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1. abandon: vt.

abandoned house (废弃的房屋) abandon his wife and children (抛妻弃子) abandoned his journey (放弃了旅行) 2. ability: n.

have the ability to do sth.. 有能力做某事 to the best of one's ability (尽其所能) 3. about: prep,

be about to do. ….when… (当…的时候,某人正要做某事) How I What about (doing) sth. ?(做某事如何?) set about doing sth. (开始着手做…) 4. above: prep

above all (首先,首要的是) 5. abroad: adv.

study abroad I travel abroad (出国留学/出国旅游 ) home and abroad (国内外) 6 absent: adj. absence: n.

be absent from (缺席)

an absent-minded professor (心不在焉的教授) in the absence of sb./ sth. (在没有…的情况下)

7. absorb vt.

absorb heat I energy/ (吸收热量/能量) absorb .knowledge (接受知识)

be absorbed in (全神贯注于…) 8. access n. accessible adj.

sb. has access to sth. (有权接近或享用。。。。。。) sth is accessible to sb. (某人有权接近,使用某物) 9 accomplish vt. accomplished adj. (有成就的) accomplishment n.

accomplish one's goal 10. account vi. & n.

account for (说明…的原因)

take ... into account / consideration / take account of (把…纳入考虑的范畴) on account of (由于) 11 accuse vt.

accuse sb. of sth. (指责某人某事) blame sb, for sth. I charge sb. with sth. 12. accustomed adj.

be /get I become I grow accustomed to doing sth. / sth.(习惯于…) 13. achieve vt. achievement n.

achieve some victories (取得胜利) achieve one's ambition (实现志向) achieve one's goal实现目标) achieve success (取得成功)


achieve nothing (一事无成)

14. act vi, vt,&n. action n. actor/ actress n. act as (担任,充当) pass an act (通过一项法案) take action to do sth (釆取行动) 15. adapt v.

adapt…to. ../ be adapted to sth / doing sth (适应) 16. add v. addition n.

additional adj.

add to (增加)

add… to … (将。。。添加。。。) add up to (总共,合计达) 加起来) add up (把…加起来) additional help (额外的帮助) 17. address n. & vt.

permanent address I home address (永久地址/家庭地址) address the whole nation (给全国人民讲话) 18. adequate adj.

an adequate supply of food (充足的食物供应) 19. admit vt. admission n

admit sth. / doing sth (承认做过某事) be admitted to sth (被…允许进入) 20. adopt vt

adopt a homeless child (收养一个无家可归的孩子) adopt his plan / this policy (采纳计划/政策):

21. advance v.& n advancement n. advanced adj in advance (事先,提前)

advanced technology (先进的技术) 22. advantage n.

take advantage of... / make use of (利用)

have (give sb.) an advantage over... (使某人在某方面比…较有优势) to one's advantage (对某人有利) 23. advice n. advise v.

a piece of advice (一条建议)

follow I take one's advice (采纳某人的建议) give sb. some advice on sth advise doing

advise sb. to do sth, 24. affair n.

current affairs I personal affairs / foreign affairs I international affairs (时事/私事/外交事务/国际事务) 25. afraid adj.

be afraid of sth /doing sth.(担心、害怕会发生某事) be afraid to do (害怕I不敢去做某事) 26. after prep


after all (毕竞)

ask after = inquire after (询问) look after (照顾) one after another (一个接一个) run after (追逐) 27. against prep,

be against one's will (反对计划)

be against the plan (违抗某人的意愿) lean against the wall (靠着墙) 28. age n. aged adj.

for ages I take ages (很多年) at the age of... (在几岁的时候) not look her age (看上去不像这个年龄的人) the age of Shakespeare (莎士比亚的时代) a middle-aged couple (一对中年夫妇) a boy aged five (一个五岁的男孩) 29. agent n. agency n.

an employment / travel agency (职业介绍所/旅行社)

agencies in all parts of the country (全国各地的代理店) an agent for Volkswagen (大众的代理商)

30. agree v. agreeable adj. agreement n.

agree with me / my opinions / my ideas / my words / what I say (同意某人的观点)agree to the plan I the proposal I the arrangement (同意计划/提案/安排) agree on the programme / the policy / date (就项目/政策/日期达成一致) an agreeable companion (―个好伙伴) 31. aid n. &v.

first aid (急救) in aid of (为了帮助。。。) go / come to one's aid (前去帮助某人) teaching aids I hearing aids (教具/助听器) 32. aim vi.& n.

aim at sth. / doing sth. (以。:。为目标) aim to do (以。。。为目标) achieve / miss one's aim (实现目标) 33. air n.

be I go on the air (播送) by air (乘飞机) in the open air (在户外) 34. alarm n.

a false alarm (一场虚惊) 35. alert adj. &vt.

alert sb. to sth. 使某人警惕/警觉到。。。 36. alone adj. & adv.

let alone (更不用说)

leave sb. alone (别打扰某人,让某人一个人呆着) sb./sth. alone (仅仅某人或某物)


37. alternative adj. & n.

have no alternative but to do. (除了…没有其他选择) There is no alternative but to do .. 38. ambition n. ambitious adj.

achieve my ambition. (实现某人的志向) 39. analyze vt. analysis n. analyses pl.

analyze the various factors (分析各种因素)

analyze the situation very closely (认真分析这个情况) 40. anger n. angry adj. angrily adv.

be angry with sb. for sth. (因某事生某人的气) be angry at sth. (为某事感到生气) 41. announce vt. announcer n. announcement n.

announce the result (宣布结果) make an announcement (发出通知) a television announcer (电视主持人) 42. annual adj. & n

annual conference (年会) annual farm output (农场量)

annual death / birth rate (手死亡率/出生率) 43. answer v. & n.

answer for sth. (对…负责) 44. anxious adj.

be anxious for sth (渴望)

be anxious about.,. (为…感到焦虑) 45. anything pron.

anything but = definitely not (决不) nothing but = only (只是) 46. appeal vi. appealing adj.

appeal to sb. for sth. / to do sth. (呼吁某人做某事) appeal to sb. (吸引某人) 47. appetite n.

have no , a good, a poor appetite for dinner (没有胃口吃饭) 48. applause n. applaud vt. & vi

burst into applause (爆发出掌声) 49. appliance n.

modern appliances (现代化的器具) electrical appliances (电器;电气用品) medical appliances (医疗器械)

50. applicant n. application n. apply vt. & vi.

apply for a passport / a post / the position (申请护照/职位)apply to the banker for a loan (想银行申请贷款) apply knowledge to practice (将知识应用于实践) 51 appoint vt. appointment n.

appoint sb. (to be )… (任命某人。。。) make / have an appointment with sb. (与某人预约) 52. appreciate vt. appreciation n.

appreciate one's doing sth. (感谢某人某事)


appreciate sth.( music, his generosity, your kindness, what you've done for me) (欣赏音乐/慷慨/好意/你为我所做的)

I would appreciate it if.... (如果你能。。。我将不胜感激) 53. approve vt 8c vi. approval n.

approve of your plan. (赞成)

approve the building of the bridge. (批准) 54. area n.

cover an area of 200 square kilometres. (占地200平方公里) in the area of language teaching (在语言教学领域) disaster areas (灾区) 55. argue v. argument n.

argue with sb. about / on sth.

argue against/for sth.(为反对/赞成而辩论) a heated / hot / violent argument. (一场激烈的争论) 56. arm n arms n.

arm in arm (手挽手地)

lay down arms (放下武器投降) underarms (持有武器,武装起来的) 57. around prep. & adv.

around nine o'clock (大约九点钟) looked around the station (环顾火车站四周) around the clock (昼夜不停地) around the corner (即将要到来) show sb. around sp. (带……参观 ...... ) 58. arouse vt.

arouse my curiosity (引起某人的好奇心) 59. arrange v. arrangement n.

arrange for sb. to do sth. (安排某人做某事) make arrangements (作安排) 60. artificial adj.

an artificial lake / flowers I teeth (人工湖/人造花/假牙) artificial smile (虚假的微笑) 61. ashamed adj.

be ashamed of (为......感到羞愧) 62. aside adv.

set aside (留出,存蓄) 63. ask v.

ask after (问候)

ask sb. for sth. (向某人要求某物) 64. assign vt. assignment n.

assign sb. to do sth. 指派某人做某事 65. associate vt. association n.

associate sb. with sth. (将。。。与。。。联系在一起) 66. assure vt.

assure sb. of sth. / assure sb. that (向某人保证某事/使某人相信某事)


67. attempt vt. & n.

attempt to do sth. (尝试做某事) =make an attempt to do sth. 68. attention n.

pay attention to (注意)

attract / draw /catch / call one's attention to sth. (吸引某人的注意) 69. attitude n. take/develop a positive attitude to I towards sb./sth. (对。。。釆取一种积极地态度) 70.

attract vt. attraction n. attractive adj.

tourist attractions (旅游胜地) 71. authority n.

the central and local authorities (中央和地方当局〉 72. available adj.

sth. is available to sb, (某人可以获得某物) 73.

average adj

on (the / an) average (平均而言) an average student (普通学生) 74. awake adj.

stay wide awake (非常清醒) 75. aware adj.

be (fully) aware of sth. (充分意识到) 76.

away adv.

do away with (废除,消除) straight away = right away (立刻) pass away (去世)




1. back n. & adv.

back and forth (来回地) at the back of (在…背面) a back number (过期杂志) 2. background n.

a family / historical / cultural background (家庭/历史/文化背景) 3. bad adj.

go bad (食物等变质)

be bad for (有害于,不利于) a bad cold (重感冒)

go from bad to worse (越来越糟) 4. balance n.

keep the balance of nature (保持S然平衡) keep / lose one's balance (失去平衡)

5. ban vt.

ban sb. from (doing) sth. (禁止某人做某事) a ban on smoking (一道禁烟令) 6. bargain n.

make a bargain with sb=baigain with sb. (与某人讨价还价) 7 barrier n.

a barrier to (对。。。的障碍)

8. base n.& v. basis n. bases (pl) basic adj

military base / a training base / a supply base (军事基地/培训基地/供应基地) the basis of philosophy (哲学的基础) be based on (以......为依据) 9. bear vt.

bear sth. in mind (将。。。牢记在心) bear in mind that... (牢记。。。) bear doing sth. (忍受) 10. beat vt. vi & n.

beat against the window (敲打窗户) follow the beat (跟着节奏) 11. begin v. beginning n.

begin with (以。。。幵始)

at I in the beginning =at first opposite: in the end at the beginning of opposite: at the end of make a good beginning (形成一个良好的开端) from beginning to end (从头到尾) 12. behave vi, behaviour n.

Behave yourself! (注意你的行为举止) 13. behind prep,& adv.


fall behind (落在后面)

behind the times (落伍,赶不上时代) leave sth behind (将。。。留下) 14. being n.

human being (人类)

come into being (开始形成) for the time being (暂时) 15. belief n. believe v.

believe in (信任,信赖,信仰) believe it or not (信不信由你) 16. belt n.

fasten seat belt (系好安全带) 17. best adj. & adv.

do / try one's best (尽最人努力)

make the best of (充分利用;妥善处理) 18. beyond adv. & prep

beyond the words (无法用语言形容) beyond one's power (超出某人的能力) beyond description (无法用语形容) 19. blame vt.

blame sb. for sth. / blame sth. on sb. (贵怪某人某事)be to blame for (为。。。负责)

20. bleed vi. blood n. bleed - bled ― bled blood test (验血) blood donation (献血) 21. blind adj. & vi. blindness n.

be blind in (。。。失明了) be blind to (看不见)

turn a blind eye to (假装没看见) 22. block n.&vt.

a block of wood/ice (一大块木头/冰块) three blocks along the street (沿街三个街区) be blocked by snow (被雪堵住了 ) 23. blow v. & n.

blow away (吹走,刮走) blow out (吹灭) blow up (爆炸) 24. board n.

notice board (布告栏) on board (在船上)

boarding school (寄宿学校) 25. boast vi. & n.

boast of / about (吹嘘) 26. boring adj. bored adj.

get/be bored with sth. (对。。。感到厌烦) 27. break vt, vi, & n.


break out (爆发) break the law (违法) 28. brief adj.

in brief (简而言之) 29. bring vt.

bring about (引起,实现,造成) bring out (显示出来,讲解清楚) bring up (抚养) bring in (有收入) 30. broad adj. broaden v.

broaden one's vision and knowledge/one's horizon 31. browse vi.

browse through the magazine (翻阅杂志) 32. build v. building n.

build up one's confidence (树立自信心)

build up one's reputation (树立某人的名声) 33. bump vi.

bump into (撞上) 34. burden n.

financial burden (经济负担) be burdened with (负担着…) 35. burst vi.

burst into laughter I tears (突然大哭/大笑)=burst out laughing I crying 36. business n.

business hours (营业时间) get down to business (言归正传) 37. busy adj.

be busy doing sth. (忙于做某事) =be busy with sth.


( 高考词汇句型整理


1, call vt. & vi & n.

call on sb. (拜访某人) call at sp. (拜访某地)

call off the meeting (取消会议) 2. campus n.

on campus (在大学校园里) 3. capable adj.

be capable of doing sth. (有能力做某事)

4. care n. careful I careless adj. carefulness / carelessness care for (关心,关注) =care about 5. career n.

choose I follow I take up a career (从事。。。的职业) 6. carry v

carry on the discussion (继续讨论) carry out the plan (实施,执行计划) 7. case n,

in case +句子 in case of +名词(短语),代词等 in the case of (在。。。的情况下) in any case (无论如何) in that case (那样的话)

in most cases (在大多数情况下) in no case (决不) 8. catch v.

catch up with (赶上。。。的步伐) catch sight of (看到。。。)

catch one's attention / eye (吸引某人的注意力) be caught in the rain (被雨淋到) catch fire (着火) 9. cause n. & v.

the cause of the earthquake (地震的原因)

cause sb. to do sth. (导致某人做某事) cause sth.

=lead to sth. I result in sth. 10. chance n.

Chances are that... (有可能。。。)

take the chance to do sth. (借此机会做某事) by chance = by accident = accidentally (意外地 ) take a chance = take a risk (冒险) 11. change n. & v

change one's mind (改变主意) change ... into... (把。。e 变成) change... for.., 把…换成…)



12. ckarge n& v.

in charge of / in the charge of/ take charge of (掌管) free of charge (免费) charge sb, for sth. (幵价)


1. cheat v

be caught cheating in the exam 被抓到在考试中作弊

2. check v. & n.

check in at the airport 到机场办理登机手续 check out of the hotel 结账离开宾馆 check your homework 检査家庭作业 cash the check / cheque 兑现这张支票 3. cheer v. & n.

cheer sb. up 使某人高兴/振作起来 4. choice n. choose v.

choose to do sth. 选择/更愿意做某事

have no choice but to do sth. 除了做。。。没有别的选择

offer a wide choice of fruits and vegetables 提供许多可供选择的水果和蔬菜make a choice 做出选择 5. claim vt & vi

claim to be/do/that 声称做了某事 claim the watch 认领这块表 claim damages 索赔 6. clear adj. & v.

make sth. clear 表明某亊

clear up the room 收拾整理房间 7. close adj. & adv. closely adv.

close friends 密友

be /get close to 靠近,接近…

make a close study ot sth. 仔细研究某事 8. clue n.

find a clue to the murder 发现一条这起谋杀案的线索 9. coincidence n.

What a coincidence ! 多巧啊! By coincidence 碰巧,巧合 10. collect v. collection n. collect money / raise money 筹钱 collect stamps 集邮

collect the children from school 把孩子从学校接回去 11. combine v. combination n. combined adj. combine education with recreation 愚教于乐 12. come v.

come to (oneself) 恢复知觉,苏醒 come to $1 million 总数达一百万美元

come to realize / know / understand 逐渐明白


come across new words 遇到新单词 come along 快点,赶快;跟着来 come true 成为现实 13. command v. & n.

command others' respect 博得别人的尊重 command an army 指挥军队

have a good command of English 精通英语 14. comment v. & n.

comment on / make comments on 对。。。做出评论 No comment! 无可奉告 15. common adj.

have a lot in common 有许多共同之处

a common mistake / common sense / common disease 常见的错误/常识/常见的疾病16. communicate v. communication n.

communicate with others 与别人交流

communicate your ideas to others 给别人传达你的思想 17. compare v. comparison n.

compare A with B 比较A与B compare A to B 把A比作B

18. compete v. competition n. competitive adj. competitor n. compete with/ against sb. for sth, 为得到。。-,与某人竞争 19. complain v. complaint n.

complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事. complain of his headaches 诉说着他的头疼 make complaints 发出抱怨声 20. compose v, composition n. composer n.

be composed of =be made up of = consist of 由。。。组成 21. concentrate v. concentration n.

concentrate (oneself) on 把思想(精神)集中在…上 22. concern v. & n.

be concerned about 关心

be concerned with 与。。。有关 a great deal of concern 十分关心

as far as sb. / sth. is concerned 就某人(某事)而言 23. conclude v. conclusion n.

draw / form /come to / arrive at / reach a conclusion 得出结论 24. condition n.

in good condition 状况(性能)良好 working conditions 工作条件 on condition that 如果

25. confidence n. confident adj. have confidence in 对…有信心

be confident of 对。。。充满信心 26. congratulate v.

congratulate sb. on sth. 因某事祝贺某人

congratulations to sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事


27. conscience n.

have a clear / guilty conscience 问心无愧(有愧)

28. consider v, considerate adj. consideration n.

consider…(as./to be) ...把…视作为… (相当于think of....as/ look on…as / regard…as) consider doing 考虑做某事 consider + 从句 认为 ..

take... into consideration/account 把。。。纳入考虑的范畴 29. consult vt.

consult a map/one's lawyer/a dictionary 查地图/向律师咨询/查字典 30. contact vt. &n.

contact sb. 与某人眹络

make contact with sb. 与某人联络 31. contrary n.

contrary to 与…相反(一般后面跟名词或短^或介词或宾语从句) on the contrary 正相反 32. contrast n.

in/by contrast 对比起来(与之相比) 33. contribute v. contribution n.

contribute (sth.) to... 促进,导致;把。。。贡献给。。。 make contributions to 对。。。做出贡献 34. control n. & v.

under control 受控/ under the control of 受…的控制 in control of 控制 / in the control of 在。。。的控制下 out of control 失控

35. convenient adj. convenience n.

If it is convenient to/for you, please help me to confirm my ticket. 注意:convenient不用人作主语。 49. convey: vt.

(1) convey his luggage by helicopter (运送,传送) (2) convey his anger to his employees (表达,传达)

50. convince: vt. (使确信;说服) convincing adj. (令人信服的;肯定的)

(1) convince them of our innocence 使他们相信我们的无辜。 (2) convince the judge that, he is innocent 使法官相信他是清白的。 (3) I am convinced that he is guilty 我相信他是有罪的。 51. cook: n./vt. cooker n.炊具 cookery n.烹调法

(1) cook rice (烹调vt)

(2) a good cook (厨师n.)

52. cooperate: vi. (合作,协作;配合) cooperation n. cooperate with sb. 与某人合作 53. cope: vi

cope with sth. (成功地应付,对付) 54. copy: vt/n.

(1) copy this letter (抄写)

(2) make a copy of the document (拷贝;抄件,副本)


55. corner: n.M,

(1) at the corner of the street 在街角

(2) corner the thieves and capture them 将窃贼逼入角落并擒住他们(将…逼入困境) 56. correct v./adj.

(1) correct spelling mistakes 纠正拼写错误 (2) a correct answer 正确的答案 57. cost vt./vi./n. cost-cost-cost v.

(1) The computer costs 10,000. (价钱为)v.

(2) It cost me a lot to send the children on holiday. (花费)v. (3) The mistake cost him his job. (使付出代价)v. (4) cost the earth/cost an arm and a leg (昂贵) v.

(5) The cost of living is going up. (生活费用在提咼) n. (6) high production cost (生产成本)n.

(7) He-saved his daughter at the cost of his life. (他以牺牲自己的生命挽救了女儿)n.

(8) at all costs (不惜任何代价) 58. could v. aux.

(1) 1 could run fast when I was a schoolgirl. (能够)

(2) In my view, this accident couid have been prevented. (原本可以) (3) couldn't have done . (不可能) (4)Could you help me?


59. country n. (国家,乡下)

the country (乡下)

Which do you prefer, to live in a city or in the country? 60. couple n.

(1)a couple of socks 一双袜子((--)对;(.一)双) (2)a couple of days 几天(几个;三两个)

(3)The couple were married last week. 这一对夫妇是上星期结的婚。(夫妻) 61. course n,

(1) in the course of (在。。。过程中) (2) take a four-year history course (课程)

(3) of course 当然 62.

cover vt. & n.

(1) Don't judge a book by its cover. (封面;盖子;罩子)

(2) cover sth with sth./ be covered with sth. I sth cover sth (覆盖)

(3) The review covered everything we learned last term. (包括;包含;论及) (4) The best reporters were sent to cover the war. (报导;对…进行新闻采访) (1) The cars crashed into each other. (猛撞) (2)a serious car/train/plane/crash (坠毁)

64. crazy adj.

be crazy about / be keen on / be interested in 对。。。狂热 65. create vt. creation n. creative adj.有创造力的 creativity n.创造力

(1) God created the world. 创造


63. crash vi./n.

(2) create new jobs 产生

(3) create a stir 引起了 一阵骚动

(4) create a poem; create a role 创作一首诗;塑造一个角色 crime n. criminal n.罪犯commit a crime 犯罪 crisis n. crises pl.

(1)a (an) financial / ecological /political /economic crisis 金融/生态/政治/经济危机 (2)at a crisis 在紧急关头

(3)come to a crisis 陷入危机;face a crisis面临危机;pass a crisis渡过危机 criticize v. criticism n. critic n. criticize sb. for doing sth. 责备某人做某事 cross n./vt. / adj.

(1) the Red Cross红十字会 crosstalk相声 (2) cross the room / walk across the room

(3) be /get cross with... (对…)生气,发脾气 crossroads n.

(1) It was a crossroads in my life.

(2) at the crossroads 在十字路口;面临抉择的关头 crowd n. & V. crowded adj. (1) a crowd of—群,一堆-

(2) follow/ go with the crowd 随大流,从众

(3) in crowds 成群,大群地 (4) be crowded with 满是。。。

(5) Swimmers crowded the beaches. 挤满 Books crowded the shelves. 堆满

(6) They crowded into my room. 挤进了 The children crowded around the TV. 聚集 72. cruel adj. cruelty n. be cruel to sb

73. cultivate vt. cultivation n, clutivated adj.

(1) cultivate the iand耕作

(2) cultivate a new generation 培育新一代 cultivate the habit of analysis 养成分析的习惯 cultivate a love of art 培养对艺术的热爱

74. culture n. cultural adj. agriculture n. 农业

(1) ancient culture 古代文化 (2) culture shock 文化冲击

75. cure vt./n. cureless adj.病入膏肓的,无人医治的

(1) cure him of the disease 治愈了他的疾病 (2) a cure for sth. (the common cold/unemployment) (3) beyond cure 不可救药

76. curious adj. curiosity n.

(1) be curious about sth. 对。。。感到好奇 (2) be curious to do sth. 77. custom n.

(1) social customs 社会习俗 (2) It was his custom to do sth.


66. 67.

68. 69.



