180224 英语学习高级阅读材料 2

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This one moment when you know you're not a sad story 这一瞬间,你知道自己不是悲剧的主角 You're alive 你充满生命力

And you stand up and see the lights on buildings 你站起来,欣赏着浮光掠影中的建筑

And everything that makes you wonder 看看眼前让你惊叹的一切

And you are listening to that song on that drive 听着音乐,兜着风

With the people you love most in this world 和最爱的人在一起

And in this moment, I swear 我敢说,在这一刻 We are infinite. 我们拥有无限。

来自电影〈壁花少年The Perks of Being A wallflower〉

以上的台词来自电影中Charlie, Sam 以及Patric三个人第一次开车兜风经过隧道时,Charlie的旁白。站起来,迎着风,被包围在真实世界的浮光掠影之中。张开双手,无可救药地渴望着自由和无限。仿佛刹那间,青春绽放出一朵美丽耀眼的壁花。

But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will compare.


I've been waiting for a lover like you my whole life, you haven't show up until now, and I'm scared shitless that I'm gonna do something to fuck it up.


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来自电影〈平常的心 The Normal Heart〉,这是一部讲述美国80年代的纽约同性恋人群以及艾滋病人的生活以及感悟。两位男主角都是帅的如梦如幻,无数个日夜都为着彼此疯狂,生怕搞砸。他们的爱情恰好验证了以上的那句英文台词,真真是想要拥有你,却怕拥有你

Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys, make your life extraordinary. 及时行乐,珍惜时间,孩子们,让你们的生命与众不同。

来自电影〈死亡诗社Dead Poets Society〉,Robin Williams饰演的文学教师是那个封闭时代的叛逆者,也是学生记忆中的灵魂拯救者。哪怕最后他无法被世俗接纳,哪怕被学校开除,他也成功地让自由之花在学生心中生根发芽

请不要再放气球了 它其实是个杀手

Mother Nature says stop releasing balloons

放飞气球在很多人看来都是一件很浪漫的事情,但是你知道放飞气球的危害吗?氦气球飞到空中会杀死鸟儿,落到地上会呛死牲畜,掉到海里会害死海龟,而且还会严重污染自然环境。所以,放飞气球仅仅是看上去很美,而已。 Release a helium balloon on a bright, sunny day, watch it magically float up into the sky, and I dare you not to feel some variety of exhilaration, a sense of wonder, a longing for freedom, suspense.... It's like a 21-gun salute, but quieter. It's like a Chinese Sky Lantern ceremony, but for the daytime.People release big bunches of balloons for memorial services, grand openings, birthday parties and parades. It's just a Thing We Do, and it's fun. But it's really, really terrible for the environment.


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When a balloon ascends into the heavens, it doesn't end up on Jupiter. You know this. Although a helium balloon can rise to altitudes of 8 kilometers into Earth's atmosphere, it's got to come back down eventually, and when it does, it wreaks some havoc. That colorful little scrap of latex may end up living in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It could get tangled up in the flippers of a sea turtle or be eaten by one who mistakes it for a jellyfish. Or a bighorn sheep could mistake it for forage, or it might land in some farmer's pasture, where a cow chokes on the string. According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, animals of the land, sea and air are equally susceptible to mistaking deflated balloons for food, or, arguably worse, getting tangled up and strangled by the ribbon attached to it.


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And it's true, some balloons do break down eventually. A big part of the reason releasing balloons is permitted in so many places is that latex balloons are technically biodegradable — it takes one between six months and four years to break down completely, though they deteriorate in seawater more slowly than they do on land. Mylar balloons, on the other hand, are made out of NASA-grade nylon and are not biodegradable, so they can hang out in the environment indefinitely.


So, if balloons in the environment are so bad, why isn't releasing them outlawed? Well, in many areas, it is. And a few places in the UK and Australia have banned the release of balloons of all kinds. In the US, California, Connecticut, Florida, Tennessee and Virginia and some cities like Louisville, Kentucky, and Huntsville, Alabama have put the kibosh on balloon releases. But the thing about helium balloons is they don't care about our random geographic boundaries. They land wherever they want to land.


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Hundreds of balloons drifting slowly into the wild blue yonder might give you the feels, but is a brief display of color and zero confetti cleanup at your party worth a bunch of dead birds and turtles and many beaches full of trash? Absolutely not. But, on a related note, the world may be running out of helium soon anyway — giving the turtles and the birds a reason to throw their own great big party, sans balloons.

看着数以百计的气球慢慢地飘向远处的蓝色天空可能会让你心潮澎湃,然而只是为了欣赏一次转瞬即逝的多彩美景,或者为了不必清理派对留下的五彩纸屑,你就要让一群鸟儿和乌龟用生命来买单,让一片片沙滩堆满垃圾。这值得吗?当然不值得。而且,再这样下去,这个世界可能很快就会耗尽氦气——这反倒让海龟和鸟儿有理由开个大派对来庆祝,没有气球的那种。 最后,不要错过一个重要的事实:

Helium balloons can interfere with airplanes. In Singapore, you have to get permission from a government aviation regulation agency in order to release balloons.


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你以为你放飞的是心情,但是放出的却是“杀生”利器。转瞬即逝的美却要付出永恒的代价。 ==


A person's purest charm comes from his manners. 一个人最根本的魅力,来自他的修养。

This kind of charm doesn't need any decoration. It comes out of your heart and reaches directly into others' hearts.

这种魅力不需要任何外在的修饰,它发源于内心,也直抵其他人的心。 Spending time with someone who has good manners makes one feel comfortable.


And isn't comfort what we want the most in our daily life? 而舒服难道不是我们在生活中最想得到的东西吗?

People like this know how to stand in others' shoes. They know when they should reach out a helping hand.

这样的人,知道怎样站在别人的角度想问题,知道什么时候应该伸出援手。 And what is the most basic manner that one can have? 而一个人最基本的修养是什么? It's knowing to respect people. 那就是懂得尊重。

No one can survive in this world all by himself. We all need help sometimes.

没有谁能独立地生活在这个世界上,我们总会在某些时候需要别人的帮忙。 And it takes respect to make others help you. 而让别人帮忙的前提,就是尊重。

Respect is the most baseline manner. 尊重,是最基本的修养。

And manner is the last kind of charm which a person can afford to lose.

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而修养,是最不可或缺的魅力 ==

Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting. It means the memories last, even if contact is lost. 友情是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。即使不联系,感情依然在。 双语:招聘季让你脱颖而出的11个面试技巧 面试是每一个职场人都需要经历的,面试中我们要回答面试者所提出的问题,能够很好的应对面试官的问题,不掉进面试官设下的陷阱,这就是面试最大的关键,虽说我们不能控制面试官是否能够录用,但是我们可以通过努力来提高面试的成功率

Okay, you’ve wowed your potential employer with your résumé and cover letter. Now, they actually want to talk to you — over the phone, via Skype, or in person.


You can rest assured, you’re definitely qualified for this job. Now, it’s up to you to seal the deal and ace the dreaded job interview. 到了这一步,你基本可以放心,你的素质是绝对可以胜任这份工作的。现在,能不能签下入职合同,就要看你在面试中的表现了。

Some people are naturals at selling themselves to hiring managers. Others aren’t. Either way, you’ve already put in a ton of effort, so you might as well take steps to rock your interview.


Here are 11 tricks that might be hard to master, but will take your interviewing experience to the next level:


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Establish the right mindset beforehand 事先树立正确的心态

Get yourself hyped for the interview. 首先要做是让自己“嗨”起来。

This can be pretty difficult for some people, especially if you’ve got a lot on the line. Try taking some deep breaths. A good trick for maintaining a sense of calm is visualizing your success and accepting that rejection’s a possibility, but not an inevitability. 这一点对有些人比较难,尤其是如果你在初试中一路过关斩将,到了这时就更容易患得患失。所以你要先深呼吸一下,让自己镇静下来。这里有一个小技巧:你不妨幻想一下自己的成功,并且接受你有在面试中被淘汰的可能,但这绝非是无可避免的。

If you’re nervous, as Steve Errey of “The Daily Muse” writes, it’s important not to assume your interviewer is there to be judgmental and mean. The hiring manager is not your opponent — odds are, they’re hoping to feel wowed.


“You were asked to come in because someone at the company wants to get to know you,” says Errey. “The hiring manager wants to hear more about the experiences he read about on paper, and I promise you no one is looking to see how much shaking you can do in those boots of yours.”

艾瑞表示:“他们之所以叫你来,就是因为公司里有人想进一步了解你。招聘经理已经通过简历了解了你的一些情况,现在他们想更进一步听听你的经历。我敢保证,没有人想看你遍体筛糠地坐在那里。” Prepare some good questions 准备一些好问题 Job interviews are scary. By the end of the ordeal, you’re probably

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thinking that the last thing you want to do is drag on the experience with more questions.

很多人对面试有恐惧心理。好容易熬到最好时,估计很多人都不愿意问问题了,只想赶快结束了事。 However, asking good questions that demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the job is exactly what you have to do in order to demonstrate your interest and engagement.

不过,要想展示你对这份工作的兴趣和热情,你就必须提出一些很好的问题,来证明你的知识和对这份工作的兴趣。 Because it’s often impossible for some people to think up informed questions on the spot, write some down beforehand. Rehearse them a bit, if that makes you feel more comfortable.


Break the ice with some good conversation starters 学会用寒暄“破冰”

First impressions are important, so you really want to get off on the right foot at your interview.

第一印象是很重要的,所以你肯定想给面试官留下良好的第一印象。 Still, job interviews are often present a somewhat intimidating conversational environment, so finding the right conversation starter can be pretty tricky. It can be hard to make a perfect first impression when you’re super nervous to begin with.


Rachel Gillett previously reported for Business Insider that the key is making the job interviewer feel like they have your undivided attention; good conversation starters include asking about the person’s weekend or referencing a post you liked from their organization’

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s blog or social media platforms.

瑞秋.吉列特曾在《商业内幕》上撰文称,重要的是让面试官觉得你的注意力已经完全集中在了他们身上。比如你可以问问面试官周末过得怎么样,或者谈谈他们公司的博客或社交公众号上的某篇你喜欢的文章。 Maintain good body language 保持良好的身体语言

Projecting confidence doesn’t come easy to everyone. Still, it’s a crucial part of selling yourself in an interview.


Slouching, fidgeting, and averting your eyes are all behaviors that might make you appear awkward — or, worse, deceptive.


It’s definitely hard to control, but if you’re prone to these habits, make a special effort to reign them in during your interview. 有些下意识的动作是很难控制的,不过如果你有这些习惯,就要专门训练一下,至少在面试中要控制住。

Do your homework when it comes to money 在薪水问题上提前做好功课

Money — it’s an awkward subject to begin with, which makes it especially easy to bungle in a job interview.


Doing your homework is key to avoiding salary-related awkwardness in your conversation with the hiring manager. Know your worth. Know the market. When wages come up, try to frame it so the interviewer throws out the first number — and remember to remain flexible and honest throughout the discussion.


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要对薪酬范围心里有数,让面试官先提出第一个数字。同时也要记住,在谈薪水时一定要坚持灵活和坦诚两个原则。 Take it slow 慢慢来

Take your time and do it right when it comes to job interviews. 把握面试节奏也是很重要的,心急吃不了热豆腐。

Shana Lebowitz reported for Business Insider that this strategy especially benefits shy people, allowing them to show the interviewer that they’re confident enough to handle the pauses and engaged enough to carefully consider each answer. If you rush through your conversation, you risk sounding incoherent and nervous.


Stick to your thesis 不要跑题

If you’re anxious or speaking with an inexperienced interviewer, it can be easy to swerve off-track in your interview. You might end up babbling about your career highlights reel, when you really should be demonstrating the value you can bring to the organization. 如果你在面试中感到焦虑,或者你的面试官经验不足,那么你容易就会被面试官带到沟里。你可能会喋喋不休地吹嘘自己职业生涯的几个高光时刻,却忘了最重要的是展示你能给这家公司带来什么价值。

Make sure to always keep the focus on what you can do for the organization. Treat your interview a bit like an essay. Everything you discuss should pertain to one thesis — why you’re a great fit for the job.


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Pretend as if you’re about to start work tomorrow 做出“明天就上班”的样子

Want to nail the job interview? Pretend that you already have the job. Matt Kaness, the CEO of online vintage-style clothing retailer ModCloth, previously told Business Insider about one job candidate who wowed him in an interview.


The applicant arrived with a brief that sketched out detailed suggestions on improving ModCloth’s app. Kaness was impressed with the dedication, enthusiasm, and level of research that went into the mock-up.


It’s a bit of extra effort, but it can really put you far ahead of the competition.


“This person saw ModCloth as a platform for them to do their best work and bring their craft to the table in a way that was additive,” Kaness said. “I loved seeing that initiative.”

凯尼斯表示:“这个人将ModCloth看作他的一个平台,他能在这个平台上发挥聪明才智,带来价值。我很喜欢看到这种闯劲。” Really know what you want 真正知道自己想要什么 It can be difficult to adopt this sort of thinking, especially when you’re at the beginning of your career or simply desperate for any job. But it’s an important trick to add to your arsenal. You can rock

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an interview, but if the gig’s not right for you, you’ll be back in the job search process soon enough.


So, during your next job interview, come with questions, try to ascertain whether or not the company is a good fit for you, and really listen to your gut.

所以在下次面试时,一定要带着问题去,要确定这份工作到底适不适合你,并且听从内心的选择。 Ask about next steps 问问下一步要做什么

Especially for individuals who are particularly nervous or new to the hiring process, it can feel a bit daunting to ask about next steps. 对于特别容易紧张或面试经验很少的人,他们可能很害怕追问面试官自己下一步该做什么。 Still, asking about the follow up process demonstrate to the hiring manager that you’re pragmatic and serious about the job.


Plus, Natalie Walters previously reported for Business Insider, if your interviewer is enthusiastic with their response, that’s a sign that your interview went very well.

纳塔莉.沃特斯曾在《商业内幕》上撰文称,如果面试官热情地回答了你的问题,这就是面试进行得非常好的迹象。 Send the perfect thank you email 面试后发一封完美的感谢邮件

Let’s say you rocked your interview. It’s easy to become so relieved that you forget one crucial step.

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如果你在面试中表现得相当不错,你可能因为放松而忘掉了重要的一步 You don’t want to have the job interview-equivalent of a Simone Biles-esque vault, only to fall flat on your face during the landing. 面试就像体操比赛,整套动作耍得再溜,落地时摔了个狗啃泥,也会前功尽弃。 This happens when you really click with the hiring manager and then forget to send a thank-you note. Something as simple as a thank you email shows that you care about the job — in some cases, this could make or break your prospects.

如果你在面试中与面试官谈笑风生,后来却忘了给他发一封感谢信,说不定前面的努力就都白费了。感谢信虽然是件小事,却显得你对这份工作相当重视。有些时候,这一小小的细节就决定了你的命运。 Send a thank you note that looks something like this within 24 hours of your job interview. ==



Yep, your review with your boss is officially on the calendar and you’re angling hard to get a raise. But if you don’t prep (and rehearse) for the convo, it’s a lot harder to be sure things will go your way, salary-wise. Here, how to nail the conversation so you get the bump you deserve.



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It’s all about your frame of mind. In the meeting, stick to a script that explains why you’ve earned a salary increase (this is the time to shout out all your contributions) instead of why it’s necessary to your day to day (gah, your rent just increased and you’re nervous about paying the bills).


Your boss isn’t responsible for your budget, but she is responsible for recognizing — and rewarding you monetarily — for growth. 你的老板不需要为你的预算负责,但是她负责去意识到你的进步,并通过金钱奖励你。


It’s only natural to feel nervous going into a review, so prep by jotting down three significant milestones you’ve reached in the past year. (For example, you brought in new business that boosted the company’s bottom line — or totally nailed training that new hire.) Sure, you can bring a piece of paper in to reference, but you’ll feel a lot more confident if you rehearse these achievements and memorize the specifics for a more natural conversation flow.



Your work matters, no doubt. But when it comes to salary negotiations, it’s all about expressing how your work connects to what’s ahead.

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Again, do your homework and take a step back: What’s the most important initiative for your department that year? Maybe it’s increasing revenue or building out your team. Speak to your impact on the bigger picture and detail how you rose above and beyond.



Sure, it’s a scary thing to quantify, but having a salary request in mind is helpful for getting your boss on the same page as you. A couple of things to keep in mind: You don’t want to pitch an increase that’s so off base that it alienates anyone. (FYI, most raises are between one and five percent.) You also need to be prepared for a counter offer or a flat-out no. (If a raise isn’t in the cards, ask to nail down a timeline for when it’s possible to revisit.)

没错,以数字说明事实很吓人,但是如果心中已有加薪幅度的要求,这对于与老板达成共识是很有帮助的。要记住几件事情:你不希望薪水的幅度是大大超出合理范围,与别人造成巨大距离的。(顺便一提,大多数的加薪都在1%到5%之间。)你还需要准备好还价的数额或坦白的拒绝。(如果加薪是不大可能的,那么请求老板给予一个时间限期,方便下次再次到访申请。) REITERATE HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THE JOB AND WHAT’S AHEAD FOR YOUR ROLE 重申你对工作的热爱以及你的职位的前景

No matter how the conversation goes, it’s important to showcase your investment in the company and remind your boss of the value you bring to the team. Now go forth and ask for what you deserve!


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Most managers are always looking for good ideas. They also often have experience, know more, and are in a good position to evaluate the merits of an idea. When they reject your idea, chances are, your idea may not have been as good as you thought, or maybe you didn’t do a good job pitching it.


Another reality is that most ideas are never implemented. 还有一个真实情况是,大多数的点子都不会被真正实施起来。

What can you do to ensure your ideas are heard? Managers are as different as people are different, so there’s no one way that will work for all. Knowing your manager’s style will help, so you can adapt your approach. For example, using a social styles model, a “Driver” will want you to get to the point and present the facts. With an “Amiable”, you’ll have a better chance if you’ve built a good relationship first. Analytics need to see the data, and expressives can be swayed with pizazz.


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For most managers, consider the following tips: 对于大多数管理者来说,您不妨考虑以下的小提示: 1. Develop an inspiring vision of your idea. 1. 构建鼓舞人心的愿景。

Describe it in a way that brings out your enthusiasm, your passion, and commitment.

以一种能够表现个人热情、激情和忠诚的方法来展示你的观点。 Most people have a hard time not listening to someone that’s genuinely fired up about something.

大多数人没有听取别人可能真正点燃某件事情的观点,因此吃了不少苦头。 And if you’re not excited about it, how can you expect someone else to be interested?

那么如果你并不为之激动,你怎么能期待他人感兴趣呢? 2. Do your homework. 2. 做好功课。

Take the time to think it over, list the pros and cons, and come up with a plan. Check to see if it’s been thought out or tried before, and what were the results. In other words, don’t waste your manager’s time thinking out loud – do your thinking on your own time, then present a well-developed idea.


3. Test your idea with a few trusted co-workers. 3. 与几位信任的同事测试点子的可行度。

See if it makes sense to them, ask them to be critical, and provide feedback. Listen, check for their understanding to see how well you’re explaining it. While you shouldn’t let resistance squash your enthusiasm, be prepared to accept that if five people tell you it’

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s ugly, it just might be ugly.

检验这个点子是否被同事们赞同,请他们以批判的观点去评价,然后给予反馈。懂得倾听,了解他们的理解程度如何,从而得知自己的表达程度如何。虽然你不该让负面的评论摧毁你的热情,但是也要做好心理准备,如果有5个人都给你差评,那么这个点子就真的可能很糟糕。 4. Benefits. 4. 收益好处。

Here are some ideas are more likely to get your manager’s attention: 以下这些点子可能会更吸引管理者的注意: - A way to reduce expenses ——减少费用的方法

- A way to increase revenue ——提高收益的方法

- A way to get more done with less people (improve efficiency) ——更少人完成更多事情的方法(提高效率的方法)

- A solution to a problem your manager has been trying to solve ——一个解决管理者目前尝试解决的问题的方法

- An idea that will help your department achieve one or more of its goals


- An idea that will help one of your co-workers be more successful (rarely do we come up with these kind of ideas, that is, being an advocate for your peers, and not just yourself or your manager) ——助力某位同事的点子(我们很少能够想到这样的点子,因为这意味着充当同事的拥护者,而不仅仅是你自己或管理者的拥护者) 5. Avoid these kinds of ideas: 5. 避免以下这些点子:

Here are a few ideas that are more likely to lose your manager’s interest in the first three minutes:


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- Something obviously self-promoting, or blatant empire building ——明显的自我推广或公然建立个人王国的言论

- A way to make your job easier, but at other people’s expense ——对自己工作有利、却造成他人损失的想法

- Something that has a great potential to embarrass your manager (and you)


- Something that’s going to cost a lot of money in a tight economy ——在拮据的经济状况中还会造成大量经济损失的举措 - An idea built on the assumption that 2+2=5 ——以2+2=5臆想为基础的想法 - Fluff


6. Respond appropriately. 6. 得体地给予答复。

When you present your idea, answer your manager’s questions patiently and with respect.

在你展示点子的时候,要有耐心以及保持尊重的态度回答管理者的问题。 If you don’t know the answer, admit it, and commit to getting the answer.

如果你不知道如何回答,那么要保证去找到答案。 7. Be flexible. 7. 保持灵活性。

If your manager starts making suggestions, then you’re there! That means he/she is starting to buy in, and taking some shared ownership. Don’t be rigid about the details – give a little, if anything just to get buy-in, and who knows, your manager’s suggestions just might improve your chances for success.


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We cannot buy these traits from any store or market. Instead it is nature’s gift. We can earn these from prayers and from changing our selves because these are the traits that everyone possess, just need to use them.

这些品质我们买不来换不到。这些是与生俱来的。我们可以从祈祷以及改变自我中习得,原本就属于我们,只是我们不曾使用而已的属性。不要把自己和他人做比较,每个人都有自己的价值。发掘属于自己的人生真谛,不要带有(功利)目的生活,找到自己的(热爱)并将它惠及他人。 Thank you. 感谢

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