶探测系统 thermocouple-sensing system 热电偶温度计 thermo-couple thermometer 热电偶延长线 thermocouple extension wire 热电温度计 thermoelectric thermometer 热电站 thermal power station 热端(热电偶) hot junction 热交换器 heat exchanger
热力工程 heat-power engineering; heat engineering
热敏传感器 heat-sensitive sensor 热敏开关 thermoswitch 热敏元件 thermal element 热脱扣器 thermal trip
人工接地 artificial grounding
人工照明 artificial lighting; artificial illumination 人力 man power 人为干扰 jamming
人为接地 artificial ground 日常维修 running maintenance
日调节水力发电站 poundage station 日负载率 diurnal load factor 日光 daylight
日光灯电容器 fluorescent lamp condenser 日光灯脚 fluorescent lamp socket 日光灯起动器 glow starter
日光灯罩 fluorescent lamp shade
日光灯镇流器 fluorescent lamp ballast
容抗 captance; condensance; capacitive reactance 容量 capacity
容限 tolerance; tolerable limit
容许电压 allowable voltage
容许电压降 allowable voltage drop
容许误差 allowable error; permissible error 容许误差范围 range of allowable error 容重 density
熔点 fusion point; fusing point; melting point
熔断保险器 fusible link; protected cut-out 熔断电流 fusing current; blow out current 熔断器 fuse; fuse cut-out; fuse cutout; 26
squirrel-cage multi-speed induction motor 三相感应式自动调压器 three-phase induction type automatic voltage regulator
三相功率方向继电器 three phase power directional relay
三相全封闭鼠笼式感应电动机 three-phase totally-enclosed squirrel cage induction motor
三相绕线型异步电动机 three-phase wound-rotor induction motor
cartridge fuse
熔化 fusion; fusing; melting
熔丝 fuse wire; fuse-element; fuse; fuse link 熔丝断路器 fusible circuit breaker 熔丝信号 fuse signal
熔丝型温度继电器 fuse type temperature relay 入地变压器 buried transformer 软铠装 flexible armoring
软裸铜编织线 bare flexible braided copper wire
软土 soft soil
弱电工程 light-current engineering; weak current engineering
弱电绝缘子 weak-current insulator 弱电流 weak current
塞尺 feeler gauge; clearance gauge 塞规 plug gauge 塞绳 cord
塞子 stopper; plug
三极高压断路器 3-pole H.V. circuit breaker 三极管 triode
三极开关 3-pole switch; triple pole switch
三角形接法 delta connection
三角形连接的三相绕组 delta-connected three phase windings 三角形连接法线
电压 delta voltage; mesh voltage; ring voltage
三脚插头 three-pin plug
三连活络开关箱 triple adjustable switch box 三绕组变压器 three winding transformer; three-circuit transformer
三位继电器 three-position relay 三位开关 three-position switch
三线平开关 3-wire flush type switch 三相保险插头 three-phase safety plug
三相不平衡功率 three phase unbalanced power 三相不平衡功率因数表 three phase unbalanced circuit power factor meter
三相串激整流式电动机 three phase series commuter motor
三相带零点的四孔插座 three phase with neutral four hole receptacle
三相电度表 three phase kilowatt-hour meter; three phase KWH meter
三相电力变压器 three phase power transformer 三相短路 three phase short-circuit
三相多速鼠笼式感应电动机 three phase
三相三绕组变压器 3-phase 3-winding transformer
三相三线二元式 three-phase 3-wire 2-element 三相三线有功电度表 three phase three line kilowatt hour meter
三相输电线路 three phase line
三相鼠笼式感应电动机(全封闭) three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor (totally enclosed )
三相鼠笼型防滴式感应电动机 three-phase
squirrel-cage induction motor (drip proof) 三相四线电度表 three phase four wire kilowatt-hour
三相四线配电系统 three phase four wire distribution system
三相同步交流发电机 three phase synchronous alternator
三相瓦特表 three-phase watt meter
三相无功电度表 three phase KVAR hour meter 三相五柱电压互感器 three phase and five column potential transformer
三相相位表 three-phase phase meter
三相自耦变压器 three phase auto-transformer 三芯600V钢带铠装电缆 three-conductor 600V steel tape armored cable 三芯电缆 three-core cable
三芯电缆 3-core cable; three-core cable; triplex cable; triple cable
三芯柱变压器 three-column transformer 三座标雷达 three-dimensional radar 伞型 umbrella type 扫描 scanning
扫描角 scan angle 扫描空域 scan sector 扫描器 scanner
纱包的 cotton-covered
纱包线 cotton-covered wire 闪光灯 flashing light
闪光指示器 flashing indicator
闪路电流断路 interruption of flash-over current
闪络 flash over; flash-over; flashover 闪络继电器 flash-over relay
闪络接地电流 flash-over ground current
商业电子电话机 electronic business telephone 上导轴承 upper guide bearing 上机架 upper generator bracket 上跨交叉 over-crossing 上面跨过 crossing-above
上升冲程 up stroke
上下式水闸 vertical-lift gate
少油断路器 low oil-contact circuit breaker; small oil-volume circuit breaker; low oil-volume circuit breaker
蛇皮管 flexible conduit; flexible metal conduit
蛇皮管接头 flexible conduit joint
设备容量 installation capacity; plant 27
时序 time sequence
实况广播 live broadcast
实况广播报道 running comentary 实况广播节目 live program 实况广播员 commentator
实心绝缘子 solid insulator 拾音器 pick-up 矢量 vector
使用 usage; use
设计 design; project; plan 射电场强 radio field intensity 射流 jet
射流技术 jet technique 射流元件 jet component
射频放大器 radio-frequency amplifier, RF amplifier
射频信号 radio frequency signal
伸长 elongation; extension; lengthen 伸缩缝 expansion joint
伸缩接头 expansion joint; telescopic joint 深槽鼠笼式电动机 deep-slot squirrel-cage motor
深刻 deep cutting
深照形灯 deep-bowl type lamp 甚高频 very high frequency 升压比 step-up ratio
升压变压器 step-up transformer
升压变压器 step-up transformer; booster transformer
升压侧 step-up side
升压站 step-up substation
声光信号 sound and light signals; audible and visual signals 绳路 cord circuit
失步 fall out step; step-out 失灵 malfunction 失配 mismatch
失误防止设备 foolproof apparatus 失修 out-of-repair 失压 voltage lossing 失真 distortion 施工 construction
施工图 working drawing; construction drawing 施工图设计 working drawing design 施工要求 constructing requirement
十进位电阻箱 decade type resistance box 十进位频率计 decade frequency meter
十五万千瓦成套水力发电设备 150,000 kilowatt hydroelectric power generating plant 十字形 cross type
石棉水泥板 asbestos cement board; asbestos cement plate 时基 time base
时间 time; duration; interval
时间到了,要不要延长? \extending?\
时间继电器 time relay 时限 time limit
使用可靠性 serviceability; operational reliability; functional reliability 使用寿命 service life; operating life 市话局 local office
市内电话 urban telephone
示波器 oscilloscope; oscillograph 示差温度计 differential thermometer
事故 emergency; accident; incident; casualty 事故照明 emergency lighting; emergency illumination
事故照明电源 power supply for emergency lighting
事故照明干线 emergency lighting main 事故照明开关 emergency lighting switch 事故照明配电箱 emergency lighting wiring; emergency lighting line; wiring for emergency lighting
事故照明设备 emergency lighting equipment 视频放大器 video amplifier 视在电感 apparent inductance
视在功率 apparent power; volt-amperes 视在容量 apparent capacity 视在输出 apparent output 视在瓦特 apparent watt
试车 running test; trial run; test running; test run
试凑工作 cut-and-try work 试电笔 test pencil 试验插头 test plug
试验程序 testing sequence; test routine; test procedure
试验证书 test certificate
室内干燥环境 dry indoor location
室内与室外电缆沟的连接 connection between indoor and outdoor cable trenches 室外广播节目 remote program, nemo
室外配电变电所 outdoor distributing box 收发转换开关 transmit-receive switch ( TR switch )
收集电容器 oil filled condenser; oil condenser
收录两用机 radio cassette 手把灯 lamp with handle
手持式自动电话机 telephone of hand set type 手动电压调节器 manual voltage regulator 手动和自动转换继电器 manual-automatic relay 手孔 hand hole
手老虎钳 hand vice; hand vise 手术示范室 operation theater
手提灯 portable lamp; inspection lamp; hand
手提电灯 hand electric lamp
手提式焊接变压器 portable welding transformer
手提式示波器 portable oscilloscope 手摇发电机 hand generator
寿命 life; life time; lifelength; life length
受话器(听筒) receiver
受话人 called party, person receiving the call
受话人付费电话 collect call
受话人付费电话 collect call, reverse charge call
输出 output
输出电流 output current; outgoing current; leaving current
输出电路 output circuit 输出电压 output voltage
输出功率 output power; output 输出阻抗 output impedance
输电变压器 transmission transformer 输电干线 electric mains; supply main; power main
输电线(电源线) powerline 输入 input; inlet 输入功率 input power
输入馈电线 incoming feeder 输入阻抗 input impedance
鼠笼式电动机 squirrel-cage motor
鼠笼式感应电动机 squirrel-cage induction motor
树杆式供电系统 trunk system 数据表 datasheet; data sheet 数据处理 data processing 数据处理 data processing 数据自动检测装置 data logger 数码键 figure key
数字 numeral; number; figure; digit 数字程序控制机床 numerically controlled machine tool
数字控制 numerical control
数字式频率计 digital frequency meter 数字顺序控制 digital process control 数字指令 digital command 衰减度 degree of decay
衰减器(增益调整器) attenuator 衰落 fading
甩负荷 rejection of load
双壁耐压容器 double-shell pressure vessel
双臂电桥 double-arm bridge
双层铠装电缆 double armored cable
双层纱包线 double cotton-covered wire 双次级绕组电流 互感器 current transformer with two secondary windings
双刀单掷开关 double-pole single-throw switch; two-pole single-throw switch
双刀开关 double-pole switch; two-pole switch 双刀双掷开关 double-pole double-throw switch; two-pole double-throw switch 双电源供电 dual power supply
双回路供电 two-circuit supply; two-feeder supply
双极单投开关 double-pole single-throw switch; two-pole single-throw switch
双极集成电路 bipolar integrated circuit
双极双投开关 double-pole double-throw switch; two-pole double-throw switch 双脚插头 2-pin plug
双金属温度计 bi-metal thermometer; bimetallic thermometer
双连活络开关箱 duplex adjustable switch box 双联开关 tow-way switch
双联可变电容器 tow-gang variable capaciyor 双路开关(双向开关) two-way switch 双喷口 double jet
双裙瓷绝缘子 double petticoat porcelain insulator
双绕组变压器 twin-winding transformer; two-winding transformer
双三角形接法 double-delta connection; delta-delta connection
双鼠笼式电动机 double cage motor
双水内冷汽轮发电机 turbo-generator with a double internal water-cooling system 双位开关 on-off switch
双线馈电线 two-wire feeder
双线圈变压器 two-winding transformer; double-wound transformer
双芯电缆 two-core cable; two-conductor cable; twin-core cable; duplex cable 双芯电线 twin conductor
双星形接法 double star connection; star-star connection; Y-Y connection 双掷开关 double-throw switch 双重广播 dual broadcast 水泵水轮机 pump-turbine
水工建筑物 hydraulic structure 水力参数 hydraulic conditions
水力发电 hydroelectric generation 水力发电工程 hydroelectric scheme
水力发电站 hydroelectric power station, hydropower station ( hydro )
水力发电站自动化 automation of hydroelectric power station
水轮发电机 hydraulic generator 水轮发电机组 turbogenerator unit 水轮机 water (hydraulic) turbine 水泥电杆 concrete pole
水平穿线槽 horizontal wiring trough
水平拉线 horizontal stayguy; horizontal stay 水枪射流 giant jet 水情 regimen
水位报警器 high and low water level alarm 水位调整机 water level governor 水位警报装置 water level alarm
水位控制 water level control 水位限制器 water level limiter 水位指示器 water level indicator 水下电视 underwater television 水银灯 mercury search light
水银断路器 mercury circuit breaker 水银接点继电器 mercury contact relay
水银开关 mercury switch; mercury cutt-off; mercury contact
水银温度计 mercury thermometer
水银荧光灯 mercury fluorescent lamp 水银整流器 mercury rectifier 水准仪 level gauge
顺时针方向 clockwise direction 顺时针方向的 clockwise
顺序 sequence; positive sequence; order
顺序开关 sequence switch 瞬变电压 transient voltage 瞬动继电器 cluster lamp
瞬时测量 instantaneous measurement
瞬时电流 instantaneous current; momentary current
瞬时电压 instantaneous voltage 瞬时断开 quick break
瞬时峰值电流 instantaneous peak current
瞬时负载 momentary load; instantaneous load 瞬时过载 instantaneous overload; momentary overload
瞬时励磁电流 transient exciting current 瞬态 transient state
瞬态电抗 transient reactance 瞬态电流 transient current 丝包线 silk-covered wire 丝孔 threaded hole 丝扣端 threaded end
伺服电动机 servometer; servo motor; pilot motor
伺服机 servo
伺服机构 servomechanism
伺服机构 servo-mechanism; servomechanism; servo mechanism; servo-unit; servo unit 伺服机械手 servo manipulator 松弛 relaxation 松度 looseness 松木 pine
松配合 loose fit
送话器(口承) mouthpiece 送受话器 handset 送受话器叉簧 cradle
速动 quick-acting; quick-operating 速动开关 quick switch; snap switch
速断开关 quick-break switch; quick break switch; perking switch 速率 rate; speed
塑料固定卡 plastic fixing clip; plastic stabilizing clip
塑料管 plastic pipe; plastic conduit; polyvinyl chloride tube
塑料夹子 plastic grip
塑料绝缘电缆 plastic cable 塑料绝缘线 insulated wire 塑料软管 plastic hose 随动系统 servo system 损失 loss; waste
缩位拨号 abbreviated dialing 锁紧螺栓 locking bolt
锁入式插头插座 lock-in plug or receptacle 台 stand
太平门 emergency exit 太平门灯 exit lamp
太阳灯 sun lamp; sun light; sun flood 太阳能电站 solar power station 炭刷 carbon brush
探伤器 flaw detector; fault locator 探头 probe; sensing head 探鱼仪 fish detector 探照灯 search light 碳弧灯 carbon arc lamp 碳精电极 carbon electrode 碳丝灯 carbon filament lamp 搪瓷灯罩 enamel lamp shade
搪瓷马路灯罩 enamel street lamp shade
套管绝缘子 thorough insulator; insulating bushing
套管式电流互感器 bushing type current transformer
套筒组合花吊灯 double shade pendant lamp 特性 characteristic; performance; character 提前警告 early warning 提升机 elevator
天空电波(天波) sky wave 天气预报 weather forecast 天线 antenna
天线 aerial, antenna 天线 antenna
天线收发转换开关 anti-TR switch (ATR)
跳火 spark over; flash over; arcing; flash-over
跳线接头 jumper terminal 跳闸电路 trip circuit
跳字计数器 cyclometer counter 铁耗 iron loss
铁盒开关 iron-clad switchgear 铁横担 steel cross-arm
铁壳开关 iron-clad switch; metal-clad switch 铁路编组站自动化 automation of railway marshalling yard
铁路行车指挥自动系统 automatic system for railway traffic control
铁塔 steel tower; iron tower; pylon 铁心 iron core
铁芯式变压器 core-type transformer 停车时间 downtime
停电 supply suspension
停电 stopage of power supply; power outage; outage; interruption of power supply; power shut-off; service interruption
停机 shutdown
通风不良的 poorly ventilated 通风口 ventilation opening 通风良好的 well ventilated 通话 telephone conversation 通话计时器 telephonometer 通话占用分钟数 call minutes 通讯电缆 communication cable 通讯卫星 comsat(communications satellite), telstar
通知通话时间和通话费用 advise duration and charge ( ACD )
同步电容器 synchronous condenser
同步调速机 isochronism speed governor 同步定点控制 synchro-position control 同步换流机 synchronous converter 同步加速器 synchrotron 同步控制 timing control 同步码 synchronous code 同步示波器 synchroscope
同步卫星 synchronous satellite 同步信号 synchronizing signal 同上 ditto
同时需用功率(最大) coincidence factor; militantly factor
同轴电缆 coaxial cable 铜带 copper strip
铜电阻温度计 copper resistance thermometer 铜焊接头 brazed joint 铜耗 copper loss
铜-康铜热电偶 copper-constant thermocouple 铜丝 verdigris
铜塑线 plastic-covered copper wire
铜芯塑料护套线 copper-core rubber-sheathed cable
筒形堆心 cylindrical reactor core 筒状开关 barrel switch
头带受话器(耳机) earphone
投币式电话 coin collector telephone
投光灯 floodlamp; floodlight; flood light; projector; spotlight; spot light; search light
投射角 angle of projection; spot-angle 透孔 through hole 凸度 protuberance
凸轮接触器 cam contactor 凸轮开关 cam switch 凸形 convexity 凸缘 flange
图 diagram; drawing; scheme; graph; figure; view
图像信号 picture signal 图像载波 picture pickup
土建条件图 sketch of architectural and structural design
土壤电参数 electric parameter of soil 推力轴承 thrust bearing
托架 bracket; bearer; tray; support 托座 bracket
脱机操作 off-line operation 脱扣 trip
脱扣电流 tripping current; drop-away current 脱扣电压 drop-away voltage
脱扣器设定电流 setting-current of tripper 椭圆度 out of roundness; elliptically ovulate 瓦时计 watt-hour meter
瓦时效率 watt-hour efficiency 瓦斯继电器 gas relay 外电刷 outer brush
外观差 poor appearance 外观好 good appearance
外观检查 visual inspection
外形尺寸 outer dimensions; outside dimensions; overall dimensions; overall size; external dimensions 弯灯 goose-neck lamp 弯头 bend; elbow
完全自保护变压器 completely self-protecting transformer
碗口灯 bowl lamp
碗形灯罩 bowl-shaped glass lamp shade 万能密闭转换开关 universal enclosed changeover switch
万能磨锯机 universal saw sharpening machine
万能刃磨机 universal edge grinder
万能转换开关 multi-point rotary switch; small control switch
万能自动开关 universal automatic switch 万用电表 circuit tester; avometer; AVO meter
万用电桥 universal measuring bridge; universal bridge
网络保护装置 network protector 网络接合点 network junction point
往复式空压机 reciprocating compressor 望远镜 telescope
危急保安器 emergency stop protection 危险 danger 微 micro-
微安 microampere 微安表 microammeter 微波 microwave
微波雷达 microwave radar 微波中继 microwave relay
微程序设计 microprogramming design 微调 trimming, trim
微动开关 micro switch; microswitch 微法 microfarad 微伏 microvolt
微伏计 microvoltmeter
微光电视 low light level television 微量调节器 microadjuster 微米 micron
微秒 microsecond 微欧 microhm
微型灯泡 miniature lamp 微型电动机 miniature motor
微型开关 microswitch 微压计 micromanometer
微音器(话筒) microphone, mike 围堰 cofferdam 桅灯 mast lamp 桅杆 mast
桅杆拉线 mast rope
维护人员 operating personnel; operating staff
维护设备 service equipment; servicing equipment 维护手册 service manual
尾水管 draft tube, discharge tube 尾水渠 tailrace
卫星跟踪激光器 satellite tracking laser 卫星监视雷达 satellite surveillance radar 卫星通讯 satellite communication 未加保护的 unprotected
位(比特) bit ( binary digit ) 位置控制 position control
喂,总机吗?请接五局二八二三。 \operator?
Get me 5-2823,please.\
温度补偿装置 temperature compensating device 温度测量系统 temperature measurement system 温度传感器 temperature transmitter; temperature sensing device 温度计 thermometer 温升 temperature rise
文件 document; documentation; documentary 稳定短路电流 steady state short-circuit current
稳定器 stabilizer 稳定性 stability
稳流器 current stabilizer; current regulator 稳压电动发电机 constant voltage motor generator
稳压管 voltage regulator tube; regulator tube; regulation tube; voltage stabilizing tube 稳压器 voltage regulator; voltage stabilizer 涡街流量变送器 Karman vortex street transducer
涡轮 worm wheel; worm gear 涡轮机(透平) turbine 蜗杆 worm
蜗壳 spiral casing, volute chamber 我复述 I collate
卧式 horizontal type
卧式电动机 horizontal type motor
卧式发电机 horizontal type generator
卧式燃油锅炉 horizontal oil-firing boiler 无变压器电源 transformerless power supply 无触点传感器 contactless pickup; noncontacting pickup
无覆盖层电缆沟 cable trench without backfill 无功电度表 Var-hour meter; reactive volt-ampere-hour meter
无功电流表 reactive current; wattless current; idle current
无功电流限制保护 reactive current limiting protection
无功分量 wattless component 无功功率 reactive power; wattless power; idle power; reactive volt-ampere
无功功率表 reactive power meter; KVAR meter; var-meter;
reactive volt-ampere (VA) meter
无功功率计 wattless power meter; reactive power meter
无功功率继电器 reactive power relay
无功功率因数表 reactive power-factor meter 无焊连接 solderless connection
无极变速范围 range of infinitely variable speeds
无铠装的 nonarmored; unarmored
无穷大 infinity; infinite; infinitely great 无穷小 infinitesimal; infinitely small 无塞绳受话器 cordless earphone 无绳电话机 cordless phone
无损探伤仪 harmless flaw detector; non-destructive flaw detector 无铁芯扼流圈 no-core reactor 无线电报 radiogram
无线电传输 radio transmission 无线电发射机 radio transmitter 无线电广播 radio broadcasting 无线电广播节目 radio program 无线电通讯 radio communication 无线电制导 radio guidance 无效电流 idle current 无载电压 no-load voltage 无载试验 no-load test
无载损耗 no-load loss; open-circuit loss 无载运行 no-load run; no-load operation; no-load running 误接 misconnection 误用 abuse 吸 suction
吸持电流 holding current 吸顶式 ceiling type 吸顶天棚灯 ceiling lamp 吸风机 induced-draft fan 析像管 image dissector
硒光电池 selenium photo-cell; selenium cell 锡焊 tin soldering 熄火 flame failure
熄火警报信号 flame failure alarm signal 熄火音响器 flame failure buzzer 习用的 conventional 系耳 attaching lug 系统接地 system ground
系统接地方式 system grounding method 系统误差 system error; systematic error 细线 fine wire; light gauge wire 下导轴承 lower guide bearing 下机架 lower generator bracket
下夹板 lower clamp; lower clamping plate 下行线路 down line
衔铁 armature 显示 display
显示控制开关 display control switch 显示器 indicator ( display ) 显微镜 microscope
现场确定 to be determined on the site 现场装配的 on-the-job assembly
现场钻1寸孔 drill 1\现有回路 existing circuit 线 line; wire
线抽头 wire tapping
线电压 line voltage; wire grip; wire clamp; 32
橡皮绝缘软线 cab-tyre cable 橡皮软线 rubber-sheathed cord 橡皮手套 rubber glove
橡套软线 cab-tyre flexible wire
消防设备 fire protection device; fire prevention equipment 消声器 silencer; muffler 消音 erasure
消隐脉冲 blanking impulse 消隐信号 blanking signal 销号费 cancellation fee
小功率输出变压器 small capacity output cleat
线路变压器 line transformer
线路电压降补偿器 line drop compensator 线路阻抗 line impedance 线圈 coil
线绕变阻器 wire rheostat
线绕电位器 wire-wound potentiometer
线绕电阻 wire-wound resistor; wirewound resistor; resistance coil
线绕电阻器 wire-wound resistor; wire wound resistor
线绕可变电阻 frame resistance
线绕可变电阻器 wire wound variable resistor 限流电抗器 current-limit reactor
限流电阻器 current-limiting resistor; current limiting resistor
限时式自动起动器 time limiting type automatic starter 限位开关 limit switch 相 phase
相电流 phase current
相电压 phase voltage; voltage to neutral star voltage; Y-voltage
相对湿度 relative humidity 相干性 coherence
相间变压器 interphase transformer 相间电压 voltage between phases 相交 crossing; intersect 相角 phase angle
相位补偿器 phase adjuster; phase balancer 相位差 phase difference 相位超前 phase lead 相位计 phase meter
相位指示器 phase indicator 相位滞后 phase lag 相序 phase sequence
相序指示器 phase-sequence indicator 相移 phase shift; phase displacement 镶接 splice
镶接板 splice plate 镶接器 splicer
橡胶绝缘导线 rubber insulated conductor 橡胶绝缘电缆 rubber insulated cable 橡皮衬垫 rubber liner
橡皮电缆 rubber-sheathed cable 橡皮减振器 rubber shock absorber 橡皮绝缘电缆 rubber insulated cable
小型电磁继电器 miniature electromagnetic relay
机组 small type internal combustion generating set 小型组合电压
电流表 combined pocket volt ammeter 效率 efficiency
校正 correction; calibration 楔 wedge
楔形线夹 wedge-shaped wire clip 斜垫圈 bevel washer
斜口罩壁灯 oblique shade bracket light 斜面板 bevel; slope 谐波 harmonic
携带式电压表 portable voltmeter; pocket voltmeter
携带式示波器 portable oscilloscope 携带式兆欧表 portable megohm-meter 泄漏电流 leakage current; leak current; stray current
心电图机 cardiograph 新闻广播 new broadcast
新型号 new model; later model; new style 信号 signal
信号电源装置 signal power supply 信号调(信号曲) signature tune 信号发生器 signal generator
信号控制按钮 signal control push-button 信号铃 alarm bell; signal bell 信号强度 signal strength 信号指示器 signal indicator 信号装置 signal device
信网卡电话 credit-card call 信息 information
信息服务器 information server 信息码 information code 星号(*) asterisk
星形接法 star connection; star system 星形-三角形接法 star-delta connection 星形-星形-三角形接法 star-star-delta connection
行程开关 limit switch; overtravel limit switch
行情报告 market report 型 model; type
性能 performance; property; characteristic; behavior
性能试验 performance test; performance testing; characteristic test 修补 patching
修补工作 patch work; patching operation 修复式熔断器 renewable type fuse
修正系数 derating factor; correction factor 袖珍万用电表 pocket multi-meter
需用功率 power demand; required power 需用系数 demand factor
序号 order; order number; no; serial number; 33
压力计 manometer
压力滤盐器 pressure brine filter
压力试验机 compression testing machine
压力试验机及控制装置 compression testing machine and controlling device
压力温度计 pressure type thermometer
压敏元件 pressure cell, pressure-sensing element
压升,外压 voltage rise
压芯电缆 pressed-core cable 押料机 saw tooth-tip presser 亚临界转速 sub-critical speed position number( Pos. No.); consecutive number; code number
蓄电池 accumulator cell; accumulator; storage battery; battery
悬吊开关 pendant switch; suspension switch; pear-switch
悬挂插座 pendant socket-outlet
悬式绝缘子 suspension type insulator; suspension insulator
旋桨式风扇 paddle-wheel fan 旋钮 knob
旋刨机 rotary shaving machine
旋翼式冷水水表 spiral type cold water meter
旋转接触器 rotating contactor 旋转开关 rotary insulator 旋转开关 rotary switch; rotating switch; revolving switch; turn switch
旋转式电阻箱 rotating resistance box 旋转天线 rotating antenna
选矿生产过程自动化 automation of mineral processing
选择开关 slective switch; selector switch 选择开关旋钮 selector knob 寻呼系统 paging system
循环磁带录音机 endless tape recorder 压 press
压板 clamp plate; pressboard; press-spahn 压差传感器 pressure difference transmitter
压电传感器 piezoelectric pick-up 压电晶体 piezo-crystal 压电效应 piezo-effect
压电振荡器 piezoelectric oscillator 压盖 gland
压合接头 compression fittings
压簧 pressure spring, compression spring 压毁强度 crushing strength
压接 compression joint; pressure welding 压力表 pressure gauge
压力表 pressure gauge; pressure manometer; manometer
压力传感器 manometer; pressure gauge; pressure indicator
压力机 pressure machine
氩离子激光器 argon ion laser 烟囱 chimney
延迟电路 delay circuit 延米 linear meter
延伸率 percentage of elongation 延伸弯曲试验机 tension and bending testing machine
延时断开触点 delayed opening contact
延时继电器 delay relay; time-delay relay; time-limit relay; timing relay; time-element relay
延时开关 time delay switch; timing contactor 延时释放 time release
严重机械损伤 severe mechanical injury 沿地板 along floor 沿顶棚 along ceiling 沿梁 along beam 沿墙 along wall
沿柱子 along column
盐溶解器 salt dissolver 验电器 galvanoscope
验收试验 acceptance test; qualification test; official test
验算 checking calculation
扬声电话 loud speaker telephone 阳极 anode
仰角录取 elevation extraction 氧气调节器 oxygen regulator 氧气瓶 oxygen cylinder
摇表 megger; megohm-meter; insulation tester; megameter
遥测 telemetry, telemetering
遥测监测系统 telemetry observation system 遥测系统 telemetry system 遥调 remote regulating
遥供电源 range power supply 遥控 remote control
遥控编码 remote control coding
遥控断路器 remote control circuit breaker 遥控开关 remote control switch; remote switch; teleswitch
遥控力学 telemechanics
冶金生产自动化 automation of metallurgic processes
业务电话 service call
业务电话 business telephone 叶轮 blade wheel
叶片 blade, vane 页 sheet; page
液化石油气罐 liquefied petroleum gas tank 液面控制器 level controller 液体变阻器 liquid rheostat 液体电容器 liquid capacitor 液体电阻器 liquid resistor 液体喷射 fluid jet
液体起动器 liquid starter
液位调节器 level regulator; liquid-level controller
液位计 liquid level gauge; liquid level meter; 34
易认的 legible
易损性 vulnerability 溢流 overflow 阴极 cathode
阴极射线管 cathode-ray tube 音频 audio frequency 音频载波 sound carrier 音响 sounding
音响报警设备 audible alarm; alarm 引出点 tapping point
引出端子 leading-out terminal
引出线 outgoing line; leading-out wire tank gauge
液位控制器 liquid level controller 液位指示器 liquid level indicator 液压拉伸器 hydraulic elongator
液压拉伸器小车 hydraulic elongator car 液压马达 hydraulic motor
液压伺服马达 hydraulic servo-motor
一次测量仪表 primary meter; primary measuring instrument 一次电路 primary circuit 一次干线 primary main
一回路装置(蒸汽发生装置) primary plant 一类负荷 first class load 医用遥测 medical telemetry
依次闭合 making in succession; close in due order
仪表 instrument; meter
仪表分流器 instrument shunt 仪表计度器 register of meter ( counting mechanism )
仪表量程 instrument range; range of instrument
仪表灵敏度 meter sensitivity
仪表盘 instrument board; instrument panel 仪表用变压变压器 combined voltage current transformer
仪表用变压器 instrument transformer 仪表用软线 instrument cord 仪表用自耦变压器 instrument auto-transformer
移动式变电所 mobile substation; movable substation; moving substation; transportable substation; portable substation
移动式变压器 movable transformer; mobile transformer; portable transformer 移动式用电设备 portable appliance 移像光电摄像管 image iconoscope 乙炔发生器 acetylene generator
异步变频器 asynchronous frequency changer
异步电动机 asynchronous motor; nonsynchronous motor
异步通讯接口 asynchronous communication interface
异常状况 abnormal condition
异名极 unlike pole; opposite pole 译码矩阵 decoding matrix
引出箱 outlet box
引入导线 lead-in conductor
引入电缆 entrance cable; leading-in cable 引入套管 lead-in bushing; entrance bushing; lead-in bushing
引入箱 lead-in box; drawing-in box; draw-in box; inlet box
引水式水电站 run-of-river power station 引水隧洞 intake tunnel 引线电缆 leader cable
隐蔽布线 concealed wiring 隐蔽工程 concealed work
应变传感器 strain transducer
应变计传感器 strain-gauge transducer 应变仪 strain gauge
应变仪测量 strain gauge measurement 应急开关 emergency switch 应急设备 emergency equipment 应急照明 emergency lighting 应力 stress
荧光灯 fluorescent lamp; fluorescence discharge lamp, fluorescent light
荧光屏 luminescent screen (radarscope) 荧光屏上尖头信号 blip
影响量 influence quantity 硬导线管 rigid conduit
硬聚氯乙烯管套 rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit
硬拷贝机 hard copying machine
永磁动圈式仪表 permanent magnet moving coil type meter
永磁发电机 magneto generator, permanent magnet generator
永磁性材料 permanent magnet material 永久变形 permanent deformation 永久负载 permanent load 永久性接地 permanent earth 用电量 power demand
用电设备 electrical consumer; utilization equipment; appliance; electrical utilization apparatus; power-consuming device 用户 consumer; user 用户电表 supply meter
用户电缆 service cable; internal cable 用户电路 subscriber circuit 用户线路 individual line
用户引入线 service conductors; service
entrance; drop wire; drop line 优等的 superior
邮政总局 head post office
油槽式充油断路器 oil bath type oil circuit breaker
油浸变压器 oil-immersed transformer; oil immersed transformer
油浸电缆 oil impregnated cable
油浸断路器 oil-immersed circuit breaker; oil immersed circuit breaker
油浸风冷式 oil-immersed forced-air cool 油浸水冷式 oil-immersed water-cool
油浸纸绝缘 oil impregnated paper insulation 油浸自然冷却式 oil-immersed self-cool 油绝缘变压器 oil-insulated transformer 油开关 oil switch; oil circuit breaker
油冷变压器 oil-cooled transformer; oil cooled transformer; oil transformer; tank transformer
油气田自动化 automation of oil and gas field 油箱 oil tank
油枕 oil conservator 铀棒 uranium rod
游标 slider; vernier 有毒气体 noxious fumes
有覆盖层电缆沟 cable trench with backfill 有功电度表 active watt-hour meter; active kilowatt-hour meter
有功电流 active current; useful current; effective current; wattful current; watt current; effort current
有功分量 watt-component; active component; power component
有功功率 active power; effective power; real power; actual power 有功功率表 active power meter; kilowatt meter; watt meter; wattmeter 有色灯 colored lamp
有线广播 wire broadcasting 有线转播 rediffusion on wire 有效电压 effective voltage
有效电阻 effective resistance; virtual resistance
有效功率 rear power; active power; actual power; effective power
有效落差(有效水头) effective head 有源电路 active circuit
余割平方天线 consecant-squared antenna 预定程序 preset sequence
预防保养 preventive maintenance 预防性维修 preventive maintenance 预警指令 alarm command
预埋件 preset insert; insert; pre-embedded part
预热时间 preheating time 预设 presetting
预先警报系统 early-warning system 预约电话 sequency call 预置位置 preset position
阈 threshold
遇险电话 distress call 原煤仓 coal bunker 原始数据 initial data 原文 original
原子核反应堆 nuclear reactor 原子能电站 atomic power station
原子能发电站 atomic (nuclear) power station 圆 circle
圆导线 round conductor 圆度 circular arc; arc
圆球灯 ball lamp; globe lamp 圆筒形壁灯 cylinder wall lamp 圆心角 central angle
圆周速度 peripheral speed; circumferential velocity
远测温度计 distance thermometer
远距离操作设备 remote operating equipment 远距离电视摄像 remote pickup 远距信号 remote signalling 越程 over travel
云母片 mica plate; mica sheet 运动 motion; movement 运行寿命 service life
运行指示灯 running indicating lamp 杂波 clutter
杂散电流 stray current 载波(载频) carrier 载波功率 carrier power 载流的 current-carrying
载流量 ampacity; current-carrying capacity; current capacity
载流量降低系数 current-carrying capacity derating factor
载流容量 current-carrying capacity 载流容量 carrying capacity 再次接通 reclosing
暂时性感应 temporary induction 凿孔 punching a tape 噪声 noise
增压装置 charging unit 增音器 repeater
轧钢自动化 automation of steel rolling 闸刀 male contact
闸刀开关 knife switch; knife-blade switch; knife-break switch; knife-edge contact 闸流避雷器 thyrite arrester
展开图 stretch-out view; expanded view; ledgement; development; expansion plan 占空率 duty ratio, duty cycle 占线。 \障碍 handicap
障碍标记 obstacle marking 障碍灯 obstruction light 兆乏 megavar (Mvar)
兆伏安 megavolt-ampere (MVA) 兆欧 megohm (M?)
兆欧表 Meg-ohmmeter; megohm-meter; megger
兆瓦 megawatt (MW) 兆瓦小时 megawatt hour 照此类推 by analogy
照度 intensity of illumination; illumination; illuminance
照度计 illumination meter; light-meter 照明变压器 lighting transformer 照明插孔 outlet for lighting
照明电缆 lighting cable; illumination cable 照明干线 lighting main
照明干线 illumination main line
照明工程 lighting engineering; illuminating engineering
照明开关 lighting switch
照明配电箱 lighting distribution box; illumination distribution box; distribution box for lighting
照明器具 lighting fixtures
照原稿宣读的广播 scripted broadcast 罩 housing; hood; cover; encolsure; inclosure; case; casing
遮断容量 interrupting capacity; breaking capacity; circuit breaking capacity 遮断时间 interrupting time 遮光板 sun visor; visor
遮阳 sunshade; sunblind; visor 折扣 discount; deduction
针形绝缘子 pin insulator; needle insulator 真空 vacuum
真空白炽灯泡 vacuum incandescent lamp
真空避雷器 vacuum lightning protector; vacuum arrester
真空继电器 vacuum relay
真空压力表 vacuum manometer 振荡器 oscillator
振铃电路 ringing circuit; signaling circuit 振子 vibrator
镇定电流 setting current 镇定线圈 ballast coil
镇流电阻 ballast resistance
镇流电阻器 ballast resistor; barrette 镇流电阻器座 barrette mount 镇流器 ballast
蒸汽发生能力(蒸汽发生率)-每小时-吨 steam raising capacity(live steam rate)—tons per hour
蒸汽加热器 steam heater 蒸汽滤净器 steam scrubber
蒸汽冒涌装置 flashing steam plant 蒸汽总管 steam main 整流 rectification
整流比 commutating ratio 整流变压器 rectiformer
整流电动势 commutating electromotive force 整流电容器 commutation capacitor; commutation condenser; commutating condenser 整流扼流圈 commutating reactor
整流频率 efficiency of rectification 整流器 rectifier
整流器用变压器 transformer for rectifier 整流式仪表 rectifier type meter; rectifier type instrument; rectifier instrument 整流子电动机 commutator motor
整流子频率变换器 commutator frequency changer
整流子式变频器 commutator type frequency converter
整平 flatten; leveling
整数 integer; round number 整体锻件 solid forging
正常负荷时间 off-peak period, off-peak hours 正交 square; quadrate
正交交叉 right-angle crossing 正温度系数热敏 电阻 semistor
正弦波 sine wave; sinusoidal wave
正弦电流 sinusoidal current; sine-wave current
正弦电压 sinusoidal voltage; sine-wave voltage
正弦交流 sinusoidal alternating current 政务电话 government telephone 支臂 hub spider
支撑点 bearing (support) point 支持器,夹持器 holder
支点 fulcrum; point of support
支线 service main; tapped line; branch 执行码 actuating code
直读计 direct-reading meter
直读式仪表 direct-reading instrument 直接拨号长途电话 direct distance dialing call
直接埋地 buried directly in earth 直流并激发电机 D.C. shunt generator 直流电 direct current(DC) 直流电桥 D.C. bridge
直流电阻 direct-current resistance 直流动圈式仪表 D.C. moving coil meter 直流发电机 dynamo
直流过压继电器 D.C. over-voltage relay 直流过载继电器 D.C. over-load relay 直流检流计 D.C. galvanometer
直流-交流变换器 direct-current -alternating -current converter
直流母线 D.C bus bar; direct current bus bar 直流欠压继电器 D.C. under-voltage relay 直流伺服马达 D.C. servo-motor
直流稳压器 D.C. voltage stabilizer; direct current stabilizer
直埋电缆 direct burial cable
直埋电缆间最小允许距离 minimum allowable spacing between direct burial cables 直埋高压电缆 direct burial high voltage cable 直上干线 rising main 值班 tour
值班的 on duty
值班电工 shift electrician 值班室 attendant's room
值班员室 attendant's cabinet 止动挡 stop catch
纸电容器 paper capacitor
纸绝缘铅皮线 paper-insulated lead-sheathed cable
指孔盘 finger plate
指令 instruction, command
指令发射机 command transmitter 指令监控台 command monitor 指令接收机 command receiver 指令码 command code
指令信号 command signal
指令遥控系统 command remote control system 指示灯 indication (indictor)lamp
指示灯 indication lamp; indicating lamp;
indicating light; indicator lamp; pilot light; display lamp
指示瓦特计 indicating wattmeter 指示温度计 indicating thermometer
指示仪表 indicating instrument; indicating meter; indicating gauge; reading instrument 指针式指示仪表 point-type indicating instrument
制导雷达 guidance radar 制动器 brake 制度 system
滞后角 angle of lag; lag angle 中波 medium wave
中等负荷区 medium loading district 中断 interruption
中断 cease; intermittence; interruption 中继方式图 trunking diagram 中继线 trunk line
中间结果 intermediate result 中间冷却 intercooling 中间再热 reheating 中频 medium frequency 中频放大器 IF amplifier 中心 center; centre
中心点接地 center-point earth; center-point ground
中心配电盘 central distribution switchboard 中性点不接地系统 isolated-neutral system; insulated-neutral system; neutral point no-earthing system
中性点接地系统 neutral-point earthing 中性线接地电抗器 neutral reactor 中性线芯 neutral core
中压开关装置 medium-voltage switchgear; medium-voltage switch
中压汽缸 intermediate pressure cylinder 中压涌流器 intermediate pressure flash vessel
中央操纵台 central control desk; central control board
中央控制室 central control system
中央控制室 master control room; central control room
中央控制台 central control desk; central
control board; main control console
终点 terminal point; end point; end-point 终端盒,接线盒 terminal box; end box; termination box
终端接线片 terminal lug
终端设备 terminal equipment
终端套管 end sleeve; terminator 重播 repeat
重负荷区 heavy load areas; heavy loading district
重负载补偿装置 heavy-load compensating device
重力控制 gravity control
重要程度 degree of important 周波 cycle; power frequency; supply frequency; frequency
周长 perimeter
周转减速齿轮 epicyclic reduction gear 轴 shaft; axle; axis
轴流式水轮机 axial-flow water turbine 轴流式压气机 axial compressor 轴向偏差 axial misalignment 轴向位移 axial displacement
烛光 candela; candlepower; candle-power; candle
逐步逼近法 step-by-step method 主变压器 main transformer
主操纵盘 master control panel 主触点 main contact 主电路 main circuit
主电源 main power source 主干母线 main bus bar
主干线(中途干线) trunk main 主回路 main circuit
主回路失压 voltage failure of main circuit 主控开关 master switch; master control switch 主控站 master station; main control station ( post )
主控制器 master controller; main controller 主控制室 master control room 主控制室 central control room; master control room
主馈电线 main feeder 主令开关 master switch 主汽门 stop valve
主伺服电动机 main servo-motor 主轴 shaft
柱 column; post
柱塞式继电器 plunger type relay 专题讲座节目 forum 专业 profession
专用电缆线路 special cable line 专用电路 special circuit 专用广播信道 clear channel
专用小交换机 private branch exchange(PBX) 专用直流发电机 D.C. generator for special use 转 revolution; turn; rotation 转播 relay broadcast
转差离合器 speed differential
转发器 repeater, translator
转换开关 changeover switch; transfer switch; change-over; commutator; changer
转换器 transducer; transverter; translator; 38
自动记录仪表 automatic recording instrument; graphic meter; self-registering instrument graphic instrument
自动交换机 automatic switchboard convertor
转接 switching over 转矩 torque
转炉自动化 automation of converter 转轮 runner 转盘 turnplate
转数 number of revolution
转数表 tachometer; revolution indicator; revolution meter; revolution counter 转速 speed of rotation; rotation speed; R.P.M.; speed
转速表 techometer; r.p.m. meter; revolution indicator 转轴 shaft 转子 rotor
转子中心体 core
装机容量 installed capacity 装脚绝缘子 post insulator
装配图 assembly drawing; installation diagram
装入的 build-in
装线配件 line accessories 锥形 taper
准备号凿孔纸条 preparing a message in the form of a punched tape 准则 criterion
姿态控制 attitude control 子项 minor
子钟 secondary clock 紫外线 ultra-violet ray
紫外线灯 ultra-violet ray lamp; ultra-violet lamp; vitalight lamp 字长 word length 字节 byte
字母键 letter key 字组 block
自保电路 hold circuit; holding circuit;
lock-on circuit; lock-in circuit; stick circuit
自备发电厂 isolated generating plant 自备发电站 isolated generating station 自变数 independent variable
自动程序控制装置 automatic program control device
自动调节 automatic regulation
自动调节系统 automatic regulation system 自动调谐 automatic tuning control 自动定时开关 automatic time switch 自动分批称量 automatic batch weighing 自动工序控制 automatic sequence control 自动化 automation
自动化技术工具 automation equipment 自动回呼 automatic call back 自动机(机器人) robot
自动记录式高温计 autographic pyrometer
自动控制 automatic control
自动控制系统 automatic control system
自动联锁装置 automatic interlocking device 自动频率控制 automatic frequency control ( AFC )
自动平衡电桥 automatic balancing bridge 自动起动 automatic starting
自动切换开关 automatic transfer regulator 自动音调调整 automatic tone correction 自动增益控制 automatic gain control(AGC) 自动重合闸继电器 automatic circuit recloser 自动桌式电话机 automatic desk telephone 自费电话 paid call
自攻螺钉 tapping screw; self-tapping screw 自冷却变压器 self-cooled transformer 自立式杆 self-supporting mast 自耦变压器 auto transformer
自耦变压器 auto-transformer; autotransformer; transtat
自耦电力变压器 auto power transformer 自热影响 influence of self-heating
自由活塞燃气发生器 free-piston gasifier 综合磁力起动器 combined magnetic starter 综合起动器 combination starter 总发电量 total generation 总管 main
总容量(总功率) aggregate capacity 总入口 main entrance 总轴,天轴 main shaft
纵横制交换机房 crossbar telephone exchange room
纵向拉线 longitudinal stay; longitudinal staygug
纵向运动 longitudinal movement; longitudinal motion; lengthwise movement 走行装置 running gear 租用线 leased line 阻断 blocking
阻断能力 interrupting capacity 阻断容量 interrupting capacity 阻抗 impedance
阻抗补偿器 impedance compensator 阻尼绕组 damper winding
阻尼系数 damping coefficient 组 group; bank; set; cluster 组合电缆 composite cable
组合开关 combination switch; combined switch 组态 configuration 最大 maximum
最大浪涌电流 maximum surge current
最大切断容量 maximum breaking capacity 最大需量电度表 maximum demand watt-hour meter
最大需量功率计 maximum demand power meter 最大需量指示器 maximum demand indicator
最高安全温度 maximum safe temperature 最高工作温度 maximum operating temper. 最高容许工作温度 maximum permissible operating temperature
最高容许温度 allowable maximum temperature 最佳点 optimum point
最小电流断路器 minimum current circuit breaker
最小电压降 minimum voltage drop
坐标系统 coordinate system; reference frame
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