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Good morning. Stretton Festival box office. How can I help you? 上午好,这里是 Stretton庆典售票处,有什么能帮您?
Oh, hello. My family and I are on holiday in the area, and we've seen some posters about thefestival this week.
哦,你好,我和家人正在这个地区度假,我们看见一些海报上在宣传这个周的庆典。 Could you tell me about some of the events, please? 能请你给我介绍一些庆典上的活动吗? Of course. 当然啦。
First of all, are there still tickets available for the jazz band on Saturday? 首先,周六要举行的爵士乐队表演还有票吗?
There are, but only £15. The £12 seats have all been sold. 有,不过只剩15英镑的票了,12英镑的所有座位都已经卖光了。 OK. And the venue is the school, isn't it? 好的,举行地点是在学校,对吧? Yes, that's right, the secondary school. 是的,没错,在中学。
Make sure you don't go to the primary school by mistake! 千万别走错路去了小学。
And there's an additional performer who isn't mentioned on the posters — Carolyn Hart isgoing to play with the band.
还有一位海报上没有提到的演出人员——Carolyn Hart ,她也将和乐队一起表演。 Oh, I think I've heard her on the radio. 哦,我记得在广播上听说过她。
Doesn't she play the oboe, or flute or something? 她演奏的是不是双簧管,还是长笛什么的?
Yes the flute. She usually plays with symphony orchestras, and apparently this is her first timewith a jazz band.
Well, I'd certainly like to hear her. 哇,那我肯定要去听听她的演奏。
Then the next thing I want to ask about is the duck races 然后我想问的另一件事是那个鸭子比赛,
I saw a poster beside a river. What are they, exactly? 我在河边看见的海报,那究竟是什么比赛?
Well, you buy a yellow plastic duck — or as many as you like — they're a pound each.
And you write your name on each one. 然后在每只鸭子上写下你的名字。
There'll be several races, depending on the number of ducks taking part. 根据参加的鸭子数量,会分成好几场比赛。
And John Stevens, a champion swimmer who lives locally, is going to start the races.
住在本地的游泳冠军John Stevens会宣布比赛开始。
AII the ducks will be launched into the river at the back of the cinema, 接着你们要把所有的鸭子都放进电影院后面的那条河里,
then they'll float along the river for 500 metres, as far as the railway bridge. 它们会顺着河水漂流500米,最后到达终点铁路大桥。 And are there any prizes? 赢了有什么奖励吗?
Yes, the first duck in each race to arrive at the finishing line wins its owner free tickets for theconcert on the last night of the festival.
You said you can buy a duck? I'm sure my children will both want one. 你说可以买到这种鸭子?我相信我的孩子们都会想要的。 They're on sale at a stall in the market. 市场上的一个货摊上正在削价出售这种鸭子。
You can't miss it — it's got an enormous sign showing a couple of ducks.
很好找的,那个摊子有一个巨大的画着几只鸭子的标志。 OK. I'll go there this afternoon. 好的,我今天下午就去买。
I remember walking past there yesterday. 我记得昨天就路过了那里。
Now could you tell me something about the flower show, please? 你能跟我讲讲花卉展览的情况吗?
Well, admission is free, and the show is being held in Bythwaite Hall. 好的,进场是免费的,展览在Bythwaite Hall举行。 Sorry, how do you spell that? 不好意思,你能拼读一下吗? B-Y-T-H-W-A-I-T-E.Bythwaite. B-Y-T-H-W-A-I-T-E,Bythwaite。
Is it easy to find? I'm not very familiar with the town yet. 地方难不难找?我对这座小镇还不是很熟悉。
Oh, you won't have any problem. It's right in the centre of Stretton. 没问题的,就在Stretton的中心。
It's the only old building in the town, so it's easy to recognise. 那是镇上唯一的老建筑,所以很容易就能认出来。 I know it. I presume it's open all day. 我知道那个地方,我猜它是全天开放的?
Yes, but if you'd like to see the prizes being awarded for the best flowers,
对,不过如果你想观看给最美花卉颁奖的话, you'll need to be there at 5 o' clock. 还是要5点钟到那。
The prizes are being given by a famous actor Kevin Shapless. 奖项会由著名演员 Kevin Shapless颁发,
He lives nearby and gets involved in a lot of community events. 他就住在附近,经常参加社区活动。 Gosh, I've seen him on TV. 天呐,我在电视上看见过他。 I'll definitely go to the prize-giving. 那我绝对得去看颁奖了。 Right. 好的。
So what makes studies like these different from ordinary research? 那么这样的研究和寻常研究有什么不同呢?
Let's look at some of the general principles behind ethnographic research in business.
First of all, the researcher has to be completely open-minded 首先,研究人员必须绝对虚心,
he or she hasn't thought up a hypothesis to be tested, as is the case in other types ofresearch.
他们不能像在其他类型的研究中那样事先想出一个假设,然后测试它的真实性。 Instead they wait for the participants in the research to inform them. 相反地,他们要等参与者自己展现出需要的信息。
As far as choosing the participants themselves is concerned, that's not really all that differentfrom ordinary research
the criteria according to which the participants are chosen may be something as simple as theage bracket they fall into, 参与者入选的标准也许只是一些很简单的事情,
or the researchers may select them according to their income, 比如他们的年龄组或者收入,
or they might try to find a set of people who all use a particular product, for example.
再或者研究人员也许会试着找到一群全都使用同一种特定产品的人。 But it's absolutely crucial to recruit the right people as participants. 但是征募到正确的人选作为参与者至关重要。
As well as the criteria I've mentioned, they have to be comfortable talking about themselves andbeing watched as they go about their activities.
Actually, most researchers say that people open up pretty easily, maybe because they're oftenin their own home or workplace.
So what makes this type of research special is that it's not just a matter of sending aquestionnaire to the participants,
instead the research is usually based on first-hand observation of what they are doing at thetime.
But that doesn't mean that the researcher never talks to the participants. 但这并不是说研究人员从不跟这些参与者交谈。
However, unlike in traditional research, in this case it's the participant rather than theresearchers who decides what direction the interview will follow. 不过,和传统的研究不同的是,在这种研究中,决定采访走向的并不是研究人员,而是参与者。
This means that there's less likelihood of the researcher imposing his or her own ideas on theparticipant.
But after they've said goodbye to their participants and got back to their office, theresearchers' work isn't finished.
Most researchers estimate that 70 to 80 percent of their time is spent not on the collecting ofdata but on its analysis
looking at photos, listening to recordings and transcribing them and so on. 他们要仔细看照片、听录音并转录它们等等。
The researchers may end up with hundreds of pages of notes. 研究人员最终可能会整理出数百页的笔记。
And to determine what's significant, they don't focus on the sensational things or theunusual things,
为了判定出重要的信息,他们不会把注意力集中在非同一般或者不寻常的事情上, instead they try to identify a pattern of some sort in all this data, and to discern the meaningbehind it.
而是试图辨认出所有数据中共同存在的某种模式,然后识别其背后的意义。 This can result in some compelling insights that can in turn feed back to the whole designprocess.
So what I'm going to talk about to you today is something called Ethnography.
This is a type of research aimed at exploring the way human cultures work. 这是一种以探究人类文明如何起作用为目的的研究。
It was first developed for use in anthropology, and it's also been used in sociology andcommunication studies.
它起先是为了在人类学领域的使用而提出的,现在也被用于研究社会学和传播学。 So what's it got to do with business, you may ask. 你们也许要问,这跟商务有什么关系?
Well, businesses are finding that ethnography can offer them deeper insight into the possibleneeds of customers either present or future
企业逐渐发现,学习人种学能够使他们更深层次地洞悉现有或未来客户的潜在需求, as well as providing valuable information about their attitudes towards existing products.
And ethnography can also help companies to design new products or services that customersreally want.
Let's look at some examples of how ethnographic research works in business.
One team of researchers did a project for a company manufacturing kitchen equipment.
They watched how cooks used measuring cups to measure out things like sugar and flour.
他们仔细观察了厨师们是如何使用量杯测算出像糖和面粉这类食品的用量的。 They saw that the cooks had to check and recheck the contents, 他们发现厨师们要反复检查量杯里的东西,
because although the measuring cups had numbers inside them the cooks couldn't see theseeasily.
So a new design of cup was developed to overcome this problem, and it was a top seller.
于是他们设计了一种新的量杯来克服这个问题,而这种量杯也成为了最畅销的产品。 Another team of ethnographic researchers looked at how cell phones were used in Uganda, inAfrica.
They found that people who didn't have their own phones could pay to use the phones of localentrepreneurs.
Because these customers paid in advance for their calls, they were eager to know how muchtime they'd spent on the call so far.
So the phone company designed phones for use globally with this added feature.
于是电话公司设计出了能够在全球使用的,带有这项额外性能的手机。 Ethnographic research has also been carried out in computer companies. 计算机公司同样也进行了人种学研究。
In one company, IT systems administrators were observed for several weeks. 在某家公司里,他们持续观察了好几周IT系统管理员。
It was found that a large amount of their work involved communicating with colleagues in orderto solve problems,
他们发现这些管理员的工作中很大一部分都涉及了和同事交流以解决问题, but that they didn't have a standard way of exchanging information from spreadsheets and soon.
So the team came up with an idea for software that would help them to do this.
于是这组研究人员提出了设计一个能够帮助他们做到这一点的软件的想法。 In another piece of research, a team observed and talked to nurses working in hospitals.
This led to the recognition that the nurses needed to access the computer records of theirpatients no matter where they were.
This led to the development of a portable computer tablet that allowed the nurses to checkrecords in locations throughout the hospital.
Occasionally, research can be done even in environments where the researchers can't bepresent.
偶尔,在研究人员无法到达的环境里甚至也能进行研究。 For example, in one project done for an airline, 比如一个为航空公司进行的项目。
respondents used their smart phones to record information during airline trips in a studyaiming at tracking the emotions of passengers during a flight.
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