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BOOK 3网上作业1 Part I Reading Comprehension( 20%) (2×10) Passage 1

In ancient time the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches.

In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing students for the doctor’s degree.

Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same questions, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and development of modern industry. A room full of students for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory. Certainly, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.

One type of test is sometimes called an objective test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To set an objective test the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like answers to students who have not learned the material properly. 1). In the Middle Ages students __.

A. took objective tests B. were timed by electric clocks C. specialized in one subject D. seldom took written exams 2). Nowadays a student working for the doctor’s degree__.

A. has to take a kind of oral examination B. must ask a number of questions C. has to write a poem D. must take an advanced examination 3). According to Para. 3, which of the following is true?

A. Written examinations were not heard of before 1900. B. The development of modern industry resulted from the increase of population. C. A group of workers of an automobile factory are taking a written examination.

D. Modern examinations are mainly set in written form and taken in a limited amount of time. 4). The kind of exam where students must select answers is __. A. Personal B. Spoken C. Objective D. written 5). It may be concluded that examinations _____.

A. should test only opinions B. have changed since the Middle Ages C. should always be written D. are also given in factories Passage2

One of the most-cited case histories in sociology is the study of Agnes, a biological male who had always felt that he was a female. Raised as a male up to age seventeen, Agnes then decided actually to become a woman. Agnes dressed and behaved as a woman would, became engaged to a young man, and applied to a university clinic for the sex change surgery that would complete the transformation.

Medication and a series of operation could stop the production of male hormones and make Agnes look like a woman. But the hardest part of sex change was learning how to “be” a woman and to convince others that this was her true identity. What for most women is considered “natural” was for Agnes a problem in the presentation of self. Agnes learned to avoid situations, in which other might question her identity, such as all-female gatherings. She also had to construct a believable past history. In other words, Agnes quite literally manufactured a “self”.

As we follow Agnes’ own story, we realize that each person constructs an identity but is usually unaware of the effort it takes. Agnes brings what is “take-for-granted” by the rest of us into the open. From this one in-depth study, then, we can learn more about the creation of a sexual identity than through any other research design. It is the perfect method for the type of question examined by ethno methodologists.

6). Which of the following was NOT true of Agnes before his sex change surgery?

A. He felt he was a female. B. He wanted to get married C. He hated all the men around him. D. He liked wearing women’s clothes. 7). Why did Agnes have to construct her own history?

A. She wanted to avoid questions about her identity.B. She liked to deceive other people. C. She felt she was not a real female yet. D. She was ashamed of her past history. 8). According to the passage, what was the most difficult for the sex change? A. To find the best doctor for the surgery. C. To be a woman physically.

B. To have a suitable living environment after the surgery. D. To be a woman mentally.

9). Through the story of Agnes, what does the writer try to tell us?

A. It is quite easy for us to perform sex change surgery today. B. It is difficult for us to be someone else. C. It is wrong to take everything for granted.

D. Everyone should try to construct his unique identity.

10). Which of the following can be used as the title of the passage?

A. The High Cost of Sex Transformation B. Do You Want to Be a Man or a Woman? C. Agnes: the Social Construction of Identity D. Medication in the 21st Century Part II Vocabulary & Structure (20%)(1×20)

11) It is a little bit difficult for the old couple to _______ on such a small pension. A. get in B. get across C.get by D. get off

12) The rescue team _______ medical supplies and food to the flooded villages. A. sprayed B. hauled C. digested D. generated 13) Peter does occasional freelance work to ______ his income. A. experiment B. improvement C. excitement D. supplement 14) I’ll have to _____ the roses with insecticide to get rid of the greenfly. A. spray B. pursue C. stack D. haul

15) The local government has taken some measures to ensure that all the people in the stricken village will ______the winter. A. get by B. get away C.getalong D.get through

16) As the semester is drawing to an end, the student union is calling on all the students to _____ the temptation to cheat on exams. A. refuse B. reject C. resist D. resolve

17) My trip to the small village under the control of the enemy fire was full of delays and difficulties, but Ieventually ______. A. got by B. made it C. turned it over D. hit the sack

18) If he loses the case, Michael will have to ______ the bill for legal costs. A. pick out B. pick at C. pick off D. pick up

19) People regularly buy ______ to reduce uncertainty and to protect themselves from future disasters. A. food B. temptation C. insurance D. clothes

20) Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can ______ your risk of getting some types of cancer. A. lower B. low C. below D. lowly 21) ______, the weather cleared up.

A. Climbing the hill B. We were climbing the hillC. While climbing the hill D. While we were climbing the hill 22) Not all students will go back home to visit ____ parents at weekends. A. their B. her C. his D. its

23) The United States went through a lot in the Civil War, but virtually its government ______ the notorious slavery. A. astonished B. established C. abolished D. absorbed

24) One month after the Wenchuan earthquake, the State Council ______ the rebuilding scheme in the earthquake stricken areas. A. organized B. authority C. realized D. authorized

25) With a clear theme and a funnier framework, Hollywood cartoon movie Kungfu Panda ______ audience’s attention. A. capitalized B. captured C. tempted D. ventured

26) Although facing intense pressure to bring home gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, many Chinese athletes have a firm ___ that they will win. A. convention B. connection C. religion D. conviction

27) The May Fourth Movement is a ______ event in China, as it marked the upsurge of Chinese nationalism. A. historical B. history C. historic D. hierarchy

28) Pursuing a relationship with someone living far away is tiring and ______. A. painful B. panic C. plain D. graceful

29) With the development of cross-Strait charter flight service, the mainland and Taiwan authorities have agreed to__ further economic cooperation.

A. forbid B. emerge C. forgive D. forge

30) Since 2001, FBI has planned and organized many ______ campaigns against the attack of terrorists.

A. undoubted B. underlin. C. undergraduate D. underground PartIII Cloze

The public know little about the 31) _ of the heroes helping slaves flee away from the American South. Under the help of the 32) _ Railroad, the two slaves, Josiah Henson and John Parker successfully avoided 33) _ and eventually won their freedom. Later John Parker turned into a brave conductor and guided the escaping slaves to 34) _. While black conductors were often motivated by their own 35) _ experience, white were commonly driven by 36) _ beliefs. Levi Coffin, a white Christian, believed it was his 37) _ to assist the fugitive slaves. The organization became so successful that it is estimated that between 1810 and 1850, 100,000 runaway slaves were 38) _ to the American North and Canada. Even at huge 39) _, these civil rights advocators devote themselves to the counter-slavery cause. They had a firm conviction that this system is bound to be 40) _.

A settlement B exploits C abolished D decade E painful F risk G authorize H capture I transported J safety K historic L religious M Underground N racial O mission

1-5:DADCB; 6-10:CADBC 11-15:CBDAD 16-20:CBDCB ;21-25:DACDB 26-30:DACDD 31-35:BMHJE 36-40:LOIFC BOOK 3 网上作业2 Part I Reading Comprehension( 20%) (2×10)

For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greatest

dramatist. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakespeare. Every Englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the work of our greatest writer. All of us use words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of English-speaking people. Most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words we used, rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of Hamlet and complained that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations.

Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, makes full use of the great resources of the

English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English; Shakespeare in his words used about twenty-five thousand. There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners) even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare’s day. 1). English people ____.

A. have never discussed who is the world’s greatest poet and dramatist B. never discuss about the world’s greatest poet or dramatist C. are sure who is the world’s greatest poet and dramatist D. do not care who is the world’s greatest poet and dramatist 2). Every Englishman knows ____.

A. more or less about Shakespeare B. Shakespeare, but only slightly C. all Shakespeare’s writings D. only the name of the greatest English writer 3). Which of the following is true?

A. We use all the words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings.

B. Shakespeare’s writings have become the property of those who are learning to speak English.

C. It is likely to be true that people often do not know the origins of the words they use.D. All the words people use are taken from the writings of Shakespeare. 4). What is Hamlet?

A. A play written by Shakespeare.

B. A play recommended by Shakespeare.

C. A play appreciated by Shakespeare. D. A play people have been complaining about. 5). Why is it worthwhile to study the various ways in which Shakespeare used English?

A. English words have changed a lot since Shakespeare’s time. B. By doing so one can be fully aware of the richness of the English language. C. English words are now being used in the same way as in Shakespeare’s time. D. None of the above. Passage2

As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are finding it

necessary to make business trips alone. Since this is new for many, some tips are certainly in order. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away. They will be much happier and probably they will enjoy the experience. If you will be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurants. In the end, they will be much better for your digestion. You may also find it useful to call the

restaurant in advance and state that you will be eating alone. You will probably get better service and almost certainly a better table. Finally, and most importantly, anticipate your travel needs as a businesswoman. This starts with lightweight luggage, which you can easily manage even when fully packed. Take a folding case inside your suitcase, it will come in extremely hand for dirty clothes, as well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip. And make sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers separate. Obviously, experience helps, but you can make things easier on yourself from the first by carefully planning, so that right from the start you really can have a good trip! 6). Who is the author’s intended audience?

A. Workingwomen who have no time for cooking. B. Husbands and children of workingwomen.

C. Workingwomen who have to travel on their own. D. Hotel personnel who must be a carter to workingwomen. 7). In this passage, what advice does the author have for married women?

A. Stay home and take care of their family. B. Encourage their husband and kids to have fun while they are away. C. Help their family learn to prepare food for themselves. D. Have their whole family take cooking classes together. 8). Why are better restaurants especially preferable for frequent travelers?

A. The food is usually better for their health. B. The tables are better. C. They can call ahead for reservations. 9). Why is lightweight luggage important for the traveling businesswoman?

A. It provides space for dirty clothes.B. It allows for mobility.C. It can double as a briefcase. D. It is usually big enough to carry all business documents. 10). What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Business trips are more difficult for women than for men. B. More women are finding the road to success in American business. C. Good business trips result from careful organization before the trip. D. Careful planning makes most business successful. Part II Vocabulary & Structure (20%)(1×20)

11) My son failed to come back home last night. This morning the police came to our house and ___my worst fears that he was injured in a car accident. A. advocated B. confirmed C. insured D. promised

12) Parks and open spaces are essential to the quality of life in dense ________ areas such as New York City. A. agricultural B. rural C. suburban D. urban

13) I just wonder if ________ ever ________ that you could have your own enterprise and run it yourself when you were still a student. A. it … occurred B. you … occurred to it A. emerge B. merge C. part D. margin

15) She picked up the receiver card,________ asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone. A. without so much as B. without so many as A. brought about B. brought back A. for B. / C. up D. at

18) The villa__ grand design and artistic atmosphere can cost any buyer more than 10 million Yuan, so you’d better give it a second thought before you make up your mind.

A. unique B. featuring C. lighting D. blowing

19) Uncle Tom is never a/an__ guy. Unlike what they said about him, he’s always generous and kind to others. A. friend B. friendly

C. unfriend D. unfriendly

C. electricity D. electrician

20) Experts suggest that students should consult dictionaries when they want to learn a new English word rather than ________ dictionaries. A. electronic B. electrical

21)Compared to the urban areas of New York, the countryside is a preferable place to live as it is more ________ and less polluted. A. tranquil B. Crowded C. developed D. primitive

22) The police________ the entrance to the building with road blocks so that no one can be allowed to enter orexit. A. pasted B. barricaded C. barrier D. sideways

C. with so much as D. with so many as

16) Some epidemics that happen in this modern world are ________ by environmental pollution rather than natural disasters.

C. brought forward D. brought in

17) The initials VAT stand________ Value Add Tax, which is a type of tax pain by the person who buys the goods or services.

C. it … occurred to you D. you… occurred

14) Since this factory adopted the newly-invented managerial system, they have increased their annual income by a large________.

D. They will not have to eat alone.

23) The landlord________ the supply of electricity and water since his two poor tenants hadn’t paid him a penny for months. A. cut back B. cut in C. cut down D. cut off

24) Pupils have to receive education in other cities before new schools are _______ at a new place in about 2years. A. put up B. put up with C. put off D. put down 25)She wishes her parents to________ of her boy friend. A. accept B. approve

C. admit D. permit

C. am believing in D. believe in C. imagination D. imitation

26) I________ the fundamental goodness of human nature. A. am believing B. believe A. inspection B.inspiration

27) Poets ant artists often draw their________from nature. 28) TV, properly used, can________a child’s imagination. A.stimulate B.cause C. arise D. encourage

29) A good deal of the________ for their success must go to John Francis, the captain. A.compliment


C. respect D. reputation

30) His new shoes were too________ because he bought the wrong size. A.free B.loosened C. loose D. lost PartIII Cloze

Bart Cameron made a mistake that he would regret for his whole life. His _31_should have warned him, and

then the whole thing wouldn’t have happened. It was true that to fill in the tax forms _32_ his army pension and other sources of income was somewhat _33_ for Bart. How could some impatient guy be expected to have _34_ the rocket landing when he had all the figures to_35_? Although their_36_ was a bit odd, they just looked like foreigners instead of extraterrestrials. And Bart’s town was a bit _37_so that he couldn’t figure out their_38_. When they started to talk about inviting him and his people to join their_39_, it sounded just like garbage to Bart. He became furious and told them to get out and _40_. So they went away and would never come back just as what he had wished.

A)nationality B) organization C) deputy D) complicated E) leave him alone F) caught sight of G)hell H)wit I)knock off J)go for K)appearance L) on account of M) go over N) isolated O) mode 1-5:CACAB 6-10:CCABC 11-15:BDCDA 16-20:AABDA 21-25:ABDBD 26-30:DBABC 31-35:CLDFM 36-40:KNABE BOOK 3 网上作业3 Part I Reading Comprehension( 20%) (2×10) Passage 1

Many people who are rich are also well-known. Ted Sweeney was an exception to this rule.

His family moved to San Francisco from Los Angeles when he was one month old. That’s where he grew up. At the age of seventeen he was hit by a train. Although he was seriously hurt, the railroad paid him $ 25,000. Instead of going to college he bought a small store. Six months later the government bought his land to build a new highway. He sold it for $ 95,000.

With this money he moved to Detroit. He started a small company that made parts for the car

manufacturers. It was very successful that by the time he was 23 he was a millionaire. When he was 24 he got married. He and his wife had three daughters in the next five years. By the time he was 30 he had over ten million dollars.

Then tragedy struck. He was involved in a traffic accident. He did not die but his wife and

daughters did. Six months later he sold everything he owned and put his money in stocks. Ted then moved to New York. He lived for the next forty years in a one-room apartment.

He spent most of his days wandering through the city looking in garbage cans for food. He

never worked. He rarely talked to anyone except himself. Most people were afraid of him. His clothes were always old and dirty.

Shortly before he died he moved back to Los Angeles. After spending two weeks there he

was put in jail because he had no money and no job. City workers tried to help him. They offered him work but he would not wok. Towards the end he would not talk to anyone at all.

When he died, he was a lonely man. But someone remembered his name. They knew he had

lived in Detroit and had been successful. It was learned that he had put his stocks in a box at a Detroit bank. After they were sold and all the taxes paid, there was still over a hundred million dollars left. 1). Where did Sweeney grow up?

A. Los Angeles. B. Detroit. C. San Francisco. D. New York. 2). Sweeney became successful in business by ____.

A. making car parts B. selling his land to the government C. putting his money in stocks D. depositing money at a bank 3). Which of the following statements about Sweeney’s life in New York is implied in the passage?

A. He led a poor life there. B. He made many friends there. C. He was not allowed to work there. D. He stayed in jail for some time there. 4). How old probably was Sweeney when he died? A. Over 50. B. Over 60. C. Over 70. D. Over 80. 5). What can we conclude from the passage?

A. People may not be aware of their wealth. B. Sweeney became rich by selling garage cans. C. Sweeney lost all his money in the stock market. D. People may be rich but not well-known. Passage2

There is probably no sphere of human activity in which our values and life styles are

reflected more vividly than they are in the clothes that we choose to wear. The dress of an individual is a kind of “sign language” that communicates a complex set of information and is usually the basic on which immediate impressions are formed. Traditionally, women cared much about their clothes, while men took pride in the fact that they were completely lacking in clothes consciousness.

This type of American culture is gradually changing as men’s dress takes on greater variety

and color. Even as early as 1995, a research in Michigan revealed that men attached rather high importance to the value of clothing in daily life. White-collar workers in particular viewed dress as a symbol of control, which could be used to impress or influence others, especially in the work situation. The white-collar worker was described as extremely concerned about the impression his clothing made on his superiors. Although blue-collar workers were less aware that they might be judged on the basis of their clothing, they recognized that they would be laughed at by their fellow workers if they were any different from the accepted pattern of dress.

Since that time, of course, the patterns have changed: the typical office worker may now be

wearing the blue shirt, and laborer a white shirt; but the importance of dress has not decreased. Other investigators in recent years have helped to establish its significance in the lives of individuals at various age levels in different social and economic groups. 6). Our values and lifestyles are probably reflected most vividly in _____.

A. any sphere of human activity B. the clothes that we wear C. the sign language people use D. complex set of information 7). In a world of changes, men’s clothes have become _____.

A. various and colorful B. traditional and formal C. fashionable and colorful D. reasonable and formal 8). Traditionally, people thought that _____.

A. men were proud of the clothes they wore B. women were concerned greatly with their clothes C. both men and women paid great attention to their clothes D. neither men nor women showed great interest in clothes 9). Blue-collar workers were aware of their clothes because _____.

A. they were extremely concerned about their impression on their superiorsB. they knew clearly that people would judge them by their clothes C. they wanted to impress and influence their fellow workers D. they didn’t want to be laughed at by their fellow workers 10). The passage mainly suggests that _____.

A. women pay more attention to their clothes than men do B. women always like beautiful dresses C. people have attached more importance to dress D. American culture is changing greatly Part II Vocabulary & Structure (20%)(1×20)

11)What people do, think, and feel many depend greatly on the______ conditions in which their behavior occurs. A. specific B. specification C. straight D. unique

12)Kathy is such a strange person that she always isolate herself from other students and keep everything she does________. A. at secret B. in secret C.at secretary D. in secretary

13) His job at the airport was not as glorious as we thought. Everyday, he just loaded and_ the cargos from planes. A. downloaded B. uploaded C. disloaded D. unloaded

14) We _____high priority to meeting the challenges of economic and environmental development in the region. A. diminish B. accord C. appreciate D. according

15) Poetry often reveals to us the loveliness of nature and________ the freshness of youthful feelings. A. brings back B. brings forward C. brings up D. brings out

16) Setting a goal is not the main thing. What really matters is deciding how you will ________ achieving it. A. go away B. go to C. go about D. go off

17)When supplies of food and water ________, people there have no choice but to eat grass and drink the water from the river. A. diminish B. assemble C. impress D. repay

18) When your skin is ________ to bright sunlight at noon, it will be burnt in less than an hour. A. extreme B. explained C. expanded D. exposed

19)I am sick________ beef now, since I had eaten too much of it last month. A. to B. about C. of D. from

20) It is cooperation ________ conflict that will enable you to achieve success. A. but B. and C. as well as D. rather than

21)I don’t think I’d like to go out this evening. I’ll stay home ________. A. instead B. instead of C. rather D. rather than

22) We shouldn’t take natural resources________ and abuse them just because they don’t cost much and some are even for free. A. as granted B. for granted C. as if grant D. for grant

23)The past century has ________ the improvement of our environmental condition resulting from our concerns and contributions. A. stared B. looked C. seen off D. seen

24) It is reported that the majority of _____ in the violence in the local police are male, all the policewomen survived. A. victims B. statisticsC. circumstances D. representatives

25)The angry wife poured a bucket of water over her drunken husband, who was immediately _______ and stumbled backward. A. work up B. weary awayC. wet through D. whip up

26) The steps of the Great Wall have been ________ by the feet of thousands of visitors. A. worn away B. wet throughC. worked up D. whipped up

27) Among the films I have just seen, “A beautiful Mind” ______ from all the others. I think it is the best one. A. starts with B. stands forC. stands out D. starts out

28) A good friend should be one who will be with you as soon as possible when he _____ your trouble. A. hears of B. clings to C. speaks of D. calls to

29) She clung ______ the hope that he was still alive and would come back soon. A. up B. forC. of D. to

30) His father is a man of discipline and he never smokes or drinks ________. A. to excess B. to his disappointment C. to the point D. to a certain degree PartIII Cloze

Thanksgiving is 31_in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. For many Americans it is the most important holiday apart from Christmas. The holiday is a

time of family reunion. However, Alex was not home with his families, he was 32_ with his crew. “What is the meaning of this holiday?” He 33_this question in his mind. By reversing the order of words, he 34_ thinking about giving thanks to people who loved him and had helped him. He wondered how he could 35_ them. One of the best ways came into his mind was to express his36_ by writing them thank-you letters in which he could tell them how much he 37_ their devotion and love. Before long, he 38_ pen and paper and was 39_ in writing. When their ship reached port, the cargo and his letters

were unloaded. The replies from his father, teacher and grandma were not 40_, but deeply moving at such a special festival. A) assembled B) immersed C) celebrated D) turned over E) swift F) got to G) specific H) marvelous I)\\in a flash J)undergo K) gratitude L) at sea M) repay N) appreciated O) diminished

1-5:CAACD 6-10:BABDC 11-15; ABDBA 16-20:CADCD ;21-25:ABDAC 26-30:ACADA 31-35:CLDFM 36-40:KNABE

