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马里兰驾考试题This road sign means: No right turn Drive only in the direction of the arrow This road sign means: All traffic must turn right All traffic must go straight ahead

A side road enters ahead Curve ahead

When driving at night you should: Always use your high beams Look directly at the headlights of the oncoming vehicle

Night driving poses special problems for drivers because: The speed limit is increased at night There are fewer cars on the roads at night

Increase your following distance

Vehicle speed and distance are harder to judge


Looking at the diagram, which vehicles are required to stop for a school bus on a multiple lane road with a passing or center turn lane?

Looking at the diagram, which vehicles are required to stop for a school bus on a multiple lane road divided by a physical barrier?

A&B A, B, C &D A, B, & D A only



In this picture, the 3 – 4 second following distance applies to the minimum amount of: Space that should be maintained in front of car "A" Space the driver of the white truck "B" should keep behind him

Excessive speed: Does not increase the chance of a crash Increases your ability to react to a hazard

Time the driver of car "C" should wait before entering the freeway

Often leads to high-risk decision-making


When is it legal to drive faster than the posted speed limit? Never If you feel it is reasonable and prudent

Stopping distances and severity of crashes: Decrease as vehicle speed increases Are not affected by vehicle speed

As long as it takes to safely pass another vehicle

Increase as vehicle speed increases

When a law enforcement officer signals you to pull over, you should: Pull off to the side of the roadway and keep your seatbelt fastened Locate your Driver’s License and registration so it is ready when the officer comes

If it is necessary to make an emergency stop while driving on an interstate, you should: Blow the horn at passing cars to get their attention Get out of the vehicle and flag down the first vehicle that passes Pull off the road, turn on your emergency flashers and stay in your vehicle if you can

Pull over to the right side of the road and get out of the vehicle


This road sign means: Do not enter Roundabout ahead

This road sign means: No right turn No U-turns

No left turn No U turn

If the vehicle you are driving starts to hydroplane, you should: Pump the brakes to slow the vehicle Allow the vehicle to slow to a manageable speed

If your vehicle begins to skid, you should: Ease up on the gas pedal Brake as hard as possible

Increase speed slightly

Turn off the ignition


You are driving the car in the picture and deciding whether to pass the truck. It is important to: Flash your headlights Consider the space and time needed to pass

The best thing to do if you become tired or sleepy while driving is: Get rest or change drivers Drink coffee

Get as close as possible to the truck before passing

Open a window

Double solid yellow lane markings me

an that: Neither lane may pass Both lanes may pass

If a bicycle rider near you is a child: Beep your horn Expect the child to be in total control of the bicycle

The lane to the right may pass

Expect the unexpected


You are car "A", and the traffic in front of you is stopped. You should: Move up and stop between the railroad crossing gates in case they close Move up directly behind car "B" and wait for traffic to proceed

When driving in fog, it is best to drive with: High beam headlights Low beam headlights

Four-way flashers Wait until you can completely cross over the railroad tracks

Any individual under the age of _______ is required by law to wear a seat belt or be restrained in a child safety seat, regardless of seating position. 8 13

This road sign means: Do not enter You are not allowed to travel this direction


Exit at intersection


This road sign means: All traffic must go straight Turning on red signal is prohibited

This road sign means Yield before turning left at a green signal Turn left without yielding on red

Left turns are prohibited

Must turn left

What can you do to reduce "road rage"? Always signal your intention when changing lanes.

If you encounter an aggressive driver you should: Challenge them Get out of their way

Talk on your cell phone while driving.

Use your horn frequently.

Speed up


BAC means: Blood alcohol concentration Blood alcohol content

MVA will suspend the license of any driver with a BAC test result of: .08 .02

Blood alcohol conservation


A driver who has been drinking is more likely to: Yield right-of-way to emergency vehicles Keep a 3-4 second following distance

If you see a funeral procession you: Must yield the right-of-way to any vehicles in the funeral procession May drive between the vehicles moving in the funeral procession

Have a decreased reaction time


Must pass a funeral procession on the right on a multiple lane highway What should you do if an emergency vehicle is approaching you from behind with sirens and flashing lights? Pull over to the curb or edge of the road and stop Slow down so the emergency vehicle can pass Distracted driving is: Anything that causes evasive action while driving Anything that takes your attention away from driving

Pull over to the right-most lane so the vehicle can pass

Anything that causes you to pay more attention to driving

When sharing the road with large trucks, other drivers should: Never travel in a "No Zone" Quickly and safely move through any "No Zone"

Before returning to the original lane after passing another vehicle, you should: Beep your horn See both headlights of the passed vehicle in your rear view mirror


Blow your horn to let the truck driver know you are in the "No Zone"

Flash your headlights

As it relates to your driver's license, implied consent means: Submitting to a chemical test to determine BAC Submitting to a field sobriety test to determine impairment

MVA will suspend the license of any driver who: Refuses to

use a false ID to purchase alcohol Fails to meet the attendance requirement for school

Submitting to a physical examination before licensure

Refuses to submit to a test to determine BAC

When driving in a construction zone: Slightly increase your speed Expect the unexpected

In work zones, you should: Increase your speed to get through as quickly as possible Reduce your speed and be prepared to stop suddenly


Construction workers must yield to roadway users

Maintain your speed the whole way through the zone

The maximum posted speed limit should be driven only: During the night During the day

An example of distracted driving is: Constantly checking the position of vehicles behind you Use of a cell phone in a non-emergency situation

In ideal conditions

Changing lanes or speed to avoid a crash


When a vehicle is hydroplaning the: Windshield wipers cannot keep the windshield clear of rain Tires lose contact with the road surface Follow the posted speed limit Reduce your speed

Speed up Spray from large trucks reduce visibility

To avoid traction loss from hydroplaning, you should: Drive at a constant speed Apply the brakes firmly

In inclement weather, you should: Speed up to get off the road quickly Increase your following distance

Slow down

Use your high beam headlights


When turning left at an intersection: You should always yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians Oncoming traffic and pedestrians should yield to you

When using a deceleration lane to exit a roadway: Do not use your turn signal until the vehicle has moved onto the deceleration lane Do not follow the posted warning speeds unless the roadway is slippery Do not slow down until your vehicle has moved onto the deceleration lane

You should never yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians

While driving on a roadway with single broken white line markings: You must stay within your lane

What is an important step in turning? Check traffic in all directions Increase your speed

You may cross it to change lanes Always move to the left lane You may change lanes only if in the left lane


All of the following are examples of driving distractions except: Smoking Attending to children or pets

Texting while driving a motor vehicle is: Permitted when driving at a slow speed Not legal

Completing a quick check of the space around your vehicle

Legal if the driver is 21 years of age or older

Any amount of alcohol in the blood may affect a driver's: Right-of-way privileges Judgment and physical coordination

Prior to entering a curve: Activate your turn signal Reduce your speed


Brake hard


A driver should: Assume all drivers automatically obey the right of way rules Assume most drivers obey the right of way rules

If you are driving and see a pedestrian carrying a visible white cane, you should: Flash your headlights Beep your horn

Always be prepared to yield the right of way

Exercise extreme care and yield the right of way

When displayed on the rear of a vehicle, the

sign shown indicates: The vehicle is being drawn by an animal The vehicle is traveling 25 mph or less

This road sign means: Watch for people crossing your path No passing zone

The vehicle makes sudden stops

Work zone ahead


This road sign means: Drive with caution and be ready to stop You must make a complete stop

This road sign means: Highway entrance ramp Road widens

Right lane ends Stop if necessary

Drivers under the age of 18 on a provisional license should: Always be accompanied by a driver who is 21 years of age or older Always make sure all passengers are properly restrained in a seatbelt or a child safety seat Always make sure the vehicle is equipped with air bags

Having a driver's license is a: Requirement Privilege



You are car "A". When merging with traffic flow, you should try to enter: At speeds lower than the traffic flow At the same speed as the traffic flow

You are car "A". Who should yield the right of way as you are attempting to merge onto the interstate highway? You would yield to the traffic on the interstate Interstate traffic would yield to the vehicle entering the roadway Right of way rules do not apply on interstates

At speeds higher than the traffic flow

You are car "A". Which of these should you do when merging onto an interstate? Select a safe gap and merge onto the interstate Change two lanes at once and speed up.

You are car "A", getting ready to get on the interstate. Which of the following is important to do? Never stop in the acceleration lane Adjust your speed to the flow of traffic already in the travel lane

Always come to a full stop before entering the interstate

Expect traffic already on the interstate to yield


The bicyclist is signaling: Turning left Stopping

Excessive speed: Saves time so you can get to your destination more quickly Helps you to maneuver around obstacles

Debris in roadway Increases the likelihood of serious bodily injuries and death

This road sign means: Steep grade ahead The road ahead winds with a series of turns or curves

When being passed by another vehicle: Slow down Maintain a constant speed

Slippery when wet

Speed up


