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Unit One

Where did you go on vacation?

stay at home New York City go to summer camp go to the mountains go to the beach visit museums go on vacation Central Park play volleyball study for tests last month go somewhere interesting Huangguoshu Waterfall take photos quite a few most of the time have a good/fun time buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth. my first time go shopping in the countryside baby pigs nothing but ? keep a diary her best friend what activities arrive in/at; get to this morning decide to do sth. feel like ? ride bicycles/bikes to ? 1. 呆在家里

2. 纽约市

3. 参加夏令营

4. 去爬山

5. 去海滩

6. 参观博物馆

7. 去度假

8. 中央公园

9. 打排球

10. 为考试学习

11. 上个月

12. 去有趣的地方

13. 黄果树瀑布

14. 照相

15. 相当多

16. 大多数时间

17. 玩的开心

18. 为某人买某物

19. 我的第一次

20. 去购物

21. 在乡下

22. 小猪

23. 除了 ?什么也没有

24. 记日记

25. 她的最好朋友

26. 什么活动

27. 到达

28. 今天早上

29. 决定做某事

30. 感觉像 ?/有 ?感觉

31. 骑车去某地


32. 100 年前100 years ago

33. 在过去in the past

34. 喜欢散步enjoy walking

35. 走上山顶walk up to the top of the hill

36. 开始做某事start doing/to do sth.

37. 乘火车take the train

38. 一个多小时over an hour

39. 等候wait for?

40. 太多too many

41. 下大雨rain really hard/heavily

42. 又湿又冷wet and cold

43. 因为糟糕的天气because o fthe bad weather

44. 足够的钱enough money

45. 一碗米饭 a bowl of rice

46. 第二天the next day

47. 这次this time

48. 沿途along the way

49. 大约一个小时后about one hour later

50. 又两个小时another two hours

51. 从山顶from the top of the hill

52. 购物中心the shopping centre

53. 去年八月last August

54. 泰山Mount Tai

55. 弄清楚/查明find out

56. 继续go on

57. 跳上跳下jump up and down

58. 忘记?forget about?

59. 上升come up

60. 香港Hong Kong

61. 天安门广场Tian'anmen Square

62. 故宫博物院the Palace Museum

63. 北京胡同 a Beijing hutong Unit



How often do you exercise?

1. 多久一次how often

2. 周末活动

3. 帮助做家务

4. 几乎不

5. 在周末

6. 去购物

7. 去看电影

8. 一周一次

9. 一个月两次

10. 一年三次

11. 你最喜爱的节目

12. 动物世界

13. 下周

14. 怎么会呢?

15. 上钢琴课

16. 摇摆舞

17. 熬夜

18. 吃健康早餐

19. 至少/起码

20. 放学后

21. 垃圾食品

22. 好/坏习惯

23. 玩电脑游戏

24. 去乡下野营

25. 询问某人关于某事the weekend activities help with housework hardly ever on weekends go shopping go to the movies once a week twice a month three times a year your favorite program Animal World next week How come? have piano lessons swing dance stay up (late) eat a healthy breakfast at least after school junk food good/bad habits play computer games go camping in the country ask sb. about sth.


26. 第五高级中学学生No. 5 High School students

27. 在业余时间in one's free time

28. 百分之十五的学生fifteen percent of the students

29. 每周四到六次four to six times a week

30. 上线go online

31. 上网use the Internet

32. 为了娱乐for fun

33. 问题的答案the answers to the questions

34. 娱乐节目game shows

35. 放松的最好办法the best way to relax

36. 身心the mind and the body

37. 例如such as

38. 旧习难改old habits die hard

39. 去牙医那里清洁牙齿go to the dentist for teeth cleaning

40. 16 岁的高中生 a 16-year-old high school student

41. 美国the United States

42. 吃快餐eat fast food

43. 不到 6 小时less than 6 hours

44. 健康习惯healthy habits

45. 在某方面?明智/聪明be smart about?

46. 想要某人做某事want sb. to do sth.

47. 做运动play sports

48. 对?有好处be good for?

49. 根本不?not?at all

50. 对我来说安排已满be full for me


Unit Three

I 'm more outgoing than my sister.


1. 敲鼓

2. 玩得?比?好

3. 跳得高

4. 努力工作

5. 像?一样努力

6. 唱歌比赛

7. 有音乐天赋

8. 玩的开心

9. 做和?同样的事

10. 擅长?

11. 关心/在意

12. 好的倾听者

13. 在课堂上

14. 交朋友

15. 只要?

16. 和?不一样

17. 把某人最好的一面表现出来

18. 真正的朋友

19. 伸手帮你一把

20. 打动你的心

21. 实际上

22. 不如?严肃

23. 和?相似

24. 更适合这份工作

25. 学生助手

26. 英语学习中心27. 小学生

28. 中学生

29. 英语成绩好

30. 与?相处的好

31. 更多信息

32. 谈论

33. 外向得多

play the drums play?better than?jump high work hard as hard as?the singing competition be talented in music have fun do the same thing a?s be good a?t care about a good listener in class make friends as long as be different from bring out the best in sb. a true friend reach for your hand touch your heart in fact less serious than be similar to be better for the job student helper the English study center primary school students a middle school student have good grades inE nglish be good with sb. for more information talk about a lot more outgoing

Unit Four

What 's the best movie theatre?


1. 最好的电影院

2. 舒适的座椅

3. 离家最近

4. 最差服装店

5. 在镇上

6. 欢迎来到?

7. 到目前为止

8. 没问题

9. 大多数影院

10. 比别人更擅长?

11. 乘公交车10 分钟的路程

12. 最佳表演者

13. 最有天赋的人

14. 观看某人做某事

15. 展示才艺

16. 才艺展示

17. 美国偶像

18. 美国/中国达人秀19. 世界各地

20. 比如

21. 有相同特征

23. 各种各样的

24. 是?职责/由?决定the best movie theater comfortable seats the closest to home the worst clothes store in town welcome to?so far No problem. most cinemas be much better than others a?t 10 minutes by bus the best performer the most talented person watch sb. do sth.

show one's talents talent show American Idol America's /China's Got Talent around the world such as / for example have?in common and so on all kinds of?be up to sb.

22. 等等


25. 发挥作用/扮演角色play a role in?

26. 获奖get a prize

27. 表演者的生活the lives of the performers

28. 编造make up

29. 实际上/其实in fact

30. 认真对待?take sth. seriously

31. 给某人某物

give sb. sth. / give sth. to sb.

32. 实现come true

33. 你觉得?怎么样?

What do you think of/about??

34. 快歌fast songs

35. 街头艺人the street performers

36. 咖啡店the coffee shop

37. 一中No. 1 Middle School

38. 饺子馆dumpling house

39. 一大盘饺子 a big plate of dumplings

40. 散步take walks / take a walk

41. 运动中心sports center

42. 有点硬 a little hard

43. 电影票 a movie ticket

44. 城镇影院Town Cinema

45. 屏幕影城Screen City

46. 电影世界Movie World

Unit Five

Do you want to watch a game show?

1. 观看娱乐节目watch a game show

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soap opera sports show talent show learn ?from ? plan to do ? find out around the world go on in class have a discussion abou ?t TV shows expect to do ? a TV reporter one day an action movie a scary movie think of ? American culture two large round ears Mickey Mouse over 80 years ago come out in the 1930s make cartoons have problems doing ? be ready to do ? try/do one 's best her love for her family on the Hollywood Walk of Fame a symbol o ?f such as ? dress up likea boy take her father 's place to fight in the army do a good job Unit Six

I 'm going to study computer science.3. 肥皂剧

4. 体育节目

5. 才艺表演

6. 向?学习 ?

7. 计划做 ?

8. 弄清 /查明

9. 世界各地

10. 发生 11. 在课堂上 /上课时 12. 讨论 13. 电视节目 14. 期待做 ? 15. 电视记者 16. 有一天 17. 功夫片

18. 惊悚片 19. 想到 /想起 20. 美国文化

21. 两只圆圆的大耳朵

22. 米老鼠

23. 八十多年前

24. 发行 /出版

25. 二十世纪三十年

26. 拍卡通片

27. 做某事有困难

28. 准备做某事

29. 尽全力 ?

30. 对她家人的爱

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computer science computer programmer bus driver basketball player take acting lessons/take guitar lessons grow up be good at writing stories keep on doing ? be sure abou ?t make sure move to Shanghai finish high school/college a race car driver go to a cooking school study medicine at a university next September send ?to magazines and newspapers New Year 's resolutions make the soccer team get good grades get lots of exercise learn another foreign language sound like a good plan 1. 计算机科学 2. 编程人员 3. 公交车司机 4. 篮球运动员

5. 上表演 /吉他课

6. 长大

7. 擅长写故事

8. 坚持做 ?

9. 对?有把握 10. 确保 11. 搬到上海

12. 高中 /大学毕业 13. 赛车手 14. 上烹饪学校 15. 在大学学医 16. 明年九月 17. 寄?给杂志社和报社 18. 新年计划 19. 组建足球队 20. 取得好成绩 21. 多锻炼 22. 再学一门外语 23. 听起来像是个好主意


制定计划一种承诺make resolutions a kind of promise

向?发誓/承诺make promises to?

放学回来get back from school

新年伊始at the beginning oft he year 改善我们的生活improve our lives

记下/写下write down


划身体健康比如resolutions and plans for hte coming year physical health for example


eat lessf ast food have to do with?开始做/学着做take up?

摄影学弹吉他take photos learn to play the guitar 制定周计划make a weekly plan for?

忘记?forget about?

由于这个缘故for this reason

改善同朋友的关系improve my relationships with my friends



drive to work go to university/college

Unit Seven

Will people have robots?

live to be?(years old) 1. 活到?岁























2. 100年后/内in 100 years

3. 更少的空闲时间less free time

use the subways less/more predictions/a

book about the future in great danger

use less water play a part in sth. / in doing


9. 世界和平

10. 淡水

world peace

fresh water

do the samej obs as people spend time together on weekends space station

fly to?

fly rockets to the moon help with the housework in dangerous places over and over again get bored wake up disagree with sb. hundreds of years fall down in the near future

at some point

as a reporter

take a holiday in Hong Kong when possible 20 years from now fly up into the sky

Unit Eight

How do you make a banana milk shake?

1. 制作香蕉奶昔

2. 接通/打开make a banana milk shake turn on

4. 更少/多地使用地铁

5. 关于未来的预测/ 书

6. 陷入险境

7. 用更少的水

11. 和人们做一样的工作

12. 周末相聚

13. 太空站

14. 乘飞机去?

15. 乘火箭去月球

16. 帮助做家务活

17. 在危险的地方

18. 反复地

19. 感到厌烦

20. 醒来

21. 不同意某人

22. 数百年的时间

23. 倒塌/跌倒/掉落

24. 近期的将来

25. 就某一点而

26. 作为记者

27. 在香港度假

28. 可能的时候

29. 今后20 年

30. 飞上蓝天

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cut up pour ? into ? a cup of yogurt fruit salad good idea after that one more thing forget to do ? the popcorn machine one spoon plant a tree make beef noodles take out a piece of bread traditional food on special holidays give thanks forf ood have a big meal with their family a Thanksgiving dinner the main dish fill ?with ? cover ?with ? cut ? into thin pieces cook ? at a very high temperature at this time on this day Yunnan rice noodles serve ? to your friends one by one a recipe for your favorite food half a cup cook for another 10 minutes make Russian soup for a party chicken soup tomato and egg soup Unit Nine Can you come to my party? 1. 来参加我的生日聚会 come to my birthday party 2. 为考试做准备 prepare for an exam 3. 去看医生 go to the doctor 3. 切开 /切碎 4. 把?倾倒入 ? 5. 一杯酸奶 6. 水果沙拉 7. 好主意 8. 在那之后 9. 还有一件事 10. 忘记要做 ? 11. 爆米花机 12. 一勺 13. 种树 14. 做牛肉面 15. 拿出 16. 一片面包 17. 传统食品 18. 在特殊节日 19. 感恩食物 20. 和家人聚餐 21. 感恩节晚餐 22. 主菜 23. 用?装满 ? 24. 用 ?覆盖 ? 25. 把?切成小块儿 26. 高温烹煮 27. 此时 28. 在这一天 29. 云南米粉 30. 用?招待你的朋友 31. 一个接一个 32. 你最喜爱食品的食

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have the flu too much homework go to the movies maybe another time go bike riding last fall not ?until ? hang out Catch you on Monday! go to the baseball game the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow have a piano lesson look after accept an invitation make an invitation turn down/refusean invitation like ? a lot have a great idea abou ?t take a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month go back to the U.S. have a surprise party look forward to sth./doing ? hear from sb. invite sb. to the opening o ?f at No. 9 High School on Wednesday morning/ on the morning of Wednesday reply in writing reply to the invitation bring ? to the party out with any of the party prep tell me by this Friday so that ? at the party Unit Ten If you go to the party, you 'll have a great time! 1. 参加聚会 go to the party 2. 过得愉快 have a great time 3. 班会 a class meeting 4. 患流感 5. 太多的作业 6. 去看电影 7. 也许换个时间吧 8. 骑自行车兜风 9. 去年秋天 10. 直到 ?才? 11. 闲逛 12. 周一见! 13. 参加棒球比赛 14. 前天 15. 后天 16. 上钢琴课

17. 照顾 /照料 18. 接受邀请 19. 发邀请 20. 拒绝 邀请 21. 很喜欢 ? 22. 有一个好的想法 23. 去武汉旅游 24. 本月月底 25. 回美国 26. 举办惊喜晚会

27. 盼望 /期待 28. 收到 ?的来信 29. 邀请 ?参加 ? 开幕式 30. 第九中学 31. 周三上午

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the party games watch a video at the party half the class order food from a restaurant potato chips give me some advice get enough exercise make friends go to college travel around the world make a lot of money get an education have problems with ? get advice from an expert have a lot of worries help a lot be afraid to do ? in the end make careless mistakes the first step share a problem cut ? in half keep doing ? be halfway to doing ? have a lot of experience two other problems an old people 's home children 's hospital go to the meeting miss all the fun become a soccer player run away from the problems 4. 晚会游戏 5. 在晚会上看录像 6. 班级中一半人 7. 从饭店点餐 8. 薯条 9. 给我一些建议 10. 进行足够的锻炼 11. 交朋友 12. 上大学 13. 周游世界 14. 赚很多钱 15. 受教育 16. 遇到 ?问题 17. 得到专家的建议 18. 有很多顾虑 19. 帮助很大 20. 不敢做 ? 21. 最后 22. 犯粗心的错误 23. 第一步 24. 分担烦恼 25. 把?切成两半 26. 一直做 ? 27. 完成了 ?的一部分 28. 有很多经验 29. 另外两个问题 30. 敬老院 31. 儿童医院 32. 去开会

