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Model Test 10

Part I Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Overseas Study at an Early Age. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

1. 目前很多父母在子女高中毕业前就送他们出国学习 2. 形成这种趋势的原因

3. 我对这些的看法

Oversea Study at an Early Age Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.

The Great Australian Fence

A war has been going on for almost a hundred years between the sheep farmers of Australia and the dingo, Australia’s wild dog. To protect their livelihood, the farmers build a wire fence, 3,307 miles of continuous wire network, reaching from the coast of South Australia all the way to the cotton fields of eastern Queensland, just shore of the Pacific Ocean.

The Fence is Australia’s version of the Great Wall of China, but even longer, erected to keep out hostile invaders, in the case hordes of yellow dogs. The empire it preserves is that of the woolgrowers, sovereigns of the world’s second largest sheep flock, after China’s―some 123 million head ―and keepers of a wool export business worth four billion dollars. Never mind that more and more people ―conservationists, politicians, taxpayers and animal lovers―say that such a barrier would never be allowed today on ecological grounds. With sections of it almost a hundred years old, the dog fence has become, as conservationist Lindsay Fair-weather ruefully admits, an icon of Australian frontier ingenuity.

To appreciate this unusual outback monument and to meet the people whose livelihoods depend on it., I spent part of an Australian autumn traveling the wire. It’s known by different names in different states: the Dog Fence is South Australia, the Broader Fence in New South Wales and the Barrier Fence in Queensland. I would call it simply the Fence.

For most of its prodigious length, this epic fence winds like a river across a landscape that, unless a big rain has fallen, scarcely has rivers. The eccentric route, prescribed mostly by property lines, provides a sampler of outback topography: the Fence goes over sand dunes, past salt lakes, up and down rock-strewn hills, through dense scrub and across barren plains.

The Fence stays away from towns. Where it passes near a town, it has actually become a tourist attraction visited on bus tours. It marks the traditional dividing line between cattle and sheep. Inside, where the dingoes are legally classified as vermin, they are shot, poisoned and trapped. Sheep and dingoes do not mix and the Fence sends that message mile after mile. What is this creature that by itself threatens an entire industry, inflicting several millions of dollars of damage a year despite the presence of the world’s most obsessive fence ? Cousin to the coyote and the jackal, descended from the Asian wolf, Canis lupus dingo is introduced to Australia more than 3,500 years ago probably with Asian seafarers who landed on the north coast. The adaptable dingo spread rapidly and in a short time became the top predator, killing off all its marsupial competitors. The dingo looks like a small wolf with a long nose, short pointed ears and a bushy tail. Dingoes rarely bark ; they yelp and howl. Standing about 22 inches at the

shoulder―slightly taller than a coyote ―the dingo is Australia’s largest land fresh-eating animal. The woolgrowers’ war against dingoes, which is similar to the sheep ranchers’ rage against coyotes in the US, started not long after the first European settlers landed in 1788, bringing with them a cargo of sheep. Dingoes officially became outlaws in 1830 when governments placed a bounty on their heads. Today bounties for problem dogs killing sheep inside the Fence can reach $500. As pioneers penetrated the interior with their flocks of sheep, fences replaced shepherds until, by the end of the 19th century, thousands of miles of barrier fencing crisscrossed the vast grazing lands.

The dingo started out as a quiet observer, writes Roland Breckwoldt, in A Very Elegant Animal; The Dingo, but soon came to represent everything that was dark and dangerous on the continent. It is estimated that since sheep arrived in Australia, dingo numbers have increased a hundredfold. Though dingoes have been eradicated from parts of Australia, an educated guess puts the population at than a million.

Eventually government officials and graziers agreed that one well-maintained fence, placed on the outer rim of sheep country and paid for by taxes levied on woolgrowers, should supplant the maze of private netting. By 1960, three states joined their barriers to form a single dog fence. The intense private battles between woolgrowers and dingoes have usually served to define the Fence only in economic terms. It marks the difference between profit and loss. Yet the Fence casts a much broader ecological shadow for it has become a kind of terrestrial dam, deflecting the flow of animals inside and out. The ecological side effects appear most vividly at Sturt National Park. In 1845, explorer Charles Sturt led an expedition through these parts on a futile search for an inland sea. For Sourt led an expedition through these parts on a futile search for an inland sea. For Sturt and other early explorers, it was a rare event to see a kangaroo. Now they are ubiquitous for without a native predator the kangaroo population has exploded inside the Fence.

Kangaroos are now cursed more than dingoes. They have become the rivals of sheep, competing for water and grass. In response state governments cull (to kill animals to reduce their populations ) more than three million kangaroos a year to keep Australia’s national symbol from overrunning the pastoral lands. Park officials, who recognize that the fence is to blame, respond to the excess of kangaroos by saying “The fence is there, we have to live with it.” 1. Why was the fence built ?

A)To separate the sheep from the cattle. B)To protect the Australian wool industry.

C)To act as a boundary between properties.

D)To stop the dingoes from being slaughtered by farmers. 2.On what point do the conservationists and politicians agree ? A)Wool exports are vial to the economy. B)The number of dogs needs to be reduced. C)The fence poses a threat to the environment. D)The fence acts a useful frontier between states. 3.The author visitor Australia_______________. A)to study Australian farming methods

B)to investigate how the fence was constructed C)because he was interested in life around the fence

D)because he wanted to learn more about the wool industry

4.How does the author feel about the fence ?

A)Impressed B)Delighted C)Shocked 5.From the sixth paragraph we know that_______________. A)dingoes are known to attack humans

B)the fence serves a different purpose in each state C)the dingo is indigenous to Australia D)the fence is only partially successful

6.The authorities first acknowledge the dingo problem in the year of _______________. A)1778 B)1830 C)1845 D)1960 7.How do the park officials feel about the fence ?

A)Angry B)Proud C)Pleased D)Philosophical 8.Dingoes have flourished as a result of ______________.

9.Woolgrowers and dingoes have usually defined the Fence only in ______________. 10.Kangaroos have increased in number because of ______________. Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must rend the four choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

11. [A] Doctor and patient. [B] Husband and wife. [C] Boss and employee. [D] Father and daughter.

12. [A] Boss and job hunter. [B] Clerk and customer. [C] Manager and waiter. [D] Waiter and customer.

13. [A] At 9:30. [B] At 10:30. [C] At 10:00. [D] At 11:00. 14. [A] He came late because he had no money for taxi fee.

[B] He failed to come on time because of traffic jam.

[C] He failed to give a short notice because he had no change for a telephone call. [D] He failed to come on time because he had a car problem.

15. [A] Both of them like pop music. [B] They both go to the concert very often. [C] They like to go to museum very much. [D] Both of them like classical music.

16. [A] Worse than the last match. [B] The worst match he has ever watched. [C] Better than the last match. [D] The best match he has ever seen.

17. [A] 35. [B] 25. [C] 45. [D] 30.

18. [A] It doesn't matter which apartment the man chooses. [B] It's a difficult decision. [C] She doesn't like either apartment. [D] The marl should choose a different apartment.

Conversation 1

19. [A] It is healthy. [B] It contains sugar. [C] It doesn't have sugar in them. [D] It is sour. 20. [A] Paul is keen on sweet food. [B] Paul's teeth are not healthy. [C] Paul eats too much sweet food. [D] Paul is crazy about sweets.

21. [A] Lettuce. [B] Spinach. [C] Parsley. [D] Watercress.

22. [A] Diagnosis on a disease. [B] How to avoid being fat. [C] Hot to cook. [D] Suggestions on the diet of a child.


Conversation 2

23. [A] Shanghai. [B] Beijing. [C] Tianjin. [D] Guangzhou.

24. [A] The technical manager. [B] The sales manager. [C] The laboratory manager. [D] The operation manager.

25. [A] Production manager. [B] Lab manager. [C] Sales manager. [D] Quality control manager. Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage One

26. [A] How to improve transportation. [B] The best transportation facilities. [C] A comparison between railway and airplane. [D] Transportation in China.

27. [A] Not comfortable. [B] Rather crowded and slow. [C] Interval is long. [D] Cannot reach suburban areas.

28. [A] By buses. [B] By private cars. [C] By rail. [D] By air. Passage Two

29. [A] Cultural differences and communication. [B] Language and communication. [C] Intercultural communications. [D] Three prerequisites of successful communication between cultures.

30. [A] Language elements. [B] Cultural differences. [C] Something happens when people from another culture want to communicate. [D] Practical problems in communications between different cultures.

31. [A] An ambassador can serve as a bridge between two cultures. [B] An ambassador has to understand more than a language to communicate effectively. [C] Knowledge of a foreign language is enough for successful communication. [D] Mutual understanding is important to maintain good relations between cultures. Passage Three

32. [A] How to read a book. [B] Evaluation of a book. [C] Evaluation of a writer. [D] The contends of a book report.

33. [A] To know whether they read the book or whether they understand the book. [B] As a common home assignment. [C] To help improve their writing. [D] To monitor their research. 34. [A] Reading comprehension. [B] Ability to analyze. [C] English proficiency. [D] Writing.

35. [A] Introduction. [B] Summary of book. [C] Analysis of writer's style. [D] Comments. Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in you own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Before the 1850's, the United States had a number of small colleges, most of them dating from colonial days. They were small, church (36) institutions whose primary concern was to (37) the moral character of their students.

Throughout Europe, institutions of (38) learning had developed, bearing the ancient name of (39) . In Germany a different kind of university had developed. The German university was concerned (40) with creating and spreading knowledge, not (41) . Between mid-century and the end of the 1800s, more than nine thousand young Americans, (42) with their training at home, went to Germany for (43) study.

Some of them returned (44) The (45) The new principle was that a university was to create knowledge as well as pass it on, and this called for a faculty composed of teacher-scholars. Drilling and learning by rote were

new presidents broke all ties with the churches and brought in a new kind of faculty.

replaced by the German method of lecturing, (46) Graduate training leading to the Ph.D., an ancient German degree signifying the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment, was introduced.

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

In the 1960s, many people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems, and new steel-and-glass skyscrapers were widely criticized. Ecologists (47) out that a cluster of tail buildings in a city often (48) public transportation and parking lot capacities.

Skyscrapers are also (49) consumers, and wasters, of electric power. In one recent year, the addition of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office space in New York City (50) the peak dally demand for electricity by 120,000 kilowatts—enough to supply the entire city of Albany, New York, for a day.

Glass-walled skyscrapers can be (51) wasteful. The heat loss (or gain) through a wall (52) half-inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical masonry wall (53) with insulation board. To (54) the strain on heating and air-conditioning equipment, builders of skyscrapers have begun to (55) double-glazed panels of glass, and reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films that (56) glare as well as heat gain. However, mirror-walled skyscrapers raise the temperature of the surrounding air and affect neighboring buildings.

A) pointed B) overburdened C) of D) filled E) improves F) mildly

G) lavish H) raised I) abandon J) lessened K) lessen L) use

M) reduce N) especially O) economical Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must rend the four choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

11. [A] Doctor and patient. [B] Husband and wife. [C] Boss and employee. [D] Father and daughter.

[参考答案] B [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答]


M: My mother will be coming to visit us over the weekend, dear.

W: Well, it will be a little crowded, but I've really missed seeing her. That will be just fine. Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

根据选项,推测提问将会涉及对话双方的关系。从句子“My mother will be coming to visit us over the weekend,dear.”可知答案是B 12. [A] Boss and job hunter. [B] Clerk and customer. [C] Manager and waiter. [D] Waiter and customer.

[参考答案] A [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答] [听力原文]

W: Have you any vacancies for a weekend cleaner?

M: No, but we need a full-time cleaner.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

根据选项,推测提问将会涉及对话双方的关系。从句子“Have you any vacancies for weekend cleaner?”可知A为正确选项。

13. [A] At 9:30. [B] At 10:30. [C] At 10:00. [D] At 11:00.

[参考答案] C [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答] [听力原文]

W: Could you tell me the starting time for both concerts?

M: The first begins at 7: 30 and it lasts two hours. The second follows half an hour after the first. Q: At approximately what time does the second show start?

根据选项,推测对话的内容与数字相关,因此特别关注对话中出现的数字,并进行记录以方便计算。答案是C。 14.

[A] He came late because he had no money for taxi fee. [B] He failed to come on time because of traffic jam. [C] He failed to give a short notice because he had no change for a

telephone call. [D] He failed to come on time because he had a car problem.

[参考答案] D [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答] [听力原文]

M: I am sorry for being so late, but 1 had car trouble — a flat tire. W: Oh, that's too bad. Couldn't you have telephoned?

Q: What happened to the man? 根据选项,推测对话的内容与某人做某件事情的原因相关。根据文中的“but I had car trouble—a flat tire.”判断答案为D。

15.[A] Both of them like pop music. [B] They both go to the concert very often. [C] They like to go to museum very much. [D] Both of them like classical music.

[参考答案] D [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答] [听力原文]

W: Well, I like classical music, and I go to the concert every weekend. What about you? M: Classical music is my favorite. But I used to like pop music very much. Pop music, you see! Q: What do the man and the woman have in common? 根据选项,推测对话的内容与音乐的类型和个人的爱好相关。对话中的“Classical music is my favorite.But I used to like pop music very much.Pop music,you see!”表明二人现在都喜欢经典音乐,因此答案是D。

16. [A] Worse than the last match. [B] The worst match he has ever watched. [C] Better than the last match. [D] The best match he has ever seen.

[参考答案] B [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答] [听力原文]

W: What do you think of the football match we saw last night? M: I've never seen a worse match than that one.

Q: How does the man feel about the match? 根据选项,推测对话的内容与某人对某事的态度相关。对话中出现了“I've never seen a worse match than that one.”这个句子表明听话人认为此次比赛是他看到的最糟糕的一次,因此答案是B。

17. [A] 35. [B] 25. [C] 45. [D] 30.

[参考答案] C [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答] [听力原文]

W: John must be over 40 now.

M: Yes, when Tom left New York ten years ago, John was already 35. Q: How old is John now?


18. [A] It doesn't matter which apartment the man chooses. [B] It's a difficult decision. [C] She doesn't like either apartment. [D] The marl should choose a different apartment.

[参考答案] B [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答] [听力原文]

M: I have not decided whether to buy an apartment or to rent one.

W: It isn't easy to choose, is it? Q: What does the woman mean?

根据四个选项,推测对话的内容与某人对公寓的态度相关。“It isn't easy to choose,is it?”因此正确答案为B。

题 19 - 22

[原文] 19-22

M: Yes, we're lucky to have so much variety now. Though, as I said, these vegetables are not exactly new-- just new to us! People in other countries have been using them for years. Do you use any of them?

W: Well, I have tried one or two ... mainly to see if my son, Paul, would eat them. I'm very worried about him, as a matter of fact. He flatly refuses to eat vegetables...except potatoes. M: But it's a very common problem. How old is your son?

W: He's almost ten. He's a strong boy and loves sports. And he always has plenty of energy...It's just that I'm concerned about the future.

M: But what is his diet like generally? I mean, does he eat properly...apart from the lack of vegetables?

W: Well, he has a healthy appetite and he would eat chips forever...always covered in ketchup or tomato sauce.

M: Ah! That's also very common these days. All those sauces appeal to children because of the sugar content.

W: They don't have sugar in them, do they? M: Ummm, I'm afraid they do!

W: Well, that explains it, I suppose. Paul does have a very sweet tooth. He'd do anything for sweets or ice cream. But what can I do to persuade him to eat vegetables?

M: Well, if he likes sauces, you can make wonderful, healthy salads these days from all sorts of different green leafy vegetables—different types of lettuce for vitamin B, spinach which provides vitamin A and iron, parsley and watercress which are also rich in iron...

W: Ummm ... I could try that, I suppose. I know he likes, what's it called, Thousand Island salad dressing ...

M: And I always recommend vegetable sticks to mothers who have your problem—you know, instead of letting him have chocolate bars or biscuits, get into the habit of giving him mw carrot sticks to nibble at.

W: That's a good suggestion.

19. [A] It is healthy. [B] It contains sugar. [C] It doesn't have sugar in them. [D] It is sour.

[参考答案] B [您的答案] [得分] 0


[听力原文]According to the man, why does tomato sauce appeal to children?

根据“All those sauces appeal to children because of the sugar content”,可以判断答案是B。

20. [A] Paul is keen on sweet food. [B] Paul's teeth are not healthy. [C] Paul eats too much sweet food. [D] Paul is crazy about sweets.

[参考答案] A [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答]

[听力原文]What does the woman mean by saying“Paul does have a very sweet tooth”?

sweet tooth的意思是喜欢甜食,A选项中的be keen on sth.正是“特别喜欢”的意思,因此答案为A。

21. [A] Lettuce. [B] Spinach. [C] Parsley. [D] Watercress.

[参考答案] B [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答]

[听力原文]According to the man,which of the following is rich in Vitamin A?


22. [A] Diagnosis on a disease. [B] How to avoid being fat. [C] Hot to cook. [D] Suggestions on the diet of a child.

[参考答案] D [您的答案] [得分] 0


[听力原文]What is the conversation mainly about?


题 23 - 25

[原文] 23-25

Lisa: David, could you explain the company's organization to me, as I find it a bit confusing? David: Oh, yes, 1 understand. It does seem a bit complicated at first, but after you've been working here for a while, you'll soon know who everyone is. Basically, there are two main offices in China, which are both controlled by the China Country Manager.

Lisa: Yes, I've got that. So, the Northeast Operation Manager...where is he based?

David: That's me actually. My office is in Shanghai, but I have to travel a lot to Beijing and Tianjin, as we have customers there too.

Lisa: Okay. And for South China...that's Guangzhon...you have an Operations Manager also? David: Yes, that's fight. So we both report to the Country Manager. Lisa: Yes, I see.

David: Now, under me there's a Technical Manager and a Sales Manager.

Lisa: Okay. And what is the Technical Manager responsible for?

David: Well, Quality Control. we have one person who does that and...er...he's also responsible for the Laboratory Manager. The Lab Manager supervises the operators- they're the ones who actually operate the machines.

Lisa: Mm...and what about the Sales Manager, who does he manage?

David: Well he heads the Sales Team. Each one of the sales people is responsible for selling in one area—er, one for Jiangsu, one for Zhejiang, and so on. And that's really the Shanghai Team. Now, as you can see the Guangzhou Office is organized slightly differently. Lisa: Yes, it must be a bigger office, isn't it?

David: Yeah, that's it...er...it's a bit bigger, 'cause they cover Hong Kong too. So under the Operation Manager, there's a Production Manager, a Lab Manager, and a Sales Manager. Lisa: Right. So, the Production Manager...he's er...or she?

David: He ... actually...you'll meet Bill later today. He's responsible for Quality Control...there are two people in Guangzhou doing that...and for the operations and the cleaners. He's very strict actually; he supervises everyone very strictly. Lisa: Oh, really?

David: Oh yeah, he's very good. Quite a big team for the South of China. So, that's it. Is that all you wanted to know for the moment?

Lisa: Yes, thank you. I'm sure I'll find out more as I go along.

23. [A] Shanghai. [B] Beijing. [C] Tianjin. [D] Guangzhou.

[参考答案] A [您的答案] [得分] 0


[听力原文]Where is the base of the Northeast operations office?

对话中David说他就是公司东北业务区主管,并说“My office is in Shanghai”,故选A。

24. [A] The technical manager. [B] The sales manager. [C] The laboratory manager. [D] The operation manager.

[参考答案] C [您的答案] [得分] 0 [详细解答]

[听力原文]Who supervises the operators?

对话中提到“The Lab Manager supervises the operators...”很明显,C选项是正确答案,而A、 B、和D都是干扰项。

25. [A] Production manager. [B] Lab manager. [C] Sales manager. [D] Quality control

