
更新时间:2023-09-28 15:17:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Ⅰ.Fill in blanks. (10’)

1 重视保持原作的风格即原作的_____风格、时代风格、语体风格、作者个人的语言风格等。 2火上浇油应翻译为 _____。 3君子协定翻译为_____。

4 翻译过程大体可分为理解、_____、校核三个阶段。 5 严复将The Study of Sociology翻译为_____。

Ⅱ.Put the following sentences into Chinese(30’)

6 The plane was right above our heads. 7 The explanation is pretty thin.

8 I wanted to make it clear whether he was a foreigner or not.

9 He expressed the hope that he would come over to visit China again. 10 There is no living in the island. 11 More haste , less speed. 12 He wants patience.

13 The kids are crying loudly. 14 He is the last man to do it.

15 Over the past several weeks, she had grown increasingly restless.. 16 If once virtue is lost, all is lost

17 Jess opened his eyes. They were filled with tears. 18I had been completely honest in my replies, witholding nothing. 19 Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 20 It is not right for children to sit up late.

Ⅲ.Put the following sentences into English.(30’) 23 他所说的都是可靠的。 24. 许多人要看这部电影。 25. 约翰显然属于少数。

26这地区的路面有一半还没修好。 27 如果过他不通知我,我就不去。 28. 他的肚子饿得咕咕作响。 29.公共场所不准吸烟。 30. 这是刚从前线拿回来的战士。

Ⅳ.Put the passage into Chinese.(15’)

The country is India. A colonial official and his wife are giving a large party.They are seated with their guests---army officers and government attaches and their wives, and a visiting American naturalist---in their spacious dining room, which has a bare marble floor.

A spirited/heated discussion springs up between a young girl and a colonel. She insists that women have outgrown the jumpng-on-the-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era. The American does not join in the argument but watches the other guests.

ⅤPut the passage into English.(15’)




Ⅰ.Fill in blanks. (10’)

1 To kill two birds with one stone应译为_________。 2 To shed crocodile tears应译为_________。

3翻译过程大体可分为_____、表达、校核三个阶段。 4 富贵之家应译为_________

5 To add fuel to the fire应译为_________。

Ⅱ.Put the following sentences into Chinese(30’) 6 Whatever he says is reliable.

7 Half of the roads in the region are still to be made up. 8 I will not go unless I hear from him. 9.This problem is above me.

10.It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.

11 Practice makes perfect.

12 You may borrow.whichever novel in my bookcase you like best. 13 Smoking is prohibited in public places.

14 This is the soldierwho just returned from the front. 15 When the cat is away, the mice will play. 16 I’ll get even with you sooner or late.

17 If you’re looking for a fight, you don’t have to look far.

18 Middle-class teenagers are less intelligent than a generation ago due to the dumbing down of youth culture and school tests, a new study suggests.

19 Education experts said a growing tendency in schools to \to the test\was affecting youngsters' ability to think laterally. 20 His stomach rumbled emptily

Ⅲ.Put the following sentences into English.(30’) 21如果一旦丧失了道德,便丧失了一切 22我要弄清楚他是不是外国人。 23 许多人要看这部电影。

24她喜欢对仆人们发号施令,他们也爱听她指挥。 25 飞机正好在我们头上面。

26 这个解释是相当不充实的。 27各国有各国的风俗。 28她说话时,泪水直流。



Ⅳ.Put the passage into Chinese.(15’)

I waited in growing impatence to get on my way, not for one minute but for quite a considerable time.(3’)It was nearly half-past two when the boss finished. He then came to me with the ham, put it in the basket beside me, and instructed me to deliver it to a customer who had it on order.(5’)

This meant going a long way out of my road home, so I looked up and said to the boss: “Do you know I finish at two on Tuesday?” I have never seen a man look more astonished than he did then.(7’)

ⅤPut the passage into English.(15’)

由一位教授和二三十名学生每周会晤两三次,每次授课时间45到50分钟,是大学程度课堂教学的传统方式。(3’)最普通的教学方式是讲课。较大的班以讲课为主要教学方法时,也会拨出一定时间由助教进行小组讨论。(3’)如果班小,比较随便 ,便可以既讲课又讨论指定的读物、规定的教科书和其他课外资料。(3’)



Ⅰ.Fill in blanks. (10’)

1 Out of sight, out of mind. 应译为_________。 2 No pains, no gains. 应译为_________。 3 Like knows like. 应译为_________。 4 严复将A History of Politics译为_________。

5 严复在《天演论》卷首的《 》中提出了著名的“信、达、雅”翻译标准。

ⅡPut the following sentences into Chinese. (30’) 6 There are many peoplewho want to see the film. 7 He shouted as he ran.

8. The crops failed because the season was dry. 9. Spend money like water 10 To be on the ice.

11 The plane was right above our heads. 12 Walls have ears.

13 The explanation is pretty thin.

14 Please turn off the light when you leave the room. 15 Each country has its own customs. 16 If once virtue is lost, all is lost

17 He showed himself calm in an emergency situation. 18 There are many people who want to see the film. 19 While she spoke, the tears were running down. 20 It was better in case they were captured.

Ⅲ.Put the following sentences into English.(30’) 21我书架上的小说你最爱哪一本,你就可以借哪一本。 22这是刚从前线拿回来的战士。 23 他所说的都是可靠的。

24这地区的路面有一半还没修好。 25 如果过他不通知我,我就不去。

26. 我书架上的小说你最爱哪一本,你就可以借哪一本。 27因为气候干旱,作物歉收。 28 如履薄冰

29我住在弟弟家里。 30 隔墙有耳。

Ⅳ.Put the passage into Chinese.(15’)

