
更新时间:2024-02-13 06:57:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载





农夫:I’m a farmer.(稍停顿)[走两步]A cool farmer.(掏出墨镜戴上)[冷酷地走两步,突然被绊了一跤,继续保持冷酷]Eh...When I was yong,I studied in Xu~~~~chuan Middle School.So, I’m rich now![开始展示名牌,边说边掏]Look!This is my modern

mobile——Nokia WC 250!This is my watch!This is my MP3!These are my shoes——(夸张低沉地)ADIDAS!This is… [不经意地掏出一个苹果]Oh,sorry.[扔掉苹果]It’s this![从怀里掏出痒痒挠] Do you know what’s this?痒痒挠?No no no~~You are out!!It’s my modern——锄头~!![看下表] It is time to do some farming![开始弯下腰做出锄地的动作]

树:I’m a tree!I can do many things!I can sing![做出疯狂摇滚歌手的动作,哼哼哈西!!!]I can dance![跳四小天鹅] Oh?There comes a rabbit! [引导观众看兔子A)。树站回后台]

兔子A:OK,I’m a rabbit. Now I’m just walking around here.


农夫:(惊喜地)Lunch![扔掉痒痒挠]I will catch it! [偷偷摸摸地跟到兔子后面走]


兔子A:Wahhhh~!(吓一跳)What do you want?

农夫:Huh…!I will kill U for lunch!

兔子A: Wah~~~~~~ [兔子跑,躲到树后面,农夫追到树前]

农夫:Where~ to go? Haha!

[农夫开了一枪“砰”(配音)。兔子在树后惊慌躲闪,没被打到。树做出受伤中弹状。 农夫又开枪,同上。 农夫开始加快频率,火力密集地开枪。兔子开始时惊慌躲闪,躲着躲着跳起舞来。树继续痛苦中弹状。]

兔子A[自我陶醉中,边跳舞边说]You can't hurt me! You can't hurt me!

树:[痛苦万分地]But…you…Hurt me….[痛苦地慢慢挪动到兔子背后]

[兔子继续兴奋地跳舞。农夫停止开枪,走到兔子面前,看着它。 兔子猛然抬头发现]农夫:Ah ha~! Bye bye ! [举枪对准兔子,开枪,没声音,看看枪,示意没子弹了。兔子见状,非常兴奋地大笑起来]

兔子A:Ha ha ha ha! You can’t kill me now! [兴奋大笑,笑到抽筋,笑到后仰。突然头撞倒了后面的树] Wa ![倒地]

农夫:OH! [很兴奋地过去两个手指提起兔子]My lunch , I caught you !!! [把兔子绑到树上。打呵欠]tired! I’ll eat you after sleeping.[倒地睡觉](打鼾的声音)

兔子A:[兔子很快醒了,看看四周,发现自己被绑了,很惊讶]Where am I? What happened?

树:[指着农夫]He has caught you and wants to eat you.

兔子A:What?! I must leave here! But how can I escape?[东张西望,看到农夫的手机]A mobile![解开绳子去看手机]It’s Nokia WC 250! Wow,how fashion![放回原处。又自觉地把自己绑在树上。 突然想起来]A mobile!Maybe I can call some one to help me! [又不知不觉地把自己放出来,那起手机][做出打电话的样子] (配音:拨电话) Hello?

兔子B:Hello!It’s Jenny.

兔子A:Hey Jenny!

兔子B:Oh,hey Mary!

兔子A:How are you?

兔子B:Fine,thank you.And U?

兔子A:I’m fine too!How are your parents?

兔子B:They are fine,thank you.And U?

兔子A:They are fine,too!How is your uncle?

兔子B:He’s fine,thank you!And U?

兔子A:He’s fine , too! How…

兔子B:Eh..eh..eh~wait.But why do you call me? If you want borrow some money from me…NO WAY!!!

兔子A:No no no!I’m in danger now!Come and help me!!!

兔子B:But where are you?

兔子A:I’m under a tree!

兔子B:[边打电话边在附近走,经过兔子A面前,两个人还没发现]What can you see around you?

兔子A:I see a rabbit …that looks exactly like you!

兔子B:A rabbit…like me… OK!I’ll find you.Just a second!Wait for me! I will help you!


[兔子A 打完电话,小心翼翼地把手机放回农夫处,然后又很自觉地要把自己绑回了树上]

兔子A:Haha!My friend will come and save me~!yeah! [兴奋过度,后仰,头又撞倒树上,倒地](虚弱地)Oh!Hurt! Call 110~Or 119?112?...Oh,forget it!I’m dying![作喉咙卡住声音,死去]

[兔子B上。]兔子B:I’m also a rabbit!I’m smart! I’m lovely! And I’m (作风情万

种)beautiful! (自我陶醉)[转头看自己右手边,却发现兔子A倒在地上]Oh,my!Mary![伏在兔子A身上](哭声)I’m so sorry,Mary!I’m too late!5555555~~~~~~Mary![痛苦而夸张地转身敲打树]

树:Oh!Oh,don’t hit me.!Don’t hit me!I’m ~~brea~ken![朝地上倒,压倒兔子B]


[农夫一觉醒来。看见两只兔子] En..?Two rubbits! I rememer I have caught just one?!Oh,thanks god!How lucky I am![兴奋地一手提一只兔子,哼着小曲下场]


Skipping Class



Anita: Never understands why students like to skip classes

p classes but dares not to do it

Jason: Always commits himself not to skip classes

Steven: Always gives himself a good excuse for skipping class

Rita: A professional class skipper








Scene I

(Anita, Kevin, Ken, Jason, Steven, and Rita are all Tunghai University students. They are good friends. One day, Ken and Jason meet on the way to the classroom.)

Ken: Why are you late? And, you just missed the last class.(安妮塔,凯文,杰森,肯,史提芬,和丽塔都是东海大学的学生。他们是好朋友。有一天,肯恩和杰森相遇在去教室的路上。)



肯:你为什么迟到?而且,你只是错过了最后一班。Ken: Sure if you give me a good reason why you missed the class. You promised me that you would be in class on time today.

肯:如果你给我一个好理由你为什么错过了上课。你答应我,你今天会准时上课。 Jason: Believe me, I would like to keep my word. The problem is that I have the “Business Management” test today and I was up studying for it till three o’clock this morning. Then I fell asleep and woke up at ten o’clock this morning.


Ken: You studied until three o’clock this morning? Why? What did you do yesterday afternoon? I know you were free from four o’clock on yesterday. 肯:你学习到凌晨三点?为什么呢?你昨天下午在做什么?我知道你是免费的从四点昨天。

Jason: Well, I met one of my very old friends on line and we just talked too long…杰森:嗯,我遇见了我的一个老朋友在线和我们聊天的时间太长了? Ken: For God’s sake! Don’t you care about next week’s mid-term examination?




Scene II

(Anita, Steven and Kevin are talking to one another in front of a classroom. And, Anita is trying to prevent Steven and Kevin from cutting the next class.) 安妮塔,史提芬和凯文正在谈论彼此在教室前面。而且,安妮塔试图阻止史提芬和凯文从切割下一级。)

Anita: Hey, we’ll have the “Business Management” class in a few minutes. Where are you going? Don’t tell me that you are going安妮塔:嘿,我们会有“企业管理”课在几分钟。你去哪儿?别告诉我你要跟杰森争论。 to argue with Jason.

Steven: I will do anything for my good friend. Of course I am going to argue with the guy who gave my good friend a hard time.

史提芬:我会做任何事,因为我的好朋友。当然,我会跟那个给我的好朋友很难。 Anita: You always like to get involved in someone else’s business. You’ll get yourself in trouble. Don’t you know it? ...


Kevin: Anita, don’t be upset with him. He will not listen to you. Just leave him alone. By the way, I am still waiting for your decision. Are you coming with me to the concert tomorrow?


Anita: Oh, I am sorry that I almost forgot it. What time tomorrow? 安妮塔:哦,我很抱歉,我差点忘了。明天什么时候?

Kevin: Two o’clock. I cannot wait to see my adorable superstar – Jolin. Oh, how wonderful!

凯文:二点。我不能等着看我的可爱的超级巨星–蔡依林。哦。多好啊! Anita: wait a minute. We have Calculus class tomorrow afternoon. Are you out of your安妮塔:等一等。我们明天下午有数学课。你疯了吗?mind?

Kevin: Well, I’m not. Yet I think we can just copy the notes from someone else.

Anita: No, this is a very important class. And you would never understand it without凯文:嗯,我不。但我认为我们可以抄笔记从别人

安妮塔:不,这是一个非常重要的一类。你永远不会了解它没有听讲座。listening to the lecture.

Kevin: To me it makes no difference. Even if I were in the class I would never understand what the teacher is talking about. Besides, who likes to look at the old baldhead? 凯文:对我来说没有区别。即使我在班上我不理解老师在讲什么。此外,谁喜欢看老秃头?


Scene III

(After Calculus class, Anita is on the way to the ST building. At the same time, Rita is walking to the ST building from the dorm. They meet in front of the laboratory.) (在微积分课程,安妮塔正前往圣建筑。同时,丽塔走到圣建筑从宿舍。他们满足实验室前面。)

Rita: Here I am. Look, I did what I promised. I am a good girl, not skipping classes. 丽塔:我在这里。看,我做到了我的承诺。我是一个好女孩,不逃课

Anita: What are you talking about? This is the 5th class. You skipped the first four classes this morning. Yesterday you promised that you would not skip any class.


Rita: Did I? We don’t have any class in the morning but we’re packed in the afternoon on Wednesdays. 丽塔:真的吗?我们没有在上午上课但是我们装在星期三下午

Anita: I beg your pardon? Today is Thursday and we have classes the whole day. Besides, didn’t you meet us this morning while we were going out to class?


Rita: I thought you were going to the library.


Scene IV

(Ken and Rita are talking to each other. They are talking about how to skip a


此剧本讲述了三个学渣讨债不成、学霸搞基的搞笑故事,结局出人意料却在情理之中。 适合五人表演




小华 小雨 小飞上

小雨——大哥 咱们都饿了好几天了 这种悲惨的生活我们要过到什么时候啊 哎

小华——雨 这 大哥我怎么可能不难受嘛 可是常言道 人在屋檐下 怎能不低头 现在我们正在******大学学习 这年头能有这大学读就很不错了 哪还有什么奢求呀

小飞 ——大哥 对了 上个月小罡来问我们借走了500块钱给他朋友交托福学费 都好久了还没还 我们是不是应该去要回来

小雨——是啊大哥 不然的话这样下去我们就得吃翔了

小华——哎 就是 我怎么这岔给忘了 走 走 走 赶紧跟我去隔壁寝室







小明——大家早上好 我就是天才小明 可我最近却很是郁闷 我那个基友非要拉我去参加什么托福考试 还要我看这么厚的书 做这么多的题(双手指一指PPT上的金瓶梅给大家看看) 真是太可笑了 我以后可是要当科学家的!! 干嘛还要我看这种书


小明——基友来了 他太啰嗦了 我可受不了

小罡——亲爱的 你的书背的怎么样了

小明——这些书看得我头昏眼花 光想打瞌睡

小罡——哎 你看 现在竞争这么激烈 我已经在这待小半辈子了 你要是不好好考托福,我们还怎么去外国留学?







小明—— 这些书太简单了 统统不用看 (扔书)

小罡——哼 !!你说简单 那我考考你


小罡——首先考你听写(小明郁闷状) 听着 大妈 怎么写 土豪 怎么写


小罡——土豪 怎么写

小明——(不会 抓耳挠腮)


小明——崩溃了 (捂耳朵 忙劝)


小罡(怒)——你近日温习功课 一律不准见外人 来人我就说你回家去了我先去洗澡 你给我继续学习


小飞——大哥 下次要见小罡 你先给我说一声 我把他绑来见你 如此劳烦大哥 甚是无礼

小华——现在欠钱的都是大爷 我们还是再去一回吧

小飞——(等不及了)小罡 快出来 兄弟们 帮我照顾好我七舅老爷和他三外甥女。。。。你要是不出来 我就一把火把你这寝室烧了!!

小雨——葵花点穴手(小飞定住 眼睛睁得大大的)哎 飞 我们是来要债的 又不是来要命的 你把人家砍死了 谁来给我们还债呀 明白了 你就眨眨眼睛



旁白——过了一会 小华、小雨、小飞三人已经到了门口


(小华 咚咚咚敲门)



旁白——小明正在兴奋的时候 小罡马上从浴室出来


小明——亲爱的 请放心 我定能让小华空手而归



小明——给我一个机会 我想做个好人

小华——怎么给你机会 说出来看看

小明——请看(扇子指向幻灯片 幻灯片放***、****等答案大全)


小明——如果我把这文件送给你们 不知可否抵债


小明 (眼珠子转转)看来不能帮你。。。




小飞 ——(拉小华到身边耳语到)大哥,这年代,我们可以找枪手,买答案啊。(幻灯片放淘宝上的答案)




小明——好消息好消息 我托福考了114分


旁白——故事就此完结。 (PPT上放“结束 谢谢观赏”)


Actors: XiaoHua XiaoYu XiaoFei

XiaoYu: Brother! We three have been hungry for days and when will this tragic life end? It's so terrible!

XiaoHua: Yu, it's impossible that I don’t feel painful, isn’t it? But as the proverb says it is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. Now we are studying in ****** , It's very hard to get

