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Unit 6

1) — I regret to inform you that there’s nothing we can do to help you. — But I think you should have told us earlier.

2) How enviousI am that he can attain whatever he desires while I can’t.

3) She’s not beautiful, but I find her very attractive because she seems so full of life and fun.

4) He snatched the photos from my hand before I had a chance to look at them. 5) I prefer to take a bus rather than drive to work since the price of petrol is soaring .

6) It’s difficult for us to nterpretthese statistics without knowing how they were obtained.

7) Smith wasn’t at his best; therefore, he was substituted in the second half of the match.

8) Our friendship is strictly spiritual; we never seek material benefits from each other.

9) All details concerning the event are to be taken into consideration and nothing will be regarded as trivial . 10) The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient’s blindness was temporary and he’d be able to see again after some treatment.

11) I want a thermometer that has twoscales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit (华氏温度)and the other in Centigrade.

12) The teachers in the training center are making great efforts tocultivate in their students the habit of speaking English.

13) She wanted to buy those two expensive dresses, but I said it would be too extravagant to buy both of them.

14) My parents offered me an amount of money adequate topurchase an apartment, but I’ve decided to buy one myself.


1.— You always look fit. How do you manage it? — I work out in the gym two hours every day.

2) You didn’t do anything wrong. You shouldhave a clear conscience . 3) We missed the last bus; so there was no choice other thanto walk home. 4) Whether you accept it or not, we must all die some day: it’s just afact of life . 5) — Didn’t you find the film exciting?

—On the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half way through it!

6) I still cried over his misfortune and prayed for him even though he’d hurt me sodeeply.

7) The old lady lives alone; some of her nephews drop byto see her occasionally. 8) Last night Robin didn’t walk but drove to the pub in order to show off his new car.

9) No one should be looked down on because of his origin, appearance or


10) She wrote down all the things she planned to do and crossed them off one by one after she did them.

11) His old radio finally wore out and it was beyond repair. The poor old man

had to go without it.

12) Naturally, people do not like being kept in the dark about anything that has a great deal to do withthemselves

1) 我们应该对自己诚实,千万不要被欲望蒙住了双眼,为没有得到的东西而唏嘘哀叹。(fog up; cry over)

We should be honest with ourselves and never become fogged up by greed and cry over what we have failed to obtain.

2) 诸如财产、金钱等物质上的东西带来的快乐是短暂的,这是一个无可争辩的事实。(fact of life; temporary; property)

It is a fact of life that happiness brought about by material things such as property and money is temporary.

3) 千百年来哲学家们费尽心机地从各自的角度阐述幸福的意义。(interpret) For

thousands of years philosophers have taken pains to interpret the meaning of happiness from their own perspectives.

4) 如果你用物质东西代替爱和拥抱,你将无法得到快乐,因为精神上的快乐与

物质财富并无多大关系。(substitute; spiritual; have ? to do with)

If you substitute material things for love or a hug, you will not get happiness, because spiritual happiness has little to do with material wealth.

5) 得知自己得了绝症后,他告知孩子们除了他自己住的这座房子以外他再无财

产留给他们了。(terminally; inform; other than)

After he learned that he was terminally ill, he informed his family that he had nothing / no property to leave them other than the house he was living in. 6) 在地里劳动了漫长的一天,他们精疲力竭。看着太阳已经落到地平线下面,

他们迫不及待要回家。(dip; wear out)

They were worn out after a long day’s work in the fields. So seeing the sun dip below the horizon, they couldn’t wait to go back home

