
更新时间:2024-02-24 01:59:01 阅读量: 节日庆典大全 文档下载











四、节假日期间为事故多发时期,在节日期间返乡的亲们 要切实注意旅途人身、钱物安全!

祝尊敬的客户们新年 吉祥如意,心想事成,财源滚滚!













Which is the most important traditional festival in your country?

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival.

How do you celebrate it?

We usually visit friends and relatives at that time.


How far is it from your home to your school?

It’s about five kilometers(from my home to my school )

How do you usually go to school?

I usually go to school by bus.


What’s your family name?

My family name is Brown.

What’s your telephone number?

My telephone number is 80047526.


What’s the age of your grandmother?

She is eighty years old

How is she doing?

She is still healthy.


What’s do you think of the air in our city?

Air pollution is more and more serious in our city.

What suggestion can you offer?

We should take a bus when going out.


Which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip p?

I prefer going on a trip.

How do you feel when traveling?

I feel relaxed when traveling.


Which music style do you like?

I like popular music.

Who is your favorite singer?

Jay chou is my favorite singer.


What present have you got?

My father gave me an ipad.

How do you find the present?

I find it convenient and useful.


What’s your Christmas gift?

It’ a post card.

What does it look like?

There is a lovely panda on that card.


What has happen to you?

Something is wrong with my computer.

How will you deal with the problem?

I will ask someone to repair it tomorrow.


What’s the time now by your watch?

It’s ten thirty by my watch at the moment.

When does the train leave?

The train leaves at ten forty-five.


What’s the date today?

It’ the September the ninth.

What festival is it tomorrow?

It’s teachers’ day.


Which class and which grade are you in?

I’m in class two,grade three.

Where do you live?

I live in the ninth street near the school.

14单词panda的意思是 中国四川一种吃竹子的动物

How many letters are there in the word “panda”?

There are five letters in the word “panda”.

What does the word mean?

It means “a kind of animal eating bamboo living in Sichuan province, china ”


What’s the area of china?

Its area is nine million six hundred thousand square kilometers.

How many minorities are there in china?

There are fifty five minorities in china.

16去医院应该沿着街走,在第一个拐角处左转。从这里大约要走10分钟。 Can you tell me the way to the hospital?

Yes.go down the street ,and turn lft at the first corner.

How far is it from here?

It’s about 10 minutes’ walk from here.


How many students are there in your class?

There are forty-nine students in my class.

How many girl students?

There are twenty-seven students in my class.


What time do you get up?

I usually get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.

What do you have for breakfast?

For breakfast, I usually eat some bread and drink some milk.


What’s your hobby?

My hobby is reading.

What kind of book do you prefer?

I prefer books on Chinese history.


Which city is the capital of America?

Washington D.C is the capital of America.

Which city the biggest in America?

New York City is the biggest in America.


What’s your favourite season?

My favourite season is winter.

What can you do in winter?

I can make a snowman.


How do you like your dog?

I think my dog is clever.

Why do you think so?

Because it can find its way back home.


What do you usually do after supper?

I usually go out for a walk after supper.

What benefits can it bring for you?

It’s good for my health.


Which flower do you like best?

I like the rose best.

What does it stand for?

It stands for love.


What hobby do you have?

I like watching movies.

How often do you go to the cinema?

Once a month.


Where did you go shopping yesterday?

I went shopping in the city center yesterday.

What did you buy?

A dictionary.


What’s your favourite sport?

My favourite sport is playing basketball.

When do you usually play it?

I usually play it on Saturdays.


Do you have a computer in your house?

Yes, I do.

What do you usually use your computer for?

I usually use it to learn English.

29.我喜欢学习生物,因为研究各种各样的生物很有趣。 Which subject do you like best?

I like biology best.

Why do you like it so much?

Because it is very interesting to study all kinds of animals.


How many people are there in your family?

There are three people in my family.

Who are they?

They are my father, my mother and I.


What are you going to do on Sunday?

I’m going to buy some flowers.

Who will you buy them for?

For my English teacher.


What’s your plan for this holiday?

I want to travel Hainan.

Can you tell me the reason?

Of course, I can. Because the beach there is very beautiful.

33. 这瓶牛奶变质了,我上周六买的。

What’s wrong with this bottle of milk?

It has gone bad.

When did you buy it?

I bought it last Saturday.


Whose turn is it 痛clean他和room?

It’s my turn.

What will you do first?

I’ll clean the window first.

35、我明天去图书馆借书,我想借一本有关电脑的杂志。 What are you going to do tomorrow?

I’m going to borrow a book from the library.

Which kind of book do you want to borrow?

I want to borrow a magazine about computers.

36、我在学校门口,我和Lucy一起去放风筝。 Where are you ?

I’m at the school gate.

What are you going to do ?

I’m going to fly kites with Lucy.


What are you going to do for summer holidays?





A:Happy new year, LIU, It is nice to enjoy New year holiday, but the noise of the fireworks and firecrackers bothers me recently.

B: Happy new year, On the contrary,I think the fireworks and firecrackers is as nice as the Spring festival.

A:Oh no, At New Year’s Eve, I was up all night because there is too much noise outside. I think fireworks and firecrackers should be prohibited.

B:I may not agree with you. The noise of them is a symbol of lively festive atmosphere. And I set off some fireworksat New Year’s Eve. It’s so interesting.

A: Ok, the noise, is a piece of cake, it is just for me. But fireworks and crackers will cause air pollution. When firework is set off, it will produce lots of sulfur dioxide which is harmful to our environment. What’s more, fireworks and crackers do lots of harm to people. To make the matter worse, children love playing carelessly with firecrackers, which more often cause conflagration.

B: Yeah, some of what you have said is true and It should cause the attention of people. But as long as people pay attention to safety when setting off, I think, It'sunderstandable to set off fireworks and firecrackers during the festival and they should not be prohibited.

A:There also exist potential hazards in manufacturing, shipping and storing them. B: As a traditional way to celebrate the New Year, quite a few people think firecrackers have become part of our Chinese culture. Lots of fun will be gone with the ban of firecrackers.

A: True, to change a custom is not easy, and people are not ready for such drastic action, but it will pay in the long run if the setting off of firecrackers is effectively banned in the cities.

B: Maybe, we can celebrate our holiday by other ways instead of setting off firework.



A: Hi, LIU, do you know Lee and Fan is getting married?

B:Wow. To get married is a happy thing, but I still don't have a girlfriend. A: Can’t agree more. By the way, guys, what criterion are when you choose ‘the other half’ ?

B: Fan is my dream lover. She is not only beautiful and but also has a great figure.

A: Ok, Fan, is a dream indeed. Everyone likes beauty. Besides beauty, what others?

B:She should be good at housework because we need a comfortable housing environment.

A: I like a girl with the quality of kindness and honesty. Nothing in the world is more beautiful than a kind heart.

B: But a kind heart can’t bring a good life. The good economic condition is the foundation of good life.I will take her social status and economic income into my consideration.

A: Maybe. But I think virtues are the most important when I choose my wife. If her character is bad, I don't think I will spend a lifetime with her. B: I wish you find the other half.

A: Thank you, the same to you.



A: Hi, Good afternoon. Have you heard the news thattwo men fight because one of them spit in abus ?

B: Yeah, they are too violent. I think it is wise to choose education rather than fight.Fighting is as uncivilized as spitting.

A: Fighting is really wrong. But I think serious punishment is a necessary step to be taken to stop people from spitting in public places. Education just like being bitten by a mosquito, it’s too gently.

B: If education works, it doesn't need to be a punishment. Education is the first choice to be taken to persuade them not to spit public places. A:Friends, you are too naive, if they can be educated, they will not spit everywhere. Such punishment as a fine is very necessary. In some countries, they even make laws and regulations.

B: Education is simple and easy to do. In some public places, we can set up some warning signs.I think people should have the sense of shame. A: But they are not the primary students who listen to the teacher.Punishment is more effective than education.

B: Frankly speaking, you sold me on your idea.



A: Hi, guys, there is a new fast food restaurant nearby, go with me for a taste.

B: Do you like fast food so much?

A: What is the matter? It is not only delicious but also the environment of fast food restaurants is both clean and comfortable.A lot of people like fast food like me.

B: But the fast food contains a lot of sugar and fat eat too much, will make you get fat. And the fast-food isn’t nutritive, and it is bad for our bodies. It contains a lot of chemical substances which are bad for us.

A: It is convenient and quickly. I can eat it regardless of any time and any place I want. If I want to save time to do the work, the fast food is a good choice.

B: If you eat fast food for a long time, you will become more unhealthy. So I suggest you could appropriately eat some fast food, but you couldn’t eat a lot. You know, the health is the most importance.

A: Frankly speaking, you sold me on your idea. I will pay attention to it.

