
更新时间:2023-04-25 22:29:01 阅读量: 工程科技 文档下载





本系统的开发工具是DREAMWEAVER+ASP(JAVASCRIPT、VBSCR IPT、HTML)+SQL SERVER 2000,开发过程中运用了页面模块化、构件化及信息发布的动态生成、静态页面显示等技术。



Graduate the design management system

This system of administrative system summary of the graduation project designed the professional website to the need of university's graduation design management informationization, it carries on construction as sub network of a resource of the management information system of the school, based on campus network, will realize information resource-sharing. Originally introduce the design object based on graduation project administrative system of B/S structure and design philosophy in the article.

This system is on the basis of the administrative system under the platform among the three of student , teacher and administrator. Divided into concretly: The subject is declared, the thesis is uploaded, thesis look over , coach , relevant report form , inquire score , back-stage management , appraise , student selected title , select topic record , graduati on field work 11 pieces of function module on the net on the net. I am responsible for mainly the thesis is uploaded, the thesis is looked over , appraises and inquires about these four pieces of function module of thesis achievement on the net.

The development tool of this system is a DREAMWEAVER+

ASP( JAVASCRIPT, VBSCRIPT, HTML)+ the SQL SERVER 2000, made use of the page mold piece turn in the development process, the piece of turn and the information release of dynamic state is born, the quiescent page display etc. technique.

Keyword:Administrative system of the graduation project , website design , ASP


摘要 ............................................................................................. I ABSTRACT ....................................................................................... II 第1章问题定义 . (1)

1.1引言 (1)

1.2项目开发背景 (1)

第2章可行性研究 (2)

2.1引言 (2)

2.2系统开发的目的和意义 (2)

2.3开发工具选择分析 (2)

2.4技术可行性分析 (3)

2.5经济可行性分析 (4)

第3章需求分析 (5)

3.1引言 (5)

3.2总体目标 (5)

3.3功能概述 (5)

3.4运行需求 (5)

第4章设计分析 (7)

4.1引言 (7)

4.2总体结构图 (7)

4.3子模块结构图 (7)

4.3.1论文上传子模块 (7)

4.3.2论文查看子模块 (8)

4.4.3 网上评价子模块 (8)

第5章详细设计 (9)

5.1引言 (9)

5.2数据库设计 (9)

5.2.1数据库概念结构设计 (9)

5.2.2数据库逻辑结构设计 (12)

第6章编码 (17)

6.1引言 (17)

6.2论文上交子系统实现 (17)

6.3论文查看子模块实现 (21)

6.4网上评价子模块实现 (24)

6.5成绩查询子模块设计 (26)

第7章软件测试 (28)

7.1引言 (28)

7.2软件测试基础 (28)

7.2.1软件测试的目标 (28)

7.2.2软件测试准则 (28)

7.2.3测试方法 (29)

7.2.4测试阶段的信息流 (29)

7.3测试过程 (29)

7.3.1论文上传子模块测试 (29)

7.3.2论文查看子模块测试 (30)

7.3.3网上评价子模块测试 (30)

7.3.4成绩查询子模块测试 (31)

参考资料 (32)

致谢 (33)

附录 (34)

附录1:文献翻译 (34)

附录2:系统使用说明书 (39)

