牛津译林版八年级下Unit4 A good read课时作业有答案

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八下Unit 4 A good read

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit学案

一、阅读漫画和49页B部分,回答问题 1. Does Eddie like to read books?

2. What does Eddie want to get these books for?

3. Is Daniel interested in history books?

4. Who wrote The hunchback of Notre Dame? 二、英汉互译

1.决定去做某事 2.处理

3.把某物给某人 4.用某物去做某事 5.在冰箱上 6.够到盒子 7.对某事感兴趣 8.in your spare time 9.improve my knowledge of the past 10.me too

三、根据对话内容,填入所缺的单词 A:What are you reading, Daniel?

B:I am reading a book about Germany in World War II. I am i_____________ in history books. They improve my knowledge of the past. A:But I t__________ they are boring.

B: What do you like to read in your s_________time?


A:I like reading novels and plays. The hunchback of Notre Dame by the F_______ writer Victor Hugo is great.

B:I have read that book. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really t_________ me. A: Me too.

四、根据Welcome B部分,编写新的对话,并表演。






5、在你的空闲时间,你喜欢读什么? 6、我不知道你喜欢书。


八下Unit 4 A good read

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit检测反馈


1. He likes reading _____________(小说) written by MoYan. 2. He has much ______________(知识) about China’s long history. 3. ---What does he come from?

---______________(德国). He is _____________(德国人) 4. His story _____________(触动) me a lot at that time. 5. I think he is the _____________(丑陋的) of all the characters. 二、用所给词组的适当形式填空

What to do; give…to; France; reach; touch; know; be interested in

1. When did you _________ Shanghai? I haven’t seen you for a long time. 2. My e-friend comes from France. He can speak ____________ well. 3. ---What do you like reading the book? ---Because we can learn a lot of ___________.

4. The sad story __________________ thousands of people.

5. Why don’t you ________ your homework _________ your teacher? 6. I was shocked at the scene of the accident and I didn’t know ________. 7.Nancy _______________________stories. She likes reading them.

八下Unit 4 A good read Reading 1学案


一、预习教材,回答问题 1.What happened to our ship?

2.When was Gulliver tired out?

3.When did Gulliver wake up?

4.What happened to Gulliver’s arms, legs and hair?


1.撞击 2.远到 3.到…时 4.我脚下的土地 5.筋疲力尽 6.make them fall over 7.continue moving 8.manage to do sth. 9.break the ropes 10.a huge army of 三、根据句意和汉语提示完成单词

1.Jack, you must say sorry to your classmates. You shouldn’t do anything ____________(违背) the class rules. 2.---How much do you know about ants? ---I know every ant has two ____________(胃).

3.After sleeping a while, they _____________(继续) to work on the task. 4.He liked to run in the street. Me___________(也是) 5.He is a blind person. How does he _____________(设法) to finish the most famous drawing?

6.Our ____________(手指) are very useful. We can use them to do many things.


7.I was ____________(累的) out. I wanted to go to sleep. 8.His arms hurt. He can’t ___________(举起) even his schoolbag. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.Some of the information is ______________(write) in English. Can you translate it into Chinese?

2.The children shouted ______________(excite) when they heard the good news.

3.As good teachers, we must ___________(be) careful with our students. 4.Each camel has two ______________(stomach),so they can live in the desert for a long time.

5.When you first learn to ride your bike, you may___________(fall) over and over again.

6.I have a lot of homework ______________(do) today. 五、背默重点句子

1、在我们的船装上岩石后,我尽可能的游远。 2、最后我终于感到陆地在我的脚下。 3、我跌倒在沙滩上,并睡着了。

4、当太阳升起的时候,我醒来了。但是我发现我不能移动。 5、我的胳膊,腿和头发都被捆绑在地上。 6、他和我的小手指一样尺寸。 7、任何我感到有东西在腿上。


八下Unit 4 A good read Reading 1检测反馈



1.Testerday their car crashed_______ (撞,碰) the tree. 2. He used a rope to _______ (捆)a thief. 3.Everyone has ten _______ (手指).

4.Gulliver found himself _______ (不能)to move.

5.I don’t know the answer of the question _______ (也). 6.There are many huge _______ (群) of ants.

7.Can you _______ (解释) why you are late again. 8.The _______ (极小)rocks are also dangerous.

9. Finally Gulliver _______ (勉强完成) to break the ropes.

10.The Small men moved up _______ (从一边到另一边) his stomach and neck.

四、根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。 1.我躺在海滩上睡着了。

I_____ _____ _____ _____ _____and went to_____. 2.Daniel每天早晨6点醒来。

Daniel_____ _____at six every morning. 3.他和我的小手指一样大。

He was_____ ______ _____as my little finger. 4.我也不知道说什么。

I did not know what_____ _____ _____. 5.格列佛低头看得到一大群小人。

Gulliver_____ _____and saw_____ _____ _____of tiny people. 6.在我们的船撞到岩石损坏之后,我奋力前游。

After our ship_____ _____ the rocks, I swam_____ _____ _____ _____ _____.


Gulliver’s arms, legs and hair_____ _____ _____ the ground! 8.格列佛试着解开一只手,最后终于成功地弄断了绳索。

Gulliver_____ _____ _____ one hand_____ and_____ _____ to_____ the ropes. 9.然而,他们很快又起身,并继续在我身上走过。

However, they soon_____ _____ again and_____ _____ _____ my body. 10. 他朝那些小人儿喊,但是他们一点儿也不害怕。

He ______ ______ those tiny men, but they were ______ afraid______ ______.

八下Unit 4 A good read Reading 2学案



1.hold things together with ropes __________ 2.keep doing sth. __________ 3.very tired ___________ 4.very small ___________ 5.finish what you have tried to do ___________ 二、根据课文内容回答下列问题

1.What did Gullliver do after he finally felt the land under his feet?

2.Why did Gulliver find he could not move?

3.How big was the tiny man?

4.Could Gulliver understand the small man?


After Gulliver’s ship_____ against the rocks, he _____as far as he could. When he reached the beach, he was_____ out and fell down on the beach then went to sleep.

He_____ up as the sun was rising, but he could not move any more. Then he felt something on his leg. It moved up_____ his stomach and neck until it was standing_____ his face. It was a very small man. He was the same size as my little finger!

Soon more small men started_____ all over him. He_____ at them— the loud noise made them all fall over. However they soon got up again and continuted _____ across his body. One of these small men began talking to him, but


Gulliver did not know what to say either. He tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes. When he lifted his left hand into the air , the small men began to shout.

Gulliver looked down and saw a huge army of tiny people. They were coming straight towards him. Gulliver though he must run away_____ them, but he did not know how to get away.

四、词汇运用 根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子 1.Sandy isn’t afraid (也). 2.Can you (举起)the heavy bag? 3.Your (手指)are hurt. 4.After a long trip, we were all t out. 5.I’ll wait for you u you come back. 6.The farmers t___________ the thief to a big tree. 五、重点句子

1、我向他们大喊,巨大的声音让他们都跌倒了。 2、他们又站起来并继续移动越过我的身体。 3、我也不知道说什么。

4、我试着解开一只手,最后终于成功地弄断了绳索。 5、当我提起左手到空中,小人们开始大喊。

6、“我必须从他们这里跑走”,我想,但是我不知道如何离开。 7、格列佛发现自己不能移动。 8、格列佛让一只手解脱。


八下Unit 4 A good read Reading 2检测反馈


( )1.The loud noise made these tiny men all .

A.fell down B.fall down C.falling down D.to fall down ( )2.The best time is in the morning.

A.to read B.reading C.on reading D.for reading ( )3.We all like teachers with a lot of knowledge. A.has B.have C.with D.without ( )4.Many young people enjoy online.

A.read B.to read C.to write D.reading ( )5.I know you liked cooking.

A.don’t B.didn’t C.won’t D.can’t ( )6.The man is so ugly that nobody him.

A.likes B.like C.dislike D.dislikes ( )7.I The story really touched me, I often read it.

A.because B.so C.but D.before


1.These firemen managed (save) the old woman out. 2.I wondered how (solve) this difficult problem.

3.I looked down and (find)a magazine on the ground. 4.These children had a good time (read) interesting books. 5.Reading stories (be) fun. 6.Helen can’t jump as _____________(far) as I do.

7.The teacher kept the students ____________(read) ten minutes in the morning. 8.We found it ______________(easy) to find the new museum in my city.

三、根据句意,从方框中选用合适的词或短语,并用其正确形式完成句子 As…as, wake…up, run away, fall over, manage to , continue 1. Tom broke his arms when he________________on the way home. 2. You can’t just __________from the situation.

3. Mum_______________me______________at 5:00 yesterday.

4. Our teacher asks us to do homework ____carefully _______we can. 5. After I had dinner, I __________doing my homework till ten o’clcok. 6. He _____________pass the exam after studying hard for a month.

八下Unit 4 A good read Grammar学案



二、预习教材56页,总结must和have to的区别


( )1. There is some delicious food on the table. I really can’t decide ____ first.

A. what to eat

B. how to eat

C. who to eat D. when to eat

( )2.I am going for a camping this Saturday. I’ll call Tom to make sure _____.

A. which to start B. when to start C. how to start D.where to start ( )3.All the shirts look beautiful. I don’t know _____.

A. what to choose

B. when to choose D. why to choose

C. which one to choose

( )4. I don’t know _____ to do the following Sunday?

A. when

B. why

C. how

D. what

( )5. Sandy usually _____ home at six p.m.

A. gets to

B. reaches to

C. arrives at

D. arrives

( )6.—Must I drink the glass of water on the table now? —No, you_____.

A. needn’t B. don’t have to C. mustn’t D. A or B ( )7.It ’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack _____be here at any time.

A. must B. need C. should D. can ( )8.—Look, it_____ be Mr. Wang.


—No, it_____ be him. He has gone abroad.

A. may; mustn’t B. must; may not C. must; can’t D. can; may not 四、背默重点句子







八下Unit 4 A good read Grammar检测反馈


1. I am thinking about how _____________ (answer) this question. 2. I can’t decide when _____________ (start) our travel to Shanghai. 3. The first step is to decide what _____________ (eat) for breakfast.


4. Tom thought himself how________ (use) a computer to draw pictures. 5. The doctor told him when_______________ (take) the medicine. 6. Would you like _______________ (have) something to eat?

7. It took me about an hour_________________ (finish) my homework. 8. Do you enjoy __________ (read) novels or _________(watch) TV? 二、完成句子,每空一词。 1.西蒙已经决定看什么书。

Simon has decided_____ _____ _____. 2.汤米不知道和谁谈论这部电影。

Tommy did not know_____ _____ _____ to about this film. 3.Sandy 正在疑惑去哪儿求助。

Sandy is wondering_____ _____ _____ for help. 4.Daniel 自学怎样用电脑去画画。

Daniel taught himself_____ _____ _____ a computer to draw. 5.Millie 和Kitty 正在讨论用那种颜色涂墙。

Millie and Kitty are discussing_____ _____ _____ paint the walls. 6.你清楚下午什么时候在大门口集合吗?

Are you clear_____ _____ _____ at the gate this afternoon? 7.你可以问问你父母你能带多少钱。

You can ask your parents_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ with you.

八下Unit 4 A good read Integrated Skills学案


1、一名英国作家 2、出生日期 3、作为一个孩子 4、结束做某事


5、起初 6、拒绝做某事 7、一个巨大的成功 8、和某人分享某物 9、每次 10、准时 二、根据课文内容判断正误

1. At first, all the British publishing houses accepted to publish the Harry Potter series.

2. Daniel can borrow one English book and two Chinese books at a time. 3. Mrs Li told Daniel how to renew books. 4. Daniel can keep the books for one month. 5. Daniel wants some science books. 三、根据汉语或者首字母提示填空 1.Sandy plans to read the Harry Potter s_____.

2.A year later, a small publishing house in England_____ (接受)it. 3.All the British publishing house refuse to_____ (出版)it. 4.The first Harry Potter book was a great s_____. 5.Please_____(翻译)these sentences into Chinese. 6.There are seven million_____(册,份)all over the world. 7.Do you know a man from_____(加拿大的)writer. 8.You must _____(归还) books on time at a time. 9.I often search for some_____(信息)on the Internet.

10.Students have to take turns to borrow books from our school l_____. 四、补全对话

A: I want some useful books

B: You can search for information on the computer here.

C: How long can I keep the books?

D: You must return them on time.

E: Could you tell me how to renew them?


S: Excuse me, _____ ,but I don’t know where to find them. L: Don’t worry. _____.

S: Thank you. How many books can I borrow at a time? L: You can borrow one Chinese book and one English book. S: I see. _____. L: For two weeks. _____ S: _____

L: You don’t have to come to our desk every time. Just renew them on time. S: Thank you. L: That’s all right. 五、背默重点句子





八下Unit 4 A good read Integrated Skills检测反馈


1.Jenny is a _______(加拿大的) writer and she has written lots of wonderful books.

2.The man is a worker with lots of ________________(经验)


3.Now many students like playing games _____________(在线) 4.More and more books come out in different ___________(出版) house. 5. Helen seldom likes _______(拒绝)others when they ask her for help. 6.There are many Chinese goods on_____________(出售) in the supermarket. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空

1.I have a pen friend and she comes from______________(Canada). 2.At last all of us passed the exam_________________(success). 3.Who will you ask _____________(come) to the charity show? 4.Don’t refuse ________(ask) for help if you are in trouble at any time. 5.My father is an ________(experience) teacher and he teaches very well. 三、根据汉语翻译句子

1. 一开始,所有的英国出版社都拒绝出版《哈利·波特》这本书。 At first all the British __________________ the book Harry Potter. 2. 上周,我哥哥收到一份礼物,但他拒绝接受。

Last wee, my brother______________ but he _______________it. 3. 你一次能借几本书?

_____________ can you borrow _________________? 4. 你不需要现在完成所有的工作。 You ____________ all the work now.

八下Unit 4 A good read Study skills学案


1、经历 2、信心 3、最后 4、从不 5、然而




1. Our English teacher has much e___________ in teaching English. 2. My friends gave me a lot of _______________(信心) 3. Come out! Don’t h____________. I have seen you. 4. Why are you late for school? B_________ I got up late. 5. It snows all year r_________ in my hometown.

四、根据句意,从方框中选用合适的词或短语,并用其正确形式完成句子 Never, also, after, in short, all year round 1.___________Mr Liu said “go”, all the runners ran as fast as they could. 2. He is a worker. His sister is ___________a worker.

3. Mr Zheng exercises _________________, so he has a healthy body. 4. I have____________ been to Guilin, so I didn't know anything about it. 5.________________,we must help the poor children. 五、重点句子

1. 读完书以后,我不想过去一样害羞了,我还想去尝试新东西。 2. 我也想在将来旅行并有着精彩的经历。

八下Unit 4 A good read Study skills检测反馈


1.Kitty likes reading _________________(小说) 2.His story gave me a lot of ________________(自信)

3.______________(既然) everyone is here, let’s startour meeting. 4.You’d better wear sunglasses_______________(当…时候) you are out. 5.I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know what to say ,__________(也) 6.After our ship_____________(撞) against the rocks, I swam as far as I could.


7.I need to get lots of rest and eat healthy. ___________(否则), I may get tired. 8.My brother_________(匆忙) to school without having breakfast this morning. 9.I want to travel around the world and have exciting ____________(经历) in the future.

10.Though many children get Mr Guo’s help,_______________(事实上), his famaly is not rich enough. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.I think ______________(sail) is an exciting sport. 2.I told __________(me) to calm down since I was alive. 3.Betty is willing ____________(share) things with her family. 4.The factory used to _______________(pour) its waste into the river. 5.Some tidy people are looking for ___________(hide) treasure. 三、完成句子


He says he is taller than Lilei, ____________he is much shorter than Lilei. 2、自从他是个孩子的时候,他就住在这个城市了。 He ________________ in the city __________he was a child. 3、你知道如何到达那儿吗?

Do you know _____________________there? 4、他没钱上学,他必须自学英语。

He didn’t go to school because of lacking money , he _________ ________learn English by himself.

5.这两个故事一样有趣。This story is ______________________that one.

八下Unit 4 A good read Task学案


A、单词 1、建议 2、图书管理员

3、习惯 4、在…对面 5、古典的 6、开启,开创


1. 少于一小时 2. 四个多小时 3. 在周末 4. 在假日期间


5. 你最喜爱种类的书 6. 你大部分书 7. 提高我的知识 8. 收集信息 9. 寻求关于书的建议 10. 我的阅读习惯 11. 一周七个小时 12. 在工作日 13. 四大中国古典小说 14. 讨论读什么

15. 帮助我放松 16. 为我打开一个全新的世界 二、预习61页内容,回答问题 1.How long does Millie read every week?

2.What books is she interested in?

3.Where can she get books?

4.Does Millie think good books are good friends?

5.Where is Sunshine Library?


be interested in, spend, read, get, from, opposite, at the weekend, on weekdays

I love reading because it can help me relax after a busy day. I 1 about half an hour 2 before going to bed 3 . But I read a lot 4 . I 5 science books. My favorite book is Life Science. I 6 most of my books 7 Sunshine Library---it is just 8 my home. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空


1.He is a good boy and he often_______(advice) his friends to study hard. 2.The old man spends an hour in ________(listen) to the radio every day. 3.We often meet together and discuss what _______________(read). 4.Are you __________(interest) in _________(watch) TV after school? 5.How much time do you spend ____________(read) each week? 6.Tom enjoys _______________(visit) new places.

7.I like these novels because I find them really __________(excite). 8.His story gave me a lot of ______________(confident).


1. 我花了一周七个多小时读不同种类的书。

2. 我从我家对面的阳光图书馆借大多数的书。

3. 我们经常一起见面讨论读什么。

4. 他们也给我打开一个全新的世界。

5. 他们帮助我在忙碌的一天后放松。


7. 我的朋友给了我很多书的建议。

八下Unit 4 A good read Task检测反馈


1.I’d like you to take my _____________(建议)

2.My father likes listening to ______________(古典的) Chinese music. 3.It’s a good _____________(习惯) to get up early and go to bed early. 4.His sister is a ____________(图书管理员) and she works very carefully. 5.His home is ____________(在…对面) a shop and it’s convenient for him to buy things.


1.No one can _______________(success) without any hard work.


2.The book ________________(write) by Dr Ma has come out. 3.This book is so___________that I feel very ___________.(bore) 4.They spend about an hour____________(do) homework every day. 5.________________(read) is always a good habit. 6.I read books _______________(improve) my writing. 7.My father is interested in _____________(play) cards.

8.There are different ______________(type) of books in our library. 9.The _______(library) in our school are always friendly to every student. 10.I usually read books for about half an hour before_________(go) to bed every day.



Can you __________________________how to learn English well? 2、他们今天早上讨论了读什么书?

They _________________________this morning. 3、你能告诉我如何帮助一位老人吗?

Can you tell me _________________________________an old man? 4、阅读能给我打开一个全新的世界。

Reading can _____________________________________to me. 5、我爸爸喜欢古典音乐而我喜欢流行音乐。

My father likes ___________________while I like__________________.




1. He didn’t know you ___________(like) books.

2. Tom finally felt the land under my________ (foot), I was tired out.

3. If you want to keep the books ___________(long), you have to renew them. 4. He sailed the sea to look for __________(hide) treasure. 5. He taught__________(he) how to read English. B、根据汉语提示完成句子

1. They improve my ______________(知识) of the past. 2. The story of the ugly man ______________(触动) me. 3. Sunshine Library is _______________(相反) my home.


二.1.sailing 2.myself 3.to share 4.pour 5.hidden

三.1.In fact, 2.has lived, since 3.how to get 4.had to 5.as interesting as

八下Unit 4 A good read Task学案


A.1.advice 2.librarian 3.habit 4.opposite 5.classical 6.open up

B、1.less than an hour 2.four more hours 3.at weekends 4.during holidays 5.your favourite type of book 6.most of your books 7.improve my knowledge 8.collect information 9.ask for advice on books 10.my reading habits 11.seven hours a week 12.on weekdays 13.The four great classical Chinese novels 14.discuss what to read 15.help me relax 16.open up a whole new world to me

二、预习61页内容,回答问题 略


1.spend 2.reading 3.on weekdays 4.at the weekend 5.am interested in 6.get 7.from 8.opposite


1.advises 2.listening 3.to read 4.interested watching 5.reading 6.visiting 7.exciting 8.confidence 五、背默重点句子

1. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books 2. I usually read for about half an hour before going to bed

3. I get most of my books from sunshine library-it is just opposite my home 4. My friends give me lots of advice on books 5. we often meet together and discuss what to read 6. they help me relax after a busy day

7. they also open up a whole new world to me

八下Unit 4 A good read Task检测反馈

一.1.advice 2.classical 3.habit 4.librarian 5.opposite

二、1.be successful 2.written 3.boring bored 4.doing 5.Reading 6.to improve 7.playing 8.types 9.libraries 10.going

三.1.give me some advice on 2.discussed what books to read

3.how to help 4.open up a whole new world 5.calssical music , pop music

八下Unit 4 A good read Task检测题

I、A、1. liked 2. feet 3. longer 4. hidden 5. himself

B、1. knowledge 2. touched 3. opposite 4. experience 5. either


II、1-5. BDBBD 6-10. CDADB


V、1. ill/sick, hospital 2. returned, weekend 3. tradition, notes 4. same, care 5. words/answer/reply, better VI、1. many tiny persons moved up over my stomach and neck 2. got up again and continued running 3. take her daughter from school 4. keep quiet in the reading room 5. what to write about in the report 6. over seven hours a week reading VII、My hobby is reading

I like reading different books, such as novels, comics and books about science and history as well. I also like reading newspapers and magazines to learn about what is going on around the world.

When I read a book, I always think about what useful things I can learn from it, and then I write them down in my notebook. I also copy down new vocabularies and nice sentences. This is my reading habit and it benefits me a lot.

In my opinion, books can bring us a lot of knowledge and a colorful life. We can also get happiness and be relaxed when we are reading. So let us all enjoy reading and develop or skills from now on.


3. It was a family __________ for the children to write love___________ to their grandparents.

4. The writer did the________ thing as her children to ____________about her father.

5. A few weeks later, when the writer heard her father's ____________, she knew he felt much _________.


1. 当太阳升起时我发现许多小人在我的肚子和脖子上来回移动。 As the sun was rising, I found ____________________________. 2. 他们不久又站起来继续跑过终点。

They soon ____________________________________________. 3. 她必须在下午把她的女儿从学校接走。

She has to__________________________________ in the afternoon. 4. 在阅览室你必须保持安静。

You must_________________________________________________. 5. 我没有确信在这个报告中写什么。

I am not sure_______________________________________________. 6. 我花了一周七个多小时读不同种类的书。

I spend _________________________________different types of books. VII、书面表达(19分)

4月23日是世界读书日。中宣部通知指出,4月23日开始,启动“让我们在阅读中一起成长”全国少儿阅读年系列活动。以“My hobby is reading”为题写一篇英语短文。

读书种类:报刊,杂志,书籍(关于??方面的书) 读书习惯:读书思考,读书记笔记



My hobby is reading I like reading different books, such as ________________________________





八下Unit 4 A good read

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit学案

三、阅读漫画和49页B部分,回答问题 略


1.decide to do sth. 2.do with 3.give sth. to sb. 4.use sth. to do sth. 5.on the fridge 6.reach the box 8.在你空余时间 9.提高你的过去的知识 10.我也是


Interested , think , spare, French, touched

四、根据Welcome B部分,编写新的对话,并表演。 略


1. Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo? 2. I didn’t know you liked books!

3. I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge 4. I’m intersted in history books

5. they improve my knowledge of the past 6. what do you like to read in your spare time?

八下Unit 4 A good read


Comic strip & Welcome to the unit检测反馈

一.1.novels 2.knowledge 3.Germany, German 4.touched 5.ugliest 二、用所给词组的适当形式填空

1. reach; 2. French;3 knowledge;4. touched; 5. give…to;6 what to do 7. is interested in

八下Unit 4 A good read Reading 1学案

一、预习教材,回答问题 略


1.crash 2.far 3.as 4.the land under my feet 5.be tired out 6.让他们跌倒 7.继续移动 8.设法做某事 9.弄破绳子 10.一大群 三、根据句意和汉语提示完成单词

1.against 2.stomachs 3.continued 4.too 5.manage 6.fingers 7.tired 8.raise


1.to write 2.excitedly 3.be 4.stomachs 5.fall 6.to do 五、背默重点句子

1. After our ship crashed against the rocks,I swam as far as I could 2. by the time I finally felt the land under my feet,I was tired out 3. I fell down on the beach and went to sleep

4. I woke up as the sun was rising,but I found I could not move 5. my arms,legs and hair were tired to the ground 6. then I felt something on my leg

7. it moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face 8. he was the same size as my little finger!

八下Unit 4 A good read Reading 1检测反馈

一、1.against 2.tie 3.fingers 4.couldn’t 5.either 6.army 7.explain 8.tiny 9.managed 10.over

二、1.fell down on the beach, sleep 2.wakes up 3.the same size 4.to say either 5.looked down, a huge army 6.crashed against, as far as I could 7.were tied to 8.tried to pull free, finally managed to break 9.got up, continued moving across 10.shouted at , not at all.

八下Unit 4 A good read Reading 2学案


1.tie 2.continue 3.tired out 4.tiny 5.manage 二、根据课文内容回答下列问题



Crashed, swam, tired, woke, over, near, climbing, shouted, moving, from 四、词汇运用 根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子 1.either 2.lift 3.fingers 4.tired 5.until 6.tied 五、重点句子

1. I shouted at them-the loud noise made them all fall over

2. they soon got up again and continued moving across my body 3. I did not know what to say either

4. I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes 5. when I lifted my left hand into the air,the small men began to shout

6. “I must run away from them,” I thought,but I did not know how to get away 7. gulliver found himself unable to move 8. gulliver got one hand free

八下Unit 4 A good read Reading 2检测反馈

一、1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B

二、1.to save 2.to solve 3.found 4.reading 5.is 6.far 7.reading 8.easy

三.1.fell over 2.run away 3.woke up 4.as,as 5.continued 6.managed to

八下Unit 4 A good read Grammar学案

一、预习教材54页,总结疑问词+动词不定式的用法 略

二、预习教材56页,总结must和have to的区别 略


1-4 ADCD 5-8 DDCC 四、背默重点句子

1. Millie has decided what to read

2. Daniel did not say who to talk to about this book 3. simon forgot when to meet his friends 4. kitty cannot decide which to choose first 5. sandy is wondering where to ask for help 6. amy does not know how to write the report

7. the students asked their teacher when to hand in their work

八下Unit 4 A good read Grammar检测反馈

一.1.to answer 2.to start 3.to eat 4.to use 5.to take 6.to have 7.to finish 8.reading watching

二.1.what to read 2.who to talk 3.where to ask 4.how to use 5.what colour to 6.when to meet 7.how much money to take


八下Unit 4 A good read Integrated Skills学案


1.an English writer 2.date of birth 3.as a child 4.finish doing sth 5. at first 6.refuse to do sth. 7.a big success 8.share sth.with sb. 9.at a time 10.on time

二、根据课文内容判断正误 略


1.series 2.accepted 3.publish 4.success 5.translate 6.copies 7.Canadian 8.return 9.information 10.library 四、补全对话 A B C D E


1. The first harry potter book was a great success in the very beginning 2. you can search for information on the computer here 3. How many books can I borrow at a time? 4. Could you tell me how to renew them?

八下Unit 4 A good read Integrated Skills检测反馈

一.1.Canadian 2.experience 3.online 4.publishing 5.refuse 6.sale 二.1.Canadian 2.successfully 3.to come 4.to ask 5.experienced

三.1. publishing houses refused to publishing.2.got/received a present /gift;3.How many books; at a time 4.needn’t finish; don't have to finish

八下Unit 4 A good read Study skills学案


1.experience 2.confidence 3.finally 4.never 5.however 二、预习59页内容,总结转折词的分类以及不同的用法。 略


1.experience 2.confidence 3.hide 4.Because 5.round

四、根据句意,从方框中选用合适的词或短语,并用其正确形式完成句子 1.Afer, 2.also 3.all year round 4.never 5.In short 五、重点句子

3. After reading the book,I am not as shy as I used to be and I am willing to try

new things

4. I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future

八下Unit 4 A good read Study skills检测反馈

一.1.novels 2.confidence 3.Since 4.while 5.either 6.crashed 7.Otherwise 8.hurried 9.experiences 10.in fact


