
更新时间:2023-04-09 09:54:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载






第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)



The writings of Shakespeare are today little read by young people in Britain. His young readership is limited to those who choose to study literature at university.

Shakespeare’s work, together with most other classics, is seen as remote, and written in a 400-year-old version of English that is about as inviting as toothache.

Still, in Britain schools, it is compulsory to study the bard (诗人), and when something is made compulsory, usually the result is boredom, resentment (憎恨)or both.

This was my experience of the classics at school. But when I reached my late teenage years, I had a change of heart. Like every other young person since the dawn of time, the world confused me. I wanted answers, so I turned to books to find them.

I went on to take a PhD in literature and have taught it in Britain and China. I have never regretted it. There is something in literature that people want, even if they don’t read books. You see this in the popularity of TV and movie adaptations of great works, the recent film version of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice being a case in point. These popular adaptations may help increase people’s interest in the classics.

Reading a simplified Romeo and Juliet may perhaps lead to a reading of Shakespeare’s actual play. If that is the case, then I welcome the trend. But do not make the mistake of thinking that it is the same thing. Shakespeare is a poet. His greatness is in his language. Reading someone else’s rewriting of his work is like peeling a banana, th rowing away the fruit, and eating the skin. Take on the original. It really is worth the effort.

1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The language used in classics is no longer in use today.

B. British students usually find compulsory reading dull.

C. Only those studying literature read Shakespeare’s works.

D. For British people, Shakespeare’s works are no longer classics.

2. According to the passage, the writer ________.

A. has liked literary classics since an early age

B. was forced to read the classics for a PhD

C. turned to literature to seek answers in his teens

D. thinks only people who read books like literature

3. The popularity of TV and movie adaptations of great works may help people ______.

A. learn more about tradition

B. get a PhD in literature

C. seek their answers about the world

D. become more interested in the classics

4. The underlined phrase “a case in point” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “_______”.

A. a great hit

B. a good example

C. a movie adaptation

D. a popular phenomenon

5. What does the writer intend to tell us in the last paragraph?

A. The fruit of a banana is more useful than its skin.

B. The rewriting trend does more harm than good.

C. Readers should try to read the original versions.

D. Readers need to learn the language in the classics.


For Kim LeBlanc, knowing that her son Tyler’s organs, eyes and other tissues have given life or healing to others is helping her cope with the loss of her child, who was struck by a truck in Guelph on May 31.

Tyler was believed to have been texting a friend when he stepped onto a high-traffic road against the green light and was struck by the truck. Then he was sent to a Hamilton hospital. Surgery was performed to ease the pressure in his brain, but .the family was told he would not recover.

“With all of his injuries, I just prayed all night for a miracle. And I was granted a miracle, but not in the way I’d expected,” says LeBlanc, her voice choked by emotion.

The family decided to donate Tyler’s organs, a choice she believes her kind and considerate son would have made on his own. It’s also a choice that transplant programs wish would be made more often, because the need for donor organs is far more than the supply worldwide. More than 1,500 people in Ontario are on the waiting list for life-saving organs, and one dies every day because an organ has not become available in time. Across Canada, the gap between donations and the need for organs continues to widen. At the end of 2010, more than 4,400 Canadians were on the waiting list for donor organs, including 3,362 needing a kidney. That year, 229 died before the organs they needed became available.

LeBlanc recalls the morning when her son was taken off life support and his organs were removed. Despite living what she calls a parent’s absolute worst nightmare, LeBlanc says she has got the strength to bear such an unbearable loss. “He’s still there. He’s still living. And he’s still breathing. And he’s brought so much joy to families,” she says. “He’s my hero. He really is my hero.”

6. Tyler was struck by the truck mainly because________.

A. he broke the traffic rule

B. he was talking with his friends

C. the truck ignored him

D. the truck ran at a high speed

7. The figures in paragraph 4 show that ________.

A. more people begin to donate their organs

B. more people are dying during organ transplant operations

C. many people don’t know how to donate their organs

D. many people are in great need of organ transplant worldwide

8. It is implied in the last paragraph that ________.

A. LeBlanc was desperate about Tyler’s death

B. LeBlanc will never forget Tyler’s contribution

C. LeBlanc felt relieved with Tyler’s organ donated

D. LeBlanc has never thought that Tyler will be a hero


Nowadays more and more people are talking about genetically modified foods ( GM foods). GM foods develop from genetically modified organisms (有机体), which have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are much more precise where an organism is exposed to chemicals to create a non-specific but stable change. For many people, the high-tech production raises all kinds, of environmental, ethical(伦理的), health and safety problems. Particularly in countries with long farming traditions, the idea seems against nature.

In fact, GM foods are already very much a part of our lives. They were first put on the market in 1996. A third of the corn and more than half the cotton grown in the US last year was the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the US this year. The genetic genie is out of the bottle.

However, like any new product entering the food chain, GM foods must be subjected to careful testing. In wealthy countries, the debate about biotech is not so fierce by the fact that they have a large number of foods to choose from, and a supply that goes beyond the needs. In developing countries desperate to feed fast-growing and under fed populations, the matter is simpler and much more urgent: do the benefits of biotech outweigh the risks?

The statistics on population growth and hu nger are disturbing. Last year the world’s population reached 6 billion. The UN states that nearly 800 million people around the world are unhealthy. About 400 million women of childbearing age don’t have enough iron, which means their babies are exposed to various birth defeats. As many as 100 million children suffer from vitamin A deficiency, a leading cause of blindness.

How can biotech help? Genetic engineering is widely used to produce plants and animals with better nutritional values. Biotechnologists have developed genetically modified rice and they are working on other kinds of nutritionally improved crops. Biotech can also improve farming productivity in places where food shortage are caused by crop damage attributable to drought, poor soil and crop viruses.

9. The passage mainly talks about _______.

A. the world’s food problem

B. the development in biotech

C. the genetically modified foods

D. the way to solve food shortage

10. According to the passage, GM foods ________.

A. will replace naturally grown foods

B. are far better than naturally grown foods

C. may help to solve the problem of poor nutrition

D. can cause serious trouble in developing countries

11. The underlined sentence “The genetic genie is out of the bottle.” in paragraph 2 probably means that _______.

A. GM foods are available everywhere

B. the technology in producing GM foods is advanced

C. genetic technology may have uncontrollable powers

D. genetic technology has come out of laboratories into markets

12. What’s the writer’s attitude towards GM foods?

A. Enthusiastic.

B. Cautious.

C. Disapproving.

D. Unbelievable.


If you start each day desperately wishing for an extra hour in bed, the following is likely to leave you feeling even grumpier.

Scientists have identified a sleepless elite—a small group of people for whom a lie-in is a waste of time. Rather than being tired and bad-tempered underachievers, they are an energetic, outgoing and optimistic group who can happily and healthily get by on just four of five hours of shut-eye a night.

If that is not tiring enough, they tend to be able to hold down two jobs at the sane time, and breeze through their extra-long days without needing caffeine pick-me-ups or catnaps. Working out how the gene cuts sleep without any obvious impact on health could help in the design of drugs that give us all a few extra hours in our day. The bad news is that while many of us get by on a few hours’ sleep a night, just one to three people in 100 qualify to be part of the sleepless elite.

The research team is now appealing to members of the lucky group to come forward to allow their DNA to be studied. University of California researcher Ying-Hui Fu said, “My long-term goal is to someday learn enough so t hat we can control the sleep pathways without damaging our health.”

“Everybody can use more waking hours, even if you just wa tch movies.”

Many of those have already volunteered to share fascinating characteristics. They are thinner than the average, relentlessly upbeat (enthusiastic) and seem to have a high tolerance for physical pain and psychological setbacks.

Researcher Dr Christopher Jones told the Wall Street Journal, “Typically, at the end of a long-structured phone interview, they will admit they have been testing and surfing the Internet and doing crossword puzzles at the same time, on less than six hours of sleep.”

13. We can infer from the second paragraph that a sleepless elite is _______.

A. a group of people who always have a phenomenon of sleeplessness every day

B. those who are not willing to sleep long but always energetic, outgoing and optimistic

C. a group of people for whom a lie-in is a pleasure of killing time

D. those who have no time for a good sleep because of their busy work

14. Ying-Hui Fu’s research is intended to _______.

A. control people’s sleep pathways

B. make medicine to cure the sleeplessness

C. work continuously without any sleep

D. control a sleepless elite’s genes

15. A sleepless elite has the following things in common except _______.

A. great energy

B. tough mind

C. being much thinner

D. high tolerance

第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)


16 : less red meat and more fibre, less saturated fat (饱和脂肪) and more fruit and vegetables, right? Wrong, according to a controversial new book by nutritionist Zoe Harcombe. In the book, Harcombe charts her careful journey of research into studies that underpin (巩固) dietary advice—and her myth(误区)—breaking conclusions are surprising.

Myth: 17 .

“Real fat is not bad for us,” says Harcombe. It’s man-made fats that we should be demonizing. Why do we have this idea that meat is full of saturated fat? In a 100g pork chop, there is 2.3g of unsaturated fat and 1.5g of saturated fat.

Myth: We should eat more fibre.

For three decades, we have eaten fibre into our bodies to help us feel full and keep our digestive systems moving. 18 , says Harcombe. The advice to eat more fibre is put forward along with the theory that we need to clean our digestive systems. But essential minerals are absorbed from food while it is in the intestines(肠道), so why do we want to wash everything out? Concentrate on not putting bad food in.

Myth: You need to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. “Five-a-day is the most well-known piece of nutritional advice,”says Harcombe. “You’d think it was based on firm evidence of health benefit. 19 .” Five-a-day started as a marketing campaign by 25 fruit and vegetable companies and the American National Cancer Institute in 1991. There was no evidence for any cancer benefit.

Myth: Fruit and vegetables are the most nutritious things to eat.

Apparently not. Harcombe allows that vegetables are a great addition to the diet—if served in butter to deliver the fat-soluble(dissolved) vitamins they contain—but natural sugar in fruit, goes straight to the liver and is stored as fat.

20 , says Harcombe, who adds, “Vitamins and minerals in animal foods—meat, fish, eggs and dairy products—beat those in fruit.”

A. Want to lose weight? Don’t trust these

B. We think we know what to eat

C. This is not a good idea

D. Fat is bad for us

E. Think again

F. We need to take more exercise

G Fruit is best avoided by those trying to lose weight


Do you know insurance? Buying insurance is a 21 by which people can protect themselves

22 large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay

23 sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only 24 will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay for these homes out or the sums of money it has 25 .

The first modern fire insurance company was 26 in London, England in 1666. A great fire had just 27 most of the city, and people wanted protection against 28 losses. The first company 29 rapidly. Soon other companies were founded in other areas.

Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance company in America in 1752. He also 30 a new kind of insurance for 31 . The new insurance would offer protection against the loss of crops 32 storms.

In 1795, Benjamin Franklin helped start 33 new insurance company in America. This company, 34 offered life insurance, collected some money 35 from many different men.

36 a man died, his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is 37 in business.

Over the years, people have 38 from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from 39 accidents as car and plane crashes. 40 , almost everyone has some kind of insurance.

21. A. way B. firm C. consideration D. means

22. A.. from B. against C. with D. beyond

23. A. small B. huge C. much D. little

24. A. many B. little C. few D. a few

25. A. stole B. collected C. lent D. brought

26. A. built B. found C. formed D. organized

27. A. destroyed B. hurt C. harmed D. wounded

28. A. farther B. further C. wider D. longer

29. A. risen B. rised C. grew D. turned

30. A. suggested B. determined C. asked D. demanded

31. A. farmers B. workers C. waiters D. doctors

32. A. with B. by C. from D. for

33. A. other B. certain C. another D. some

34. A. where B. which C. whom D. that

35. A. commonly B. usually C. regularly D. ordinary

36. A. If B. Although C. Unless D. Because

37. A. always B. still C. hardly D. seldom

38. A. paid B. offered C. bought D. benefited

39. A. many B. so C. such D. that

40. A. Today B. Generally C. Lately D. Tomorrow





Foreign students are valuable to the United States. Many take 41 in important research. Most have to 42 the full costs for their education. That helps universities meet their budgets. International students and their 43 put 12,000 million dollars into the American economy last year. That number is from the Institute of International Education, based in New York.

Now, many education officials say they are concerned that 44 students will come to the United States for the next school year. The officials base their concern partly on a decrease in students 45 (plan) to attend intensive English programs during the summer.

The members said one reason 46 the expected decrease is slower and more restrictive United States action on travel documents. 47 (secure) has increased since the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. The schools also blamed the travel problems caused by the outbreak of SARS.

In recent years, 48 increasing number of students have come to the United States to study. The Institute of International Education says these students represent more than fou r percent of all students in American colleges and universities. 49 says the number of international students reached a 50 high of more than 580,000 last year. The largest number came from India. Before last year largest number came from China.

41.________________ 42. ______________ 43. _______________ 44. _______________ 45.________________ 46.______________ 47. _______________ 48. ______________ 49.________________ 50.______________


Dear Sir,

I’m writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host family for the British students.

Locating in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood, our large fully-equipped apartment meets all

their needs. Apart from the conveniently public transportation, our own car can also take them to

some n earby places of interests. With fluent English and an outgoing personality, I’m sure I will

have no difficulty communicate with them. Above all, we host two British students last year,

through that we’ve gained lots of experience. In addition, my mother’s expert cooking can guarantee for them a wonderful chance of taste delicious Chinese food.

I would greatly appreciate if I could have the chance to host them and make friends with them.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua




写作要点:1.分析他不开心的原因; 2.给他一些建议; 3.送上祝福。

注意:1 词数100左右;2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mike,


_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________








Li Hua



1—5 BCDBC 6—10 ADCCC 11—15 DBBAB 16—20 BDCEG


21—25 DAADB 26—30 CABCA 31—35 ABCBC 36—40 ABDCA


41.part 42.pay 43.families/parents 44.fewer 45.planning 46.For 47.Security 48.an 49.It 50.record/new


Line 1: family—families

Line 2: Locating—Located

Line 3: conveniently—convenient

Line 4: interests—interest

Line 5: communicate—communicating; host—hosted

Line 6: that—which

Line 7: for去掉;taste—tasting

Line 8: appreciate后加it


Dear Mike,

Pressure is a serious topic in today’s world. After stepping into Senior Three, you have to be faced with the coming college entrance examination. You fix all your attention on studies, thus making you feel stressed and find it difficult to get on well with your classmates. Besides, your parents hope that you can go to a key university, which also adds your stress.

I have some suggestions for you to relieve stress. First, try to build up your confidence, and never give up or lose heart no matter wha t happens. Second, you should find out your own learning methods and seek help from both teachers and classmates in the face of difficulties and stress. I think a conversation with your parents is necessary. Finally, I think you should do more physical exercise so as to keep fit.

Less pressure, better life! Best wishes to you!


Li Hua

