新世纪高职高专英语 1-unit 6

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Unit Six

Why Are We Addicted to Soaps?

教学目的(teaching objective):

Master the key words and structures. be able to explain why soap operas is so popular and the key to its success. Discuss what soap opera can provide for the common audience. Exchange personal opinions on soap operas.

教学内容、课时安排及方法设计(content,classes and method)

教学重点(key points):


教学难点(teaching difficulties):


2.词组的应用:center around, base on, think of… as, set free, refer to, cut short, compare with, according to, a range of, no more than, whatever, succeed in doing

教学过程(teaching procedures):(含板书设计)

Lead In Activity; Study of Words and Phrases; Study of the Text; Study of Grammar; Study of Reading Skills; Study of Practical Reading and Writing

The 1st and 2nd Periods

Step I Lead-in

1.Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 81 in the textbook and discuss in pairs why

some people are addicted to TV serials. And then ask some pairs to give their opinions on soap opera after learning the new words.

2.Ask the students to consider all sides of the issue when it comes to soap opera and some

students can talk about their favorites from their own points of view or personal experience. Step II New Words Presentation

1.Read the new words one by one and correct the pronunciation.

2.Explain some usage of words and phrases and the methods of learning new words such as

word building. (用举例、派生、比较、解释、词性变化等方法讲解)

1) addict:vt. depend on as a habit使沉溺

to addict oneself to沉溺于

be addicted to

n. a drug addict吸毒上瘾的人

a work addict对工作入迷的人

2) attract vt. awaken ones interest or pleasure in吸引

e.g. Like attracts like.


I was deeply attracted by his performance.



3) behavior n. the way a person acts

e.g. His good behavior deserves praise.


Tom won a prize for good behavior at school..

4) capture vt. make interested or excited. 引起(注意); 迷住

e.g. Her silvery voice captured the attention of the listeners

Their daring escape has captured the imagination of the whole country.

5) critical adj. crucial, decisive决定性的; 关键的

e.g. The next two weeks will be critical for the experiment.

A rescue team came at the critical moment.


Million of people learned the critical decision on TV.


6) deliberately: on purpose 有意地

e.g. Human facial expressions can be deliberately controlled and modified.

He deliberately stopped in the middle of the sentence.

7) concentrate(on) vt. focus all ones attention

e.g. It is so noisy outside that I can’t concentrate on my term paper.


Doctors are aiming to concentrate more on the prevention of SARS than on its cure.

8) constantly adv. frequently, continuously 经常地;不断地

e.g. It rained constantly all week.

She was constantly complaining about the public transport.

The company is constantly advertising its products.

9) episode n. each of the parts of a serial story.(连续剧)一集;(作品)一段情节

e.g. In the final episode we will find out who was the murder.


10) incident n. an event that is either unpleasant or unusual 小事件;(剧本等的)插曲;枝节;事件;事变

e.g. There was a strange incident in the library this morning.

That was one of the strangest incidents in my life.


3.Ask the students to read the new words.

Step III Practice and Consolidation


