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I. Put the following phrases into Chinese:(9%)
1. barrier-free market
2. test market
3. budget deficit
4. capital-intensive investment
5. top-of-the-line technology
6. visible trade account
7. punitive import tariff
8. intellectual property right
9. most-favored-nation status
II. Translate the following phrases into English: (15%)
1. 人均收入
2. 基础设施
3. 市场份额
4. 经济特区
5. 独家代理协议
6. 制成品
7. 工农业生产
8. 贸易差额
9. 经常项目
10. 兼并
III. Choose one answer that best explains the underlined part or what is required in the following statements: (21%)
1. The new American administration does not think it a far-fetched prediction that China could surpass both Japan and the United States to become the world’s the world’s largest economy by 2020.
A. distant B. improbable C. relevant D. spectacular
2. Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise by more than 50% in 1978, placing undue strain on the national economy.
A. realization B. knowing C. acceptance D. refusing
3. Trade and investment liberalization will aggravate the competition on the domestic and international markets.
A. alleviate B. approve C. worsen D. eliminate
4. In 1991, for the second year in a row, the economies of low-income and middle-income countries virtually stagnated.
A. in a straight line B. in a column
C. in succession D. in agreement
5. Which of the following measures shall be excluded from
anti-inflationary policies?
A. Raise discount rates.
B. Cut public spending.
C. Raise interest rates.
D. Increase money supplies.
6. The world economy has bottomed out, notes an economist who takes a monthly look at global economic trends for a number of corporations.
A. has seen the worst and is recovering.
B. has rocketed from the bottom
C. has lost its direction
D. has come to the top
7. With the economy still barely growing, despite two fiscal packages in the past nine months, Japan’s critics say that the country is once more exporting its way out of recession.
A. relying on more exports to boost economy
B. resuming exports once recession is over
C. cutting exports because of the recession
D. exporting to recession-ridden countries.
8. America insisted that Japan should come up with specific measures that would enable it to meet new import targets.
A. arrive at B. put up C. think over D. put forth
9. Diplomats say that OPEC is hoping to head off the threatened taxes, which may slow the growth in demand for oil.
A. insist on B. prevent
C. go ahead with D. postpone
10. Dubai’s total non-oil trade grew strongly and was seemingly unaffected by the recession.
A. the situation where population grew fast
B. the economy that enjoyed rapid growth
C. the economic condition that stimulated demand
D. the period when economic activities were reduced.
11. Twice America has complained to GATT that Europe is in breach of its undertaking.
A. striving to reach B. trying to meet
C. failing to understand D. failing to fulfil
12. “It’s raining out there, and Seven-Up hasn’t put up an umbrella yet.” The above sentence means __________.
A. the competition is already severe in the market but Seven-Up is not prepared for it yet
B. there are no competitors in market, so Seven-Up hasn’t met any competition yet
C. the competition in the market is so weak that Seven-Up doesn’t have to worry about it
D. there is a big rain outside but Seven-Up has failed to use an umbrella
13. The major outlets for white eggs are hotels, western-style restaurants and fast food shops.
A. houses where eggs are stored
B. channels through which eggs are transported
C. ways in which eggs are sorted
D. places where eggs are consumed
14. Speculators profited handsomely from the price volatility of the 1970s.
A. stability
B. flexibility
C. fluctuation
D. regulation
IV. Read the following passages and answer the questions in English: (24%)
Having spent years fattening up its leading companies, South Korea is now forcing the ten largest chaebols to slim down. The ten largest chaebols were allowed to name three sectors each, the next 20 to name two sectors. They have done so now. Firms which play by the new rules will continue to receive preferential state-backed financing. Those, which flout the rules, will not.
The government claims it has three clear aims: to encourage
competition and foster small businesses; to wrest power from the old industrial dynasties and hand it over to professional managers; and, above all, to stem the “octopus-like growth” of the chaebols into unrelated areas.
The chaebols’ spectacular diversification, often driven by dynastic feud as much as commercial sense, has chewed up funds for long-term research and development. Worse, these buying sprees were usually funded by debt——borrowed partly on the assumption that government would not let the conglomerates go bankrupt. The debts of the average chaebol are 3 times as its equity.
(1) In what way did the government require the chaebols to slim down?
(2) How do you explain the expression “octopus-like growth”?
(3) How was the chaebols’ diversification financially supported?
Britain is in its fifth year of recovery, the longest stint of economic growth since World War II. But much of this year’s growth derived from one – shot events. The year – long coal miners’ strike, which ended last March, shaved the nation’s economic output more than 1%. Capital spending rose at a sharp 25% annual rate last winter as companies rushed to take advantage of investment tax breaks that will expire by next April. Now, however, a strengthening pound will check future growth in net exports; the UK’s current account surplus will remain close to this year’s $3.6 billion. With an unemployment rate of about 13%, the highest in Europe, consumer spending will remain depressed. Britain’s real GNP will grow only 2% next year.
(1) What are one-shot events?
(2) What caused increase in capital spending?
(3) Will the growth in net exports continue? Why (not)?
V. Read the following two passages and decide whether the statements are true or false. Mark T for truth and F for false in the brackets given: (15%)
However, even as the Government promotes growth as a national priority, it worries about going too far. Inflation has recently climbed back into double digits, and the press is issuing strident warnings, urging
restraint on buyers and sellers alike. Rapid development is overwhelming China’s antique transport networks. Energy brownouts are a regular occurrence in Guangdong and Shanghai.
Now Beijing has cut this year’s growth target from 10 to 8.5 percent, in an effort to keep the economy from careering out of control just as it was cut back in 1989 and 1990 when it overheated. “We need a smooth transition into another system,” says the head of a research institute in Shanghai. “But no one in the world has a design we can use, so we just have to experiment.” Even 8.5 percent growth a year doubles an economy in 10 years, China’s “new man” may well find himself astride one of the world’s largest economies in the 21st century. And the rest of the world will look foolish if it lets itself be caught by surprise.
(1) The government intends to develop its economy while keeping the inflation in check. [ ]
(2) The government is persuading buyers and sellers to restrain themselves in their behavior. [ ]
(3) China’s transport system is a delicate piece of antique that has great value and deserves meticulous care. [ ]
(4) The inflation rate is as high as 9.9 percent. [ ]
(5) As there is no example for us to follow. China needs to cross the river by feeling the stone underfoot in our reforms. [ ]
Private capital is pouring back into developing countries. Yet neither the IMF nor some emerging economies are taking chances. The past 18 months have seen the emergence of a lot of ideas about how to head off future currency collapse. The Fund now keeps a much closer eye on emerging economies and financial markets. And it is prodding countries into publishing better, and more frequent, statistics on their economies.
Investors can now even turn to the Internet to find out about countries whose statistics are up to scratch on a newly established IMF Web-site. The IMF is also in better shape to cope with the consequences of a crisis. A new emergency financing mechanism allows it to dole out cash quickly. Most importantly, it has convinced its members to cough up more money for use in such emergencies. Although some details have not yet been hammered out, the Fund’s “general arrangements to borrow” — is, in effect, to be doubled. About 12 new countries, including several Asian tigers, look set to contribute to this new pot of cash. In short, the Fund is well prepared for another Mexico.
(1) The IMF and emerging economies have worked out solutions to deal with possible currency crisis. [ ]
(2) The IMF is examining attentively the emerging countries and their markets. [ ]
(3) Countries have been talked into publicizing to the investors the data on their economic performance. [ ]
(4) To cope with future currency crisis, the IMF will raise funds from the richest countries in the world, including some Asian countries. [ ]
(5) The IMF can help solve currency crisis by pouring cash into the capital markets. [ ]
VI. Put the following passage into Chinese (16%)
The draft agreement contains many sensible new rules for global trade (covering, for instance, the settlement of disputes, the protectionist use of technical standards, anti-dumping measures, subsidies,
countervailing duties, government procurement and many other implicit barriers to trade). To promote trade and innovation, it offers new safeguards to owners of intellectual property. It brings trade in services into the GATT for the first time, opening new foreign markets to efficient producers of services in America and Europe. Amercia’s ambitious early goals for farm-trade liberalization will not be fully met by the compromise that is now within reach; but even in farming, a
half-successful round will deliver great benefits. And if this package can be banked, future rounds will be obliged to argue over how much to cut farm protection, not whether ---- an achievement in itself.
I. 英译中(每题1分,共9分)
1. 自由/无壁垒 市场
2. 试销市场
3. 预算赤字
4. 资本密集型投资
5. 行业内领先的技术
6. 有形贸易 收支/项目
7. 惩罚性进口关税
8. 知识产权
9. 最惠国待遇
II. 中译英(每题1.5分,共15分)
1. per capita income/income per capita
2. infrastructure
3. market share
4. special economic zone
5. exclusive/sole agency agreement
6. manufactured goods/finished goods
7. agricultural and industrial production
8. trade balance
9. current account
10. merger/takeover/acquisition
1. 该项每题1.5分,共15分。
2. 如文字表达与答案有出入,但内容基本贴近, 酌情扣0.5—1.0分。
3. 拼写错误或译文中出现别字扣0.5分。
III. 选择题(每题1.5分,共21分)
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. A
8. D 9. B 10.D 11.D 12.A 13.D
IV.阅读答问(每题4分,共24分) 7. A 14.C
1.(1)The government required the chaebols to concentrate on their core business by allowing the ten largest chaebols to name three sectors each and the next 20 to name two sectors.
(2) “Octopus-like growth” here means to grow in nearly all directions and in different fields without proper planning and control.
(3) It was funded by debt. The chaebols assumed that the government would not see them fail.
2.(1) They are the measures that can only help the economy grow just for once.
(2) Companies rushed to take advantage of investment tax breaks that will expire by next April.
(3) No. Because of the strengthening pound.
1. 参考答案中划线部分为要点,遗漏要点每个扣1分
2. 严重错误(如句子结构、动词短语搭配等)每个扣1分。
3. 一般错误(如名词单复数、虚词使用等)每个扣0.5分。
4. 拼写、标点符号和字母大小写错误每个扣0.25分。
5. 重复错误只扣一次。
6. 每题扣分不能超过该题的分值。
1.(1)T (2)T (3)F (4)F (5)T
2.(1)T (2)F (3)F (4)T (5)F
1. 协议草案含有许多切合实际的全球贸易新规则(例如,有关争议的解决、以保护为目的的技术标准的使用、反倾销措施、补贴、反补贴税、政府采购和许多其它隐性的贸易壁垒)。
2. 为了促进贸易和创新,协议草案向知识产权的拥有人提供新的保护措施。
3. 它还第一次把服务贸易引入关贸总协议的谈判,这为美国和欧洲高效的服务产品供应商打开了海外市场。
4. 美国所追求的使农产品贸易自由化的早期目标并不会由于可能达成的妥协而得到完全的实现,但是,即使的农产品方面,成败参半的一轮谈判也会带来巨大的利益。
5. 如果这一揽子的协议能够得到实施的话,将来的谈判将会围绕这在多大程度上减少对农产品的保护,而不是是否要减少对农产品的保护,这本身就是一项成就。
好 较好 较差
1.整体上,译文在表达原文意思方面的准确程度 2 1.5 1
2.整体上,译文的语言流畅程度 2 1.5 1
1)第一句从The draft到to trade 1.5 1 0.5
2)第二句从To promote到intellectual property 1.5 1 0.5
3)第三句从It brings到Europe 2 1.5 1
4)第四句从America's到benefits 3.5 2.5 1.5
5)第五句从And if到in itself 3.5 2.5 1.5
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