八年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Try not to translate every wo

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Module 1 How to learn English? Unit 1 Try not to translate every word.

上课教师 教材 教学内容 教材分析 教学目标 john 《英语》(新标准) 学生年级 课时 初二 一课时 教 学 设 计 Unit 1 Try not to translate every word. The unit is focused on practicing the students’ listening and speaking ability, the vocabulary as well as the sentence structure is hard for the students to grasp. Sufficient examples and drilling are necessary. To get to know the key vocabulary. To understand the dialogue 3. To be able to talk about the problems in learning English. Lead-in the vocabulary, especially the Key points: translate, correct, grammar, pronunciation, spelling, try to do, Why don’t you…? How about…? Encourage the students to talk with each other to practice the sentence structure elicited by the listening materials. Task-based acting out activity3 is a better way for students to practice speaking. 教师活动 1. 情 景 导 入 学生活动 1. Ask the students to introduce Individual work: themselves first, 1. Introduce themselves by using : My name is…. I’m from…. 2. Tell them the importance of learning 2. Listen to the teacher. English and how to learn English. 教学重点 设计思路 教 学 流 程 教 学 流 程 2. 1. Key words: translate, correct, 知 grammar, pronunciation, 识 spelling, 新 try to do 授 Key structure: Why don’t you…? You should do…. How about….? 2. Ask them to finish activity 1. 3. Play the tape of activity 2 and check the whole class. 3. 情 景 操 练 I. Ask students to work in pairs to practice the sentence structure. II.1. Listen and read(Part3) 2. Try to act out part 3. 3. Ask them to do activity 4. Write notes about learning English. 4. Ask them to talk about part 4 and give some advice on how to learn English. 1. Individual work: Read the new words loudly and make some sentences by using the key words. 2. Match the words with the headings. Then check in pairs. 3. Listen to the tape, then check with the teacher. I. Pair work: Make sentences to practice the sentence structure. II. 1. Listen to the dialogue and read it loudly. 2. Act out the dialogue in groups 3. Writing 4. Talk about the questions in activity 4 and show ideas. Whole-class work: Read the sentences together with the tape recorder. Then read the pronunciation and work in pairs to finish activity 7. Pair work: Read the words to let the partner check if the words are pronounced in a correct way. 4. Practise students’ pronunciation and 情 speaking. 景 回 归 板书(或课件)设计 Unit 1 Try not to translate every word. Key points: Key structure: translate, How about…? correct, Why don’t you…? grammar, pronunciation, spelling, try to do, 1. Copy the key words for 10 times. 作业布置 2. Do exercise 1-4 of your workbook. 3. Try to act out part3. 教学反思

It’s hard to improve the students’ listening and speaking skills.

