DELL EDGE2950服务器LED显示代码说明
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DellEdge 2950 LCD Messages(2950前面版信息显示)
The following table provides detail on error messaged that may be displayed on the system LCD.
NOTE: If the user presses and holds the ID button for approximately 5 seconds, the LCD will enter the BIOS Progress Code state. This feature is very useful when troubleshooting a no POST or no video situations. ? Cable and Board Presence - Message Code: x1Axx ? Temperature - Message Code: x11xx ? Voltages - Message Code: x12xx ? Fans - Message Code: x13xx ? Processors - Message Code: x14xx ? System Memory - Message Code: x21xx ? Power Supplies - Message Code: x16xx ? BIOS - Message Code: x17xx
? Hard Drives - Message Code: x18xx ? Miscellaneous - Message Code: x19xx ? BIOS Progress Codes - Message Code: N/A ? BIOS Fatal Error Codes - Message Code: x20xx
? Special Exceptions - Message Code: x10xx
Cable and Board Presence - Message Code: \Message Message Message String Code Priority System Exists Phase Minimum Action Required to in When Remove Message from LCD SEL? Event Can Occur? Yes Yes Pre-Post Pre-Post Message Comments E1A10 PDBPwrCable E1A11 PCIRsrConfig High High PDB power cable to the planar is missing Failing device is or bad and system will not power on. reseated/replaced/repaired. PCI risers are not configured Failing device is correctly; some invalid configurations reseated/replaced/repaired. prevent system power on. E1A12 PCIRsrMissing High E1A14 SAS Cable A E1A15 SAS Cable B E1A16 SAS Cable FB E1A17 PwrCable FB Low Low Low Low One or all of the PCI risers is missing. Failing device is This prevents system power on. reseated/replaced/repaired. SAS cable A is missing or bad. SAS cable B is missing or bad. Failing device is reseated/replaced/repaired. Failing device is reseated/replaced/repaired. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pre-Post Any Any Any Any Any Failing device is Flex bay SAS cable is missing or bad. reseated/replaced/repaired. Failing device is Flex bay power cable is missing or bad. reseated/replaced/repaired. PDB control cable to the planar is Failing device is missing or bad and system will not power reseated/replaced/repaired. on. Temperature - Message Code: \E1A18 PDBCtrl Cable High Message Message Message String Code Priority Message Comments System Exists Phase Minimum Action Required to in When Remove Message from LCD SEL? Event Can Occur? Yes Yes Any Any E1114 Temp Ambient E1116 Temp Memory Med High Ambient temperature has a reached a Temperature returns to point outside of the allowed range. allowable range. Memory has exceeded allowable AC Cycle or SEL clear temperature and has been disabled to prevent damage to the components. Voltages - Message Code: \Message Message Message String Code Priority System Exists Phase Minimum Action Required to in When Remove Message from LCD SEL? Event Can Occur? Yes Any Message Comments E1210 CMOSBatt Low E1211 ROMBBatt Low CMOS battery is missing or the voltage Failing device is is outside of the allowable range. reseated/replaced/repaired. PERC5I RAID battery charger has reported to the Server Management that the battery is either missing, can't Failing device is charge the battery (possibly because of reseated/replaced/repaired. high temperatures), or the battery is bad. Yes Any W1228 ROMBBatt< 24 hr Low This is a predictive failure warning message telling the user that the PERC5I RAID battery has less then 24 Battery charges to > 24 hours of Yes hours of charge left init. Wee provide sustained charge. this message as a warning message to the customer. 1.5 VV voltage regulator has failed. AC Cycle or SEL clear 1.8 VV voltage regulator has failed. AC Cycle or SEL clear Yes Yes Any E1214 1.5VPwrGd E1215 1.8VPwrGd High High Any Any E1216 3.3VPwrGd E1217 5VPwrGd High High 3.3V voltage regulator has failed. 5V voltage regulator has failed. PCI Riser 5V voltage regulator has failed. Backplane voltage regulator has failed. AC Cycle or SEL clear AC Cycle or SEL clear AC Cycle or SEL clear AC Cycle or SEL clear Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any E1218 PCIRsr5VPwrGd High E1219 BackplanePwrGd High E1221 Flex BayPwrGd High E1222 VCACHE #PwrGd High E1223 VRM #PwrGd High E1225 ESB 1.5VPwrGd High E1226 PCIRsr1.5VPwrGd High Flex Bay voltage regulator power good AC Cycle or SEL clear has failed. VCACHE # voltage regulator has failed. AC Cycle or SEL clear VRM # voltage regulator has failed. AC Cycle or SEL clear ESB1.5 VV voltage regulator has failed. AC Cycle or SEL clear PCI Riser 1.5 VV voltage regulator has AC Cycle or SEL clear failed. Linear voltage regulator(s) has failed. Represents status of multiple AC Cycle or SEL clear voltage regulators used in the video and LOM circuitry. Memory VTT voltage regulator has failed. AC Cycle or SEL clear E1227 LinearPwrGd High Yes Any E1228 0.9VPwrGd E1229 CPU # VCORE E122A CPU VTTPwrGd High High High Yes Yes Yes Any Any Any Processor # VCORE voltage regulator has AC Cycle or SEL clear failed. Processor VTT voltage regulator has AC Cycle or SEL clear failed. E122B 0.9 V Over Voltage High 0.9 V regulator voltage has exceeded AC Cycle or SEL clear the allowable voltage range. A voltage regulator failure was detected when the processor AC Cycle or SEL clear regulator(s) was enabled. Fans - Message Code: \Yes Yes Any Any E122C CPU Power Fault High Message Message Message String Code Priority Message Comments System Exists Phase Minimum Action Required to in When Remove Message from LCD SEL? Event Can Occur? Any E1310 RPM Fan ## Low Fan RPM reading returns to a RPM of fan ## is outside of the intended point inside of the intended Yes operating range. operating range. Fan RPM reading returns to a RPM of fan A in the # module is outside point inside of the intended Yes of the intended operating range. operating range. Fan RPM reading returns to a Same as above except for fan B of module point inside of the intended Yes #. operating range. Fan RPM reading returns to a Same as above except for fan C of module point inside of the intended Yes #. operating range. Same as above except for fan D of module Fan RPM reading returns to a Yes E1311 RPM Fan Mod #A Low Any E1311 RPM Fan Mod #B Low Any E1311 RPM Fan Mod #C Low E1311 RPM Fan Mod #D Low Any Any
DELL EDGE2950服务器LED显示代码说明10-17
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