2019新优化高考英语外研版一轮复习知识要点巩固:必修3 Module 1

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必修3 Module 1


1.Radio, television, newspapers, magazines and so on are known as the mass media. 2.He had no control over his emotions and burst out crying.

3.Situated(situate) near the railway station and airport, this hotel enjoys the convenience of transportation.

4.Facing(face) the difficulty, I kept calm and tried to think of a way out. 5.We must plan our work in terms of the new situation and its needs. 6.My old school friend recognized my voice and then took seat opposite to me.

7.In the north of our town stands(stand) an old temple, which dates back to the Ming Dynasty.

8.They graduated ten years ago and have kept(keep) in touch with each other ever since. 9.I'd like to eat out but on the other hand, I should be trying to save money. 10.He was desperately signing to me not to mention(mention) anything about him. 11.Follow the doctor's advice after operation and you will pick up little by little.

12.There are many books on his bookshelf, ranging(range) from Chinese literature to foreign literature.

13.How many representatives(represent) have been sent to the UN conference?

14.There are seven continents(continental) on the earth in total, of which Asia is the largest. 15.We had no contract;it was done by a gentleman's agreement(agree). Ⅱ.单句改错

1.Facing /with a sudden job loss, would you consider it a failure, or an opportunity for a Facednew start in your career?

2.The enemy's planes have been within the range of our radar. 3.Jack is considerate; his wife is just ∧ opposite.


4.Neither Alexander nor his girlfriend are in favor of the suggestion.


5.The new movie promises to be one of the biggest money-makers of all the time. 6.He was forced to drop out of school because ∧ his illness.

of7.The house is ideal in term of size, but it's too expensive.


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8.Sometimes new markets and new technologies go hand by hand.

in9.I met him last autumn and hadn't seen him ever since.


10.The hospital, locating in the western part of the city, can be reached by many bus lines.


Paris is 1.the capital and largest city of France, 2.situated(situate) on the River Seine. The Eiffel Tower is a famous symbol of Paris. The Louvre is also located in Paris, 3.which is famous for its restaurants, cafés and theatres.

Barcelona is the second 4.largest(large) city of Spain and is situated on the northeast coast. The Church of the Sagrada Familia is one of Barcelona's most famous 5.landmarks(landmark).

Florence is an Italian city 6.becoming(become) famous because of the Renaissance. Each year, about a million tourists come 7.to see(see) the art galleries, churches and museums in Florence.

Athens, the capital of Greece, is known 8.as the birthplace of western civilisation, where 9.lived(live) Greece's best writers, whose works 10.have influenced(influence) other writers ever since.


【写作素材】 (关于美术馆)

1.上周,来自我们学校的代表参观了由一个著名建筑师设计的美术馆。 2.美术馆是这座城市的标志性建筑。 3.它坐落在那个巨型雕塑的对面。 4.美术馆以它的悠久历史而闻名。



【连句成篇】 (将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文) 【参考范文】

Last week, the representatives coming from our school visited the gallery designed by a famous architect—the landmark of the city, which is situated just opposite the huge sculpture.The gallery is known for its long history.There we have deepened the understanding of ancient art and civilization.

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