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1. 图画 p ct re 2. 计算机 c mp ter 4. 强壮的 str g 3. 书包 sch lbag 5. 鞋 sh e Ⅱ.按要求写单词。(10分,每小题2分)

1. thin(反义词) ___________ 2.what`s (完全形式) ___________

3. long (反义词) _________ 4. candy(复数) ________ _ 5. she(物主代词) ___________


( ) 1. My bag is blue. A.yellow B. red C. cat ( ) 2. John is strong. A. glasses B.thin C.tall

( ) 3. I like English. A. Chinese B. maths C. candy ( ) 4 Open the door. A. window B. quiet C. light ( ) 5. My shoes are white. A.glasses B.friendly C.hat Ⅳ.选择题。(20分,每小题2分)

( )1.Look ________ the blackboard!

A. at B. / C. to

( )2.We ______ a new classroom.

A. have B. has C. had

( )3.--- I have two .

A. friend B. book C. books

( )4. Mike : Nice to meet you . John: _____________________.

A. Nice to meet you,too. B. Good morning . C. Hi

( )5. Let______clean the board.

A. me B. my C. I ( )6. How many ________do you have?

A math books B math book C a math book

( )7. _________ is it? ---It’s red.

A. What B. Where C. What colour

( ) 8.---_______ is my pencil? ---It’s under your book. A. What B. Where C. Who

( )9. ---What`s name ? --- Zhang Peng.

A. he B. His C. her

( )10. I have _________ English book and ________ story-book.

A. a , a B. an , an C. an , a Ⅴ.英译汉。(10分,每小题2分)

1. What`s in the classroom?

2. I have a new schoolbag. 3. He`s tall and strong. 4. Let me clean the window. 5. What colour is it?

Ⅵ.选择正确的答语。将序号填入题前括号内。(10分,每小题2分) ( )1. What colour is it? A. I have 2.

( )2. How many friends do you have? B. It’s yellow.

( )3. What`s in your schoolbag? C. OK. ( )4. What`s his name? D. His name is Tim.

( )5. Let`s clean the classroom. E. 3 pencils and many books. Ⅶ.连词成句。(10分,每小题2分) 1. go / Let`s / see / and / .


2. friend / a / I / have / new / . ______________________________________________ 3. her / What /name / is ?


4. red / has / shoes / She / . _______________________________________________

5. window / It`s / the / near / . _______________________________________________ Ⅷ.情景应用。(10分,每小题2分)

( )1.刚刚认识一位新朋友,怎样给他打招呼: A.Good morning! B.Nice to meet you.

( )2. 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说: A.Are you OK ? B.Look at the blackboard.

( )3. 当介绍新朋友Bob给大家认识,会说: A.This is Bob. B.Bob has a new schoolbag.

( )4 . 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说: A. Where is my stroybook ? B. What`s his name?

( )5. 当你找不到你的钥匙,你会说: A Where is my key? B .Who is she? Ⅸ.阅读短文,判断句子对(√)错(×)。(10分,每小题2分)

I have three friends. They`re Ann, Mike and Bob. Bob is tall and strong. He likes English best(最好的). Mike is short and thin. He is very friendly. He like maths best. Ann is very quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She like Chinese best. ( ) 1. Bob is a strong boy.

( ) 2. Mike and Bob like English. ( ) 3. Mike is tall and thin.

( ) 4. Ann has short hair and a small nose. ( ) 5. Ann is very quiet.

