180211 英语学习高级阅读材料-2

更新时间:2023-03-08 04:56:12 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载



One striking feature of the world of 1970s newspaper publishing, lovingly recreated by the film The Post , is the single-minded devotion of the Washington Post’s owner Katharine Graham to her family’s company and its flagship product.

电影《华盛顿邮报》(The Post)真实地再现了上世纪70年代新闻出版业的一个显著特征,那就是《华盛顿邮报》的老板凯瑟琳?格雷厄姆(Katharine Graham)对其家族企业及旗舰产品全心全意的付出。

Graham had other interests, and the film makes clear she cultivated a highly active social circle in the US capital. But the paper was her focal point. 格雷厄姆还有其他兴趣所在。影片也展示了,她在华盛顿打造了一个高度活跃的社交圈。但《华盛顿邮报》是她工作的焦点。

The news organisation’s current owner, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, wants to emulate the Graham era. According to the New York Times, he intends to host “salon-style dinners” at the house in Washington that he is renovating. But Mr Bezos’s peripatetic life is a stark contrast to Graham’s focus. He must juggle his ownership of the Post with the fortunes of Blue Origin, his space start-up, his philanthropic interests and the ever-expanding ambitions of Amazon. The complexity makes the linear world of 1970s business look as out of date as the report-type-print-repeat workdays of old-school newspaper journalists. 这家新闻机构如今归亚马逊(Amazon)创始人杰夫?贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)所有,而贝索斯想重现格雷厄姆的时代。据《纽约时报》(New York Times)报道,他打算在其位于华盛顿的正在翻新的宅子里举办“沙龙式晚宴”。但贝索斯到处奔波的生活方式与格雷厄姆的专注形成了鲜明的对比。他不得不在《华盛顿邮报》与自己一手

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创建的太空公司Blue Origin的命运、慈善事业、以及亚马逊不断扩大的野心之间做出权衡。这种复杂性令20世纪70年代的线性商业世界看起来就像老派新闻记者汇报选题-撰写文稿-印刷出版-周而复始一般过时。

Mr Bezos is not the only one stretched across multiple interests. Many entrepreneurs, executives and directors presume fulfilment can be found in the pursuit of a plural existence. I wonder how they do it.


Plenty of authors and consultants are on hand to answer my question. In roughly descending order of usefulness come Morten Hansen’s research-based “do less, then obsess” mantra (which I wrote about here last month), and Dan Pink’s suggestion, in his book When , that we should synchronise our tasks with the most fertile parts of our working day: “If you have even modest control over your schedule, try to nudge your most important work?.?.?.?into the peak [period],” he counsels. Get more sleep is Arianna Huffington’s suggestion. The media entrepreneur told me last month she could trace all the mistakes she had made — mainly hiring the wrong people — “to being tired, to running on empty”. 很多作家和顾问都已经给出了答案。其中最实用的意见就是莫腾?汉森(Morten Hansen)基于研究提出的“精而专”的策略(上个月我在本专栏里写过)。其次是丹?平克(Dan Pink)在其所著《When》中给出的建议,即我们应该根据工作日中最高产的时间段安排任务:“但凡你对自己的日程安排能有些许控制,试着将你最重要的工作安排……到效率最高的时间段。”多睡一点是阿里安娜?赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington)的提议。上个月,这位传媒企业家告诉我,她可以将自己犯的所有错误——主要是所托非人——归咎为“太累了,身体要透支了”。

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Meanwhile, others persist in wanting to stuff more into the same timetable. In his odd book Principles — part business bible, part autobiography — Ray Dalio, the hedge fund manager, suggests one key to doing more than we think we can is to “recognise that everyone has too much to do”. He writes that “creativity, character and wisdom” differentiate people who can do a lot from those who cannot.

与此同时,另一些人则坚持要把更多的事务塞进一张日程表里。在他的奇书《原则》(Principles)——一半是商业圣经,一半是自传——中,对冲基金经理雷?戴利奥(Ray Dalio)认为,做得比我们想象得更多的关键之一在于要“认识到每个人都有太多事情要做”。他写道,“创造力、个性与智慧”将能做很多事的人和做不到的人区分开来。

Personally, I doubt busy bosses have time to read these tips. One director I know has two secretaries, who prepare a colour-coded printout of her electronic diary, which they index by location and function into paper folders filled with briefing sheets.


In any case, the problem with time management advice is that not all

businesspeople have control of their schedule and few are born prioritisers. This is why their overseers have to resort to other tools.


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Lately, for example, investors and governance advisers have started to red-flag directors’ “overboarding”. The nautical echo is accidental, though appropriate. It refers to the fear that directors with mandates at multiple companies will drown in the paperwork board membership now entails, perhaps dragging down others. 例如,最近,投资者和管理顾问们开始对董事“在过多公司挂职”发出警告。这种情况是偶然的,即使并无不妥。这反映出了一种担忧,即在多家公司担任董事会被淹没在董事会的海量文书中,也许也会把其他人拖下水。

ISS, the proxy adviser, suggests investors withhold votes from directors who sit on more than five public company boards. In the UK, holding three or more chairmanships puts a target on the back of any chair.


These are blunt instruments. ISS has a rule of thumb that one chair position equals two non-executive roles, for instance. But unexpected events — a takeover, a disaster, or the unexpected loss of a chief executive — can turn a straightforward part-time position into a demanding full-time job.


Successful businesspeople may have more than “modest control of their schedule”. They appoint lieutenants to run the major operations of their businesses — as Mr Bezos has at Amazon. Some, like my director friend, have the money to employ multiple assistants, the patience to handle a complex

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calendar and the upper body strength to carry around what is in effect a mobile filing cabinet, to meet the demands of a plural portfolio.


But who really knows how close they are to being overwhelmed? To assess how good people are at managing their time and maintaining focus without distraction requires the assessors to have unlikely telepathic powers.


In the 1950s, before the corporate fitness drive, it was similarly assumed that businessleaders were superior physical specimens. Doctors opined that they would not have risen tothe top if they did not enjoy above-average health. Then CEOs started dropping dead fromstrokes and heart attacks.


The wise, prioritising superhumans Mr Dalio applauds are a rarity. His principle that everyonehas too much to do should be read by overstretched titans and overboarded directors as awarning, rather than a consolation.


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For those who rely on their morning cup of Joe to wake them up, the wonders of coffee are very obvious. But many people debate whether the drink is actually good for your health. Sure, coffee can give you that pick-me-up you need in the morning or during an afternoon slump, but what does the drink actually do for your health? And can all that caffeine have negative effects?


Research shows that coffee does have health benefits. Studies suggest that regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of many ailments and diseases, including diabetes, stroke, depression, and even some cancers. Coffee lovers even seem to live longer. Experts believe we get these benefits from the antioxidants in coffee beans. We drink so much coffee, it may even be the top source of antioxidants in the American diet!


For those who rely on their morning cup of Joe towake them up, the wonders of coffee are veryobvious. But many people debate whether the drinkis actually good for your health. Sure, coffee can giveyou that pick-me-up you need in the mo

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rning orduring an afternoon slump, but what does the drinkactually do for your health? And can all that caffeinehave negative effects?


Research shows that coffee does have health benefits. Studies suggest that regular coffeedrinkers have a lower risk of many ailments and diseases, including diabetes, stroke, depression, and even some cancers. Coffee lovers even seem to live longer. Experts believe weget these benefits from the antioxidants in coffee beans. We drink so much coffee, it may evenbe the top source of antioxidants in the American diet!


However, much of the research on coffee's benefits shows that you have to be a heavy coffeedrinker to get these results. You might fancy yourself a coffee fanatic, but six cups a day is alot of coffee!


That means a lot of caffeine as well. And caffeine could have negative effects on your body. If you've ever accidentally drank more caffeine than you're used to, you've probablyexperienced a racing heart, an upset stomach, or difficulty slee

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ping. Experts recommend thatyou limit caffeine consumption to 400 milligrams a day or less, about how much is in four cupsof coffee.

这也意味着大量的咖啡因。而咖啡因可能会给身体带来消极影响。如果你曾不小心喝了比平常更多的咖啡因,那你就会心跳加速、肠胃不好或难以入睡。专家建议将咖啡因摄入量控制在每天400毫克或更少,差不多4杯咖啡含有的咖啡因量。 It's also important to consider how you take your joe. Healthy coffee is black; adding things likecream, sugar, and syrups takes away from the health benefits it does have.


\attes andFrappuccinos,\ mocha Frappuccino atStarbucks has 67 grams of sugar. Sure, some is from the milk, but most is from sugars thatadd up to nearly one-third of a cup of the sweet stuff. A vanilla latte is better, but still comesin at 35 grams of sugar for a medium size.

\大多数人在看到拿铁和星冰乐中的卡路里和糖分含量时会大吃一惊,\夏皮罗说道。比如:星巴克大杯的白巧克力咖啡星冰乐含有67克糖。当然,有些糖分源于牛奶,但大部分还是糖,差不多占到一杯甜味剂的三分之一。香草拿铁稍微好点,但中杯的香草拿铁也含有35克糖呢 ==


Kicking the sugar habit is no easy task. But if you're considering giving it a try, here's some inspiration to help you succeed: it'll have profound effects on your

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short- and long-term health.


A little of the sweet stuff is okay; the American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar a day for women and 9 teaspoons daily for men. (Quick comparison: a 12-ounce can of cola has approximately 8 teaspoons.) And you can keep eating unprocessed foods that contain natural sugar, like fruits and vegetables. Unlike added sugar, natural sugar hasn't been stripped of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber Mother Nature packaged them in.

一点点的甜食没有问题;美国心脏协会建议女性每天摄入的添加糖不要超过6茶匙,男性不要超过9茶匙。(快速对比:一罐12盎司的可乐含有近8茶匙添加糖。)你照样可以摄入含有天然糖的未加工食品,比如水果和蔬菜。与添加糖不同,天然糖仍保留着大自然赋予它们的维生素、矿物质和纤维 Your skin will look younger 你的皮肤会更年轻

Think less sag and fewer wrinkles. Studies suggest that the amount of sugar in the blood (which is affected by how much sugar you eat) sets up a molecular domino effect called glycation, which ultimately leaves skin less firm and elastic. Already bothered by premature lines? Cutting your sugar intake can reduce signs of aging, research shows.


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You'll have less belly fat 腹部脂肪会更少

This is the visceral or \pancreas, and intestines. Stubborn and hard to get rid of, it's also dangerous; visceral fat is a known risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. In 2016, data from more than 1,000 people who are part of the ongoing Framingham Heart Study showed that the more sugar-sweetened beverages they consumed, the higher their level of visceral fat.

这是在肝脏、胰腺和肠道等重要器官周围形成的内脏脂肪或'深层'脂肪。这些脂肪很固执、难以摆脱、同时也非常危险。众所周知,内脏脂肪是心脏病和糖尿病的风险因素。2016年,1000多位'弗雷明汉心脏研究'受试者的数据显示,摄入的含糖饮品越多,他们的内脏脂肪水平就越高。 You'll feel more energized 更有活力

Added sugars are simple carbohydrates. This means they're digested fast and enter your bloodstream quickly. But as anyone who relies on a candy bar or pastry for a pick-me-up knows, once that shot of sugar is metabolized, you're in for a crash.

添加糖是简单的碳水化合物。这意味着它们很容易消化,能快速进入血液。但任何依赖糖果棒或糕点提起精神的人都知道,一旦糖分被代谢,整个人就会崩溃。 When you need fuel, swap the sugar-sweetened meals and snacks for items that are low in sugar yet high in protein and/or fat, like almonds. Because they take longer to digest, they'll supply you with a steadier stream of energy that will last longer, says Diane Sanfilippo, a certified nutrition consultant and author of The

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21-Day Sugar Detox.

当你需要能量的时候,把加糖的食物和零食换成低糖但高蛋白或高脂肪的食物,比如杏仁。因为消化这种食物需要更长的时间,它们可以提供更稳定、更长久的能量,持证营养顾问、The 21-Day Sugar Detox一书的作者戴安娜·圣菲利波说道 ==

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