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来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:1334

1.Even at birth he was ____ to follow his father's trade as a shoemaker. A) interested B) suggested  C) determined D) destined 2.Would you ____ him among the world's ? A) arrange B) classify C) rank D) occupy 3.The new dam will f

1.Even at birth he was ____ to follow his father's trade as a shoemaker.

A) interested B) suggested  C) determined D) destined

2.Would you ____ him among the world's ? A) arrange B) classify C) rank D) occupy

3.The new dam will form a large ____ lake behind it. A) artificial B) unnatural C) false D) unreal

4.In the civil war, Lincoln ____ beyond any question his quality of leadership.

A) observed B) exposed C) demonstrated D) emphasized

5.At that time millions of Afro-Americans were ____ the right to vote

A) refused B) ignored C) denied D) neglected

6. The doctor said that Jim would feel better gradually, but that he shouldn't expect to be well ____ . A) once over B) for 

C) all at once D) once in a while

7. The new laboratories will be constructed this year, and local firms have been asked to ____ the work. A) assign B) manufacture C) provide D) undertake

8. Consumption of domestic fuel oil ____ from 1,500 gallons a month at the height of winter to practically nothing in July-August.

A) alters B) changes C) varies D) transfers

9. The problem of food supply has become even more serious in this century because of what is often called “the population ____.”

A) limitation B) prosperity C) eruption D) explosion

10. He looked for his girlfriend everywhere, but ____ .  A) in vain B) without effect C) in no way D) at a loss  答案与解析:


他甚至在出生时就命中注定要接他父亲的班,当一个鞋匠。单词辨析题。be interested in (doing) something 其后不接动词不定式to do something ;而 suggest 在任何时候都不接动词不定式 to do something;C和D在语法结构上都讲得通,但词意不一样:be determined to do something 是“决心做某事”,而 be destined to do something 是“命中注定做某事”。 2.C

你把他列为世界上伟大的政治家之一吗?单词辨析题。arrange指“安排”;classify 指“把??分类”;rank指“排列,列为,名列”;occupy指“占领,占据”。 3.A

新水坝将在其后形成一个大的人工湖。近义词辨析题。artificial指“人造的”;unnatural指“不自然的”;false指“假的,虚伪的”;unreal指“不真实的,虚幻的”。 4.C

毫无疑问,林肯在内战中显示了领导才能。单词辨析题。observe指“观察,遵守”;expose指“暴露,揭露”;demonstrate指“展示,证明”;emphasize 指“强调”。 5.C

当时美国拒绝给予几百万黑人投票权。近义词辨析题。refuse 指“拒绝”,只接单宾语;ignore指“不理睬,忽视”;deny有两个意思:

“否认”、“ 拒绝给予”。deny在本题的词义是“拒绝给予”,后接双宾语;neglect指“忽视,疏忽”。 6.C

医生说吉姆会逐渐好一些,不过不要指望一下子就好了。形近短语辨析题。once over 指“再一次”; for the time being 指“暂时”;all at once 指“突然,一下子”;once in a while指“偶尔,不时”。 7.D

今年将修建几个新的实验室,已经请了当地的几家公司来承担此项工作。单词辨析题。assign 指“分配,指派”; manufacture 指“制造,加工”; provide 指“供应,规定”; undertake 指“承担,担任”。 8.C

家用燃油消费量从冬天最高峰的每月1500加仑到七、八月几乎没有。同义词辨析题。alter , change, vary, 和 transfer 都有“改变,变化,转变”的意思,但只有vary在句法上讲的通:vary from ...to...是固定搭配,意为“从??到??不等,在??和??之间变动”。 9.D

因为人们经常所说的“人口爆炸”的原因,本世纪粮食供应问题已变得更为严峻。单词辨析题。limitation 指“局限”; prosperity 指“繁荣”;eruption 指“(火山等的)喷发,爆发”;explosion 指“爆发,爆炸”。


他到处寻找自己的女友,但是没找到。近义词组辨析题。in vain 指“徒劳,枉然”;without effect 指“没有效果”;in no way 指“决不”;at a loss 指“不知所措”。



来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:460

1. Will you try to ____ when the ship leaves for Shanghai? A) get in B) look for  C) find out D) search for 2. There was no sleeping accommodation ____ to us for the night. A) available B) applicable  C) attainable D) approachabl

1. Will you try to ____ when the ship leaves for Shanghai? A) get in B) look for  C) find out D) search for

2. There was no sleeping accommodation ____ to us for the night.

A) available B) applicable  C) attainable D) approachable

3. The television show was ____by a special news report. A) cut off B) cut up  C) cut down D) cut across 

4. The room ____he worked is now in good repair. A) in which B) in that  C) in where D) at that 

5. The use of fertilizers and improved methods of controlling plant and animal diseases has ____farm production. A) supplemented B) soared  C) exaggerated D) boosted

6. For the past few years, my reading ____ to newspapers. A) be limited B) has limited  C) was limited D) has been limited

7. When you are camping, there are many inconveniences that have to be ____.

A) put up with B) caught up with  C) come up with D) kept up with 

8. Young people sometimes complain of not being able to ____with their parents.

A) connect B) correspond  C) associate D) communicate

9. So forcefully ____that we were all convinced. A) he did speak B) he spoke  C) did he speak D) that he spoke

10. They were completely ____by the story he made up.

A) taken on B) taken up  C) taken in D) taken for 答案与解析: 1.C

请你去问问开往上海的船什么时候起航?本题考查不同动词与不同副词的搭配。find out “弄清楚,查明”,get in “进入,收割”,search for“搜索,寻找”。look for“寻找”,根据题意只有C合适。 2.A

我们今天晚上没有住宿的地方了。本题考查同后缀近义形容词辨异。available “可以得到的”,applicable“可以应用的”,

approachable“可以接近的”,attainable“可以达到的,可以获得的”,据题意只有A合适。 3.A

电视节目被一条特别的新闻报道打断了。本题考查同一动词与不同副词的短语搭配辨析。cut off“打断,隔离”,cut down“消减,减少”,cut up“切成碎片”, cut across“抄近路通过”,据题意只有A符合。 4.A

他以前工作的那间房子正在维修中。本题考查定语从句的运用。定语从句可以用介词+关系代词结构,关系代词限于which,whom和whose, in that 表示原因,where本身是副词,在前面不能加介词。因此只有A合适。


化肥的使用和改进控制动植物疾病的方法大大提高了农产品的产量。本题考察动词的辨异。supplement:增补,soar:猛增,exaggerate:夸张,boost:提高,增加,根据题意只有D合适。 6.D

在过去的几年中我只读报纸。本题测试时态的一致性。for接表示一段时间的状语时,动词要用完成时态。根据题意,只有D最合适。 7.A

露营要忍受很多不便之处。本题测试的是同一副词与不同动词的短语搭配辨异。put up with“忍受”,come up with“想出,拿出”,keep up with“跟上”,catch up with“赶上”根据题意A最合适。 8.D

年轻人有时候抱怨无法和父母沟通。本题考察形近异义动词的辨异。connect “连接,常和with连用”, correspond “同??相关,常与to连用”,associate“使联合,常于with连用”,communicate“同交流,常于with连用” 据题意D最合适。 9.C


so ...that ...结构中,如果把so置于句首,主句则用倒装,这样就排除了A和B。D项也不正确,因为这样一来整个句子就没有主语了。 10.C


短语辨异。take in“欺骗”,take on“呈现,承担,开始,雇佣”,take up“开始从事”,take for“误认为,看成是”,根据句意只有C合适。



来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:424

1. By no means ____ look down upon those who are inferior to us. A) we should B) we shouldn't  C) should we not D) should we 2. It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldn't ____all that Bob had suffered in the past five years.

1. By no means ____ look down upon those who are inferior to us.

A) we should B) we shouldn't  C) should we not D) should we

2. It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldn't ____all that Bob had suffered in the past five years. A) live up to B) make out  C) live through D) make up for 

3. When is the best moment to ____ the date of election to the newspaper?

A) relieve B) relate 

C) release D) reveal 

4. Beethoven is my favorite musician, I regard him as ____other musician.

A) superior to  B) more superior to  C) superior than  D) more superior than 

5. Anne can't go to the movie tonight, because she is ____ a Chinese test tomorrow morning. A) supposedly to have  B) supposed to have  C) supposedly to having  D) supposed to having 

6. The foreign visitors said that they wouldn't mind ____. A) having a hard bed for the night  B) have a hard bed for the night  C) to have a hard bed for the night D) they had a hard bed for the night

7. You were very clever to ____ him. He had deceived the rest of us.

A) see through B) look through 

C) look over D) join in with 

8. The ____ decision of the factory owners caused anger among the workers.

A) realistic B) arbitrary  C) reasonable D) objective

9. ____as we were by the enemy ,we managed to march forward. A) Surrounding B) Having surrounded  C) Surrounded D) Being surrounded

10. She ____him everything she saw that night. A) couldn't but telling  B) couldn't but to tell C) couldn't help to tell  D) couldn't help but tell  答案与解析: 1.D

我们决不能瞧不起比我们差的人。本题测试部分倒装句的使用。by no means 通常引导部分倒装句, by no means 已表示否定,故不能再加否定词。因此,只有D符合题意。 2.D

安突然意识到金钱并不能弥补鲍勃在过去5年里受的苦。本题测试动词词组的辨析。live up to 表示“遵守诺言,原则等”,make out表示

“辨认出,写出,理解”,live through 表示“度过,经受住”,make up for 表示“弥补”。根据句意应选D。 3.C

什么时候最适合向报社透露选举的日期。本题考查相近词汇的辨析。relieve表示“减轻,解除痛苦,忧愁等”,relate表示“和??有关联”,release 表示“发表新闻等”,reveal表示“展现,揭示”。根据句意应选C。 4.A

贝多芬是我最喜爱的音乐家。我认为他比其他的音乐家都优秀。本题考查无比较级形容词的使用。形容词superior没有比较级和最高级形式,因而,选项B和D不正确,而superior后面只能接介词to,选项C也被排除,故只有A是正确答案。 5.B

安今晚不能去看电影了,因为她明天要参加汉语考试。本题考查同一动词的短语搭配辨异。题中 to be supposed to为一固定搭配,意思是“被期望,应该”,其后必须接动词原形,而非动名词形式,故B项为正确答案。 6.A

外宾说他们不介意睡硬板床。本题考查非谓语动词的动名词的运用。mind “介意,在意”后面接(one’s)doing。故A为正确答案。 7.A


动词的短语搭配辨析。see through“识破,看穿”,look through“看穿”, look over“察看,检查”, join in with“加入”。根据题意,C、D两项可以排除。see through和look through表面看起来似乎意义相近,但前者的宾语是人,后者的宾语是物。故只有A合适。 8.B

厂主的武断决定惹怒了工人。本题测试形容词与名词的联立关系。arbitrary“武断的,专横的,任意性的”,objective“客观的,现实的”,reasonable“合情合理的”,realistic“现实的”。据题意只有B合适。 9.C

虽然我们被敌人包围了,我们还是设法前进。本题考查让步状语从句的运用。必须用在倒装结构中才能用做让步状语从句,as引导的让步状语从句,其形式为 n./ adj./v.-ing/ed + as + subject +be, 根据题意只有C合适。 10.D

她不得不把昨天看到的事情都讲给他听。本题考查双重否定形式的运用。couldn't help but 后面加不带to的不定式。常用的形式还有:couldn't but +动词原形, couldn't help + v.-ing. 据题意只有D合适。



来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:542

1. ____ timely rescue and treatment, the badly injured passengers would have died. A) With B) For  C) But for D) Except for 2. Many of the earliest ____ into United States plantation. A) immigrants B) emigrants C) migrants D) exp

1. ____ timely rescue and treatment, the badly injured passengers would have died. A) With B) For 

C) But for D) Except for

2. Many of the earliest ____ into United States plantation. A) immigrants B) emigrants C) migrants D) explorers 

3. The secretary went through the typescript carefully to ____ all errors from it. A) abandon B) discharge  C) eliminate D) withdraw 

4. I have called ____ seeing if you would care to join our tennis club.

A) on account of B) in the event of  C) with a view to D) with reference to

5. To avoid an oil shortage more machines must ____ solarenergy.

A) accelerate B) operate  C) generate D) utilize 

6. After the serious forest fire, positive taken for the ____of the forest.

A) contribution B) convention C) conservation D) conversion

7. With her light hair and blue eyes Connie seems to ____her mother,but in her character she is more like her father. A) look after B) run after  C) take after D) seek after

8. No sooner ____than the jeep started off. A) his luggage was loaded  B) had his luggage been loaded C) loaded his luggage 

D) his luggage was being loaded.

9. The president was ____ a bunch of flowers.

A) provided with B) given with C) presented with D) supplied with

10. Racial discrimination inevitably ____ the resistance of the broad masses of the black people. A) call for B) call off 

C) call up D) call forth 答案与解析: 1.C

若不是及时抢救和治疗,受伤严重的乘客就会死去。介词短语辨析题,要求考生能辨析几个介词短语的语义差别,并能正确使用。but for 后面接名词,表示虚拟条件“要是没有”。except for:除此之外,美中不足的是。根据题意只有答案C最合适。 2.A

许多早期到美国去的人都有了自己的种植园。本题测试几个容易混淆的词语的辨析。immigrant:表示“从外国迁入的移民”,emigrant:表示“迁到国外的移民”,migrant:表示“从一地迁到另一地的移居者”,explorer:探险者。根据题意只有A最合适。 3.C

秘书从头到尾仔细看了一遍打字稿,以免出错。近义词辨析题,要求考生能辨析几个近义词的语义差别。eliminate表示“消除,排除”,尤指排除错误,危险等,abandon表示“放弃”,discharge表示“放出,排出(液体,废气等)”,withdraw表示“收回,撤回”。根据题意只有C符合题意。 4.C

我打电话给你是想看看你是否愿意加入我们的网球俱乐部。本题是测试介词短语用法。on account of 表示“因为,由于”, in the event of 表示“如果??发生”,with a view of 表示“以??为目的”, with

reference to表示“关于”。根据题意只有C合适。 5.D

为避免石油短缺,越来越多的机器必须利用太阳能。本题是测试几个动词的用法。accelerate表示“加快”,operate表示“操作”,generate表示“产生”,utilize表示“利用”。只有D合适。 6.C

森林大火过后,已经采取了积极的措施来保护森林。本题是测试名词的辨析。contribution表示“贡献,捐献”,convention表示“习俗,惯例”,conservation表示“天然资源的保护和管理”,conversion表示“变换,转化”。只有C合适。 7.C

康尼浅色头发,蓝色眼睛,似乎很像她妈妈,但性格上更像她爸爸。本题测试动词词组的用法。look after表示“照顾,关心”,run after表示“追捕,追求”,take after表示“(性格、长相)与父母相像”。seek after表“寻找,探索,追求”。只有C合适。 8.B

他的行李一装好,吉普车就开走了。本题测试部分倒装句的使用。 no sooner位于句首时引起部分倒装句。No sooner...than 表示“一??就??”,主语的谓语动词用过去完成时,从句里的谓语动词用一般过去时。所以答案只有B合适。 9.C


provide sb. with sth. 表示“供给某人某物”,present with 表示“向某人赠送某物”,supply with 表示“提供,供应”,只有C与句意吻合。 10.D

种族歧视引起了广大黑人群众的反抗。本题测试点在于容易混淆的词组的辨析。call for 表示“要求,邀请”,call off 表示“取消”,call up表示“打电话,招集,使人想起”,call forth表示“引起,唤起”。D与句意吻合。



来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:457

1. Tom is not very clever, but he is the most ____ pupil in the class. A) industrious B) indulgent  C) industrial D) indifferent 2. No sooner had he arrived home ____ he was asked to start another journey. A) when B) than  C) then

1. Tom is not very clever, but he is the most ____ pupil in the class.

A) industrious B) indulgent  C) industrial D) indifferent

2. No sooner had he arrived home ____ he was asked to start another journey.

A) when B) than  C) then D) until

3. Young children easily ____ words that their parents frequently use. 

A) put up B) turn up  C) bring up D) pick up

4. Only when you have obtained all the information about it ____ come to a sound judgment. A) you can B) you will  C) would you D) can you

5. American women were ____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.  A) ignored B) neglected  C) denied D) refused

6. All ____ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. 

A) what is needed  B) the thing needed  C) which is needed  D) that is needed

7. The factory has ____several workers because of the drop in sales.

A) laid off B) laid out  C) laid aside D) laid down

8. There were no tickets ____ for Friday's performance. A) applicable B) approachable  C) attainable D) available

9. There was a traffic jam; otherwise I ____ here on time. A) would be B) had been  C) should be D) would have been

10. If you don’t work hard, you are bound to fall behind others, ____ smart you might be. A) whatever B) though  C) whatsoever D) however 答案与解析: 1.A

汤姆并不十分聪明,但他却是班里最勤奋的学生。词语辨析题。industrious意为“勤奋的,勤勉的”。indulgent 意为“纵容的,溺爱的”。industrial意为“工业的,实业的”。indifferent意为“冷淡的,漠不关心的;平淡无奇的”。 2.B

他刚到家,就被要求开始另一个旅程。测试 “no sooner...than”引导的时间状语从句。“no sooner...than” 是一个关联从属连词,意为“一??就?? ”,故B为正确答案。当 “no sooner”置于句首

时,要用倒装语序。 3.D

小孩子们会很容易学会父母常使用的话语。动词短语辨析题。pick up 意为“拾起;(非正规地)学会,学到”。put up 意为“举起;修建;留??住宿”。turn up 意为“出现,出席”。bring up 意为“抚养大;提出”。 4.D

只有当你得到关于它的所有信息后,才能得出合理的判断。倒装结构。“Only+状语(状语从句)”置于句首时,主句的主、谓语需采用部分倒装的结构。如果谓语中含有情态动词、助动词或动词be 时,只要将其移至主语前即可。 5.C

美国妇女很长时间都未被赋予选举的权利,经过多年的斗争,直到1920年她们才争取到了这一权利。同义词语辨析题。deny sb. sth.表示“拒绝给予??”。ignore 意为“忽视,忽略,不理睬”。neglect 意为“疏忽,忽视”。refuse 意为“拒绝”。 6.D

全部所需要的就是对基本生活必需品的源源不断的供应。that 引导的限制性定语从句。All 后需要一个定语从句,而all后面的定语从句只能由that 引导,故选D。 7.A


off意为“解雇”。lay out 意为“设计,布局;花费,使用”。lay aside意为“放在一边”。lay down意为“放下;规定,说明”。 8.D

星期五的演出已经没有票了。词语辨析题。available意为“可以得到的,可供利用(使用)的”。applicable 意为“适用的,有效的”。approachable意为“可以到达的,容易接近的”。attainable意为“可以达 到的”。 9.D

我遇到交通堵塞了,否则我会按时到这的。隐含的虚拟条件句。此题中前半句是一个陈述句,后半句中otherwise相当于一个虚拟的条件从句“If the traffic had not been very busy”,是对过去的情况的一个假设,因此主句中的谓语要用“would have done”的形式。 10.D

不管你有多聪明,如果你不努力,注定会落在别人后面。however 引导让步状语从句。however 引导让步状语从句相当于“no matter how”,后接形容词或副词,表示“不管多么??”。whatever 和whatsoever (语气比whatever 强)引导让步状语从句时,相当于“no matter what”,后接名词。此句如选though,后半句应为“though you might be smart”。



来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:340

1. I'd rather you ____ so rudely to her. A) don't speak B) won't speak  C) should not speak D) didn't speak 2. Today many kinds of electrical ____ are available, which has made housework much easier than before.  A) facilities B) a

1. I'd rather you ____ so rudely to her. A) don't speak B) won't speak  C) should not speak D) didn't speak

2. Today many kinds of electrical ____ are available, which has made housework much easier than before.  A) facilities B) appliances  C) instruments D) equipment 

3. The author is going to ____ his play for television. A) add B) adopt  C) adapt D)adjust

4. ____ for your help, I'd never have been able to achieve such a success.

A) If I had not been  B) Had it not been C) If it were not  D) Had it not

5. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its ____.

A) boundaries B) limitations  C) confinements D) restraints

6. I'm afraid I can't ____ you ____; you'll have to go to a hotel.

A) put ...up B) pick ... up  C) pull ... up D) wake ... up

7. The guests said that they wouldn’t mind ____. A) to have a little light music  B) having a little light music C) have a little light music  D) if they have a little light music

8. Although this area is very poor just now, its ____ wealth is great.

A) previous B) profound  C) potential D) primary

9. He ran quickly to the classroom, two books ____ under his arm.

A) to be hold B) held  C) were held D) holding

10. We must try our best to lower the cost of our products. Otherwise the high cost will ____ our profit. A) cut off B) cut in 

C) cut short D) cut into 答案与解析: 1. D

我宁愿你不对她这么无礼。would rather 后宾语从句的虚拟语气。would rather 表示愿望,后接的宾语从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气。表示与现在事实相反的愿望时,用过去时;表示与过去事实相反的愿望时,用过去完成时。 2. B

如今可供使用的电器很多,这使得做家务事比以前容易多了。词语辨析题。appliance 意为“器具,器械”,electrical appliance 意为“电器”。facility 意为“设备,设施”。instrument 意为“仪器”,尤指用于精致工作的工具或仪器。equipment 意为“设备,装备”。 3. C

作者将要把他的剧本改编为电视剧。词语辨析题。adapt意为“改编,翻改;使适应”。add 意为“增加,加强”。adopt意为“采纳,采取(态度);收养”。adjust意为“调整,适应”。 4. B

如果不是你的帮助,我永远都不会取得这样的成功。本题测试虚拟条件句的倒装。根据句意和时态,前半句应为“If it had not been for your help”。当虚拟条件句的谓语动词含有were, had, should 时,可以省略if, 将were, had, should 移至主语的前面。 5. B

虽然电脑有很多好处,但绝不是没有局限性。同义词语辨析题。limitation意为“限制,局限”。boundary 意为“边境线,分界线”。confinement意为“限制(在范围内),监禁”,。restraint意为“抑制,遏制,制止”,常接介词from。 6. A

恐怕我不能给你提供住处,你得去住旅馆。动词短语辨析题。put ... up意为“留??住宿;举起;搭建”。pick ... up 意为“拾起,拿起;学会,学到”。pull ... up意为“使(车子)停下”。wake ... up意为“叫醒”。 7. B

客人们说来一点轻音乐也好。mind +动名词表示“介意,反对”。mind 作“在乎,介意”讲时,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,后面若有动词作宾语,要用动名词。 8. C

虽然目前这一地区很贫穷,但它的潜在财富却是巨大的。词语辨析题。potential意为“潜在的”。previous 意为“以前的,从前的”。profound意为“深奥的,博学的”。primary意为“初级的;主要的;基本的”。 9. B


受者,故应使用过去分词。 10. D

我们必须全力降低产品的成本,否则高成本将使利润大打折扣。动词短语辨析题。cut into意为“减少,降低;插嘴,打断”。cut off 意为“切断;隔绝,挡住;切下来”。cut in意为“插嘴,夹塞”。cut short意为“打断(谈话),中断(活动)”。



来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:421

1. There was a large crowd of demonstrators ____ against the war.  A) protecting B) preserving  C) protesting D) prosecuting 2. I'm afraid I will have to ____her invitation to the party. A) refuse B) refute  C) ignore D) decline

1. There was a large crowd of demonstrators ____ against the war. 

A) protecting B) preserving  C) protesting D) prosecuting

2. I'm afraid I will have to ____her invitation to the party.

A) refuse B) refute  C) ignore D) decline

3. The coat I bought yesterday is not expensive at all. As a matter of fact, I would gladly have paid ____ for it. A) as much twice  B) much as twice  C) as twice much  D) twice as much

4. He can't start the car because the battery has ____. A) run up B) run down  C) run over D) run off

5. Without facts, we cannot form a , for we need to have factual knowledge ____ our thinking. A) upon which to base  B) which to base upon C) which to be based on  D) to base on which

6. This design is ____ that one. A) more superior to  B) far superior than  C) more superior than  D) far superior to

7. I wondered what her ____ to the news would be. A) impression B) reaction 

C) comment D) opinion

8. She shouldn't have stood in a queue; she ____ her underground ticket from the machine. A) has got B) must have got  C) could have got D) got

9. Don't worry. ____ that you will be treated equally. A) I'll look forward to it  B) I'll try my utmost  C) I'll be on the alert  D) I'll see to it

10. The workers agreed to ____ the strike if the company would satisfy their demand. A) call off B) call out  C) call to D) call on 答案与解析: 1.C

有一大群示威者在抗议战争(的爆发)。词语辨析题。to protest against ... 意为“抗议,反对”。to protect ... (from ...) 意为“保护??(使之不受??)”。to preserve 意为“保护,防护,维护”。to prosecute 意为“对??起诉;进行,坚持下去”。 2.D

我恐怕不得不谢绝她的晚会邀请。词语辨析题。decline 意为“婉谢,

谢绝”,指对别人的邀请、帮助等比较委婉地回绝。refuse 意为“拒绝”,指对别人的要求、请求等比较直率的,有时比较不客气的拒绝。refute

意为驳斥,反驳。ignore 意为“忽视,忽略,不理睬”。 3.D


“as...as...”引导的比较状语从句。完整的句子是“I would gladly have paid twice as much as I paid for it”。当有表示倍数的词时,要放在“as...as...”比较级之前。 4.B

由于电池耗尽了,他的汽车发动不了。动词短语辨析题。run down 意为“(动力等)耗尽;(身体)衰弱,疲乏;(钟表)停了,(使)失灵”。run up 意为“升起(旗帜);欠下(钱财)”。run over意为“撞倒,辗过”。run off意为“撵走,吓跑”。 5.A

如果没有事实依据,我们就不能形成正确的主张,因为我们要把想法建立在事实的基础上。介词+关系代词+不定式作后置定语。此句需要一个后置定语来修饰factual knowledge,根据句意应是base our thinking (upon) on factual knowledge,因此应使用“介词+关系代词+不定式”的结构作后置定语。 6.D

这个设计比那个要好的多。superior 表比较的用法。superior 意为“优越的,优良的”,后接介词to,表示比较,单词本身没有比较级。通常在前面加“far”表示“比??好得多”。 7.B

我想知道她对这个消息的反应如何。词语固定搭配题。reaction 意为“对??的反应”。impression与on 搭配,表示“给??留下??印象”。comment 与on 搭配,表示“对??做出??评价”。opinion on意为“对??发表看法(意见)”。 8.C

她不应该去排队买票,她本来可以通过售票机买地铁票的。本题考察情态动词could 的完成式用法。前半句用“shouldn’t have done”的形式,表示“本不应该做??”;后半句则提供了另一种可能性,“本来以??”,因为是过去可能做,而实际上未做的事情,故应使用could的完成式 9.D

不要担心,我会关照,好让你受到平等对待的。see (to it )that+从句的用法。

see (to it )that??意为“务必,留神,注意做到”。其他三个选项在结构上都不能接从句,在语义上,look forward to意为“希望,盼望”;try one’s utmost 意为“竭尽全力”;be on the alert 意为“警惕,提防”。 10.A

工人们同意如果公司满足他们的要求就取消罢工。动词短语辨析题。call off 意为“取消”。call out 意为“叫(请)出来;叫出(名字)”。call to 意为“向??喊”。call on 意为“号召,呼吁,要求”。


来源:星火教育网 作者:单文静点击:1287

feature , characteristic 表情帝极其丰富的面部表情是观众最关著的特点( feature ) 丑小鸭与一般鸭子的特征( characteristic )完全不一样 feature 特征,原指面貌等显著的部分,用以指心中所留印象的显著部分。 Her high nose are her most striking f feature,characteristic



feature“特征”,原指面貌等显著的部分,用以指心中所留印象的显著部分。 Her high nose are her most striking feature. 高鼻梁是她容貌最显著的特点。


Ambition is a characteristic of all successful businessmen. 雄心勃勃是所有成功生意人的共同特点。




emergency“紧急情况“,强调突如其来的事故和情况,需刻不容缓地采取行动。 None of us had seen an emergency like this and we were all flying by the seat of our pants.



Rarely did she request help but this was a matter of urgency. 她很少求助於人,这事却是十分紧急。 (整理:文静)


来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:379

1. How do you ____ for coming late for the meeting?  A) explain B) excuse C) describe D) account 2. The mother was so ____ at the news that she didn't know what to do.  A)admired B) amazed C) amused D) curious 3. He likes to li

1. How do you ____ for coming late for the meeting? 

A) explain B) excuse C) describe D) account

2. The mother was so ____ at the news that she didn't know what to do. 

A)admired B) amazed C) amused D) curious

3. He likes to listen to music with the radio turned on at full ____. 

A) power B) voice C) volume D) sound

4. The coach must take a large ____ of the blame for the failure of the football match.  A) quantity B) number C) share D) amount

5. Although alone in the house, he was so busy with his research that he felt____ lonely.  A) all but B) nothing but C) something but D) anything but

6. The introduction of modern technique from abroad makes it necessary for skilled workers to ____ unskilled workers. A) take place B) take over C) take down D) take the place of

7. ____ so few people in the street was unusual.  A) For there to be  B) As there to be C) For there being  D) As there being

8. There are signs ____ Internet are becoming more and more popular with teenagers.  A) that B) whose C) what D) which

9. Bob had been ____ on a meadow sprinkled with dandelion for a long time before he sat up.  A) laid B) lying C) lain D) laying

10. Jill would rather that his girl friend ____ in the same department as he does.  A) studied  B) should study C) study  D) had studied 答案与解析: 1.D

你怎么解释你开会迟到了?短语动词account for 解释、导致;

explain解释;excuse 原谅;find excuse for 找借口;describe 描述。 2.B

听到消息,这位妈妈震惊得不知所措。词义辨析。测验学生对几个形容词近义词的辨认。admired 敬慕的,amused 被逗乐的,curious好奇的,be amazed at 对??很震惊。 3.C

他喜欢听音乐时把音量开到最大。词义辨析。测验学生对几个名词近义词的辨认。power电力、功率、权力;voice 声音、说话声;sound声音、声响;volume 音量、容量。本句话说的是把收音机的音量开到最大,所以选择C。 4.C

教练必须对这次足球赛的失败负大部分责任。词义辨析。测验学生对几个名词近义词的辨认。quantity量、数量;number数目、数字;amount数量、总数,share份额。这里讲的是一大部分的责任,所以选择C。 5.D

尽管房子里只有他一人,但他忙于自己的工作所以一点也不感到孤独。固定搭配。这道题目主要是测试学生对于anything but 及nothing but 的掌握,anything but一点也不、决不, nothing but只不过??而已。 6.D


take place发生;take down 记下;take over 接管;take the place of 取代 。根据上下文,选择D。 7.A

街上人这么少,真奇怪。句法结构。there to be 句型做主语时,通常用for做引导词。所以选择A项。 8.A

有迹象表明,互联网正越来越受到青少年的喜爱。名词性从句。名词sign后面要跟that引导的从句做同位语。 9.B

Bob在满是蒲公英的草地上躺了很长时间才坐起来。动词变形。本题主要测验学生对几个容易混淆的词的辨认。lie 躺:过去式 lay,过去分词lain;现在分词lying;lie撒谎:过去式lied,过去分词lied,现在分词lying;lay放置:过去式laid,过去分词laid,现在分词laying. 句子中是lie(躺)的现在分词。 10.A

Jill宁愿他的女朋友和他在同一个系里学习。虚拟语气。would rather 后面的从句常用虚拟语气过去式。所以选择A。


来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:272

1. You will surely succeed in passing CET-4, ____ you work hard at your English. A) so long as  B) in case C) in that  D) as soon as 2. The whole journey ____ a full week by the time it ends in France. A) will have lasted  B)

1. You will surely succeed in passing CET-4, ____ you work hard at

your English. A) so long as  B) in case C) in that  D) as soon as

2. The whole journey ____ a full week by the time it ends in France.

A) will have lasted  B) would last C) has lasted  D) must have lasted

3. Autumn now approaching, the peasants are ____. A) at busiest  B) at their busiest C) on busiest  D) on their busiest

4. She is fully occupied everyday with ____. A) her not intelligent son  B) her not very intelligent son C) the not intelligent son of her  D) the not intelligent son of hers 5. Not until ____ to go on strike.

A) all the demands has been turned down the workers decided B) had all the demands been turned down the workers decided C) all the demands had been turned down did the workers decide

D) had all the demands been turned down did the workers decide

6. As heir ____ his parent’s property, he will get 8 million dollars. A) on B) by C) to D) at

7. The ____ of the meal were thrown away. A) remainder B) rest C) ruins D) remains

8. The best student in each class will ____ a prize at the end of term.

A) award B) possess

C) reward D) receive

9. Great efforts to increase wheat production must be made if bread shortages ____ avoided. A) will be B) are to be C) can be D) were to be

10. There are more than 50 proposals ____ at the conference. A) to discuss  B) to be discussed C) discussing 

D) having been discussed 答案与解析: 1.A

还只要你努力,你肯定能通过CET-4的。句型。so long as/as long as 引导条件状语从句,表示“只要??”,in case 以防,in that因为,as soon as 一??就?? 2.A

到在法国结束时为止,整个旅程将持续一个礼拜。时态题。by the time 引导时间状语从句,表示到将来某时为止,主句用将来完成时。 3.B

秋天到了,农民最忙的时间到了。固定搭配。at one’s busiest最忙的时候,其它选项都不对。 4.B

她整天忙于她的弱智儿子。修饰问题。形容词前不可以直接加not ,所以选择B。 5.C

所有的请求被拒绝之后,工人们才决定开始罢工。句型。否定副词用于句首时,主句谓语半倒装,即助动词和主语倒装。本句中,did 提前。 6.C

作为父母的财产继承人,他得到了8百万美元。固定搭配。heir +to表示“是??的继承人”。 7.D

剩饭被扔掉了。词义辨析。测验学生对几个名词近义词的辨认。remainder 余额、余下的部分;the rest 其余的;ruins 废墟;remains剩余物,往往指吃剩或用剩的残留物。 8.D

最好的学生在学期结束时会受到奖励。词义辨析。测验学生对几个名词近义词的辨认。award sb. sth. 颁发给某人某物;reward sb.sth. 奖励、回报某人某物;possess拥有。本句的主语是学生,A、C都不合适,B的含义与上下文不符,所以选择D. 9.B

如果想要避免粮食危机的话必须努力增加小麦产量。非谓语动词。be+动词不定式表示按计划将来要发生的事。本句的意思是如果一定要避免粮食危机的话,语气较强。will 表示的将来往往带有个人意愿,语气较轻。


将有50多件提案要在会议上讨论。非谓语动词。动词不定式的被动形式to be discussed 在句中做定语,修饰proposals,表示这些提案将会被讨论。


. She took ____ singing 2 years ago when she was in Italy. A) on B) up C) in D) over 2. They ____ through the woods talking about the current affairs. A) wandered B) strayed C) rambled D) wondered 3. Tom felt awfully sorry ___

1. She took ____ singing 2 years ago when she was in Italy. A) on B) up C) in D) over

2. They ____ through the woods talking about the current affairs.

A) wandered B) strayed C) rambled D) wondered

3. Tom felt awfully sorry ____ her about his absence in the party.

A) about B) for C) with D) on

4. We chose this flat for it is very ____ for my office. A) suitable B) comfortable

C) near D) convenient

5. Chinese is the ____ language of . A) mother B) native C) natural D) home

6. He has been ____ such a bad temper all day. A) in B) on C) by D) at 

7.While at home, she preferred ____ A) doing something to doing nothing  B) to do something rather do nothing C) doing something rather do nothing  D) to do something to doing nothing

8. ____she finds out that you’ve lost her dog?  A) What though B) What if C) What about D) What ever

9. All the machines in the lab are ____ Miss White. A) in charge of  B) in the charge of C) under the charge of D) under charge of

10. We agreed to you plan____, but we think it needs modification in

some area. A) in principal  B) on principal C) in principle  D) on principle 答案与解析: 1.B

两年前在意大利时她开始学唱歌。动词搭配。take up 开始从事、着手处理;take on 呈现、承担;take in 接纳、吸收、领会;take over接管、承袭。本句的意思是她两年前开始学起唱歌,因而选B。 2.A

他们在树林里边走边讨论着时事。词义辨析。测验学生对几个动词近义词的辨认。wander指无目的地漫步;stray走失;ramble闲逛、漫游;wonder迷惑。 3.B

他为自己没有参加晚会而感到很对不起她。固定搭配。feel sorry for sb. about sth. 因为某事而对某人愧疚。 4.D

我们选择这套公寓是因为离我的公司很近。固定搭配。be convenient for sth. 对??而言很方便,在本句中指的是离得很近。suitable合适的,comfortable舒适的,near 近的,后面直接加名词。  5.B

汉语是大多数中国人的母语。惯用语。母语,mother tongue native language, natural自然的,home家(的)。 6.A

他一整天都是这么坏的脾气。固定搭配。in a bad temper 脾气很坏。 7.A

在家时,她喜欢做点事而不喜欢闲着。固定搭配。prefer+名词或动名词A)+to+名词或动名词B),表示喜欢A而不喜欢B。其他几个选项都有语法错误。 8.B

如果她发现你把她的狗丢了,那会怎么样?句型。what if +从句表示推测会发生什么事情,what if +名词或名词短语表示征求对 方的意见,what though 后面的从句要用虚拟语气。 9.B

实验室里的所有机器都由怀特小姐负责。固定搭配。sb. + be+in charge of sth.某人管理、负责某事,sth.+be+in the charge of sb.某事由某人负责。本句的主语是物,所以选择B。 10.C

我们基本上同意你的计划,但是我们认为有些地方要做些改动。固定搭配。in principle 基本上、原则上,principle 原则,principal 主要的。



来源:网络 作者:佚名点击:321

1. John ____a long pole in the center of the field, and on the top of it I hung the lamp.  A) put up B) put out C)put on D)put up with  2. Look at these clouds.____.  A) It will rain B) Its going to rain C) It will be raining D) It i

1. John ____a long pole in the center of the field, and on the top of it I hung the lamp. 

A) put up B) put out C)put on D)put up with  2. Look at these clouds.____. 

A) It will rain B) It‘s going to rain C) It will be raining D) It is to rain

3. Living here in the deep forest with no one else near you must be very____.

A) sole B) consists in C) only D) lonely 

4. The committee ____4 personnel appointed by the Owner and 6 appointed by the Contractor. 

A) is composed of B)consists in C) makes up D) sets out  5. They have been ____with that company for many years.  A) comparing B)dealing C) keeping D) combining 

6. If you want to know the times of buses, please____ at the office.

A) inquire B) inform C) require D) request 

7. ____the 1500s the first European explored the coast of

California. 

A) It was not until?then B) It is not until?when C) It is until?that D) It was not until?that 

8. In accordance with the relevant laws the young ____18 are not approved to serve in the army.

A) beneath B) under C) underneath D) below 

9. The private enterprise manager ____a generous sum to the relief of physically disabled.

A) assigned B)contributed C) furnished D) administered  10. ____the letter, I ran out of the room to the post office.

A) After I had finished for

B) No sooner that I had finished up C) As soon as I finished writing D) Since I finished up to write  答案与解析: 1.A

约翰在场地中央立起了一根长杆子,而我把灯挂在了杆子顶上。put up意为“举起,立起,建成”,如:It is getting dark, and we should put up our tent as soon as possible.天黑了,我们得尽快搭起帐篷。put out意为“生产,发表”,如:This factory can put out 130 machines every month.该厂每月能生产130台机器。put on意为“上

演,戴上”,如:He put on his raincoat and went outwards.他穿上雨披,走了出去。put up with意为“忍受,容忍”,如:I cant put up with your rudeness any more; leave the room! 你这样无礼,我难以忍受,从房间里出去! 因此本题答案为A。 2.B

看看这些乌云,马上就要下雨了。选项A中will表示一种意愿,如: Man will be able to utilize solar energy on a large scale some day.总有一天人类将能够大规模地利用太阳能。B中的be going to do sth.表示目前已有迹象表明即将发生某种事情,如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。C中使用了将来进行时,用来表示将来某一时刻或某一时期正在进行的动作,如:When you get there you will find they are doing the experiment.你到那里时,会发现他们正在那里做试验。D中的be to do sth.表示一种计划或安排,如:President Jiang Zemin is to make a political report at the conference.江泽民主席将在大会上作一个政治报告。因此本题答案为B。 3.D

住在密林里,周围又没有其他人,你肯定非常寂寞。sole意为“惟一的,独一无二的”,如:It is said that he is the sole person in the design institute who has got this special honor. 据说,他是该设计院惟一获此殊荣的人。alone意为“单独,独自”,可以用做副词和形容词,但做形容词时,只能用做表语,lonely意为“孤独,寂寞”,做形容词用,如:He lives alone, but he never feels lonely. 虽

然他独自一个人生活,但从未感到过孤独。only做副词用,意为“仅仅”,如:Only 5 soldiers survived the battle.这次战役中,仅有五名士兵生还。因此本题答案为D。 4.A

委员会由业主指定的四名人员和承包商指定的六名人员组成。be composed of意为“由?组成,包括”,句子的主语为整体,而宾语看做构成整体的部分,如:This multiple-choice test is composed of 30 incomplete statements.多项选择题由30个不完整的句子组成。consist in意为“在于,原因在于”,如:Our teams repeated failures consist in the discouragement of the coach.我们球队一再失利,原因在于教练的勇气不足。make up意为“弥补,补充”,如:When the level indicator shows that the water is insufficient in the boiler, the pump will make up water for it automatically.当液体指示器显示锅炉内水不充足时,泵将自动为其补充水。set out意为“着手,开始”,如:He set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part. 他开始着手粉刷房子,可是只完成了前面的部分。因此本题答案为A。 5.B

他们与那家公司有多年的贸易往来。compare with意为“与?进行比较”,如:They have compared the TV sets made in China with those made in Japan.他们将国产电视机和日本电视机进行了比较。deal with意为“与? ?交往,与?交易”, 所以上句中deal with that company

