医学英语Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseas1

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Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Disease

Text A Questions

1. What was I once like? Then What happened to me two decades ago? “I was at a crossroads.” what does it refer to?

2. What did I do to myself by self-experimenting? And how about the result?

3. Why did I begin e-stim? And how about the result?

4. What important epiphany did I have? 5. Is my self-experimentation successful?

Crisp: 脆,干脆,清爽,利落

Thrill of sparring: (拳击)试击的兴奋; Ring: 拳击台

Ducking: 躲避,闪开,突然低下头

Dodging: move to and fro at a irregular pace Tornado kick: 旋风腿

The surge of adrenaline: 肾上腺素上升 Tournament: 锦标赛

Internal medicine residency: 内科住院医生 Academic general internist: 学究型的一般内科医师

Chronic disease: 慢性病

Autoimmune disease: 自身免疫疾病 Stamina: 体力,耐力

Bouts of pain: 一次次疼痛

Dips in visual acuity: sudden drop in visual acuity

Multiple sclerosis: pathological hardening of tissue 多重硬化症 Foot drop: 足下垂

Begin the assault on… Interferon: 干扰素 Copolymer: 共聚物

Transient: 短暂的,临时的

Pharmacotherapy: 药物疗法 Tilt-recline: 斜靠轮椅 Bedridden: 卧床不起

Self-experimentation: Passionate belief

Go to our demise: 走向死亡 Option: right of choice

optimal treatment: 最佳治疗方案 desirable possible treatment

basic science literature: 基本科技文献 magic bullet: 魔弹

clinical trial: 临床试验

neurodegeneration: 神经退化 dementia: 痴呆

mitochondrial failure: 线粒体功能丧失immerse myself in this literature: cellular physiology: 细胞生理学 neurophysiology: 神经病理学

most dose: 剂量

omega-3 fatty acids: alpha lipoic acid: 硫辛酸 coenzyme Q: 辅酶 L-carnitine: 左旋肉碱 Reclassify: 重新分类 Cane: 拐杖, stick

Metamorphosis: a striking change, or rapid transformation in appearance or character; 变形,改变

Protocol: rules determining the format and transmission of data; plan

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation: Cerebral palsy: 脑瘫 Stroke: 中风

Session: discussion; talk

Endorphin: 内啡肽

Implement: 贯彻,执行

Epiphany: 对事物真谛的顿悟, twelve days after Christmas

Micronutrient: 微量营养元素 Sulfur amino acid: 硫氨基酸 Kelp(iodine)大型褐藻(碘)

Reseratrol(flavonoids) 白黎芦醇(类黄酮) Regimen: 养生法

Building blocks: 建筑石料 Optimal brain health: Fatty acid:

Registered dietician: 注册营养师,饮食学家

Grass-fed meat:

Neurological and psychological symptoms: 精神与心理症状

Food allergies and toxic load: A myriad of: countless

Abdominal complaints: 腹部的症状 Gluten:面筋,谷胶

