
更新时间:2023-09-16 11:35:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


The+adj.比较级 ,the+adj.比较级的练习题

1.______ you climb, _________ you will see。爬得越高,看得越远。

2. __________________ you practice,(much)_______ you can understand (well). 3. ________ we do for the people, _________we will be.为人民做得越多,我们会越幸福。 4. _________he is, _________he feels.越忙,他越高兴。

5. _________ you eat (much), _________ he will be.吃得越多,越胖。 6. _________the tree is _________ the wind is.树越高,风越强。 7. _________you are (careful), _________ mistakes (few) you will make. 8. _________you work (hard), _________grades you will get. (good) 9. _________you take, _________ you will be.锻炼越多,身体越强壮。

10.The_______ trees there are, the_______ the air in our city is.树越多,我们城市的空气越干净。

11.The________ he climbs, the ______ wonderful his view is.他爬得越高,他的视野越开阔。

12.I think _____ ______ cars we drive(few), ______ _______ pollution our city will have(little).

13.The ______ children watch television, the_______ they may become.孩子们看电视越多,它们可能越重(胖)。

14._____ _____ you go jogging, ______ _______ you will feel.你慢跑的越多,你就会越健康。

15.__________ you use your brains(much), _________ you will be.你的大脑用得越多,你就会越聪明。

16. _________the food is (good) _________a restaurant gets (popular). 17. _________you start (early), _________ you will be back (soon).

18. The children all looked _________at the broken model plane and felt quite_________ (sad).

19. He became _________ (happily) when he heard the exciting news. 20. This kind of fruit looks _________and it tastes even _________ (good). 21. Don’t get up _________, or you will be _________ for school (late). 22. What _________things can you see in the picture? (other/else) 23. This work is _________for her, so she finished it_________ (easy).

