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1.It was this exploring around problems and his dynamic spirit led to his most famous invention ---the telephone in 1876.

(Book8 unit3 inventors and inventions)


2.It ‘s in the summer olympics you have the runing races ,together with swimming ,sailing and all the team sports.(Book2 unit 2The olympic Games )


3.I wonder if It’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long ’ve been so crazy about everything to do with nature . (Book 1 unit 1 Friendship)


4.my sister first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.(Book1 unit3Travel journal)


5.I want to change this siutation,but I don?t know how.((Book 1 unit 1 Friendship)



(1—4)句子的结构:It is/was+强调部分+ who/that…




在英语中,我们常用It is/was… who/that结构来突出强调句子的某一成分。在这个句型中,it没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的成分。如果被强调的成分是表示人的词,用who或that来连接都可以。如果是其它成分,则一律用that来连接。如后面的动词为现在范畴的时态,则前面用is,若是过去范畴的时态,则用was

E.g. It is my mother who/that cooks every day.

It was yesterday that Tom passed in the maths exam.



E.g. It is I who am right.

It is he who is wrong.

It is the students who are lovely.

2.被强调的一般是主语、宾语和各种状语,包括主语从句、宾语从句和状语从句。即使被强调成分是句子中的时间状语,地点状语,原因状语等,也不能用when,where, because,要用 that。


It was after the war was over that Einstein was able to come back to his research work again .

It was because he was ill that he didn’t come to our party.

It was in front of the bank that the old lady was robbed.

It was because of the heavy rain that he came late.


It was from him,his chemistry teacher,that Paul learned to watch carefully in class.


It was he that helped me yesterday.

It was me that he helped yesterday.


lt was the things and people that they remembered that they were talking about.

6、对“not…until…”句式强调时,需把not和until…一齐放到It was … that之间.


It was not until nearly a month later that I received the mamager’s reply.

E.g(2006全国卷Ⅱ)It was not until she got home_ B __jennifer realized she had lost her keys.

A when B that Cwhere Dbefore

7. 强调谓语动词不能用强调句型,而应该用助动词.用于肯定句和祈使句,意为“的确、确实、一定”.过去时用did+动词原形;第三人称单数一般现在时用does+动词原形;其它人称一般现在时用do+动词原形.

E.g Do come in please请进。

I do hope you will go with us。 我真希望你能同我们一起去。

He did say that he believed you。 他确实说过他相信你,

Do stay here while I go out for a walk. 你一定要待在这儿,我去走走。


Is/Was it+被强调成分+who/that

Is it Mr.Smith who teaches you English?


E.g(2005 山东卷)—_ C __ that he managed to get the information ?

__oh,a friend of his helped him

A Where was it B What was it C How was it D Why was it

Why was it that you did not attend the meeting yesterday?

When was it that this traffic accident happen?

Where was it that you put my English dictionary?

四、如何判断强调句型,某些从句和强调句型形式差不多,容易混淆。如果去掉it is/ was ..that句子仍然通顺成立,则为强调句型,不成立不通顺,则为其它从句。

E.g.It was on February 12,1809 that Lincoln was born, (强调句型)

It was February 12,1809 when Lincoln was born,(定语从句)

It is two years since I first met him. (状语从句)


It was he who did all the cleaning (强调句型)

It ?s well known that China is a developing country,(主语从句)

It happened that I was not there that day. (主语从句)

It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.(主语从句)

It is a question that needs careful concideration.(定语从句) 强调句中的That没有意义,且不做任何成份,而定语从句中作关系代词在从句中充当一个句子成份。


1. It is these poisonous products___can cause the symptoms(症状)of the flu,such as headache and aching muscles.

A. who B. what C. that D. how

2. It was not until he entered the classroom____ he realized that he had forgotten to do the homework.

A. before B. when C. then D. that

3. It was Isadora Duncan who____ responsible for many of the innovations that have made modern dance different from classical ballet.

A. is B. was C. has been D. were

4. It is only when you nearly lose someone____ fully conscious of how much you value him.

A. do you become B. then you become

C. that you become D. have you become

5. It is what you do rather than what you say___matters.

A. this B. whatC. which D. that

6. —where did you get to know her ?(2007山东)

---It was on the farm _____we worked.

A that B there C which D where

7. It is during his spare time____ Tom has been studying the situation for several months.

A. which B. that C. when D. then

8. It was only with the help of the local guide____.

A. was the mountain climber rescued

B. that the mountain climber was rescued

C. when the mountain climber was rescued

D.then the mountain climber was rescued

9. I just wonder ___that makes him so excited.(2006山东)

A why itdoes B what he does C how it is Dwhat it is

10. It was after he got what he had desired ____he relized it was not so important.(2006辽宁)

A that B when C sinceD as


2011(湖南卷35)it’s not what we do once in a while ____shapes our lives,but what we do consistently.

A which B that C how D when

2011(陕西卷23)it is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do ___benefits

our work most.

A whoB which C that D what

2011(重庆卷32)--Have you seen the film under the hawthornTree .(山楂树之恋) --of course,I have, it was in our village ___it was made.

A that B where C when D which

2010 湖南卷)John’s success has nothing to do with good luck, It is years of hard work ____ has made him what he is today.

A why B when C which D that

(2010四川卷)if you have a job,_____yourself to it and fimally you’ll succeed.

A do devote B don’t devote C devoting D not devoting

(2010安徽卷)it was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village __ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.

A where B that C when D which

(2009江西卷)It was____he came back from Africa that year _____he met the girl he would like to marry.

A when;then B not;until C not until ;that D only;when

(2008 全国卷Ⅱ20)9 It was in New Zealand _____Elizabeth first met Mr smith.

A .that B. howC. whichD.when

(2008天津卷8)10 It was along the MississippiRiver ____Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.

A.how B.which C.that D.where

(2008重庆卷22)it was not until midnight _____they reached the camp site.

A. that B.when C.while D.as



世纪金榜 圆您梦想


特殊句型及其它主要涉及强调句型、反意疑问句、祈使句、感叹句、There be句型、倒装句及省略句。


句型结构形式:It is/was…that/who…

be的时态:that/who前面be的时态一般是一般现在时,当它后面的句子为过去时时,才用过去时。 判断方法:将(It is/was)...(that/who)…括号中的词同时去掉,看剩下的部分是否仍然成立。若成立,则是强调句型;若不成立,则为状语从句、定语从句或主语从句。





(3)句子是Let’s...时,后面用shall/shan’t we;前面部分是Let us…祈使句时,后面用will/won’t you。

(4)前面句子是I’m…时,后面用 aren’t l;句子是I’m not…时,后面用 am I。







世纪金榜 圆您梦想 在“祈使句,+and/or/and then+句子”句型中,当祈使句中含有比较级时,可将祈使句中的谓语部分省略,只留下“比较级或比较级与名词,+and/or/and then+句子”。

4.感叹句:句型:what +a(n)+adj +n.+主语+be!;How +adj/adv.+主语+动词!

5.There be句型:注意动词的形式;注意能用于这一句型的抽象特殊名词及动词的抽象形式;注意主语补足语的形式。


全部倒装:地点副词或介词短语+动词+主语(名词);地点副词或介词短语+主语(代词)+动词。 部分倒装:(1)否定词或半否定词+助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语动词+其它。










句的主语是it,谓语是be动词时,从句的主语、谓语可以省略。如:When/Where,/If necessary。




世纪金榜 圆您梦想 典型例题


I failed in the final examination last term and only then ________the importance of studies.

A.I realized B.I had realized C.had I realized D.did I realize

【答案及解析】 D当only修饰状语置于句首时,句子要用倒装,且该句的谓语是过去某时的动作,需用一般过去时。故正确答案为D。


Of the making of good books there is no end;neither ________any end to their influence man’s lives.

A.there is B.there are C.is there D.are there

【答案及解析】C 根据句子结构,neither等否定词提前时,句子倒装,排除选项A、B;再根据there be句型中be的形式要求,可知答案选C。


If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week,better _________it--you’ve got some big bills coming.

A.forget B.forgot C.forgetting D.to forget



Scientists say it may be five or six years ________it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.

A.since B.after C.before D.when

【答案及解析】 c根据句子的意思,科学家对药品先要进行反复试验后才能用于病人身上,因此答案选C。


It was with great joy ________he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.

A.because B.which C.since D.that

【答案及解析】 D 强调句型,答案选D。(强调句型的判断,请参看分类说明。)

世纪金榜 圆您梦想


It was __________back home after the experiment.

A.not until midnight did he go B.until midnight that he didn’t go

C.not until midnight that he went D.until midnight when he didn’t go

【答案及解析】 C对not…until句型进行强调时,需将not until连在一起置于that之前,故答案选C。


________straight on and you’11 see a church.You won’t miss it.

A.Go B.Going C.If you go D.When going

【答案及解析】 A根据连词and所连接的后面部分可知答案选A,构成祈使句 +and+句子结构。


Maybe you have been to many countries,but nowhere else ________such a beautiful palace.

A.can you find B.you could find

C. you can find D.could you find

【答案及解析】 A but连接的后一个并列单句是以nowhere else这一否定词开始,故谓语要倒装,同时前后句时态要一致,答案选A。


When flint ________ to the market,these products enjoyed great success.

A.introducing B.introduced C.introduce D.being introduced

【答案及解析】 B这是对省略的考查。在时间、地点、条件、让步等状语从句中,当从句的谓语动词是由be+其他词构成时,be可省略,同时将后面的动词变为分词形式。主语发出的动作,动词用-ing形式;主语承受的动作,动词用过去分词。据此,本题答案选B。


Bill’s aim is to inform the viewers that cigarette advertising on TV is illegal, ________?

A.isn’t it B.is it C.isn’t he D.is he

【答案及解析】 A一般说来.复合句的反意疑问句后面的简短疑问部分与主句一致,它的主语是Bill’s aim,因此它的反意形式为A。


--English has large vocabulary,hasn’t it?

--Yes.________more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.

A.Know B.Knowing C.To know D.Known

世纪金榜 圆您梦想

【答案及解析】 A祈使句+and+简单句是一个常用句型。


________ snacks and drinks.but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.

A.Not only they brought B.Not only did they bring

C.Not only brought they D.Not only they did bring

【答案及解析】 B not only…but also连接两个并列句,当not only提到句首时。此句要部分倒装,即把助动词提到主语前,故答案选B。


Why! I have nothing to confess.________you want me to say?

A.What is it that B.What it is that

C.How is it that D.How it is that

【答案及解析】 A此句为对被强调部分提问的疑问句,根据疑问语序,排除B、D。what做say的宾语,而how不行,因此答案选A。


Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ________advertisements showing happy families.

A.will often see B. often sees

C. are often seeing D. have often seen

【答案及解析】A 考查特殊句式:祈使句 + 连词and/but +主语 + will 结构


It was only with the help of the local guide________.

A. was the mountain climber rescued

B. that the mountain climber was rescued.

C. when the mountain climber was rescued.

D. then the mountain climber was rescued.

【答案及解析】B 强调句型。


The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _________with each other.

A. they had quarreled B. they have quarreled

C. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled

【答案及解析】C 时态与倒装。



强 调


强调:It is…that…句型;

“do/does/did + 动词原形”强调句型;



一 强调:


英语中的强调句主要有:It is…that…句型;do/does/did + 动词原形强调句型;Wh-ever强调句型。另外还可以通过运用不同的词汇进行强调。

二 强调的几种方式:

1 It is/was…that强调句型:

运用这种句型可以强调句子的主语、宾语和状语,一般不用来强调谓语动词、表语、补足语等。 ⑴ 构成:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that + 剩余部分“”构成。

⑵ 引导词的运用: 一般只用that引导,that没有实际意义,只起语法连接作用。如果强调的是人,that可以换成who。

eg. It is Jeffrey who/that we should help.我们应该帮助的正是杰弗里。

It was yesterday that I had my bicycle lost.

It is in Beijing University that Jane is now studying art.

⑶ be时态的确定:强调句中的时态要依原句的时态而定,即原句为过去的某种时态,则强调句中的be就用过去时;原句为现在的某种时态,强掉句中就用be的现在时态。有时还可用It might be/must have been/can’t be…that等句式。(依主句的时态而定。)

eg. It was because I was stuck in the traffic jam that I came late.


It is Jazz that I hate most.

It may be Betty who will come to help us tomorrow. 或许明天来帮我们的正是贝蒂。

⑷ 人称和数的运用:被强调的部分若是句子的主语,that/who之后的谓语动词在人称和数上应与句子的主语保持一致。

eg. It is Mary who is going to see you.正式玛丽要见你。

⑸ not…until…句式的强调:对not…until…句式进行强调时,应将not until置于被强调部分里面。 eg. It was not until you pointed it out to me that I realized my mistake.


It is not until you've finished your homework that you are going out.直到你把作业做完才准出去。

⑹ 强调句式的疑问句:一般疑问句的强调句式是“Is/Was it + 被强调部分 + that/who + 从句?”;特殊疑问句的强调句式是“特殊疑问词(疑问代词或疑问副词)+ is/was + it that + 陈述句语序”。注意特殊疑问句中只有疑问词可以被强调。

eg. When was it that you lost your key?你究竟什么时候丢的钥匙?

Was it Sally that phoned just now? 刚才打电话的正是莎丽吗?

⑺ 强调句与从句的区别:一般来说,如果把句子中的It is/was…that去掉,稍加调整语序,能还原成完整句子,并且句子意思依然完整,则为强调句型。否则为从句。

eg. It was ten o’clock when I got home last night.


It was at ten o’clock that I got home last night.


2 What…is/was…强调句型:

eg. What I am going to tell you is that you won first place in the game.


What she is doing is making an explanation about the accident.

3 wh-ever疑问强调句型:疑问词后加上ever可以对疑问句进行强调,常译为“究竟”。ever可以与疑问词构成一个单词,也可以写成两个单词,why ever一般写成两个。

eg. Wherever/Where ever have you hidden my watch?你究竟把我的手表藏到哪儿去了?

Why ever did you do so?

Whatever/What ever are you going to do next?

Whenever/When ever shall we shall again?

4 “do/does/did + 动词原形强调”句型:只能对谓语进行强调,且只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定句中。

eg. He did phone you yesterday.他昨天的确给你打过电话。

He does know the place well.他的确很熟悉这个地方。

Do write to me when you get there.你到那儿后务必给我来信。

5 倒装强调句型:将要强调的句子或被强调的部分置于句首,用以加强语气。

eg. On the table were some flowers.桌上摆着一些花。

Only in this way can we solve this problem.只有这样,我们才能解决这个问题。

6 感叹句强调句型:主要用what, how引出的感叹句,强调名词、形容词、副词等。

eg. What awful weather! 天气糟透了!

How bright the sunshine is!多么明媚的阳光啊!

7 其他形式的强调句:

⑴ 用on earth, in the world来进行强调:他们主要置于疑问词之后,表示“到底,究竟”,用来加强语气。

eg. Where in the world could he be? 他到底会在哪儿?

What on earth have you told her? 你到底对她说了什么?

⑵ 用形容词very, only, single, such, just等修饰名词或形容词来进行强调:

eg. You are the only person here who can speak French.你是这里唯一会讲法语的人。

That's the very textbook we used last term.这正是我们上学期用过的教材。

⑶ 用at all进行强调:at all作“完全,根本”解,多用于否定句、条件句。如用于肯定句或疑问句,可作“真的,确实”解。

eg. If it were not for the sun, we could not live at all.如果没有太阳,我们根本不能生存。

Do you know anything about it at all? 这件事你一点都不知道吗?

Do it well if you do it at all.要做就要做好。

Do you fell ill at all?你真的感到不舒服吗?


1. It's not what we do once in a while ___ shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.

A which B that C how D when

2. --Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?

-- Of course, I have. It was in our village ___ it was made.

A that B where C when D which

3. It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do __ benefits our work most.

A who B which C thatD what

4. Was it on a lonely island ___ he was saved one month after the boat went down?

A where B that C which D what

5. John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work ___ has made him what he is today.

A why B when C which D that

6. It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village ___ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.

A where B that C when D which

7. It was by making great efforts ___ she caught up with other students.

A how B when C what D that

8. Where was it ___ the road accident happened yesterday?

A when B that C which D how

9. It was the skills that he had acquired at his training period ___ enabled him to get such a high post in that world-famous company.

A when B that C who D which

10. Was it because she was ill ___ she didn't go to attend the meeting?

A what B whichC asD that

11. I really don't know ___ I lost my purse.

A where it was thatB when was it that C it was where that D that it was when

12. It was after careful consideration __ we decided to make action.

A which B that C why D when

13. – Where did you put the broom, Tom?

-- I __ it behind the door. But now it is gone.

A do put B do putting C did to put D did put

14. Was it near the white building, if I may ask, ____ Martin Luther King gave a speech "I have a dream"?

A where B thatC why D in which

15. It was not until she had arrived home ___ her appointment with the doctor.

A when she rememberedB before she remembered C did she rememberD that she remembered


1. It was only after he had read the papers ___ Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.

A when B that C which D what

2. It was not until near the end of the letter ___ she mentioned her own plan.

A that B where C whyD when

3. It was with the help of the local guide ___ the mountain climbers was rescued.

A who B thatC when D how

4. It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic ___ Zheng He had sailed to East Africa.

A when B that C after D since

5. – Was it at 11 o'clock __ your father came back last night?

-- Yes, he is always coming back so late.

A that B while C when D until

6. -- ____ has brought worldwide attention to China?

-- Rapid and steady economic growth, of course.

A What do you think it is B What do you think is it

C What do you think it is that D What do you think is it that

7. Could it be in the restaurant ___ you had dinner with me yesterday __ you lost your handbag?

A where; when B which; where C that; whichD where; that

8. The question that puzzled them is ___ they can get rid of the air pollution in the area.

A how is it that B that how C what is it D how it is that

9. I really don't know ___ I put my wallet after I paid the bill.

A where was it B it was where that C where it was thatD where was it that

10. As teenagers, it is not until we are able to face difficulties bravely ___ we are mature enough.

A which B when C thatD whether

11. It was the belief ___ Alex Haley could find his root in Africa __ made him decide to go to Zambia.

A 不填;which B which; that C that; whichD that; that

12. The famous scientist said it was his primary school teachers and their lessons ___ he was fond of ___ influence his whole life.

A that; thatB that; whichC which; which D which; that

13. It was while he was visiting his uncle in a mountain village ___ he got the inspiration for his new novel.

A that B which C when D where

14. It is because she is too young ____ she does not know how to deal with the situation.

A thatB therefore C so D so that

15. When you look for a job, it's not your book knowledge but your experience ___ matters more.

A whether B which C whatD that

16. –Was it because of the terrible weather ___ this flight was delayed!

-- Not really. An old lady suffered a heart attack and they had to fly back.

A when B why C howD that

17. – I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so rude to you.

-- You ___ something not very nice to me, but that's OK.

A have said B had said C were saying D did say

18. ___ because he was busy that he refused to help you?

A Is this B Is there C Was there D Was it

