P5 Exam Tips-ACCA考试P5高级业绩管理考试重点

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P5 Exam Tips for June 2013

1. ?EVA v.s. ROCE (2013 New Pilot Q1v7) 2. ?Reward Scheme (EA20050905; 20130113)

3. ?Corperate Failure: Z Model 201012Q5;A201212Q4b9 4. ?Impact of Management Information System(EIS;DSS;TPS) 5. ?ABC & Beyond Budgeting

6. ?3M Risk & Uncertainty & Transfer Pricing (201112Q1+201106Q1); 7. ?MIRR; Annuity Depreciation 8. ?Building Block Model;

9. ?Performance Prism + RECOMMENDS: McKinsey's 7S Model; 10. ?Problems of Performance Behaviour 2SGOT3M 11. ?Quality of Service: 2R3A4CFTs

12. ?Benchmarking of NFO; 7 steps approach 13. ?League Tables (200812Q1b6) 答题的中心技巧归纳如下:

When you plan your answer structure in your exam sit, please keep the following 3 questions in your mind and try to answer them according to the scenario.

? ? ?

?What is the Business Objectives? èPerformance Management ?What is the Context of Strategic Management?

?“What gets measured, gets done.”(Identify inefficiency measures or performance; recomment improvements)


27 20111101 Outsourcing 28 20111103 PM Roles conflict


根据以往的经验,大家可以把全部考官文章过完后再重点压这5篇文章, ACCA官网上P3 Technical Articles都有电子版PDF文件并可以下载。

因为每次考P3的预测都非常准确,而考官针对2012年12月全球考生的答卷不够以前理想,再一次强调,计算的重要性,恐怕这次会突出计算后的分析才能做出Strategy Process Change. 因此斗胆再押题如下:

?Outsourcing adv. V.s dis 201106Q1 ?Porter’s 5 forces

?Harmon’s Process Strategy Matrix ?Harmon’s Strategy Change Matrix ?E-marketing: 7P & 6I

?Strategy Process: Examiner Articles 20130113 ?Value Net Work: Examiner Articles20130213



