2014—2015新译林6A Unit 8提优卷及答案试题试卷 精品优质期末复习资料

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新译林牛津小学英语6A Unit8提优卷

Name: _____________ Class:____________ Marks:_____________


( ) 1. A. tangyuan ( ) 2. A. Christmas ( ) 3. A. rich ( ) 4. A. buy ( ) 5. A. paper

B. dumplings B. Spring Festival B. firework B. cook B. plastic

C. juice

C. Thanksgiving C. firecracker C. excited C. plan


1. watch a lion dance _________________ 2. 大年夜 ______________________________ 3. talk about their plans _________________ 4. 下周三 ______________________________ 5. get red packets ______________________ 6. 看烟花表演 __________________________ 7.have a lot of fun ______________________ 8. 燃放鞭炮_____________________________ 9.before Chinese New Year_______________ 10. 晚饭后______________________________


( ) 1 . My family and I some new clothes tomorrow.

A. buy B. am going to buy C. are going to buy

( ) 2 .New Year is coming, and we are _________.

A. excited B.exciting C. funny

( ) 3.Thanksgiving is a very important holiday in _______.

A. China B. the UK C. the US

( ) 4. It’s going to ________ Christmas soon.

A. see B.do C. be

( ) 5.I think Jim and you will ________ good friends.

A. are B.be C. is

( ) 6. Su Hai gets some presents_______ her parents.

A. from B. to C. about

( ) 7. I’m happy _________ red packets.

A. get B. to get C. gets

( ) 8. We use water_______clothes.

A. to clean B. clean C. cleans

( ) 9. _________the second day of Chinese New Year, we’re going to Hong Kong.

A. In B. At C. On

( ) 10. He is writing an English email_______ his e-friend in the US.

A. from B. to C. for

( ) 11. Did you _______tangyuan yesterday?

A. do B. make C. cooked

( ) 12. Now I’m full, and I am not going to _______ anything this evening.

A. eat B. ate C. eating

( ) 13. Smoke from factories makes the air _________.

A. clean B. dirty C. messy

( ) 14. My classmates _______some trees in the park next weekend.

A. are going to plant B. will planted C. are going to planting

( ) 15. They are talking about their plans _______ Easter.

A. for B. about C. of


1.red, got, packets, they, dinner, after (.)

_________________________________________________________________ 2. it, going, is be, to, Chinese New Year, next , week (.)

_________________________________________________________________ 3. what, we, are,to,going,do,tomorrow (?)

_________________________________________________________________ 4. cook, the, looking, is, a, cookbook, at (.)

_________________________________________________________________ 5. family, are, my, to, going,some, buy, flowers(.)



1.I am _______(excite) about Christmas.

2.What can we do ________(keep) our school clean ? 3.I am going to _______(light) fireworks.

4. Bobby ______(get) red packets two days ago and he _______(be) very happy.

5. On the ________(two) day of the Christmas hokiday, we go __________ (ski). 6. What _______ your cousin __________ (do) next Tuesday?She _____________(draw).


1.A: What _______ you going to do ________ Chinese New Year’s Eve? B: I’m going to ________ dinner with my family. A: Are you going to _________ a lion ________? B: Yes, I am.

