《peppa pig》mummy pig at work 中英对照台词

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mummy pig at work猪妈妈在工作。

独白:Mummy pig is working on her computer. Daddy pig is making soup for lunch. 猪妈妈在电脑前工作。猪爸爸在做午餐要喝的汤。

Peppa: Daddy? Can we go and watch mummy on her computer? 爸爸,我和乔治可以去看妈妈工作吗?

Daddy: Yes, as long as you don't disturb her. She has a lot of important work to do today. 可以,但是你们不能打扰她,她今天有很多重要的工作呢。 Peppa: Thank you, Daddy. 谢谢你,爸爸。

独白:Mummy pig has a lot of important work to do. 猪妈妈今天有很多重要的工作。

Peppa: Mummy, Can George and I sit on your lap and watch you work? 妈妈,乔治和我可以坐在你腿上看你工作吗?

Mummy: Yes, if you both sit quietly. 能啊,但你们要保持安静。

独白:Peppa and George love to watch mummy work on the computer. 佩琪和乔治最喜欢看妈妈在电脑前工作啦

Peppa: Mummy? Can we play that computer game 'Happy Mrs. Chicken'? 妈妈,我们能玩电脑上的快乐小鸡游戏吗?

Mummy: We can play 'Happy Mrs. Chicken' later. But now I have to work. 我们呆会玩快乐小鸡的游戏。因为现在我要工作。

Peppa: Mummy? Can we help you work? 妈妈,我们可以帮你吗?

Mummy: No. Peppa. You mustn’t touch the computer. And George, you must not touch the computer, either. 不行,佩琪,你不可以乱碰电脑,知道吗?乔治你也是,不可以乱碰电脑。

Peppa: Yes, George. You mustn’t do this. 没错,乔治,你不可以这样乱碰。 Mummy: Peppa, stop.

Peppa: Sorry. Mummy. I was just showing George what not to do. 对不起,妈妈。我只是想告诉乔治什么是不能做的。

独白:oh, dear. The computer is not meant to do. 哦,糟糕,电脑好像出现了故障。

Mummy: Daddy pig! Daddy pig!猪爸爸!猪爸爸!

Daddy: What is it, Mummy pig? 发生什么事了,猪妈妈。

Mummy: daddy pig, can you mend the computer? 猪爸爸,你能修理电脑吗? Daddy: Errrr额

Mummy: I’ll finish the lunch while you mend the computer.我去做午餐,你来修理电脑吧。

Daddy: Errr……right ,you are, mummy pig. But I am not very good with these things…额,好的,猪妈妈。但是我不是很善长修电脑。

Mummy: Oh, thank you , daddy pig.哦,谢谢你了,猪爸爸。

独白:Daddy pig is going to mend the computer. 猪爸爸准备去修电脑啦。

Daddy: Hmm, hmmm, Um, Maybe if I just switch it off and then switch it on again. 额,哦,嗯。也许我应该先把电脑关了然后再重新开机。

独白:Daddy pig has mended the computer!猪爸爸修好了电脑。 Peppa and George: Hurray! Daddy. 好唉,爸爸。

Daddy: Yes. I am bit of an expert at these things.太好了,我是这方面的专家

Peppa: Daddy? Can we play that computer game 'Happy Mrs. Chicken'? 爸爸,那我


Daddy: Maybe should ask mummy pig. 也许你们该问问妈妈。

Peppa: Mummy said we could play it later. 妈妈刚才说我们呆会可以玩。

Daddy: Well, that’s okay then. but I don’t know where the disc is.可以,但是我不知道光盘在哪里。

Peppa: Yippeeee! 实在太好了。

Peppa: Now, it’s my turn.现在轮到我了。 Daddy: Now, it’s my turn. 现在轮到我了。

Mummy: What on earth is going on?到底发生什么事情了?

Well, I see that the computer is working again.原来猪爸爸把电脑修好了。

