What can you do教学案例

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What can you do?教学案例

一、课例名称:Unit4 What Can You Do? Part B Let’s learn 二、教学目标:

1、能够听说读写并简单运用wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed, do the dishes 等短语。

2、能够听说认读词组put away the clothes和句子“Can you do housework? Yes. I can.” 3、培养学生的语言交际运用能力和英语学习兴趣。

4、提高学生热爱劳动的意识,鼓励学生多做自己力所能及的事。 三、 学生和内容分析:


经过以上分析,我认为这个单元很适合进行生活化的情境教学,适合对学生进行语言交际运用能力的训练。而这节课是本单元的B部分,学生在A部分里已经掌握了一些基本句型和短语,所以这节课的任务将是在掌握本课重点短语的基础上,带领学生进入更丰富、更高级、综合性更强的交际语言的情境运用中去。 四、课时安排:1课时

五、主要教学法:情境教学法,歌曲教学法,游戏教学法,TPR教学法 六、 教学手段:卡片,课件,表格,各种相关道具。 七、 板书设计

Unit 4 What Can You Do? Part B Let’s learn make the bed ? wash the clothes ?

Can you set the table ? Yes, I can .

do the dishes ? No, I can’t . put away the clothes ? 八、课堂练习:

1. What can the robot do? The robot can

2. Volunteers Recruiting Form (志愿者招募表) 九、教学过程

StepⅠ: Warming-up & Revision a、Greetings .

b、 Say a chant to review what they learned in Part A.

c、 Free talk about what they can do at home and then lead in today’s lesson naturally. StepⅡ: Presentation 1、Set a situation : One Saturday morning, Amy’s parents will go to office to do extra work. They have no time to do housework and look after Amy. So, Amy will take care of herself and do housework at home. What can Amy do? Let’s have a look together! 2、Introduce the 5 key phrases one by one. a、make the bed

① First, Amy’s going to her bedroom to make her bed. Look ! What can she do ? (Show the relevant PPT)


② Read and then sing the song :

Make ,make, make the bed. I can make the bed .

merrily merrily , merrily, merrily ,I can make the bed .

③ Invite some students to make the bed with a toy bed to present the sentence pattern: Can you \she \he ? Yes, I\she\he can .No, I\she\he can’t. b、wash the clothes

① After making the bed, Amy’s going to the bathroom. There are many dirty clothes. Look, (Show the relevant PPT): dirty dress, dirty skirt, dirty shorts ..All of the clothes are dirty. But, That‘s nothing !Amy can wash the clothes. ② Read and sing with TPR. c、set the table

① Oh, It’s 11 o’clock now. Amy is hungry. It’s time to have lunch. So she’s going to kitchen to prepare lunch for herself lunch is ready!

② Look! Here are some forks ,knives and spoons. Who knows how Amy set the table? Who can set the table? (Invite some students to set the table) Can you set the table ?..... Can she set the table ?..... ③ Read the phrase and sing the song . d、do the dishes

① After lunch, Amy’s going to do the dishes. You see, (Show the real dish) what’s this ? .. ② To learn the phrase with a chant: 1 dish, 2 dishes ,3 dishes 4,Ican do the dishes and I’m helpful .

③ Read and sing with TPR. e、put away the clothes

① After doing the dishes, Amy will do her homework . And at 4 o’clock, The sun went down and it’s time to put away the clothes. (Show the relevant PPT):Put away the dress, shirt, skirt . ② Invite some students to put away the clothes . f. At 5 o’clock, Amy’s parents came back home.

What will they say? guess! ( Induce the students to imagine and talk) StepⅢ: Practice 1、 Play a game

Amy’s parents bring her a present ,that is a robot .What can the robot do? Let’s play a game: Guess what the robot can do.. What can the robot do? The robot can

2、Activity: Volunteers Recruiting meeting .

Amy is not only helpful at home, but also at school—She is a volunteer ! Do you want to be a volunteer? Let’s have a volunteers Recruiting meeting to see who can be a good volunteer !


Volunteers Recruiting Form( 志愿者 招募表 ) 3、say a chant

Robot has done much housework, he is very tired .So he is saying a chant like this . . Cook the meals . Water the plants.

Wash the clothes. No time to dance! Make the bed . Sweep the floor, Empty the trash. And there is more. Oh, please! No more! Let’s say together! StepⅣ: Sum-up

1、Read the key phrases after the tape . . StepⅤ:Homework

1、Interview 3 friends like this :What can you do at home? Can you ?

2、Try to do these housework at home and please speak them out at the same time . 十、课后反思

本课4个四会短语的拼读不是很难,学生应该能较快地掌握,所以在设计这堂课时我把教学的侧重点放在了语言的交际运用和提高课堂的愉悦性和学生的英语学习兴趣上。 一、 语言的交际运用----巧妙设置情境和游戏,增添课堂情趣

为了给学生的语言交际运用提供一个贴切的平台,我根据教学内容特点设计了一个有关Amy的生活故事情境,从而将教学环节层层推进、巧妙贯连,这样不但使课堂显得更加饱满流畅、富有层次性,而且也使课堂增添了不少人情味和故事性,很吸引学生,很多学生都能够在不知不觉中运用所学的语言。 另外,结合创设的故事情境,我还穿插设计了一个“猜猜机器人会做什么”的游戏和一个“志愿者招募会的面试活动”。 “猜猜机器人会做什么”的游戏是让一个学生扮演机器人,机器人随意抽取一张有关家务的卡片(卡片上的短语就是机器人会做的家务),另一个学生就用”Robot,can you ?”的句型来猜机器人会做什么。

“志愿者招募会的面试活动”则是一个小组活动。每组选两个面试官,让组员去他们那里面试。面试时他们需要回答What can you do? Can you ?等问题,而面试官要做好相应的记录、统计谁最能干。最后宣布被录用为志愿者的名单并进行表彰。 这两个游戏都符合了学生的兴趣和心理,所以他们的参与积极性很高,个个兴趣盎然地将自己刚刚学会的英语运用于逼真、富有生活化的游戏交际活动中去。 二、 借用儿歌旋律,增强课堂的愉悦性

活泼有趣的儿歌和童谣是学生学习英语的一个好助手。它不但有助于化重难点于无形中,而且还能提高学生说英语的韵律感,让英语更富节奏美。因此我将本节课中的4个四会短语的教学融入了“Row, row, row your boat” 的旋律中。如: Make ,make, make the bed. I can make the bed .


merrily merrily, merrily, merrily , I can make the bed .

另外在教do the dishes时为了帮助学生理解和记忆dish单复数的不同形式和发音,我还编了一首朗朗上口的韵律诗以及有趣的肢体配套动作:one dish, two dishes ,three dishes four, I can do the dishes , I’m helpful 学生一边跟着我兴致勃勃地读、作动作,一边在不知不觉中记住了dish单复数的区别。 总之,这堂课的几个主要活动设计很符合儿童的语言学习规律和心理特点,能够较好地吸引学生的注意力和提高学习效果。但是我如果能在板书、课件、道具等的精美度上再多下点工夫,整体效果会更好。

