高教社中职英语基础模块1 unit05

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教学目标语言知识目标: 学生能够理解并运用与业余爱好相关的词汇及一般现在时从不同方面描述自己 的喜好。 语言技能目标: 听 —— 学生能够听懂有关个人喜好的对话。 说 —— 学生能够用I like …,I love … 等句式表达个人喜好。 读 —— 学生能够读懂有关个人喜好的短文。 写 —— 学生能够简单介绍自己的个人爱好以及其他人的兴趣爱好。 学 习 策 略: 学生养成在英语学习中发现问题并及时解决的习惯。 文 化 意 识: 学生掌握中国人与英美国家的人们在询问个人爱好时的不同方式和习惯。 情 感 态 度: 学生了解不同职业所需的技能,并明确自己在学习过程中需要掌握的技能。 单 元 任 务: 学生能够运用所学语言知识和语言技能做关于兴趣爱好的调查报告,作为班级兴 趣小组的划分依据。


1 2 3

Activity 1 Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 1Read and match. 将下列词汇搭配组成词组。


gocomputer games

listen tochess




Activity 2Listen and check. 听录音,核对活动1的答案。

Activity 3Listen and complete. 再听录音,仿照例子完成句子。

playing chess 1) I like ____________.

2) I like _____________. listening to music

flying kites 3) I like _____________.

4) I like (going) fishing ____________.

collecting stamps 5) I like _____________.

6) I like playing computer _____________.games

Listening and speaking

12 3

Dialogue A Dialogue B

Everyday English

Dialogue AWhat’s your hobby?

1 2 3

Activity 4 Activity 5

Activity 6Activity 7


Activity 4Listen and tick. 听录音,选出李晓年的爱好。

a. (


b. (


c. (


Activity 5Listen and complete. 再听录音,写出张伟的爱好。

Zhang Wei likes ______________________________. painting animals

Activity 6Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出有关兴趣爱 好的语句。Li Xiaonian: What’s your hobby, Wang Yang?

Wang Yang: Oh, I love singing.Li Xiaonian: Do you like singing English songs?

Wang Yang: Yes, they’re my favorite.Li Xiaonian: I love singing, too. But I’m crazy about Chinese songs.

Activity 7Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。Li Xiaonian: What’s your hobby, Wang Yang? Wang Yang: Oh, I love singing.

Li Xiaonian: Do you like singing English songs?Wang Yang: Yes, they’re my favorite.

Li Xiaonian: I love singing, too. But I’m crazy about Chinese songs.

Dialogue BDo you like sports?

1 2

Activity 8 Activity 9 Activity 10

34 5

Activity 11Activity 12

Activity 8Listen and tick. 听录音,选出王洋的爱好。

a. (


b. (


c. (


Activity 9Listen and complete. 再听录音,写出王洋和Tom爱好的 运动。

Name Wang Yang Tom



Activity 10Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出谈

论兴趣爱 好的语句。Sara: Hi, Ben, do you like sports?Ben: Oh, I enjoy playing football very much. Sara: Do you like American football?通常 football 一词指的就是足球 。 但 American football 指的是橄榄球 , 一种在美国十分盛行的体育运动。足球 在美式英语中用 soccer /5sCkE/ 来 表示。

Ben: No, I don’t. What about you, Sara?Sara: I don’t like playing American football. Ben: What about Tang Hua? Does she love American football? Sara: No, she doesn’t. She likes playing chess.

Activity 11Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。Sara: Hi, Ben, do you like sports?Ben: Oh, I enjoy playing football very much. Sara: Do you like American football?

Ben: No, I don’t. What about you, Sara?Sara: I don’t like playing American football. Ben: What about Tang Hua? Does she love American football? Sara: No, she doesn’t. She likes playing chess.

Activity 12Talk and complete. 利用下列单词和句子询问班里三个同 学的兴趣爱好,填表。What ’ s your hobby? My hobby is... What do you like / love? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. What about you? playing computer games listening to music playing the piano singing and dancing I like / love ...

Do you like / love / enjoy... playing football / basketball playing chess watching movies Name


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