广州版英语六年级M1 知识归纳

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六年级Module 1

一、听写单词 二、默写短语

农村生活_________ _________ 在农场上 _________ _________ _______ 在田地里 ______ _________ _________ 在河流上面 _________ _________ _________ 给动物喂食 _________ _________ _________

把某物给某人 _________ _________ _________ _________ 果树 _________ _________ 割草 _________ _________

种花 _________ _________ 喂猪_________ _________ _________ 种蔬菜 _________ _________ 栽树 _________ _________

看上去很可爱 _________ _________ 在??(方面)帮助 _________ ?? _________

超过 _________ _________

住在乡下 _________ _________ _________ _________ 给奶牛挤奶 _________ _________ _________ 骑自行车 _________ _________ _________

很多活要干 _________ _________ _________ _________ 做完作业 _________ _________ _________ 喂鸡 _________ _________ _________

帮助父母做家务 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

三、单项选择题 (2015年白云区真题)

1. I often help my brother __________ his homework. (2015年白云区真题)


B. on

C. with

2. The lady______ very pretty.

A. look B. looks C. looking

3. The boy picked an orange ______ his grandpa’s orange tree. A. for B. from C .in

4. You can have your lunch in the garden ______ you want.

A. and B. then C. if

5. Please give these flowers ______ your mum and say “Happy Birthday” to her A. for B. to C. with

6. There is much more eggs in the box _________ in that box. (2015年白云区真题) A. and

B. then

C. than

7. ---Do you have any friends in China, Mr Webb? --- Yes, but only ______ ,not many. A. a few B. lots of C. a lot

8. That toy boat is very cute. I like _________.(2015年白云区真题)


B. it

C. it’s

9. I love living______ the country.

A. in B. on C. from

10. There is much more eggs in the box _________ in that box. (2015年白云区真题) A. and

B. than

C. then

11. There are______ bananas in the box. A. much B. a lot C. a lot of 12. You shouldn’t drink too______ Coke. A. many B. plenty of C. much

13. The street are very clean _________ the people are nice in Dalian.

A. and

B. but

C. also

14. Aunt Zhao likes ________ in Ximen very much.

A. live

B. living

C. lives

15. The children ride bikes to the zoo. It______ about forty minutes. (2015年白云区真题) A. takes B. take C. taking

四、按实际情况回答问题。(2015年白云区真题) 1、Do you like living in a big city?

_____________________________________ 2、Is your school big and modern?

_____________________________________ 3、Can we run or play in the streets?


4、What do you usually have for breakfast? _____________________________________ 5、How do you go to school every day? ______________________________________

二、单元语法重点 1、可数名词与不可数名词

如:They are cutting grass to feed the animal. We give it to the cows and sheep. ? grass是一个不可数名词,所以后面的代词用it

? sheep的复数为特殊变化,单复数同型,其他还有:fish,deer

1. 可数名词复数变化规则

? 绝大多数名词的复数形式是在名词词尾加-s。例:几个女孩some girls ? 在以s、sh、ch、x结尾的名词后加-es。例:几辆汽车some buses ? 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,选变y为i,再加-es; 以元音字母+y结尾的名词,在词尾加-s. 例:一个婴儿a baby.几个婴儿some babies ? 以字母f或fe结尾的名词,变f或fe为-ves。 例:一把小刀a knife,几把小刀some knives

? 以o结尾的名词: 1.以一个o结尾,有生命的+es;无生命的+s. 2.以两个o结尾,直接加s.


? 单复同形的有: 绵羊sheep , 鹿deer ,鱼fish ? 不同国家的人的单复数


口诀:黑人英雄吃土豆番茄。 注意:不是所有的以f结尾的名词都是遵守这个规则,总有例外的。. roof屋顶,handkerchief手帕.直接在后面加“s“ 例:a roof,some roofs:a handkerchief,some handkerchiefs


1. Uncle Li grows ___________ (vegetable) in those fields. 2. There are some _________ (sheep) on the farm.

3. Some _________ (goose) are _________(swim) in the river. 4. I am very happy to see all my _________ (friend).

5. The_________ (child) are playing football in the playground. 6. I often help my mother to do some ___________ (housework).

7. John has plenty of __________(milk) for breakfast. So he is tall and strong.

8. The _________ (street) are always crowded because there are too many _________ (car). 9. There are three _________ (bottle) of _________ (juice) in the fridge.

2、give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth. 把某物给某人 Exercise:

We’ll give the flowers to the old lady. = Please give . 我们要把牛奶给老太太。

Dad on my birthday. = Dad gave a present to me on my birthday. 生日那天爸爸给了我一件礼物。

3、方位介词in,on,at的用法 ? at 表示一个点(或小地方)。

at home ,at the pool ,at school ,at New Park ? on 表示一个表面。

on the beach , on the floor , on the wall ? in 表示一个范围(或大地方)。

in Class Five ,in the water , in the park ,in the corner 如:What do you grow on your farm, Uncle Chen?

I see the geese on the river. Exercise:

1. There are many animals _____the farm. A. in B. at C. on

2. I can see some geese ______ the river. A. on B. in C. from 3.And the field we grow rice. A. on B. from C. in

4. to+动词原型表示目的

He came here to look for Ben. 他来这里找Ben。 Exercise:

1. She’s cutting the grass ______ the rabbits. A. feeding B. feeds C. to feed 2. She got up breakfast for her son. A. to cook B. cooks C. cook



Brain is from Britain. He lives in Ilkley with his parents and grandparents. It is a small town in the city of Leeds. It is small but quiet and comfortable. Brain thinks it is the best place in Leeds, because it is a beautiful place with plenty of trees, grass and flowers. The air is clean and fresh. The houses there are small and old. One of the houses by the river is Betty’s. It is a famous teahouse. Many people come to have tea in Betty’s from other towns. Brain enjoys his life in Ilkley. ( ( ( ( (



) 1. Brian lives in a small town in Leeds. ) 2. Ilkley is the best place in Britain.

) 3. There are many tree, grass and flowers in Ilkley. ) 4. Betty’s is a new teahouse in the town.

) 5. Many people in Ikley go to other town to have tea.

1. Do you like living in Guangzhou? 2. What do you like about Guangzhou? 3. What are the buildings like in Guangzhou? 4. What are the streets like in Guangzhou? 5. Are there any parks or theatres near your home? 6. What do you usually do in weekends?? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

课后作业 (2015年番禺区真题) 一、选出最佳答案,并把其编号写在括号内。 ( )1. There are a few animals _________the farm.

A. on B. in C. from

( )2. Please give the flowers_________ your teachers.

A. for B. to C. with

( )3. You can have your dinner in the bedroom _________you want.

A. and B. if C.s o

( )4. I usually help Lily _________her homework.

A. about B. does C. with

( )5. There_________ a cow and 2 goats on the farm.

A. is B. am C. are

( )6. It_________ about 5 minutes to go to school every day.

A .take B. taking C. takes

( )7. Give me _________tea, please.

A.cup B. a C. a cup of

( )8. I often feel _________after doing the housework.

A. delicious B. tired C. excited

( )9.—_________are you going this Saturday?

—I’m going to Hong Kong.

A. Where B. What C. When

( )10.—Do you have any friends in Guangzhou, Lina?

—Yes, but only_________, not many.

A. some B. a few C. many

二、将方框里的单词编号写在相应解译前的括号里。 )The main food for Chinese people. (( )It’s full of water. ( )A Green plant. Many animals eat it. ( )Farmers usually work here. ( )People do it so a young tree or a seed(种子) can grow up. ( )A farm animal. People keep it for its milk or meat. A. rice B. field C. grass D. river E. cow F. plant 三、按实际情况回答问题。

1. How do you go to school every morning? __________________________ 2. Where does your uncle live? __________________________ 3. Is there a farm near your school?__________________________ 4. How many pupils are there in your class? __________________________

5. What does your friend do after school? __________________________ 6. Are you in Class Five? __________________________


first farmer feels feed work on early picks In a country there lives a funny ______. And he has a funny farm. _____his farm, there are some animals. And he grows fruits and vegetables. Every day, the farmer is very busy. He gets up_____ in the morning. _____ he cleans his house, then he gets some grass to _____his cows, sheep and rabbits. After that he goes to_____ in his field. Before he goes back home in the afternoon, he _____some vegetables for his dinner. He’s busy, but he never _____tired.


The life in the country is healthy. In the daytime, people get up early. They make breakfast, clean their houses and feed the animals. After breakfast, they go out and do their farm work. They grow vegetabes or keep animals for their food. They also keep cows and milk the cows, then they have plenty of milk to drink. Sometimes, they stay outdoor all day. The farmers usually go to sleep very early because they are tired after working all day long. They need to have a good rest for the next day.

( )1. The life in the country is healthy.

( )2. People have plenty of milk to drink in the country. ( )3. People in the country keep animals for food. ( )4. The farmers go to sleep late. ( )5. The farmers also grow vegetables.


farmers Farm animals

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

