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《英语国家文化》期末考试试卷(B) 请将所有答案做在答题纸上

Part I Blank Filling (60 blanks, 0.5 point each) 1. The Constitution of the United States follows two principles: the ________________ system

and the “________________ of powers.”

2. The Constitution gives the executive power to the ________________ alone.

3. The Cabinet of the American government is made up of the heads of ________________. 4. In legislation the President has a ________________ power over bills passed by Congress.

5. In the United States treaties signed by the president with other countries and officials appointed

by him must be confirmed by the ________________.

6. The Constitution says that only ________________ can declare war upon other nations.

7. The Department of State is headed by the ________________.

8. The Department of Justice is headed by the ________________.

9. The national parks in the United States are managed by the Department of ________________. 10. Congress consists of the ________________ and the House of ________________.

11. As a legislative body, Congress has the power to make any ________________ that are

considered “necessary and proper.”

12. The president of the Senate is the ________________ and the presiding officer of the House is


13. The number of Representatives is fixed at ________________.

14. Today the real work of both houses of Congress is done in their ________________. 15. The President’s veto may be overruled by a ________________ vote of both houses of Congress.

16. The Judicial branch of the US government is headed by the ________________.

17. Like the federal government, a state government is made up of ________________ branches.

18. The chief executive of a state is the ________________, elected by ________________ vote.

He or she is the commander of the affairs of the state.

19. The two political parties that emerged in 1789 were the ________________ Party and the

________________ Party. They both broke up during the early part of the 19th century.

20. The party that wins a ________________ of the popular votes in the state on the Election Day

will get all the electoral votes of that state. 21. The Presidential candidate who gets the majority of the ________________ votes is elected

President of the United States.

23. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes of the electors, the ________________ chooses

the President and the ________________ chooses the Vice-President.

24. In 1951 Congress passed an amendment to the Constitution to limit a president to ________________ terms or to ________________ years successively in office.

25. If a President dies or resigns or is removed from office, ________________ succeeds him.

26. The earliest inhabitants in America were ________________, who had come over from


________________ by crossing the land bridge across the present ________________ Strait.

27. Christopher Columbus discovered the NewWorld in the year of ________________. 28. In 1620 a group of ________________ sailed for America on a ship called the Mayflower.

Together with those who arrived later, they set up four colonies, which they called ________________.

29. In terms of their political administration, the thirteen British colonies can be divided into three

types: the ________________ colonies, the ________________ colonies and the ________________ colonies.

30. The motto of the colonies was “No taxation without ________________.”

31. The eastern part of the US consists of highlands formed by the ________________ Range, the

highest peak of which is Mount ________________.

32. The two great plateaus west of the Rockies are: the ________________Plateau and the ________________ Plateau.

33. Alaska includes the mainland and the ________________ Islands.

34. Of the five Great Lakes, Lake ________________ is wholly within the United States.

35. Black people in the US are descended from black slaves imported from ________________.

36. Black people were declared free initially by Abraham Lincoln’s ________________ in 1863.

37. ________________ people constitute the largest ethnic-racial minority group in the US today,

and ________________ form the second.

38. In the 19th century a large number of Chinese were shipped to America as “________________.”

39. Most of the Black people in the US speak ________________, but the Hispanics speak ________________.

40. The three stages that the American economy has experienced in its development are

________________ capitalism, ________________ capitalism and ________________ capitalism.

41. The United States had surpassed ________________ in industrial production by the 1880s.

42. The stock raising areas of the United States are scattered in the neighborhood of the ________________, in the ________________ and on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Range.

Part II Multiple Choice (20 Items, 1 point each)

1. The continental United States is situated in the ________ part of NorthAmerica. [A] northern [B] southern [C] central [D] eastern

2. The ________ Mountains form the continental divide of the United States. [A] Appalachian [B] Rocky

[C] Sierra Nevada [D] Cordillera

3. The international rivers of the United States do NOT include ________.

[A] St. Lawrence [B] Rio Grande

[C] River Columbia [D] River Mississippi 4. Southern Florida has a ________ climate. [A] cold [B] tropical

[C] temperate [D] semitropical

5. The Midwest of the United States has a ________ climate. [A] cold [B] warm 3

[C] dry [D] humid

6. The deposits of ________ in the US rank the first in the world.

[A] coal [B] oil

[C] gold [D] natural gas

7. The dominant ethnic group in the United States today is ________.

[A] the Black people [B] WASPs [C] AsianAmericans [D] Hispanics

8. Race is different from ethnicity because its basis is ________.

[A] country of origin [B] religion [C] language spoken [D] skin color

9. People in the US have kept moving westward for reasons Except ________.

[A] religious freedom [B] fertile soil in theWest

[C] good climate in the west [D] discovery of gold in theWest

10. The victory at ________ was a turning point of the American War of Independence. [A] Trenton [B] Saratoga

[C] Valley Forge [D] Yorktown

11. The oldest and most important industrial region in the US is ________. [A] the Northeast [B] the South [C] the Midwest [D] theWest

12. At present, ________ is the most rapidly growing section of the United States. [A] the Northeast [B] the South [C] theWest [D] the Midwest

13. The President of the United States exercises the ________ power. [A] legislative [B] executive [C] judicial [D] veto

14. The Constitution of the United States says that only ________ can declare war upon other nations.

[A] the President [B] Congress

[C] Department of Defense [D] the National Security Council

15. The Secret Service is part of the ________ Department.

[A] Treasury [B] Defense [C] Interior [D] Justice

16. The number of Representatives from each state is fixed according to the size of ________ of the state.

[A] the territory [B] the economy [C] the voters [D] the population

17. Impeachment of the President should be ________.

[A] proposed by the Senate and decided on by the House

[B] proposed by the House and decided on by the Supreme Court

[C] Proposed by the House and decided on by the Senate

[D] Proposed by Senate and decided on by the Supreme Court

18. The number of electors in each state is equal to the total number of ________ the state sends to congress.

[A] Representatives [B] Senators 4

[C] Congressmen [D] popular votes

19. The Puritans’ first settlement on North America was ________.

[A] Jamestown [B] Plymouth [C] New Orleans [D] Virginia

20. The French and Indian War was a war fought between ________.

[A] the French and Indians [B] the English and Indians

[C] the French and the English [D] the English and the Spanish

Part III Term Defining (6 Items, 5 points each) 1. Abraham Lincoln 2. Bill of Rights 3. Boston Tea Party 4. Electoral College 5. Ivy League

6. The Melting Pot

Part IV Questions for Discussion (2 Items, 10 points each)

1. Why do we say the US economy is a mixed one?

2. What’s your idea about the power-sharing

and power-checking policy of US government? 5

英语国家文化(B)参考答案 I. Blank filling

(总分30 分,每个空格0.5 分;拼写错误可酌情扣分)

1. federal, separation 2. president 3. departments 4. veto 5. Senate 6. Congress

7. Secretary of State 8. Attorney General 9. Interior 10. Senate; Representatives 11. law 12. Vice President; Mr. Speaker 13. 435 14. committees

15. two-thirds 16. Supreme Court 17. three 18. Governor; popular

19. Federal; Democratic-Republican 20. majority

21. electoral 23. House of Representatives; the Senate

24. 2; 10 25. Vice President

26. American Indians; Asia; Bering 27. 1492 28. Puritans; New England

29. Proprietary; Royal; Self-governing (顺序可调)

30. Representation 31. Appalachian; Mitchell 32. Colorado; Columbia (顺序可调) 33. Aleutian

34. Michigan 35. Africa

36. Emancipation Proclamation 37. Blacks; Hispanics

38. Coolies 39. English; Spanish

40. commercial; industrial; corporate 41. Britain

42. Corn Belt; Five Great Lakes II. Multiple Choice 共20 题,每题一分

1-5 BBDDC 6-10 BBDAB 11-15 ACBBA 16-20 DBCAC III. Term definition

每题5 分,语法和拼写错误看酌情扣分 1. Abraham Lincoln 要点

A. who was he B. what did he do C. role in history 2. Bill of Rights 要点

A. first ten amendments B. the contents

C. historical significance 3. Boston Tea Party 要点

A. historical background 9

B. process

C. historical significance 4. Electoral College 要点

A. the system

B. people vote for electors instead of the president 5. Ivy League 要点

A. where are they B. what are they C. fame

6. The Melting Pot 要点

A. what is it?

B. how did US get such a nickname? IV. Questions for discussion 本题是自由发挥题目,考查学生根据所学知识,分析问题的能力。因此,如果学生答案与参考要点不一致,但有出色的个人观点,也可以酌情加分。每题10 分,共20 分,语法和


1. Why do we say the US economy is a mixed one? 要点

A. free market policy (4分)

B. government intervention (4分) C. combination of the two (2分) 其他情况可视具体情况加减分。

2. What’s your idea about the power-sharing and power-checking policy of US government?


A. three branches of the federal government (3分)

B. power sharing system (3分) C. power checking policy (3分)

D. foundation of the US politics (1分) 其他情况可视具体情况加减分。

