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一、基础词汇 access 交通

agreement 同意、协议 allocation 分配、配置 approval 同意、批准 arbitration 仲裁

Asia Development Bank 亚洲开发银行 assistant 助理、助手

authorize(delegate)授权、委托 Bill of Quantities(BOQ) 工程量表 civil works 土建工程 claim 索赔

comment 评论、意见

commercial manager 商务经理 conditions of contract 合同条件 general conditions 通用条件

conditions of particular application 专用条件 special conditions of contract 特别条件 Conditions of contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件

construction management 施工管理 consultant 顾问

contract agreement 合同协议 Contractor 承包商 cooperation 合作 coordination 协作 cost 费用

cost control 成本控制 counterclaim 反索赔 demobilization 退场 department 部门 Designer 设计者 drawing 图纸

shop drawing 车间图 design drawing 设计图 as-built drawing 竣工图 blue drawing 蓝图

transparent drawing 透明图 construction drawing 施工图 electric works 电气工程

Employer(Client/Owner) 业主 Engineer 工程师

Engineer's representative 工程师代表 engineering project 工程项目 international project 国际工程

overseas project 海外工程 domestic project 国内工程 equipment 设备 expatriate 外籍职员 expert 专家 export 出口

Federation of Civil Engineering Contractor 土木工程承包商联合会 formal 正式的

hydromechanical works 金结工程 import 进口

in charge of 负责、主管 informal 非正式的 Institution of Civil

Engineers(ICE) 土木工程师协会 instrument 仪器、器械 insurance 保险 labour 劳务 layout 布置

leading company(sponsor)牵头公司、责任公司liability(responsibility/obligation) 责任、义务 lump sump 总包 machinery 机械

manpower(human resource) 人力资源 Manufacturer 制造商 material 材料

measure 办法、措施

take effective measures 采取有效措施 measurement 测量、计量 memorandum 备忘录 mobilization 进场 objection 反对 payment 支付 plant 设备

point of view(opinion) 观点、意见 prequalification 资格预审 procurement 采购 profit 利润

progress control 进度控制 project manager 项目经理 quality control 质量控制

request(application) 申请、请求 review 审查 risk 风险

river closure 截流 river diversion 导流 safety 安全


signature 签名 site 工地、现场

site engineer 现场工程师 specification 规格、规范 staff 职员

Subcontractor 分包商 submission 提交

supervise 监督、监视 Supplier 供货商

the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会

unit price 单价

variation(change) 变更 World Bank 世界银行 二、工程施工类


◆开挖与支护(Excavation and Support) 明挖(Open Excavation ) bench excavation 台阶开挖 concrete excavation 砼开挖 fault excavation 断层开挖

foundation excavation 基础开挖 local excavation 局部开挖

mass(bulk) excavation 大面积开挖 protective layer excavation 保护层开挖 rock excavation 岩石开挖 slope excavation 边坡开挖

soft ground excavation 软基开挖 soil excavation 土方开挖

structural excavation 结构开挖 tooth excavation 齿槽开挖

unclassified material excavation 不分类料开挖

coefficient of nonuniformity 开挖不均匀系数 cutoff trench 截水槽

dewatering(drainage) 排水 excavation pit 开挖基坑

intensity of excavation 开挖强度 overexcavate ( overbreak ) 超挖 pump sump 水泵坑

Underexcavate ( underbreak ) 欠挖 underbreak treatment 欠挖处理

洞挖及地下开挖(Tunnel and Underground Excavation)

a round of excavation 一个开挖循环 adit 支洞

advance 进尺

advances depth 进尺深度 breaking hole 崩落孔 cushion hole 缓冲孔 drift 掏槽

bottom drift 底部掏槽 center drift 中心掏槽 side drift 边部掏槽 top drift 顶部掏槽 drilling 钻孔

driving(progress) rate 进尺率 easer 掏槽孔

erecting supports for the roof and side wall 对顶拱及边墙进行支护

full face excavation 全断面开挖

heading and bench excavation 导流与台阶开挖

loading and hauling muck(mucking ) 装拉渣 loading (charging) 装药 perimeter hole 周边孔 pilot tunnel 导洞 removing dust 除尘

removing ground water 清除地面积水 shooting the explosive (blasting) 放炮 top heading excavation 上导洞开挖 ventilation 通风

钻孔爆破(Drilling and Blasting) abandoned hole 废孔

average hole depth 平均孔深 average quantity used in unit volume blasted 平均单耗 blasting result 爆破结果 blockness 块度

controlled perimeter blasting 周边控制爆破 data of explosive filled 装药参数 data of holes drilled 钻孔参数 delayed blasting 延时爆破 exploratory hole 探孔 explosive quantity 药量

explosive quantity in a sound 单响药量 handling misfire 处理哑炮 light charge 少量装药

loosening blasting 松动爆破 pattern 布孔方式

distance between holes 孔距 distance between rows 排距 post shearing blasting 微差爆破 prespliting blasting 预裂爆破


quantity of holes 孔数 smooth blasting 光面爆破 延时支护(rock support)

expansion shell rock bolt 胀壳式张拉锚杆 feature rock anchor 随机锚索 feature rock bolt 随机张拉锚杆 feature rock dowel 随机砂浆锚杆 feature rock reinforcement 随机加固 lattice girder 钢桁架、格构大梁 pattern cement grouted rock dowel 系统水泥浆锚杆

pattern resin grouted rock dowel 系统树脂浆锚杆

pattern rock dowel 系统砂浆锚杆 pattern rock reinforcement 系统加固 permanent rock support 永久支护

post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock anchor 后张拉水泥浆锚索 rebound material 回弹料

return rock bolt 回头张拉锚杆

return rock reinforcement 回头加固 shotcrete anchorage 喷锚

shotcrete with wire mesh 挂网喷砼 steel fabric shotcrete 钢纤维喷砼 steel rib 钢拱架

temporary rock support 临时支护

tensioned resin grouted rock bolt 树脂张拉锚杆

◆土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序(Working Sequence) backfill 回填 blend 混合 compact 碾压

controlled sprinkling 控制洒水 cut the slope 削坡 dump 卸料 exploit 开采 level 整平 load 装料

moisture condition 水分调节 place and spread 摊铺 remove 清除 replace 重新回填

retreat (do the work again) 返工 scarify 翻松、刨毛

screen and wash 筛分和冲洗 take a sample 取样

test 测试

transport 运输 treat 处理 trim 修整


calcium particles 姜石

contaminated material 受污染料

declination of the boundary 料界偏差 dry 干燥

lack of compaction 漏压 lump sump 结块 muddy 泥泞

oversize material 超粒径材料 pocket 囊穴 seepage 渗流 separation 分离 shear area 剪力区 lens 透镜体 其它(Others)

bonding surface 结合面 byproduct 副产品

controlling parameter 控制参数 fill placement record 填筑记录 frog area 蛙夯区

required embankment 必要填方 subzone 分区

◆混凝土(Concrete )

air-entrained concrete(aerated concrete) 加气砼

asphalt concrete 沥青砼 blinding concrete 垫层砼

cast-in situ(site/place)concrete 现浇砼 plastic concrete 塑料砼 fibrous concrete 纤维砼 first stage concrete 一期砼 foamed concrete 泡沫砼

high-performance concrete 高性能砼 high-strength concrete 高强砼 intrusion concrete 压浆砼

lean concrete (poor concrete) 贫砼

lightweight aggregate concrete 轻骨料砼 mass concrete 大体积砼 non-fines concrete 无砂砼 non-plastic concrete 干硬性砼 non-shrinkage concrete 无收缩砼 normal concrete 常态砼 plain concrete 素砼


porous concrete 多孔砼

prestressed concrete 预应力砼 pump concrete 泵送砼 reinforced concrete 钢筋砼

roller compacted concrete( rollcrete) 碾压砼 second stage concrete 二期砼 作业(Activity)

clearance(clearing) 清理 concrete

pouring(placement/casting) 砼浇筑 curing 养护

Membrance curing 薄膜养护 moist curing 湿润养护 normal curing 标准养护 steam curing 蒸汽养护 repairing 修理

Scabbling (chiping/roughening) 凿毛 greencutting 冲毛 surface finishing 收面 vibrating 振捣 缺陷(Defects)

bug hole(pitted surface) 麻面 cavity 狗洞 cold joint 冷缝 crack 裂缝

deformation 变形 depression 坑洼

fire-damaged concrete 火损砼 formwork shifting(moving) 跑模 grout leakage 漏浆(挂帘) honeycomb 蜂窝

incomplete vibration 不完全振捣、漏振 irregularity 不规则

segregation(bleeding) 离析 stair(staggered joint) 错台 tie rod hole 拉杆孔 water leakage 漏水 water seepage 渗水 外加剂(Admixture) accelerator 速凝剂

air-entraining agent 引气剂

bloating(bulking /expansion) agent 膨胀剂 coring admixture 着色剂

early-strength admixture 早强剂

gas-forming admixture 发气剂(起泡剂) fluidizer 塑化剂

retarding agent 缓凝剂

set-controlling admixture 调凝剂

super-plasticizer 增塑剂、高效减水剂 surface-active agent 表面活性剂 water-reducing agent 减水剂

accelerating water reducer 速凝型减水剂 retarding water reducer 缓凝型减水剂 waterproof agent 防水剂 指标(Indexes)

compressive strength 抗压强度 compressive stress 压应力 concrete class 砼等级 final strength 终凝强度 graduation 级配

graduation curve 级配曲线 impermeability 抗渗性

initial setting strength 初凝强度 mix design 配比设计

resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性 shear strength 抗剪强度 slump 坍落度

specific weight/gravity 比重

stability against sliding 抗滑稳定性 strain 应变

surface finish 表面平整度 tensile strength 抗拉强度 tensile stress 拉应力 thermal stress 温度应力 water-cement ratio 水灰比 working stress 工作应力 其他(Others) acceptance 验收 age 龄期

aggregate 骨料

fine aggregate 细骨料 coarse aggregate 粗骨料 air pocket 气囊 airtightness 气密性

alternative 替代物、替换方法 apply 应用、施加

bending moment 弯矩 block 仓号

binding strength 黏结强度 calibration 标定

cement anchor 锚固卷 concrete plug 砼塞

concrete precast element 砼预制件 concrete release sheet 发料单


construction joint 施工缝 contamination /pollution 污染 conversion(reconstruction) 改建 coverage 覆盖范围 curing agent 养护剂 delivery sheet 运料单 direct discharge 直接入仓 elevation 高程、正视图

epoxy mortar application 还氧砂浆抹面 existing 现有(存)的 expansion joint 伸缩缝 facilitate 使容易(便利) gabion 纤丝笼 humidity 湿度

identity 识别、标记 ingredient 成分、配料 inspection 检查、验收

preliminary inspection 初验 final inspection 终验

appearance inspection 外观检查 intact 完整的、未被触动的 inter-tower joint 塔间缝 introduce into 将……穿入 isolate 隔离 laitance 浮浆皮

layer(lift)height 层高

meet design requirement 满足设计要求 moment of inertia 惯性距

Pocket (box out/preset hole) 预留孔 post-cooling 后冷却 post tensioning 后张拉 pre-cooling 预冷却 pre-stressing 预应力 pre-tensioning 先张拉 pull-off test 扒拉试验

reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层 remark 备注

section area 截面面积 shearkey 抗剪键 key groove 键槽

shotcrete dry-mix process 干喷砼生产 shotcrete wet-mix process 湿喷砼生产 simplify 简化

simultaneously 同时地 spacer 水泥垫块 spacing 间距

stress concentration 应力集中

symmetry 对称

technical data 技术参数

temperature control 温度控制 temperature difference 温差 temperature rise(gain) 温度升高 theoretical elongation 理论延长量 unloading 卸载 water stop 止水

PVC water stop PVC止水 rubber water stop 橡皮止水 copper water stop 铜止水 watertightness 闭水性 winter protection 冬季保温

◆模板(Formwok/Shutteringform) erecting(setting up/fixing) formwork 立模 Stripping (removing/dismantling) formwork 拆模

bond breaker 脱模剂 climbing cone 爬升锥 dam bracket 大坝支架 distance piece 横支撑

double-curvature formwork 双曲模板 flat formwork 平面模板 formwork oil 模板油 pigtail anchor 猪尾筋

retractable formwork 进退式模板 shearkey box 键槽盒 sliding formwork 滑模

steel form carrier 钢模台车 steel formwork 钢模

steel waling 钢围令、钢支撑 stopend 堵头、封堵模板

temporary formwork 临时模板 tie rod(form tie) 拉杆

tiltable formwork 倾斜式模板

vault and invert formwork 顶拱及底拱模板 wood formwork 木模

◆钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar) distribution bar 分布筋 dowel 插筋

horizontal bar 水平筋 lap length 搭接长度

main stress bar 主应力筋 overlap 搭接 shear bar 剪力筋

splice welding 绑条焊接 starter bar 起始筋、苗子锦


stirrup 箍筋

support bar 架立筋 vertical bar 竖直筋 ◆灌浆(Grouting)

backfill grouting 回填灌浆

consolidation grouting 固结灌浆 contact grouting 接触灌浆 curtain grouting 帷幕灌浆 gap grouting 接缝灌浆 gravity grouting 自重灌浆 jet grouting 旋喷灌浆

multi-stage grouting 多次灌浆 pressure grouting 压力灌浆 ring grouting 环行灌浆

single-stage grouting 一次灌浆 工艺过程(Activity) air test 通风试验

backfilling of hole 封孔 flushing test 通水试验 joint washing 洗缝 seal 密封 soak 浸泡

water pressure test 压水试验

管路及组件( Circuit and Elements)air supply 风包 arising pipe 升降管 circuit 回路 clamp 卡子 cock 旋塞 coil 蛇形管 cylinder 缸套

double nipple 对丝连接套 expansion coupling 伸缩节

female-quick coupling 内丝快接头 fixed clamp 死卡

flow rate meter 测量计

galvanized elbow 镀锌弯头 grout cap 灌浆帽 grout cell 出浆盒

grout stop plate 止浆片 grout valve 灌浆阀 inlet pipe 进浆管

large radius elbow 大弧弯头 main pipe 总管

male-quick coupling 外丝快接头 outlet pipe 出浆管 packer 灌浆塞

piston 活塞 plug 堵头

reducer socket 变径管套 return pipe 回浆管 tee piece 三通管

reduce tee piece 变径三通管 swivel-clamp 转卡 U-bend U弯头 union 活接头

ventilation pipe 排气管 water supply 水包

参数及指标(Parameter and Indexes)

consistency 稠度 fineness 细度 grout take 吃浆量 high take 吃浆量大

grouting pressure 灌浆压力 leakage rate 漏水率 Lugeon 吕容

mix proportion 浆比 pumping rate 泵浆率 refusal criteria 排浆标准 refusal time 抽浆时间 water aborptin 吸水率

仪器设备( Plant and Instrument) agitator 搅拌站

automatic recorder 自动记录仪 chiller plant(cooling plant) 制冷站 displancement point 位移点

electronic grout flow meter 电子流量计 extensometer 变位计

flow transmitter 流量传感器 foundation displacement indicator 基础位移指示器 grout pump 灌浆泵 hydrometer 比重计 joint meter 测缝计 mixing plant 制浆站 monitor 监测器 osmometer 渗压计 pendulum 钟摆

portable instrument 便携式仪器 pressure gauge 压力表

pressure sensor 压力传感器 reinforcement meter 钢筋计 steel basin 搅拌槽


strain meter 应变计

temperature sensor 温度传感器 terminal station 集线站 set out 放线、放样 stake-line 测桩线

state plane coordinate system 国家平面坐标其他(Others) check hole 检查孔 compartment 灌区 dense mix 浓浆

foundation uplift 基础隆起 grout hole 灌浆孔

instrument hole 仪器孔

primary/secondary and tertiary grout holes 一序、二序、三序灌浆孔

spilt spacing 加密灌浆孔距 waste mix 弃浆

◆ 测量(Survey)

测量方法及术语(Methods and Terms) adjust 校正、调整 adjustment 平差 allowance 容许误差 backsight point 后视点 basic point 基础点 bench mark 水准点 compass 罗盘

chainage(station number) 桩号 chain of triangulation 三角锁 check 校核、对照 control point 控制点 coordinate point 坐标点 datum 基础面

datum point 基准点 deviation 偏差

easily identifiable point 容易识别点 error 误差

first order triangulation 一等三角测量 geodetic 大地测量学的

geodetic surveying 大地测量 joint survey 联合测量 known point 已知点 level surface 水准面

local triangulation networks 局部三角网 national coordination system 国家坐标网 observe 观测、监视

point to be located 待定点 position 定位、位置

reconnaissance 选点、踏勘 reference point 参考点

second order triangulation 二等三角测量

survey point 测点

theoretical point 理论点

traverse(polygon) 导线(测量)、横断 error of traverse 导线闭合差 lattice traverse 网格状导线 long side traverse 长导线 open traverse 非闭合导线 short side traverse 短导线 traverse closure 导线闭合 traverse station 导线点 traverse survey 导线测量 triangulation 三角测量

triangulation network 三角网

triangulation of high order 高等级三角网triangulation point 三角点 trilateration 三边测量

vertical-control net 高程控制网 wood pile 木桩

角度测量(Angular Measure) azimuth 方位角

bearing 方位、象限角 buddle 气泡、水准器 circle 度盘、圆盘

circular bubble 圆水准器 collimation axis 视准轴

cross-line(cross-hair) 十字丝 depression angle 俯角 elevation angle 仰角 eyepiece(ocular) 目镜 field pole(staff) 标杆 foot-screw 脚螺栓

horizontal angle 水平角 mark 标志(明) objective lens 物镜

plumb(plummet) 铅垂、垂线 sight 瞄准、观测 target 目标、瞄准 theodolite 经纬仪 tranverse axis 横轴 tripod 三脚架

vertical angle 竖直角 vertical axis 竖轴



centering 对中 face left 盘左 face right 盘右 focus 集中、焦点 focusing 调焦

index error 指标误差

inverted position of telescope(reverse telescope)倒镜、盘右

normal position of telescope(direct telescope)正镜、盘右

optical plummet 光学垂准器 round 测回 set 套、组 station 测站

距离测量(Distance Measure) barometer 气压计

base line(basic line/datum line) 基线 battery 电池

EDM(electromagnetic distance measurement) 电磁波测距

filter 滤光片、滤波器

laser alignment system 激光准直系统 laser beam 激光束 prism 棱镜

range 测程、距离 long range 远程 medium range 中程 short range 短程 range finder 测距仪 signal 信号

spring balance 弹簧称 tape 卷尺

invar tape 铟瓦钢卷尺

高程测量( Height Measurement) altitude/elevation 高程、海拔

approximate leveling 近似置平、粗平 automatic level 自动定平水准仪 difference in altitude(difference of elevation ,height difference) 高差

error of closure in leveling 水准闭合差 exact leveling 精平、确置平 level 水准仪(测点) level circuit 水准闭合环 level shoe 水准尺垫 line of level 水准线路

national geodetic vertical datum 国家大地高程基准面

reduced level 归化高差 run back 返测 run out 往测

three-wire leveling 三丝法水准测量 地形测量( Topographic Survey) boundary 边界、界线

construction stake 施工标桩 contour 等高线

contour interval 等高距 contouring 绘等高线

contour-length method 等高线延长法 contour line 等高线 control network 控制网 detail 细部、详图 draw 绘图 field 外业

fix 固定、确定 form line 地形图 grid 格网

information 注记、资料、情报 marginal information 轮廓注记 large-scale 大比例尺的 latitude 纬度、范围 latitude circle 纬圈 latitude line 纬线 legend 图例

location 定线、定位 longitude 经度 longitude line 经线 map 地图、制图

mapping 制图、测图、地质 素描 match line 拼接线

monument 标石、石柱 object 地物、目标 plan 平面图、略图 plot 绘图

profile 断面(图)、纵剖图 record 记录、资料 setup 定置仪器 site location 定位

stake out 放样、定线、立桩 symbol 符号、记号

topographic detail 地形细部 topographic map 地形图

◆原形观测观测仪器和设施{Instrumentation and Facilities)

air-entraining meter 掺气剂


Carlson-type piezometer 卡尔逊式渗压计 concrete strain meter 砼应变计 convergent point 收敛测点 direct plumb line 正垂线 earth pressure cell 土压力盒

embankment piezometer 坝体渗压计 embankment strain meter 堤应变计 extended wire 引张线

foundation piezometer 基础渗压计 horizontal inclinometer 水平测斜仪 hydraulic instrument 水力学仪器 hydrophone 水听器

inclinometer casing 测斜管

interface joint meter 界面变位计 inverted plumb line 倒垂线 micro piezometer 微压计

multiple position extensometer 多点位移计 observation point 观测标点 observation well 观测井

optical alignment line 视准线 plate strain meter 钢板计

pneumatic piezometer 气压式渗压计 pressure fluctuation meter 脉动压力计 prestressed tendon anchorage dynamometer 预应力锚索测力计 rock bolt extensometer 锚杆测力计 single point extensometer 单点位移计 spiral sensor 测扭仪 standpipe 测压管

strong-motion seismogragh 强震仪 surface monument 表面标点 temperature sensor 温度传感器 terminal house 终端房 terminal station 终端站 tilt meter 倾角计

time average pressure cell 时均压力计 total pressure cell 总压力盒 velometer 流速计

vertical inclinometer 垂直测斜仪

vibrating wire piezometer 震旋式渗压计 vibrating wire settlement sensor 振旋式沉降仪

weir with micro piezometer 带微压计的量水堰working base point 工作基点

zero stress-strain meter 砼无应力计

附件及配件(Acessories and Spare Parts) coil 盘绕

component 零部件 coordinator 坐标仪 damping box 阻尼角

differential resistance 差动电阻

double layer rubber sleeve 双层保护 forced centering plate 强制对中盘 instrument lead 仪器电缆 invar wire 铟瓦丝 metal ring 金属环

plumb coordinate meter 垂线坐标仪 pulley 滑轮

regulator 调节器 riser 立管

sensor 传感器 spool 绕轴

steel socket 钢底座 tablet 药片

tensioning weight 张拉重锤 thermistor 热敏电阻 tip 测头

安装过程( Procession of Installation)assemble 组装 couple 连接 embed 埋设 install 安装 insulate 绝缘

maintenance 维护 monitor 监测

protection of instrumentation 仪器保护 reduce 归纳 seal 密封 splice 拼接 supply 提供 test 测试


assemble schematic 装配简图 certificate 合格证书 description 使用说明书

maintenace guideline 维护指南 manual 说明书

operating principle 工作原理 operating restraint 操作范围 procedure 程序

trouble shooting procedure 鼓掌分析程序其他(Others)

annular space 环行空间 data acquisition 数据采集


data recording 数据记录 leas drilling hole 引线孔 permanent record 永久记录 readout device 读数设备 saturated 饱和的

seepage isolation dike 截渗堤 trapezoidal 梯形 ◆水工常规试验

砼原材料试验(Test of Raw and Processed Material of Concrete) 骨料(Aggregate)

abrasion volume by Los Angeles rattler 洛杉机磨耗量

accumulated retained percentage 累计筛余百分率

acicular and flaky grain in aggregate 针状与片状颗粒含量

alkali-aggregate reaction 碱骨料反应 apparent density 视密度

bulk density (unity weight) 容重

clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate 黏土块及易碎颗粒含量

coefficient of softening 软化系数 crush index 压碎指标 dry state 干燥状态

exceeding and inferior grain in aggregate 超逊径颗粒含量 fineness modulus 细度模数 gaping place rate 空隙率

grader retained percentage 分计筛余百分率 grain composition 颗粒级配 grain size 粒径

lightweight matter in aggregate 轻物质含量 mica content 云母含量

moisture content(water rate) 含水率 mud content 含泥量

organic content 有机质含量

potential reactivity of aggregate 骨料潜在活性 saturation 饱和的

sieving curve 筛分曲线

soft grain in aggregate 软弱骨料含量 soundness 坚固性

surface moisture content 表面含水率 water-soluble sulphide 水溶性硫化物 水硬性胶凝材料(Hydraulicity cementitious material) age 龄期

cement mark(strength of cement /cement grade) 水泥标号

consumptive use of water normal consistance 标准稠度用水量

degree of mobilization 流动性

dissolution heat ( solution heat ) 溶解热 final set 终凝

flexural strength 抗弯强度 flyash 粉煤灰

hydration heat 水化热 initial set 初凝

loss on ignition(ignition loss) 烧矢量 setting time 凝结时间 silica fume 硅粉

soundness 水泥的安定性

specific surface area 比表面积 specific heat 比热

water demand ratio 吸水量比 外加剂(Admixture)

bubble stability 泡沫稳定性 bubbling ability 起泡能力 chloride content 氯化物含量

compressive strength rate 抗压强度比 contract with dry rate 干缩率 dispersing coefficient 分散系数 dispersing ability of water

-reducing agent 减水剂分散能力 loss of slump 塌落度损失 sulphate content 硫酸盐含量 solid content 固体含量 surface tension 表面张力 water-reducing rate 减水率 水(Water) alkalinity 碱度 calcion 钙离子 carbonic acid 钙酸 chlorion 氯离子

equivalent concentration 当量浓度 oxygen consumption 耗氧量 normal solution (standard solution) 标准溶液 PH value PH值

water analysis 水值分析 砼(Concrete)


assurance strength of concrete 砼保证强度 bleeding rate 泌水率


cement-sand ration 灰砂比

design strength of concrete 砼设计标号 flowability of concrete 砼的流动性

mix proportion (proportion of mixture) 砼配合比

mixture uniformity 拌和物的均匀性

penetration-obstruction method 贯入阻力法 probability of ensuring strength of concrete 砼强度保证率 sand rate 砂率

unit consumption of water 单位用水量

water retention (water retentiveness) 保水性 water-cement ratio 水灰比

硬化砼(Hardened concrete) axial tensile strength 轴向抗拉强度

coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数 cooling rate 冷却率 core of concrete 砼芯样

creep deformation (time deformation ) 徐变变形

form coefficient(form factor) 形状系数 freezing -melting circulation 冻融循环 frost-resistance mark 抗冻标号

heat property of concrete 砼热学性能 height-diameter ration 高径比

linear expansion coefficient 线膨胀系数 loss of weight 重量损失 natural frequency 自振频率 permeate 渗透

permeated height 渗透高度

permeated-resisting mark 抗渗标号

relative coefficient of permeability 相对渗透系数

resonance frequency 共振频率 sample 试件

self-grown volume deformation(砼)自生体积变形

splitting tensile strength 劈裂抗拉强度

static compressive modulus of elasticity 静力抗压弹数

temperature conductivity 导温系数

tensile modulus of elasticity 抗拉弹性模量 thermal insulation warming 绝热温升 ultimate tensile strain 极限拉应变

ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度 wear rate 磨损率

wear-resisting strength 抗冲磨强度


cement lime mortar 水泥石灰砂浆 cement mortar 水泥砂浆

cement-clay mortar 水泥黏土砂浆 epoxy mortar 环氧砂浆 lime mortar 石灰砂浆

plastering mortar 抹面砂浆 pointing joint mortar 勾缝砂浆 土(Soil)

accumulation curve (cumulative curve) 累计曲线

activity index 活性指标 angle of friction 摩擦角

Atterberg limits(water content as limit) 阿太堡界限(界限含水量)

California bearing ratio 载重比 coarse-grained soil 粗粒土

coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数 coefficient of cubical

compressibility 体积压缩系数 coefficient of curvature 曲率系数 compression 压缩

compression index 压缩指数 compression modulus 压缩模数

consolidated-undrained (quick) shear test 固结不排水剪(固结快剪)试验

consolidated-drained (slow) shear test 固结不排水剪(慢剪)试验 consolidation 固结

consolidation coefficient 固结系数 consolidation settlement 固结沉降 consolidation stress 固结应力

continuous grading/gradation 连接级配 contraction test(shrinkage test) 收缩试验 core cutter method 环刀法 creep curve 蠕变曲线

critical slope 逸出坡降(临界坡降) Darcy's law 达西定律

degree of consolidation 固结度 degree of free swelling 自由膨胀率 direct shear test 直接剪切试验

direct shear test of reiteration 反复直剪强度试验

distribution curve 分布曲线

drift soil (shifting soil/mass flow) 流土

effective angle of inner friction 有效内摩擦角 effective strength envelope 有效强度包线


expansion force 膨胀力

expansion ration(specific expansion) 膨胀率 filtering flow(seepage flow) 渗流 fine-grained soil 细粒土 flow net(drift net) 流网 hydraulic slope 水力坡降

hydrometer method 比重计法

hydrostatic head method 常水头法 limit equilibrium state 极限平衡状态 liquefaction 液化 liquid limit 液限

liquidity index 液化指标

maximum dry density 最大干密度 method of sieving 筛分法

Mohr's stress circle 莫力应力圆

Mohr-coulomb failure criteria 莫尔-库伦破坏准则

normal stress 法向应力(正应力) oedometer curve 压缩曲线

optimum moisture content 最优含水量 piping 管涌

plastic limit 塑限

plasticity index 塑性指标

pore water pressure 空隙水压力 porosity 空隙率

principal stress 主应力

Proctor compaction test 普氏击实试验 relative density 相对密度

sand replacement method 灌砂法 saturability (saturation degree/percent saturation) 饱和度

saturated unit weight 饱和容重 seepage deformation 渗透变形

seepage force(seepage pressure) 渗透力 seepage line 渗透线

seepage speed 渗透速度

shear stress 切向应力(剪应力) shrinkage limit 缩限

skip(gap/jump) grading 间断级配

specific gravity of soil particle 土粒比重 steady seepage field 稳定渗流场 stress path 应力路径

total strength envelope 总强度包线 triaxial compression test 三轴压缩试验

unconfined compression strength 无侧限抗压强度

unconsolidated undrained test 不固结不排水


variable head method 变水头法 void(pore) ratio 孔隙比

water replacement method 灌水法 wet density 湿密度 其它建筑材料 钢筋(steel )

bending and unbending 反复弯曲 cold bending test 冷弯试验 elongation test 拉伸试验 nominal diameter 公称直径 ratio of elongation 伸长率 relaxation test 松弛试验 steel strand 钢绞线

tensile yield strength 拉伸屈服强度 ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度木材(Wood)

curshing strength paralled to the grain 顺纹抗压强度

tensile strength paralled to the grain 顺纹抗拉强度

crushing strength across th e grain 横纹抗压强度

tensile strength across to the grain 横纹抗拉强度 沥青(Asphalt)

brittle temperature test 脆化点试验 expansion test 延伸度试验 penetration test 针入式试验 softening point test 软化点试验 test of aging 老化试验 viscosity test 粘滞性试验

质量管理( Quality Management) average 平均值

deviation standard(error of mean squares) 均方差

deviation coefficient(dispersion coefficient) 离差系数

index of correlation 相关系数 management limit 管理界限 mathematic statistics 数理统计 maximum 最大值 minimum 最小值

normal distribution 正态分布 quality assurance 质量保证 quality examination 质量检测 regression curve 回归曲线


relative dampness 相对湿度 sample capacity 样本容量 sampling frequency 取样频率 specimen 样品

statistical analysis 统计分析 technical specification 技术规范 technical standard 技术标准 testing circumstance 试验环境 testing error 试验误差

testing regulation 试验规程 variance analysis 方差分析 ◆地质(Geology)

地质年代(Geochronology of Geologic Ages)

Archaeozoic era (erathem) 太古代(界) Proterozoic era (erathem) 元古代(界) Palaeozoic era (erathem) 古生代(界) Mesozoic era (erathem) 中生代(界) Cenozoic era (erathem) 新生代(界) Sinian period (system) 震旦纪(系) Cambrian period (system) 寒武纪(系) Ordovician period (system) 奥陶纪(系) Silurian period (system) 志留纪(系) Devonian period (system) 泥盘纪(系)

Carboniferous period (system) 石碳纪(系)Permian period (system) 二叠纪(系) Triassic period (system) 三叠纪(系) Jurassic period (system) 侏罗纪(系) Cretaceous period (system) 白垩纪(系) Tertiary period (system) 第三纪(系) Quaternary period (system) 第四纪(系) 地质构造(Geologic Structural) fault 断层

normal fault 正断层 reversed fault 逆断层 parallel fault 平移断层 gouge 断层泥 stria 擦痕 joint 节理

primary joint 原生节理 secondary joint 次生节理 tension joint 张节理

unloading joint 卸荷节理 schistosity 片理 bedding 层理

foliation 板理(叶理) ripple mark 波痕

mud crack 泥痕 rain print 雨痕

orientation of bedrock 岩层产状 strike 走向 dip 倾向

angle of dip (dip angle ) 倾角 fold 褶皱

anticline 背斜 syncline 向斜

Monocline (homocline) 单斜 dome 穹隆

soft stratum 软弱岩层

zone of fracture(broken zone ) 破碎带 affected zone 影响带 platy structure 板状构造 cleavage 解理

fracture(rupture) 断裂

fissure(crack/fracture) 裂隙 岩石类型(Rock type) petrology 岩石学 igneous rock 火成岩 magmatic rock 岩浆岩 lava(vocanic rock) 火山岩 intrusive (invade) rock 侵入岩 effusive rock 深成岩 pypabussal rock 浅成岩 acid rock 酸性岩

inter-mediate rock 中性岩 basic rock 基性岩

ultrabasic rock 超基性岩 granite 花岗岩 porphyry 斑岩 rhyolite 玢岩 syenite 流纹岩 trachyte 粗面岩 diorite 闪长岩 andesite 安山岩 gabbro 辉长岩 basalt 玄武岩 aplite 细晶岩 pegmatite 伟晶岩 lamprophyre 煌斑岩 diabase 辉绿岩 dunite 橄榄岩 pumice 浮岩

sedimentary rock 沉积岩 clastic rock 碎屑岩


clay rock 黏土岩

chemical rock 化学岩 biolith 生物岩

conglomerate 砾岩 siltstone 粉砂岩 mudstone 泥岩 shale 页岩

saline rock 盐岩 limestone 石灰岩 dolomite 白云岩 marl 泥灰岩

volcanic breccia 火山角砾岩

volcanic agglomerate 火山块集岩tuff 凝灰岩

metamorphic rock 变质岩 slate 板岩 phyllite 千枚岩 schist 片岩 gneiss 片麻岩 quartzite 石英岩 marble 大理岩 mylonite 糜棱岩 migmatite 混合岩 cataclasite 碎裂岩

sediment(deposit) 沉积物(层) boulder 漂石、顽石 cobble 卵石 gravel 砾石 sand 砂

siltstone 粉土 clay 黏土

sandy clay 砂质黏土 clayey sand 粘质砂土 sandy loam 壤土、亚黏土 regolith ( topsoil ) 浮土、表土 loess 黄土 laterite 红土 peat 泥炭

ooze 软泥、海泥

造岩矿物( Rock-forming Minerals) talc 滑石 gypsum 石膏 calcite 方解石 fluorite 萤石 apatite 磷灰石 feldspar 长石

quartz 石英 topaz 黄玉 corundum 刚玉 diamand 金刚石 orthoclase 正长石 plagloclase 斜长石 biotite 黑云母 muscovite 白云母 amphibole 角闪石 phroxene 辉石 olivine 橄榄石 dolomite 白云石 kaolinite 高岭石

montmorillonite 蒙脱石 bentonite 斑脱石、膨润土 illite 伊力石

garnet 石榴子石 chlorite 绿泥石 serpentine 蛇纹石 pyrite 黄铁矿 hematite 赤铁矿 magnetite 磁铁矿 limonite 褐铁矿

工程地质( Engineering Geology)

Geotechnics ( geotechnique) 土工学(土工技术、岩石工程)

rock mechanics 岩石力学 soil mechanics 土力学

geomechanics 地质力学、岩石力学 engineering geological conditons 工程地质条件

engineering geological problem 工程地质问题rock mass structure 岩体结构

geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形地貌条件

geophysical phenomenon 物理地质现象 hydrogeological conditions 水文地质条件 natural materials 天然材料 reservoir 水库 settlement 沉降 displacement 位移 deformation 变形

tectonic stress 构造应力 residual stress 残余应力

angle of internal friction 内摩擦角 cohesion 内聚力(粘聚力、凝聚力) pressure tunnel 压力隧洞


underground cavern/cavity 地下洞室 overburden 覆盖物

bed rock(base rock/foundation rock) 基岩 firm/sound rock 坚硬岩石 weak/soft rock 软弱岩石 interbed 夹层

zone of fracture (broken zones ) 破碎带 homogeneity 均质性

nonhomogeneity/heterogeneity 非均质性 alluvium 冲积物(层)

proluvium(diluvium) 洪积物(层) deluvium 坡积物(层) eluvium 残积物(层)

eolian deposit 风积物(层) lake deposit 湖积物(层) marine deposit 海积物(层)

glacial (drift) deposit 冰川沉积物(层) colluvial deposit (colluvium) 崩积物(层) isotropy 各向同性 anisotropy 各向异性

矿物质的物理性质(Physical Character of Minerals)

hardness 硬度 luster 光泽 color 颜色

transparencey/pellucidity 透明度 streak 条痕

rent/fracture 断口 crystal form 晶形 岩石学(Petrology) classification 分类 structure 构造应力 texture 结构 fabric 组构

mineral composition 矿物组成 crystalline 结晶质

amorphous substance 非晶质 fossil 化石

degree of rounding 磨圆度 degree of grains 粒度

地层地貌(Stratum andPhysiognomy) basin 盆地

river valley 河谷 river bed 河床 topography 地形 terrain 地势 attitude 产状

rock base ( batholite) 岩基 rock stock 岩株 rock flow 岩流 rock loccolith 岩盖 rock lopolith 岩盆 rock dike 岩墙 rock sill 岩床 vein dyke 岩脉

sediment(deposit) 沉积物(层)

cross-bedding 交错层

geologic structure 地质构造 geotectonics 大地构造学 graben 地堑 horst 地垒

cordance(conformity) 整合

discordance(unconformity) 非整合

deceptive cordance /conformity 假整合 地质作用(Physical Geology Action) weathering 风化 erosion 侵蚀

transportation 搬运

deposition/sediment 沉积 denudation 剥蚀 corrasion 磨蚀 corrosion 腐蚀 dissolution 溶蚀 landslide 滑坡

collapse(rock fall) 崩塌 mud flow 泥石流 earthquake 地震 intensity 烈度 magnitude 震级 ◆水文(Hydrology)

ground water(subsurface water) 地下水 surface water 地表水

atmospheric water 大气水 runoff 径流

fresh /plain /sweet water 淡水 river flow/discharge 河水流量 peak flood flow 洪峰流量 flood out flow 洪水下泄流量 dry season 枯水季 wet season 丰水季

flood (raining) season 汛期 non-flood season 非汛期

5% frequency flood 20 年一遇洪水 flood control 防汛



◆金属结构(Hydromechanical work) 闸门(Gate)

service gate 工作门 emergency gate 事故门 maintenance gate 检修门 sector gate 弧形闸门

eccentric hinge sector gate 偏心铰闸门 plane gate 平面闸门

fixed wheel plane gate 定轮平面闸门 trashrack 拦污栅 trash rake 清污机

预埋件(Embedded Parts) sill 底砍

main guide 主轨 auxiliary guide 副轨 reverse guide 反轨 side guide 侧轨 lintel 门楣

steel liner 钢衬

high pressure water pipe 高压冲水管 pressure balance water pipe 冲水水平管组件/部件(Assembly/parts) gate leaf 门叶 crank 拐臂 arm 支撑 seal 水封

main seal 主水封 side seal 侧水封 top seal 顶水封 bottom seal 底水封

auxiliary seal 辅助水封、节流器 clip plate 压板 slide block 滑块

side slide block 侧向滑块 reverse slide block 反向滑块 fixed wheel 定轮 main wheel 主轮 side wheel 侧轮 ballast 配重 lifting ear 吊耳 lifting link 拉杆 trunion 支饺 hinge 铰链

hinged support 饺座 hinged shaft 铰轴 cover 端盖

trunion beam 支饺梁 dogging beam 锁定梁 启闭机(Hoist)

wire rope hoist 固定卷扬式启闭机 hydraulic hoist 液压启闭机 monorail hoist 单轨启闭机 overhead crane 桥机 bridge crane 桥机 support frame 机架 reducer 减速器 motor 电动机 pulley 滑轮

live pulley 动滑轮 fixed pulley 定滑轮

equalizer pulley 平衡滑轮 drum 卷筒

steel wire rope 钢丝绳

position sensor 高度传感器 load sensor 荷载传感器 brake 制动器 刹车 clutch 离合器

hydraulic system 液压系统 oil cylinder 油缸 piston rod 活塞杆 pump station 泵站 oil tank 油箱 pipe 管道 filter 过滤器

accumulator 蓄能器 valve 阀

logic valve 逻辑阀 check valve 单向阀 ball valve 球阀

cartridge valve 插装阀

solenoid operated directional valve 电磁换向阀

门式起重机(Grantry Crane) rail 轨道

lifting mechanism 起升机构 traveling mechanism 运行机构 inspection trolley 检修小车 gantry 门架

support column 门腿 primary beam 主梁 bridge beam 横梁 cross beam 端梁 side beam 边梁


lifting beam 起吊梁 hook 吊狗

buffer 缓冲装置

rail clamping device 夹轨器 driving wheel 主动轮 driven wheel 从动轮 其他(Others)

abnormal vibration 反常震动 activate 激活

anti-clockwise 逆时针 anticorrosion 防腐 carry on 继续进行 carry out 执行 clockwise 顺时针

commissioning 试运行

concentricity deviation 同心度偏差 connect 连接 debris 碎片

de-energize 断电 detect 探测

dry test 无水试验

dynamic loading test 动载试验 energize 给……加电 erection 架立 expansion 伸展 fasten 扣紧 fit 安装

flowing water 动水 gate closure 闭门 gate opening 启门

gate position restoration 门位恢复 idle test 空载试验 impact 碰撞

in pressure balance condition 平压条件下lift……into position 将……起吊到位 locate 定位 lower 降下

manual operation 手动操作 noise 噪声 note 记录

operating gap 运作空隙 pack 衬垫 particle 微粒 perform 执行

position accurately 精确定位 precise 精确的 pre-set 预留/预置

press button 按下按钮 progressively 逐渐地 purity 纯度 push 推

reliable 可靠的 residual oil 余油 retraction 回缩 run 运行 secure 保护

separately or simultaneously 单独/同时地 set up 架设

setting 设置/读数 shim 薄垫片 slack 松弛

static loading test 静载试验 still water 静水 switch off 切断 synchronize 同步 tighten 拧紧

under water head condition 水压作用条件下 wet test 有水试验

◆ 焊接和无损检验(Welding and Nondestructive Testing) 焊接{Welding) arc strike 引弧/弧伤 arc welding 电弧焊

automatic welding 自动焊 back gouging 背面清根 backing 垫板 base metal 母材

build-up welding 堆焊/补焊 butt joint 对接接头 carbon rode 碳棒

complete fusion 完全融合 corner joint 角接接头

covered electrode 涂料焊条 coupon 试件

direct current electrode

negative(DCEN) 直流电极接负 direct current electrode

positive(DCEP) 直流电极接正 double welding 双面焊

double-bevel groove weld 双斜边坡口焊缝 double-J groove weld 双面J 型坡口焊缝 double-U groove weld 双面U型坡口焊缝 double-Vee groove weld 双面V 型坡口焊缝 electrode 焊条/电极


electrode holder 焊钳

electrosgas welding 电气焊 electroslag welding 电渣焊 filler metal 填充金属 fillet weld 角焊缝

full fillet weld 大填角焊缝 flat welding 平焊 flux 焊剂

flux cored arc welding 药芯焊丝弧焊 forehand welding 左焊法 friction welding 摩擦焊

full penetration weld 全融透焊缝 fusion 熔合

fusion line 熔合线 groove weld 坡口焊缝

heat affecter zone 热影响区 horizontal welding 横焊 lap joint 搭接接头

machine welding 机器焊 manual welding 手工焊 overhead welding 仰焊

oxyfuel gas cutting(OFC) 氧燃料气割 oxyfuel gas welding(OFW) 氧燃料气焊 partial penetration weld 非全融透焊缝 pass 焊道 peening 锤击

plasma arc welding 等离子弧焊 plug weld 塞焊 porosity 气孔 postheating 后热

postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理 preheating 预热

resistance welding 电阻焊 seal weld 密封焊缝 seam welding 缝焊

semi-automatic welding 半自动焊

single-bevel groove weld 单斜边坡口焊缝 single-J groove weld 单面J 型坡口焊缝 single-U groove weld 单面U型坡口焊缝 single-Vee groove weld 单面V型坡口焊缝slag inclusion 夹渣 spot welding 点焊

square groove weld 直坡口焊缝 submerged arc welding 埋弧焊 tack welding 定位焊 undercut 咬边

vertical welding 立焊

weld head 焊道 weldment 焊件

无损检验( Nondestructive Testing) angled beam 斜射波 back scatter 背散射

calibration block 校准试块 cleaning agent 清洗剂 contact beam 接触波 couplaut 偶合剂 crimp 褶皱

definition 清晰度

delayed sweep 延时扫描 detergent 去污剂 developer 显像剂

double-wall viewing 双壁透照 echo 回波

eddy current examination 涡流检验 emulsifier 乳化剂

examination medium 检验介质 exposure 暴光

inage quality indicator 象质显示器 inspector 检验师

liquid penetrants testing 渗液检验 magnetic particle testing 磁粉检验 mass spectrometer 质普仪

nondestructive inspection 无损探伤 penetrameter 透度计 penetrant 渗透剂

radiographic testing 射线检验 scan 扫描 scratch 划痕 search unit 探头

single-wall viewing 单壁透照 sniffer 嗅探器

straight beam 直射波 streak 条纹

ultrasonic instrument 超声仪 ultrasonic testing 超声波检验 visual testing 目测、外观检验 wheel search unit 轮式探头 X-ray machine X-射线仪

◆ 水轮机(Hydraulic Turbine) hydraulic turbine 水轮机

reaction turbine 反击式水轮机 impulse turbine 冲击式水轮机 francis turbine 混流式水轮机 axial turbine 轴流式水轮机


prototype turbine 原型水轮机 rated head 额定水头 effective head 有效水头 net head 净水头

maximal head 最大水头 minimal head 最小水头 spiral case 蜗壳 stay ring 座环 wicket gate 导叶 main shaft 主轴 shaft seal 主轴密封

coupling flange 连接法兰 runner 转轮

runner crown 转轮上冠 runner band 转轮下环 runner cone 转轮泄水锥

runner blade/bucket 转轮叶片 head cover 顶盖 bottom ring 底环

discharge ring 基础环 draft tube 尾水管

draft tube cone 尾水锥管 draft tube elbow 尾水肘管 governor 调速器

governor cubicle/cabinet 调速器柜 oil pressure tank/vessel 压力油罐 oil sump tank 回油箱 gate ring 控制环 distributor 导水机构 shear pin 剪断销 ring gate 筒形阀 servomotor 接力器 efficiency 效率 output 出力 discharge 流量

sir admission system 补气系统 vortex 涡流检验

special tool 专用工具

auxiliary equipment 辅助设备

damper/absorber/cushion 减震器、阴尼器 runout 摆度

water hammer 水击 guide bearing 导轴承

operation condition 运行工况 opening 开度 cavitation 空蚀

erosion resistant coating 抗磨涂层

load 负荷 inertia 惯性

flywheel effect 飞轮效应 time constant 时间常数 mandoor 进入门 pit liner 机坑里衬

elastic layer 弹性垫层 turbine pit 机坑 feedback 反馈

main distributing valve 主配压阀 solenoid 线圈 relay 继电器

transfer function 传递函数 ◆ 机械通用词汇

abrasion performance 耐磨性 abrasion test 磨耗试验

accessory 附件、配件、零件 accuracy 准确性、精度 anti-corrosion 抗蚀 balance test 平衡试验 bearing 轴承

bearing box 轴承箱

bearing bush 轴瓦、轴套 bearing carrier 轴承座

bearing collar 轴承环、推力头 bearing cover 轴承盖 bearing journal 轴颈 bend 弯头

bend radius 弯曲半径

bending strength 抗弯强度 bolt 螺栓 bore 钻孔

bore machine 镗床 brake valve 制动阀 by-pass 旁通 callipers 卡尺

cardan shaft 万向轴 cast 铸造

characteristic test 特性试验 chock 楔子、垫块 clamp 卡头、夹板

clearing of fault 故障排除 clip 夹具、钳 coat 涂层

correction value 矫正值 cottor pin 开口销

coupling flange 联结法兰


damping device 缓冲装置 deflection 挠度 density 密度 derusting 除锈 descale 除垢 deviation 偏差 dial 刻度盘

dial gauge 千分尺 distort 变形

dowel pin (setpin) 定位销 eccentric cam 偏心凸轮 eccentric pin 偏心销

eccentricity 偏心、偏心率、偏心度elastic bearing 弹性轴承 elastic deformation 弹性变形 elastic limit 弹性极限 facility 设备、设施

factory assembly 工厂装配 fashioned iron 型钢 feed pipe 供水管 female end 内止口 field welding 现场焊缝 finish 表面光洁度、精加工 fitting allowance 装配公差 fitting assembling 零件装配 fitting face 配合面 flange 法兰 flatness 平整度 flaw 缺陷

flexibility 挠性、柔性 forge 锻造

foundation 基础 friction 摩擦

gauge 规、计、表 gear 齿轮

globe valve 球阀 grade 等级 hardness 硬度

heat treatment 热处理

interface 分界面、接触面、接口 joint接头、接缝、连接、焊接 joint face 结合面、接缝面 lubricant 润滑剂、润滑材料 lubrication circuit 润滑管道 lubrication oil 润滑油 machine 机加工 machine tool 机床

male end 外止口

monkey wrench 活动扳手 nail 钉子

nipple 管接头 nut 螺母

o-ring O 形环

operating condition 运行情况 pretreatment 预处理 process 流程、工艺 screw cap 螺帽 spigot 套管、止口 stroke 行程 valve 阀门

verticality 垂直度 washer 垫圈 wedge 楔子板

◆ 电气设备及元器件(Electrical Equipment & Element Parts) generator 发电机 motor 电动机

3-phase squirrel-cage asynchronous motor 三相鼠笼式电动机

3-phase wind asynchronous 三相绕线式电动机

motor armature 电枢 brush 电刷 coil 线圈、绕组

energizing coil 励磁线圈 stator 定子

stator core 定子铁芯 stator winding 定子绕组 rotator 转子

transformer 变压器

isolating transformer 隔离变压器 mutual inductor 互感器

current transformer(CT) 电流互感器 potential transformer(PT) 电压互感器 high-voltage equipment 高压电器 breaker 断路器

isolating switch 隔离开关 bushing 套管 insulator 绝缘子

suspended insulator 悬式绝缘子 column-type insulator 支柱绝缘子 reactor 电抗器 capacitor 电容器

lightning rod 避雷针(器)


low-voltage electric appliance 低压电器 knife switch 刀开关 fuse 熔断器

automatic switch 自动开关 contactor 接触器 contact 触点

distributing cabinet 分线(配电)盒 wiring terminal 接线端子

terminal block 接线板、接线盒 illuminator 照明 lamp 灯

lightning distribution box(board) 照明配电箱 constant close contact 常闭触点 constant open contact 常开触点 starter 启动器

overtravel-limit switch 行程开关 changeover switch 转换开关 controller 控制器 resistor 电阻器

light resistor 光敏电阻 varistor 变阻器

electromagnet 电磁铁 bus 母线

bare bus bar 裸母线 cable 电缆

power cable 电力电缆 control cable 控制电缆 armored cable 铠装电缆

cab-type cable 橡皮绝缘软电缆 cable clamp 电缆夹

cable connector 电缆接头 cable core 电缆芯 cable drum 电缆卷筒 cable hanger 电缆挂钩 cable rack 电缆架

cable terminal end 电缆终端 H cable 屏蔽电缆 bare wire 裸线 ammeter 电流表 ohmmeter 欧姆表 voltmeter 电压表

kilowatt-hour meter 电度表 megger 兆欧表 relay 继电器

over current relay 过流继电器 under current relay 欠流继电器 time relay (timer) 时间继电器 thermal relay 热继电器

shortdown relay 断路继电器 battery 蓄电池

battery charger 蓄电池充电器 pannel 盘屏

swithboard 配电盘

screw socket 螺口灯头 fluorescence lamp 日光灯 buld 灯泡 socket 插座 grounding 接地

grounding resistance 接地电阻 grounding switch 接地开关 ground connector 接地体 galvanized flat steel 镀锌扁钢 ground wire 接地线

working grounding 工作接地 protection grounding 保护接地 others 其他

master switch 主令开关 induction coil 感应线圈 magnetic coil 电磁线圈 stabilizator 稳压器 bell 电铃 IPC 共控机

local control unit (LCU) 现地控制单元 programmable logic

controller(PLC) 可编程控制器 programmer 编程器 motor valve 电动阀

electromagnetic valve 电磁阀 ◆ 电气通用词汇

alternation current(AC) 交流电 allowed value 容许值 ampere 安培

automatic operation 自动操作 bridge 电桥

cabling diagram 电缆连接图

capacity of storage battery 蓄电池容量charging 充电

charging current 充电电流 close 闭合

constant close contact 常闭触点 constant open contact 常开触点 control circuit 控制电路 current intensity 电流强度 direct current (DC) 直流电


de-energise (deenergize) 切断、断电 dynamic test 动态试验 electric arc 电弧

electric leakage 漏电 flash test 高压闪络试验

generator active power 发电机有功功率 generator efficiency 发电机效率

generator reactive power 发电机无功功率 three-phase four-wire system 三相四线制 transient current 瞬时电流 transient voltage 瞬时电压 volt 伏(特) voltage 电压

wiring scheme 接线图

withstand voltage test 耐压试验

◆ 计算机监控系统(Computer Supervisory input 输入(量)

insulating coating 绝缘涂层 insulation grade 绝缘等级 insulation test 绝缘试验

interlocker(interlocking) 联锁装置 kilowatt-hour 千瓦小时、度 leakage protection 漏电保护 line-to-line short circuit 线间短路 malfunction 误动作

manual operation 手动操作 megohm 兆欧

mis-operation 误操作 ohm 欧姆

outlet 引出线、电源插座 outlet box 引出盒、接线盒 outlet line 输出线路 output 输出量

overcurrent protection 电流过载保护 parallel circuit 并联电路 power factor 功率因数 power supply 电源

primary circuit 一次电路 rated current 额定电流 rated voltage 额定电压

recharging current 充电电流

release 释放(机构、线圈)、断开 remote control 远控

secondary circuit 二次电路 secondary coil 二次绕组 secondary winding 二次线圈 series circuit 串联电路 shielding 屏蔽 short-circuit 短路

simulation test 模拟试验 spark over 绝缘击穿 static test 静态试验

switching-in 合闸、接通(入)

switching –off 断开(路)、开闸、掉闸 three phase ciruit 三相电路

and Control System) A/D converter 模数变换器

analog control loop 模拟控制回路 automatic-restoration 自恢复 automatic element 自动化元件 block diagram 方框图 coaxial cable 同轴电缆 command 指令

communication 通信 compatibility 兼容性 console 控制台

current transducer 电流变送器 cursor (显示器)光标 D/A converter 数模变换器 data bus 数据总线 database 数据库

digital signal 数字信号 digital screen 显示屏

electric quantity transducer 电量变送器 eletromagnetic interference 电磁干扰 fiber optic cable 光纤电缆 floppy disk 软盘 flowchart 流程图 function 功能 hardware 硬盘

I/O(input/output) 输入/输出

industy television system 工业电视系统 ink jet printer 喷墨打印机 interface 接口 keyboard 键盘

laser printer 激光打印机 local control 现地控制 logic diagram 逻辑图

man-machine conmmunicate 人机交换 man-machine dialogue 人机对话 memory 存储器 microwave 微波 mimic board 模拟屏

mimic board driver 模拟屏驱动器


module 模数、模量

monitor terminal 监视终端 mouse 鼠标

multi-windows 多窗口 network 网络 node 节点

non-electric quantity transducer 非电量变送器

off-line 脱机

on-line 连机、在线

open system 开放性系统 operating system 操作系统 optic isolator 光频隔离器

peripheral equipment 外围设备 plug-in card 插件

pressure transmitter 压力变送器 printer 打印机

procedure 程序、工艺

programming language 程序设计语言 pulse 脉冲

pulse signal 脉冲信号 real-time control 实时控制

real-time multi-tasking system 实时多任务控制

remote control 远方控制 resolution 分辨率

self-diagnostic 自诊断(程序) self-start 自启动 software 软件

storage battery 蓄电池(组) storage cell 存储单元

supervisory circuit 监控电路

temperature transimitter 温度变送器 trackball 轨迹球 transducer 变送器

uninterruptable power supply(UPS) 不间断电源

version 版本

toltage transducer 电压变送器 workstation 工作站

三、工程管理(Management of Project) (一)费用 Ⅰ.直接费 Ⅰ)人工 1.人工费

basic wage 基本工资

subsidy for price differential of

non-staple food 副食差价补贴 construction subsidy 施工津贴 night meal subsidy 夜餐津贴 sbusidy for readings 书报费

social welfare fund 社会福利基金 labour union fund 工会基金 labour protection fund 劳保基金 subsidies for water、electricity and coal 水、电、煤补贴

subsidies for price differencial of

grain ,coal,meat and vegetables 粮、煤、肉、菜差价补贴

subsidy for heating in winter time 冬季供暖补贴

other subsidies 其他补贴 expanditures for labour protection 劳保费用

work insurance 工作保险 subsidy for housing 住房津贴 tax 税收

overheads 管理费 others 其它

cost for entering into tunnels 进洞费 cost for mobilization,assignment and dismissal 进场、分派和解雇费用 logging subsidy 住房费

costs for work outside standard work time 标准工作时间外的工作费 cost of idleness 闲置费用

sbusidy for small tools hand -operated facilities 小工具及手工操作设备津贴 costs for insurance of Chinese camps 中方营地保险费 2.劳务类别

unskilled labour(grade/class 1) 非熟练工(1 级工)

semiskilled labour(grade/class2) 熟练工(2级工)

car driver 小车司机

assistant driller 助理钻工 assistant miner 助理矿工

assistant mechanic 助理机修工 assistant carpenter 助理木匠 assistant concreter 助理砼工 assistant cook 助理厨师 assistant loader 吊车装卸工 winchman 卷扬机手


pump attendant 水泵工

skilled labour (grade/glass 3) 熟练工 driller 钻工 driver 司机

employment bureau 职业介绍所(美国) employment exchange(labour exchange) 职blaster 炮工 miner 矿工 plumber 管工 rigger 装配工 shotcreter 喷砼工

loader operator 装载机操作手 water pump-man 水泵工 dumper driver 自卸车司机

excavator operator 挖掘机操作手 bulldozer operator 推土机操作手 compactor operator 压路机操作手 transit mixer driver 搅拌运输卡车司机 truck driver 卡车司机 mechanic 机械工 electrician 电工 welder 焊工

drill sharpener 钻头研磨员 carpenter 木工 concreter 砼工

steel fixer 钢筋绑_扎工 water blaster 冲毛工 tester 试验人员

hydromechanical installer 机电安装工 cook 厨师

highly-skilled labour (grade/class 4) 高级熟练工(4 级工)

concrete pump-man 砼泵工 crane operator 吊车操作手

tunnel jumbo operator 洞挖多臂钻操作手 foreman 工长 3.职员和其他

accountant 会计师

assistant engineer 助理工程师 camp boss 营地老板

chief accountant 责任会计师 chief cook 主厨

chief draftman 责任绘图员 chief purchaser 责任购物员

chief quantity surveyor 责任计量师

computer equipment personnel 计算机设备人员

daily rate 日工资费率

department of labour 劳工部(美国) doctor 医生


field engineer 野外工程师 first shift 1班

full employment 整日制工作 general pay master 会计长 holiday overtime 节假日加班 hourly rate 小时费率 house maid 女仆 interpreter 口译人员

junior accountant 初级会计师 junior engineer 初级工程师

junior quantity surveyor 初级计量师 junior surveyor 初级测量师

laboratory engineer 试验工程师 labour market 劳工市场 labour officer 劳工人员 local labour 当地工人 local personnel 当地人员 ministry of labour 劳工部 normal hours 正常小时 normal overtime 正常加班 nurse 护士

overtime 加班小时

pay master 出纳员、发款员 pay-day 发薪日

payroll checker 工资核查人员 payroll officer 工资支付人员 payroll (paysheet) 工资单 pay-slip 薪资核算单 piecework 记件工作

public relationship officer 公关人员 purchaser 购物员

safety officer 安全人员 seasonal work 季节工作 second shift 2班 secrectary 秘书

security assistant 保安人员 senior engineer 高级工程师

senior quantity surveyor 高级计量师 senior surveyor 高级测量师 shift work 换班工作

store accountant 仓库会计 storekeeper 保管员

Sunday overtime 周日加班


teamwork 联合工作 third shift 3班

time-work 计时工作

to be paid by hour 按小时付报酬 translator 笔译人员 Ⅱ)设备及运输

arrival month at site 到达现场月份

average service conditions 正常使用条件 back freight 退货运费 bill of lading 提货单

railway bill of lading 铁路提货单 carriage paid 运费已付

carriage(traffic,transportation) 运输 cartage 运货费

conditions of hire 租用条件 consign 托运

construction equipment company 建筑设备公司

construction plant 施工机械

construction of carriage 运输合同 convey 运送

cost of facilities capital (CFC) 设备资金费用 cost of fuel 油料费 cost of lube 润滑油费 cost of overhaul 大修费用

cost of overhaul parts 大修配件费 cost of tires 轮胎费

costing of equipments 设备成本计算 costing of plant 设备成本计算 country of origin 原产地 demurrage 滞期费 depreciation 折旧

abnormal depreciation 特别折旧 accelerated methods of depreciation 加速折旧法

allowed depreciation 折旧的范围额度 classified depreciation 分类折旧 depreciation methods 折旧方法

depreciation of equipment(equipment depreciation) 设备折旧

depreciation value 折旧价值

normal (ordinary) depreciation 正常折旧 description of equipment 设备说明 direct shipment 直接运输 design of plant 设备的设计

dismantling of plant 设备的拆除 economic hours 经济小时

employer's equipment 业主的设备 equipment and plant 机械设备

equipment cost estimating 施工机械费预算 equipment flow chart information 施工机械核算流程图

equipment format 施工机械表格式 equipment leasing 设备租赁 equipment overhead

cost(indirect cost) 设备管理费用 equipment records 施工机械的记录 equipment rental 施工机械的租金 equipment supply loan 设备贷款 equipment's specification 设备型号 erection of plant 设备的安装 field repair 野外修理 fix( mend/repair) 修理 fixed equipment 固定设备

free on rail/truck(FOR/FOT) 火车(敞车)交货freight forwarder 运输代理行

freight or carriage paid to (FCP) 运费付至……

freight to be paid at destination (freight to collect) 运费到付

full replacement cost 全部重置成本

ground engaging component(GEC) 接地部件 harbor dues 入港税 hire 租用

horse power 马力

hydraclic equipment 液压设备 inland transportation 内陆运输 joint rate 联运费率 landed price 抵岸价 lay days 装卸期限 lease 租约

leased equipment 租用的施工机械 maintenance 维修

maintenance of plant 设备的维修保养 mechanical start up 机械设备试运行 normal conditions 正常条件 operating cost 正常损耗 overhaul expense 大修费

owned equipment 自有施工机械 ownership 占有权

packing slip/list 装箱单 park 停车场

partial shipment 分批装运 pass 通行


permit 通行证

]plant and transport 设备及运输 plant cost estimating 设备费预算 plant planning 设备计划 plant records 设备的记录 railway freight 铁路运费

rate of depreciation charges 折旧费率 rated power per unit 额定功率 recovery value 回收价值

reducing balance depreciation method 余额递减折旧法

renting of construction equipment 租赁建筑设备

road toll 养路费

round trip air ticket 往返机票 scrap value 废品残价 ship cubes 装船立方

shipment by first opportunity 优先装运 shipment port 发运港 shipping advice 发运通知 shipping mark 装运标准 shipping order 发货单 shipping terms 发运条件

straight method of depreciation 直线折旧法 straight time 正式工作时间 supply of equipment 设备供应 through freight 直达货运

transportation insurance 运输保险 un-depreciated value 未折旧的价值 unload 卸货 upkeep 维修费

waterborne traffic 水运

year of manufacture 制造年份 Ⅲ)材料

acceptable material 合格材料 bag 袋装

base price 基价

bill of materials 材料表 bulk 散装

certificate of testing ( test certificate) 检验证书

construction materials 建筑材料 consumption of materials 材料消耗 cost and freight 成本加运输

costing of materials 材料成本计算 current cost 现行费用

customs declaration (declaration/entry) 报关

delay in delivery 交货逾期 delivery of materials 运送材料 description of materials 材料说明 designated suppliers 指定供货商

designated-supply materials 指定供应材料 distance via railway 铁路运输距离 enter out 报关出口

goods allocation bill 物资调拨单 imported materials 进口材料

international and local shopping 国际和国内采购

invoice 发票

local materials 当地材料 materials cost 材料费

materials planning 材料计划 materials records 材料记录

materials requisition 材料申请单 material supply 材料供应 partial shipment 分批装运 porterage 搬运费

price of local materials 当地材料价格 purchasing records 采购单 quality assurance 质量保证 quality of materials 材料质量 railway freight rate 铁路运输费率 receiving clerk 受料员

road freight rate 公路运输费率

road transportation charge table 公路余数价格表

standard of materials 材料标准

storage(storage building .store) 仓库

test of materials(testing of materials) 材料试验

transportation of materials 材料运输 Ⅱ管理费和利润 salary 工资

standard salary 标准工资 allowance 补贴

social welfare 社会福利 insurance 保险 medical care 医疗 travel expense 交通费 others 其他

office expense 办公费 camp 营地

general vehicle expense 一般uc2性交通车辆


financial cost 财务费用 insurance 保险 tax 税收

home office cost 总部办公费 profit 利润 (二)进度

acceptable date 可以接受的期限 advance 提前的

ahead of schedule 提前完成计划 bar graph schedule 横道图进度表

bonus for early completion of works 提前完工奖

commence(commencement of work/start) 开工

commencement date of work 开工日期 commencement of works 工程开工 completion 竣工

completion of works 工程竣工

compliance with schedule 符合进度表 concurrent delay 同期延误 construction cycle 建设周期 construction period 工期

construction plan (construction program) 施工计划

construction progress(rate of progress) 施工进度

construction stage 建造阶段 continue 继续

continuous 连续的 critical 关键的

critical path method schedule 关键路线法进度表

data date 数据日期 date 日期

defer(postpone) 推迟 deferment of a

project(postponement of the works) 工程延期 delay in completion 竣工拖期

disruption of progress 进度的打乱 double shift 两班制 duration 持续时间

earlier completion 提前完工 effective date 生效日期

excusable compensable delay 可原谅可补偿的延误

excusable non-compensable delay 可原谅但


expedite(accelerate/speed up) 加快进度 extension of time for completion 竣工时间的延长

festival (holiday) 节(假)日 float time 浮时

fulfil (achieve/complete,/succeed) 完成 fulfilment of shedule 完成进度 idle time 闲置时间

interium completion data 中间完工期

interim determination of extention 临时延期的决定

job progress(progress of works) 工程进度 key 关键的

labour planning 劳务计划 landmark (milestone) 里程碑

linked bar chart program 有联系的横道图 method of programming 计划编制方法 network 网络

network analysis 网络分析 network program 网络计划 notice to commence 开工通知

number of working days per year每年工作日 order of commencement of work 开工令

percentage of completion method 完工百分率法

period of construction 施工期限 periodic report 定期报告

Plan,do,check an action (P.D.C.A)计划、实施、检查和处理

pan(program/project/schedule) 计划 plot date 策划日期 predecessor 紧前工序 prerequisite 先决条件 proceed 继续进行

program evaluation and review technique 计划评估法

program with progress 工程计划进展图 programme to be submitted 应提交的进度计划

progress(schedule) 进度 progress chart 进度表 progress meeting 进度会 progress report 进度报告 project finish 计划结束 project program 工程计划 project start 计划开工


prolonged delay 进一步的误期

prolonged suspension 持续的暂停工 public holiday 公共假日

restriction on working hours 工作时间的限制 revise a schedule 调整进度表

schedule of earhworks 土方工程进度表 schedule 计划表

schedule of construction/works 工程进度表 statement at completion 竣工报告 substantial completion 基本完工 successor 紧后工序

suspension of work 工程停工 term 期限

test on completion 竣工检验 time for completion 竣工时间

weekly progress meeting 周进度会 weekly time distribution 每周工时分配 work program 工作计划

work instruction /order 工作命令 (三)招投标

abandonment (cancel/repeal) 撤销 additional cost 额外费用 agency(proxy) 代理

agent(attorney/representative) 代理人

amount of insurance (insurance coverage) 保险金额

annex(appendix) 附录

annex(attachment/enclosure) 附件 announcement of tender 招标通知 base price(tender price) 标底 bear expense 承担费用

bid bond (tender bond/tender guarantee) 投标保函

bid cost (cost of tendering) 投标费用 bid form (tender form) 投标格式 bid invitation (call for bids, call for tenders) 邀请招标 bid language 投标语言

bid opening minutes 投标开标纪要 bid preparation 投标编写 bid price 投标报价

bid schedule of price 投标价格表 bid substance 投标实质内容

bid (bidding ,enter a bid, submission of bid ,tender) 投标

bidder(tenderer) 投标人

bidding conditions(tendering conditions) 投标


bidding documents 投标文件 bidding phase 投标阶段 bidding progress 投标步骤

bidding requirement(instruction to bidders) 投标须知

bidding /tender book 投标书

bond(cash deposit ,surety money) 保证金 bonding / surety company 担保公司 bottom price 最低价

clarification of bidding document(clarification of tendering document) 投标文件的澄清

closed bidding (sealed bid) 非公开招标 compensation(consideration/ind enmity /reimburse) 补偿

competitive bid 有竞争性的投标

contingencies(contingency fund) 不可预见费 contract awarded(contract gained) 中标合同

credit guarantee 贷款信用担保 dead loss 纯损失

decline an offer 不接受报价 deadline 最后期限 difference 差额

evaluation of bids/tender 投标评估 export licence 出口许可证 financial capacity 财务能力 financial position 财务状况 finishing bid 备好投标文件 guarantee bond 担保书 guarantee letter 保函

guarantee(surety / warrant ) 保证 guarantor (sponsor) 担保人 high-level talks 高级谈判 initial price 初步价格 inquiry 查询

insurance premium 保险费 insurance subject 保险标的

inviting tenders (open tendering , public bidding) 公开招标

issue bidding document 发行招标文件 issue guarantee 出具保函 letter of acceptance 中标函 loan agreement 贷款协议 lowest bidder 最低价投标人 lowest bidder /tender 最低报价


master format 标准格式

modification of bids /tenders 招标文件的修改 notary 公证员

notarial certificate 公证书

negotiated bidding(negotiating tender) 议标 negotiation 谈判

offer (offer in a bid /quotation ) 报价 offerer 报价人

open inquiry of the offer 公开询价 participate in a tender 参加投标 performance security 履约保函 port of exit 出口港

pre-bid conference /meeting 标前会议 preliminary evaluation 初步评估 pure interest 纯利

reasonable price 公平价格 re-bid (retender) 重新招标

report on tenders 投标审查报告

restitution of the guarantee 撤消保函 retention (retention money) 保留金 scope of work 工作范围

sealing and marking of bid 投标的绝密和标志 selective bidding (selective tendering) 选择性投标

single tender 单项投标

specimen of letter of guarantee 保函格式 statement of financial position 财务状况报表 successful bidder / tender 中标者 sum in words 大写金额

tender committee 投标委员会

tender / tendering document 投标文件 tender result 投标结果

the closing date of the offer 报价截止日 unbalanced bid 不平衡报价 uncertain factor 不确定因素 undertake 承担

unfair competition 不公平竞争

unpredictable element 不可预见因素 valid period of the offer 报价有效期 valid of bid / tender 投标有效期 warranty 担保 win a tender 中标 winning bidder 中标人 (四)计量和支付

advance payment for the project 工程预付款 amount 金额

amount due this month 本月金额

application (承包商)申请 bank account 银行帐户

benefit of agreement 协议利益 breakdown 分摊、分解

breakdown of foreign currency 外币分摊 cash flow 现金流

cash flow estimate 现金流通量的估计 Certificate 证书

correction of Certificate 证书的修改 costs for acceleration measures 赶工费 currency 货币

currency of payment 支付的货币 currency proportion 货币比例 currency restriction 货币限制 current 当月、本期 customs 海关、关税 customs clearance 清关 daywork 计日工

on the daywork basis 按计日工的方式

evidence and terms of insurance 保险证据和条款

expense settlement 费用结算 finial certificate 最终证书 final statement 最终报表 fix rate 确定费率

foreign currency 外币 installment 分期付款

liquidated damages for delay 误期违约罚金 minium amount of insurance 保险的最低数额 monthly payment 月支付

monthly payment certificate 月支付证书 monthly statement 月报表 on account payment 挂帐支付

payment of material on site 现场材料支付 penalty 罚金

performance security 履约担保 previous payment 前期支付 price adjustment 价格调整

price of local materials and service 当地材料和服务的价格

provisional payment 暂时支付 provisional price 暂定价 provisional sum 暂定金额 rate 费率

rate of exchange 汇率

release of retension 保留金返还 rental for camp 营地租赁费


statement an completion 竣工报告 tax 税

additional tax 附加税 advertisement tax 广告税

business income tax 工商所得税 business profit tax 营业所得税 business tax 营业税

consolidated tax 货物统一(综合)税 consumption tax 消费税 customs duty 关税

duty free (duty exempt, free of tax ) 免税 export tax 出口税 goods tax 货物税 income tax 所得税 insurance tax 保险税 irregular tax 杂税 issue tax 发行税 landing tax 入境税 levy tax 征税

licence tax 牌照税 local tax 地方税

personnel income tax 个人所得税 protection tax 保护税 service tax 劳务税 stamp tax 印花税

taxer (tax payer ) 纳税人

tax reduction / exemption 免税、减税 turnover tax 流转税 (五)变更和索赔

abide by the contract 遵守合同 accept a claim 接受索赔 act of god 天灾

additional cost 额外费用 additional work 额外的工作

advantage (benefit ,interests) 利益

adverse physical obstructions or conditions 不利的外界障碍和条件

amicable settlement 友好解决 amount of claim 索赔额

arbitration agreement 仲裁协议 arbitration award 仲裁裁决

assessment of claims 索赔评定 blanket claim 一揽子索赔

change any specified sequence of construction 改变人祸规定的施工顺序

change any timing of construction 改变任何施工安排

change the character of any such work 改变任何此类工作的性质

change the kind of any such work 改变任何此类工作的种类

change the quality of any such work 改变任何此类工作的质量

claim for additional payment 索赔额外费用 claim right 索赔权

conflict of interest 利益的冲突

contemplated variation notice 变更意向通知 contemporary records 同期记录 contesting parties 有争议的双方 contingency 意外事件

contract provisions 合同规定

contract scope of works 合同工作范围 contractor's opinion 承包商的意见 contractor's position 承包商的立场 contractor's request 承包商的请求 contractual claims 合同规定的索赔 decrease in cost 费用的减少 decrease the quantity of the contract 减少合同工程量 default party 违约方 defect liability 缺陷责任 design change 设计变化 detailed claim 详细索赔 disclaim (waive) 放弃 discount 折扣

dispute review board 争议评审团 DRB hearing DRB 听证

DRB's recommendation DRB 的建议 effective contract price 有效合同价 Employer's position 业主的立场 Engineer's decision 工程师的决定 Engineer's opinion 工程师的意见 Engineer's position 工程师的立场 Engineer's proposal 工程师的建议 face-to-face negotiation 当面谈判 failure to comply 未能遵守 final claim 最终索赔

force majeure (irresistible force) 不可抗力 increase in cost 费用的增加

increase the quantity of the contract 增加合同工程量

increased cost 增加的费用

instruction for variation 变更指令

instructions to contractor 向承包商下达指令


intention to claim 索赔意向 interim claim 中间索赔 International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会

issue an instruction 发布指令 make a claim 索赔

minutes of meeting 会议纪要 notice of claims 索赔通知 notice of default 违约通知

notice to contractor 致承包商的通知 omit work 省略工作

oral instruction 口头指令 overhead rate 管理费费率 payment of claims 索赔的支付 place of arbitration 仲裁地点 potential dispute 潜在争议

power of Engineeer to fix rates 工程师确定费率的权利

procedure to claims 索赔程序

pursuant to (according to ,in accordance with) 根据

rate or price applicable to the varied work 适合变更工作的费率或价格 reason for variation 变更原因 records of costs 费用记录

reimbursable expense 可补偿的费用 relevant clause 相关条款 revaluation 重新估价

rules for arbitration 仲裁规则 settlement of dispute 争议的处理 site diary / journal 值班日志 site record 现场记录

subsequent legislation 后续证明 substantiation of claim 索赔证明 time keeping 工时记录

valuation of variation 变更估价 variation of quantity 工程量变更 variation order 变更令

variations exceeding 15 percent 变更超过15%

vary a rate or price 变更费率或价格 waive right of claim 放弃索赔权利 附录1.工程结构物名称统计 ◆ 拦河大坝

ballast weight 石渣压戗 berm 马道

blended impervious blanket 混合不透水铺盖

concrete cutoff wall 砼防渗墙 core cutoff trench 芯墙截水槽 crest access 坝顶公路 cutoff dike 截渗堤 dam abutment 坝肩 dam axis 坝轴线

dam body (embankment) 坝体 dam crest 坝顶

dam foundation 坝基 dam shell 坝壳 dam site 坝址

drainage curtain 排水帷幕 filter 反滤层

freeboard section 超高段 grout curtain 灌浆帷幕 heel of dam 坝踵 main dam 主坝 parapet wall 防浪墙 pitched work 块石护坡 plastic zone 塑性区

rock contact part 基岩连接部分 rockfill riprap 堆石护坡 saddle dam 副坝

soil sloping core 土质斜芯墙 toe of dam 坝址

transition zone 过渡区

upstream blanket 上游铺盖 ◆ 泄洪排沙系统

access bridge 交通桥

bridge abutment 桥台、桥肩 bridge pier 桥墩 bridge span 桥跨 cable trench 电缆沟 cored beam 空心梁 diaphragm 隔板 inside beam 内梁

neoprene bearing 橡胶支座 outside beam 外梁 pavement 铺盖层 road surface 路面 T-beam T 型梁 walkway 人行道 air vent 通气孔

approach channel 引水渠 central pier 中墩 chamber 室

auxiliary trashrack maintenance chamber 副



booster pump chamber 加压泵室 carousel rail chamber 环行轨道室 drainage sump chamber 集水井室 gate dogging chamber 闸门锁定室

gate maintenance chamber 闸门检修室 hoist chamber 启闭机室

main trashrack maintenance chamber 主拦污栅检修室

Channel Training Wall 引水导墙 concrete liner 砼衬砌 control room 控制室 corbel 牛腿 cover 盖板

direct plumb line hole 正垂孔 gallery 廊道

access gallery 交通廊道 drainage gallery 排水廊道 observation gallery 观测廊道

pressue balance gallery 冲水平压廊道 gate slot 门槽

auxiliary trashrack slot 副拦污栅槽 emergency gate slot 事故门槽 main trashrack slot 主拦污栅槽 maintenance gate slot 检修门槽 trash rake shot 清污机槽 handrail 扶手

intake tower 进水塔 diversion tower 导流塔 free flow tower 明流塔 irrigation tower 灌溉塔 orifice tower 孔板塔 power tower 发电塔

inverted plumb line pipe 倒垂孔 lamp post 灯柱

longitude strut 纵向联系梁 parapet wall 栏杆、女儿墙 shaft 竖井

auxiliary trashrack shaft 副拦污栅井 elevator shaft 电梯井

emergency gate shaft 事故门井 lifting case shaft 吊箱井

main trashrack shaft 住拦污栅井 service shaft 交通井 staircase shaft 楼梯井 temporary shaft 临时竖井 steel plate liner 钢板衬砌

transverse strut 横向联系梁 water passage 流道 ◆ 洞群及溢洪道 tunnels 洞群

access tunnel 交通洞 anchorage boxout 锚具槽 closure gate 封堵门 concrete plug 砼封堵

connector section 龙抬头连接段 crown (vault ) 顶拱 drainage tunnel 排水洞 free flow tunnel 明流洞 hoist shaft 吊物井 invert 底拱

irrigation tunnel 灌溉洞 mid-gate chamber 中闸室 orifice ring 孔板环 orifice tunnel 孔板洞 sediment tunnel 排沙洞 transition section 渐变洞 upper bend section 上弯段 spillway 溢洪道 aerator 掺七坎

emergency spillway 非常溢洪道 flip bucket 挑流鼻坎 free flow chute 明流泄槽 headwork 渠首 retaining wall 挡墙

service spillway 正常溢洪道 出口区

approach wall 引水墙 base slab 底板

concrete apron 砼护袒 discharge channel 泄水渠 divider wall 隔墙 plunge pool 消力塘

plunge pool weir 消力塘尾堰 stilling basin 静水池 ◆引水发电系统

power tunnel 发电洞

upper horizontal section 上平段 upper cured section 上弯段 inclined section 斜井段

lower curved section 下弯段 lower horizontal section 下平段 penstock 压力钢管

main power house 主厂房


concrete ledge 岩臂梁 generator floor 发电机层 turbine floor 水轮机层

operating gallery 操作廊道 unwatering gallery 排水廊道 auxiliary powerhouse 副厂房 erection bay 安装间

drainage system 排水系统 drainage tunnel 排水洞 bus tunnel 母线洞

high-voltage cable tunnel 高压电缆洞 transformer chamber 主变室 draft tube gate chamber 尾闸室 draft tube tunnel 尾水管洞 tailrace tunnel 尾水洞 tailrace outlet 尾水出口 tailrace channel 尾水渠

tailrace divider wall 尾水隔墙 working bridge 工作桥 seperating pier 隔墩 sediment gate 防淤闸

tailrace conic apron 尾水护袒 tailrace training wall 尾水导墙 vent shaft 通风竖井 ◆临时建筑及附属设施 临时建筑

cofferdam 围堰

deep-water cofferdam 深水围堰 grouting tunnel 灌浆洞 starter cofferdam 枯水围堰 附属设施

aggregate processing plant 骨料加工厂 batching plant 拌和楼 carpentry yard 木工房

construction camps 施工营地

crushing and screening plant 破碎筛分厂laboratory 实验室

main office building 主办公楼 main (general ) store 主仓库 mechanical workshop 机修车间 precast yard 预制厂

railway transfer platform 铁路转运站 rebar yard 钢筋加工厂 rock quarry 采石场

spoil disposal area 弃渣场 stockpile area 堆渣场

water treatment plant 水处理厂

附录2 .工程常用机械 bridge crane 桥吊 chain block 倒链

crawler (caterpillar ) crane 履带式吊车 electric winch 电动葫芦 fork lift 叉车

grantry crane 门机 hoist 启闭机

hydraulic hoist 液压启闭机

wire rope hoist 固定卷扬式启闭机 mobile crane 汽车吊 portal crane 桥式启重机 tower crane 吊踏

truck with crane 汽车式起重机 ◆运输机械

ambulance 救护车

bulk cement truck 散装水泥车 conveyor belt 输送带 dump truck 自卸卡车 fire engine 消防车

flat bed trailor 平板拖车 front dumper 前自卸车 front tipper 前翻斗车 fuel tank 油罐车 loader 装载机

loader for shafts 竖井用装运机 lorry 货车、载重车

low bed trailor 低底盘拖车 mine car 矿车

mucking machine 出渣车

pick –up 小吨位卡车(皮卡车)

ready-mix concrete truck 砼搅拌罐车 rear dumper 后卸式汽车 refrigerated truck 冷藏车 rigid flat truck 平板车 skip lorry 翻斗卡车 three-wheeler 三轮车 tractor 拖拉机

transit mixer 搅拌车 truck agitator 搅拌车

vacuum silica fume tanker 真空硅粉罐车water tanker 撒水车

wheel loader 轮式装载机

◆混凝土生产、浇筑及振捣机械 aggregate cooling silo 骨料冷却仓 cement silo 水泥罐

compartment silo 隔仓罐


concrete batcher (distributor) 砼配料器 concrete bucket 砼吊罐 concrete feeder 砼喂料器 concrete mixer 砼拌和机

concrete rebanding silo 砼再处理罐 creter crane 胶带机

dry method shotcreting machine 砼干喷机 electric vibrator 电动振捣棒 ecternal vibrator 附着式振捣器 flyash silo 粉煤灰罐

grout pump and mixer 灌浆泵和拌和机 high speed vibrator 高频振捣棒 ice-plant 制冰厂

mobile concrete pump 移动式砼泵 pneumatic vibrator 气动振捣棒 sack emptying machine 倒袋机

stationary concrete pump 固定式砼泵 toer belt 塔带

water chiller 水冷却器

wet shotcreting machine 砼湿喷机 ◆钻空开挖支护机械及设备 3-arm jumbo drill 3臂凿岩台车 backhoe 反铲

breaker hammer 手风钻 bulldozer 推土机 clamshell 抓铲

climbing platform 升降平台 column drill 架式风钻

crawler excavator 履带式挖掘机 down-hole drill 潜孔钻 explosive truck 炸药车 band drill 正铲 hand drill 手钻

hydraulic rockbreaker for

excavation backhole 反铲液压碎石机 hydrofraise 水力铰倒(双轮铣) jackhammer 风镐

multi-boom drill 多臂钻 percussion chisels 冲击钻 percussive bammer 冲击锤

pneumatic concretebreaker 风动砼破碎机 pneumatic rockbreaker 风动岩石破碎机 pneumatic rockdrill 风动岩石钻机 ripper for dozer 裂土器

rockbolting machine 锚杆机 scabling rod 橇棍 table drill 台钻

trenching machine 挖沟机 wheel excavator 轮式挖掘机 ◆填筑碾压机械 frog tamper 挖夯

grader (leveler / scraper) 平地机 hand guided heavy duty

mechanical tamper 手扶式机械夯

hand guided vibratory roller 手扶式碾压夯 rammer 夯实机

roller compator 碾压机

smooth drum vibratory roller 震动平碾 special compactor 专门压土机

tamping foot vibratory roller 羊足碾

vibration plate compactor 平板震动碾压机 vibration roller 震动碾 ◆材料加工机械 band saw 带锯

bar bending machine 弯筋机 bar cutter 钢筋切断机 bench planer 台式刨床 bench saw 台式锯 breaker 破碎机 classifier 分选机

column drilling machine 柱式钻床 concrete saw 砼锯 diesel welder 柴油焊机 double grinder 双层磨床 drilling machine 钻床 electric welder 电气焊机

gasoline chain saw 机械链锯 grinder 砂轮机

grinding machine 磨床

hand circular saw 摇杆圆锯

horizontal drilling machine 卧式钻床 milling machine 铣床

mobile circular saw bench 移动圆锯平台 planing machine 刨床 radial arm saw 圆盘锯

radial drilling machine 径向钻床 rod mill 棒磨机

sand blasting machine 喷砂机 shaping machine 刨床

sharpening machine 磨钻机 shield arc welder 手工电弧焊机

stationary circular saw bench 固定圆锯平台 swinging saw 侧移圆锯 welding rectifier 焊接纠正仪



computer plotter 计算机绘图仪 computer software 计算机软件 drawing board 绘图板

drawings print machine 图纸打印机 fax machine 传真机 PC computer PC计算机 photocopier 照片复制机

radio walkie ( talkie) 无线电步话机 safe 保险柜

typewriter 打字机 ◆其他设备及工具

air compressor 空气压缩机

mobile compressor 移动式空压机 electric compressor 电动空压机 diesel compressor 柴油空压机 air heater 热风机 air receiver 储气罐 angle grinder 角磨机 blowser 鼓风机

cleaning machine for scaffolding 脚手架清扫机

concrete rotary smoother 砼旋转整平机 container 集装箱

diesel generator 柴油发电机 electric motor 电动机 extinguisher 灭火器 file 锉子

gas leak detector 露气检验器 hammer 锤子

band operrated rotating cleaner 手动旋转清扫机

hydraulic jack 液压千斤顶 lighting equipment 照明设备 nozzle 喷嘴 oxe 斧头 pick 镐 pump 泵

air operated diaph pump 气动膜泵 centrifugal pump 离心泵 deepwell pump 深水泵

high pressure water pump 高压水泵 submersible pump 潜水泵 riveting machine 铆钉机 scaffolding 脚手架 screw driver 螺栓刀 spade 铁秋

spanner / wrench 扳手 taper drift 锥形锤 trowel 抹子、镘刀

vibrating finisher 震动修整机 vice 老虎钳

wire brush 钢丝刷

◆ 劳保用品( personnel protection equipment)

anti-dust mask 防尘面具 boot 靴子

canvas gloove 帆布手套 raincoat 雨衣 respirator 呼吸器 safety belt 安全带 safety helmet 安全帽 safety shoe 劳保鞋 附录3.工程常用材料 steel bar 钢筋 coil rod 盘条 angle bar 角钢

angle bar of uneven sides 不等边角钢 I-beam 工字钢 channel bar 槽钢 flat bar 扁钢

thin steel plate 薄板钢

medium steel plate 中厚钢板

galvanized thin steel plate 渡锌薄钢板 chechered steel plate 花(纹)钢板 welded steel plate 焊接钢管

galvanized welded pipe 渡锌焊接钢管 spiral welded pipe 螺纹焊接钢管

hot finished seamless pipe 热轧无缝钢管 light steel rail 轻形钢轨 heavy steel rail 重型钢轨

steel rail for crane 起重机钢轨 steel wire 钢丝

wire tendon 预应力钢索

high-strength wire tendon 高强预应力钢索 thin copper plate 薄铜板 ◆木材 lathe 木条 log 圆木 plank 板材

plywood 胶合板 raw timber 原木 square timber 方木 ◆水泥


bagged cement 袋装水泥 bulk cement 散装水泥 dam cement 大坝水泥

expanding cement 膨胀水泥

ordinary Portland cement 普通硅酸盐水泥 Portland moderate heat cement 中热硅酸盐水泥

Portland-flyash cement 粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥 Portland-pozzolan cement 火山灰硅酸盐水泥 Portland-slag cement 矿渣硅酸盐水泥 quick-hardening cement 快硬水泥 self-prestressed cement 自应力水泥 sulphate-resisting cement 抗硫酸盐水泥 ◆爆破用品

cotton fuse 棉芯导火索

delay electric detonator 延时电雷管 detonating fuse 导火索、导爆索 detonator 雷管 explosive 炸药

ammonium nitrate explosive 销铵炸药

waterproof a-nitrate explosive 防水销铵炸药 open air a-nitrate explosive 露天销铵炸药 emulsion explosive 乳胶炸药 ammonium nitrate fuel oil explosive 销铵燃油炸药 plastic fuse 塑料导火索

short electric detonator 瞬发电雷管 ◆燃油

diesel 柴油 kerosene 煤油

petrol / gasoline 汽油 ◆其他

acetone 丙酮 acetylene 乙炔

anti-rust paint 防锈漆 asphalt felt 油毛毡 asphalt sheet 沥青纸 binding wire 绑丝

galvanized binding wire 镀锌绑丝 sponge 海绵 chain 链条

ethafoam 乙烷泡沫

expansion bolt 膨胀螺栓 foam 泡沫

geotextile 土工布 hose 软管

liquid nitrogen 液氮

nail 钉子

organic glass 有机玻璃 oxygen 氧气 plug 插头

prime paint 底漆

PVC( polyvinyl chloride ) pipe PVC管 rivet 铆钉 sack 麻袋片 sleeve 套筒

stainless steel 不锈钢 tarpaulin 油布 water cock 水龙头 wing nut 碟型螺母


目 录

一、基础词汇 .............................................................................................................................................. 1 二、工程施工类 .......................................................................................................................................... 2

(一)工程施工-土建类 ..................................................................................................................... 2

◆开挖与支护(Excavation and Support) ............................................................................ 2

明挖(Open Excavation ) ................................................................................................ 2 洞挖及地下开挖(Tunnel and Underground Excavation) ........................................ 2 钻孔爆破(Drilling and Blasting) ..................................................................................... 2 延时支护(rock support) ................................................................................................... 3 ◆土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序(Working Sequence) ...................................................... 3

缺陷(Defects) ................................................................................................................ 3 其它(Others) .................................................................................................................... 3 ◆混凝土(Concrete ) ........................................................................................................... 3

作业(Activity) ................................................................................................................ 4 缺陷(Defects) ................................................................................................................ 4 外加剂(Admixture) ....................................................................................................... 4 指标(Indexes) ................................................................................................................ 4 其他(Others) .................................................................................................................. 4 ◆模板(Formwok/Shutteringform) ...................................................................................... 5 ◆钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar) .......................................................................................... 5 ◆灌浆(Grouting) .................................................................................................................. 6

工艺过程(Activity) ........................................................................................................ 6 管路及组件( Circuit and Elements) ......................................................................... 6 参数及指标(Parameter and ........................................................................................... 6 Indexes) ............................................................................................................................ 6 仪器设备( Plant and Instrument) ............................................................................. 6 其他(Others) .................................................................................................................. 7 ◆ 测量(Survey) ............................................................................................................. 7

测量方法及术语(Methods and Terms) ..................................................................... 7 角度测量(Angular Measure) ...................................................................................... 7 望远镜(Telescope) ....................................................................................................... 7 距离测量(Distance Measure) ..................................................................................... 8 高程测量( Height Measurement).............................................................................. 8 地形测量( Topographic Survey) .............................................................................. 8 ◆原形观测观测仪器和设施{Instrumentation and Facilities) ........................................ 8

附件及配件(Acessories and Spare Parts) .............................................................. 9 安装过程( Procession of Installation) .................................................................... 9 资料(Information) ......................................................................................................... 9 其他(Others) .................................................................................................................. 9 ◆水工常规试验 ......................................................................................................................... 10

砼原材料试验(Test of Raw and Processed Material of Concrete) .................. 10


骨料(Aggregate) ................................................................................................. 10 外加剂(Admixture) ............................................................................................. 10 水(Water) .............................................................................................................. 10 砼(Concrete) ............................................................................................................... 10

砼拌和物(Mixture) ............................................................................................... 10 硬化砼(Hardened concrete) ......................................................................................11 砂浆(Cement) ...............................................................................................................11 土(Soil) ..........................................................................................................................11 Atterberg limits(water content as limit) 阿太堡界限(界限含水量) ...................11 其它建筑材料 ..................................................................................................................... 12

钢筋(steel ) ........................................................................................................... 12 木材(Wood) .......................................................................................................... 12 沥青(Asphalt) ...................................................................................................... 12 质量管理( Quality Management) ............................................................................ 12 ◆地质(Geology) ...................................................................................................................... 13

地质年代(Geochronology of Geologic Ages) ..................................................... 13 地质构造(Geologic Structural) ................................................................................ 13 岩石类型(Rock type) .................................................................................................. 13 工程地质( Engineering Geology) ........................................................................... 14 矿物质的物理性质(Physical Character of Minerals) ................................................ 15 地层地貌(Stratum andPhysiognomy) ......................................................................... 15 地质作用(Physical Geology Action) ........................................................................... 15 ◆水文(Hydrology) .................................................................................................................. 15 (二)工程施工.机电类 ................................................................................................................... 16

◆金属结构(Hydromechanical work) ................................................................................ 16

闸门(Gate) ......................................................................................................................... 16 预埋件(Embedded Parts) ......................................................................................... 16 组件/部件(Assembly/parts) ...................................................................................... 16 启闭机(Hoist) ............................................................................................................... 16 门式起重机(Grantry Crane) ...................................................................................... 16 其他(Others) ................................................................................................................ 17 ◆ 焊接和无损检验(Welding and Nondestructive Testing) ...................................... 17

焊接{Welding) ............................................................................................................... 17 无损检验( Nondestructive Testing) ...................................................................... 18 ◆ 水轮机(Hydraulic Turbine) ......................................................................................... 18 ◆ 机械通用词汇 ....................................................................................................................... 19 ◆ 电气设备及元器件(Electrical Equipment & Element Parts) ................................ 20 ◆ 电气通用词汇 ....................................................................................................................... 21 ◆ 计算机监控系统(Computer Supervisory and Control System) ......................... 22

三、工程管理(Management of Project) ........................................................................................... 23

(一)费用 ........................................................................................................................................... 23

Ⅰ.直接费 ................................................................................................................................... 23

Ⅰ)人工 ............................................................................................................................. 23

1.人工费 ..................................................................................................................... 23 2.劳务类别 ................................................................................................................. 23 3.职员和其他 ............................................................................................................. 24 Ⅱ)设备及运输 ................................................................................................................. 25


Ⅲ)材料 ............................................................................................................................. 26 Ⅱ管理费和利润 ......................................................................................................................... 26 (二)进度 ........................................................................................................................................... 27 (三)招投标 ..................................................................................................................................... 28 (四)计量和支付 ............................................................................................................................... 29 (五)变更和索赔 ............................................................................................................................. 30 附录1.工程结构物名称统计 .................................................................................................................... 31

◆ 拦河大坝 ....................................................................................................................................... 31 ◆ 泄洪排沙系统 ............................................................................................................................... 31 ◆ 洞群及溢洪道 ............................................................................................................................... 32

出口区 ......................................................................................................................................... 32 ◆引水发电系统 ................................................................................................................................. 32 ◆临时建筑及附属设施 ..................................................................................................................... 33

临时建筑 ..................................................................................................................................... 33 附属设施 ..................................................................................................................................... 33

附录2 .工程常用机械 ............................................................................................................................... 33

◆运输机械 ......................................................................................................................................... 33 ◆混凝土生产、浇筑及振捣机械 ..................................................................................................... 33 ◆钻空开挖支护机械及设备 ............................................................................................................. 34 ◆填筑碾压机械 ................................................................................................................................. 34 ◆材料加工机械 ................................................................................................................................. 34 ◆办公用品 ......................................................................................................................................... 35 ◆其他设备及工具 ............................................................................................................................. 35 ◆ 劳保用品( personnel protection equipment) ................................................................ 35 附录3.工程常用材料 ................................................................................................................................ 35

◆木材................................................................................................................................................. 35 ◆水泥................................................................................................................................................. 35 ◆爆破用品 ......................................................................................................................................... 36 ◆燃油................................................................................................................................................. 36 ◆其他................................................................................................................................................. 36


