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Unit 1 计算机技术


The central and essential ingredient of GAD/CAM

is the digital computer.〔1〕Its inherent speed and storage capacity have made it possible to achieve the advances in image processing, real-time process control, and a multitude of other important functions that are simply too complex and time-consuming to perform manually. To understand CAD/CAM it is important to be familiar with the concepts and technology of the digital computer CAD/CAM的重要组成部分是数字计算机,它固有的速度以及存储能力似的它能够在图像处理,实时过程控制以及很多因太复杂太费时而人工无法完成的其他重要功能方面获得进步,要想懂得CAD/CAM,熟悉数字电脑的概念和技术是很重要的.

The modern digital computer is an electronic machine that can perform mathematical and logical calculations and data processing functions in accordance with a predetermined program of instructions. The computer itself is referred to as hardware, whereas the various programs are referred to as software.

现在数字计算机是一部能够根据预定的程序来完成数字和逻辑运算以及数据处理功能的电子设备,计算机本身称为硬件,而各种各样的程序称为软件 There are three basic hardware components of a general-purpose digital computer; 一般用途的数字计算机由三种基本硬件组成 .Central processing unit (CPU) 微处理器 .Memory存储器

.Input/output ( I/0 )section输入/输出设备

The relationship of these three components is illustrated in Fig. 1.1. The central processing unit is often considered to consist of two subsections; a control unit and an arithmetic-logic unit (ALU). 这三个组成部分的关系如图1.1所示,中央处理器通常被认为包含两部分:一个控制器和一个运算器.The control unit coordinates the operations of all the other components. 控制器控制所有其他组成部分的运输。It controls the input and output of information between the computer and the outside world through the I/O section, synchronizes the transference of signals between the various sections of the computer, and commands the other sections in the performance of their functions.它通过输入/输出端口控制电脑与

外围设备之间信息的输入与输出、控制电脑各部分间信号的传输,同时也控制其他部分完成各自的功能。 The arithmetic-logic unit carries out the arithmetic and logic manipulations of data. 运算器完成数据的算术和逻辑运算。 It adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, and compares numbers according to programmed instructions. The memory of the computer is the storage unit. 它根据编制的程序完成数的加、减、乘、除和比较。存储器完成电脑的记忆功能。The data stored in this section are arranged in the form of words which can be conveniently transferred to the ALU or I/0 section for processing.数据被转译成便于向运算器和输入/输出设备传输以进行处理的字节形式存储在该部分中Finally, the input/output provides the means for the computer to communicate with the external world. This communication is accomplished through peripheral equipment such as readers, printers, and process interface devices. 最后,输入/输出设备提供电脑和外部世界的交流手段,这种交流通过像阅读机、打印机和出口设备等外围设备完成。 The computer may also be connected to external storage units (e. g,tapes, disks, etc) through the UO section of the computer电脑也可以通过输入/输出设备与外围存储设备(比如磁带、磁盘)链接。.

The software consists of the programs and instructions stored in memory and in external storage units. It is the software that assigns the various functions which the user desires the system to accomplish to the computer. 软件由程序和存储在内存与外存中的指令组成。软件将使用者所要求系统完成的各项功能分配给计算机。 The usefulness of the computer lies in its ability to execute the instructions quickly and accurately. 电脑的有用性在于它快速准确地执行程序的能力。 Because the contents of the computer' s memory can be easily changed, and therefore different programs can be placed into memory, the digital computer can be used for a wide variety of applications.因为电脑存储的内容你能够很容易被改变,并且不同的程序都能够被存入,所以数字电脑能够用于多种应用。

Regardless of the application, the computer executes the program through its ability to manipulate data and numbers in their most elementary form. 不考虑这些应用,电脑能自动执行程序并以最基本的形式完成数字和数据的运算。 The data and numbers are represented in the computer by electrical signals which can take one of two alternative states.数据和数字在电脑中以两种形式的电信号的一种表示。This form of representation is called the binary system. 这种表示形式叫


做二进制计数法。The more familiar decimal number system and a whole host of soft-ware languages can utilize the binary system to permit communication between computers and human beings.更多与之类似的十进制计数法以及很多软件语言利用二进制计数法在电脑和人之间实现交流。

Central Processing Unit (CPU) 中央处理器

The central processing unit (CPU) regulates the operation of all system components and performs the arithmetic and logical operations on the data. 中央处理器控制所有系统组成的操作并进行数据的算术和逻辑运算。To accomplish these functions, the CPU consists of two operating units:为了完成这些功能,中央处理器包含两个结构单元:

.Control unit ·Arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) 控制器、运算器

The control unit coordinates the various operations specified by the program instructions. 控制器控制由程序制定的各种操作。These operations include receiving data which enter the computer and deciding how and when the data should be processed. The control unit directs the operation of the arithmetic-logic unit.这些操作包括接收输入电脑的数据和决定数据的处理形式以及处理时间,控制器控制运算器的操作。 It sends data to the ALU and tells the ALU what functions to perform on the data and where to store the results. 它将数据发送给运算器并告知运算器数据所要求的处理操作和结果的存储位置。The capability of the control unit to accomplish these operations is provided by a set of instructions called an executive program which is stored in memory.控制器完成这些操作的能力是由一组存储在存储器中被称作执行程序的指令程序提供的。

The arithmetic-logic unit performs operations such as addition, subtractions, and comparisons. These operations are carried out on data in binary form. 运算器完成像加、减和比较的功能。这些功能以二进制形式对数据进行处理。 The logic section can also be used to alter the sequence in which instructions are executed when certain conditions are indicated and to perform other functions, such as editing and masking data for arithmetic operations. 当指出某些条件时逻辑器能够改变程序执行的顺序,也能够完成其他功能,例如为运算操作编辑和屏蔽数据。

Both the control unit and the arithmetic-logic unit perform their functions by

utilizing registers. 控制器和运算器都是通过寄存器来完成它们的功能。Computer registers are small memory devices that can receive,hold, and transfer data. Each register consists of binary cells to hold bits of data.计算机的寄存器是能够接收、保存和传送数据的小存储设备。每个寄存器都由能够保存二进制数的二进制单元组成。 The number of bits in the register establishes the word length with which the computer is capable of handling. The number of bits per word can be as few as 4 ( early microcomputers ) or as many as 64 ( large scientific computers ).

Computer Programming Languages存储器的位数代表了电脑能够处理的字长,每个字所占位数最少到4个(早期微型计算机)最多到64个(大型科学计算机)

The binary number system could be used to represent any decimal number, alphabetic letter, or other common symbol. 二进制数能够用来表示十进制数、字母,或者其他一般符号。 Data and instructions are communicated to the computer in the form of binary words. In executing a program. the computer interprets the configuration of bits as an instruction to perform electronic operations such as add,subtract, load into memory,and so forth. 数据和程序都以二进制码得形式输入计算机,在执行某一程序时,计算机通过翻译构成指令的字来执行像加、减、保存等电子操作。The sequence of these binary-coded instructions defines the set of calculations and data manipulations by which the computer executes the program. 这些二进制编码的顺序限定了计算机执行程序的运算组和数据运算

The binary-coded instructions that computers can understand are called machine language. Unfortunately,binary-coded instructions and data are very difficult for human programmers to read or write. 这些计算机所能识别的二进制编码叫做机器语言。不幸的是,对编码人员来说由二进制编码所形成的指令和数据是很难读写的。 Also, different machines use different machine languages. 同时,不同的机器使用不同的机器语言。 To facilitate the task of computer programming, higher-level languages are available which can be learned with relative ease by human beings. In all there are three levels of computer programming languages;为了便于计算机编程,对人来说相对容易学习的高级语言出现了。计算机程序语言总共有三种:

.Machine language


.Assembly language

.Procedure-oriented ( high-level) languages机器语言、汇编语言、高级语言

Computer Process Interfacing 计算机处理技术

To be useful, the computer must be capable of communicating with its environment. 计算机要想有用必须能和它自己的环境进行交流。 In a data processing system, this communication is accomplished by various input/output devices such as card readers,printers,and CRT consoles. 在数据处理系统中,这种交流是通过输入/输出设备例如读卡器、打印机、CRT控制板等完成的。 In computer-aided manufacturing, the environment of the computer includes not only these devices but also includes one or more manufacturing processes. 在计算机辅助制造中,计算机的环境不仅包括这些设备而且包括一种或多种制造工艺。Functioning as a process control system,the computer must be capable of sensing the important process variables from the operation and providing the necessary responses to maintain effective control over the process. 。作为过程控制系统,计算机必须能够感应来自操作的重要的处理变量并提供必需的回应以维持有效地处理控制。 In the following sections we examine some of the important components of a computer process control system. 下面的部分我们检查计算机过程控制系统的一些重要部分制造过程数据。

(1) Manufacturing process data. 制造过程数据。

The data that must be communicated between the manufacturing process and the computer. 制造过程数据是必须在制造过程和计算机间进行交流的。These data can be classified into three categories:这些数据可以分成3类:

.Continuous analog signals连续模拟信号 .Discrete binary data离散的二进制数据 .Pulse data脉冲数据

( 2 ) System interpretation of process data. The three categories of manufacturing process data must be capable of interacting with the computer. 制造

过程数据的这三种类型必须能和计算机进行交流。 For monitoring the process,input data must be entered into the computer. 。对于监控过程而言,输入的数据必须输入计算机。 For controlling the process,output data must be generated by the computer and converted into signals understandable by the manufacturing process. 对于控制过程而言, 输出数据必须由计算机产生并转换成制造过程能理解的信号。 There are six categories of computer-process interface representing the inputs and outputs for the three types of process data. These categories are: 有六种计算机过程接口代表了过程数据三种类型的输入和输出。他们是:

.Analog to digital A/D .Contact input触点输入 .Pulse counters脉冲计数器 .Digital to analog D/A .Contact output触点输出

.Pulse generators触点输出

Computer Network Structures计算机网络结构 Network introduction网络介绍

The term ― computer network \refers to the actual physical connections between computers in different areas. 计算机网络这个术语是指计算机和不同的区域之间的物理连接。 Since its first appearance in 1964,computer networks have developed through many technology phases such as Multi-computer System,Local Area Network(LAN),Metropolitan Area Network(MAN ),Wide Area Network(WAN)and Network Computing. 自1964年第一次出现以来,计算机网络已经发展经历了许多技术阶段例如,多机系统、局域网、城域网、广域网和以太网。 Now its appearance has become one of the most significant engineering achievements ever in human history. 现在它的出现已成为在人类历史上最有重要意义的工程成果之一。 It can be used for many purposes such as intercommunication,digital online service and information share. 有很多用途例如,互相联络、数字在线服务和信息共享。 Computer network can be used in almost every case. 计算机网络几乎可用于任何事。 The utilization of computer network in mechanical engineering includes many scientific subjects such as Network Manufacturing, Virtual Manufacturing, Flexible Manufacturing System


and Agile Manufacturing. 计算机网络在机械工程上的使用包括许多科学项目例如,网络制造、虚拟制造、柔性制造系统和敏捷制造。

Unit 2 Numerical Control of Production Equipment Unit 2 生产设备的数字控制

Numerical Control (NC) is a form of programmable automation in which the processing equipment is controlled by means of numbers, letters, and other symbols. The numbers, letters, and symbols are coded in an appropriate format to define a program of instructions for a particular work-part or job. 数控是程序控制的自动化,在数字控制系统中,设备通过数字,字母和符号来编码,以一种合适的格式为每一个特定的零件或工件定义一个程序指令集。When the job changes, the program of instructions is changed. The capability to change the program is what makes NC suitable for low-and medium-volume production. It is much easier to write new programs than to make major alterations of the processing equipment.当工件变化时,程序也变化,改变程序的能力亦适合中小批量生产。写一个新程序比改变大量生产设备要容易的多。

Basic Components of NC 数控基本结构

A numerical control system consists of the following three basic components: 数控系统由下面三部分组成:

? Program of instructions控制程序 ? Machine control unit机器控制单元 ? Processing equipment加工设备

The general relationship among the three components is illustrated in Fig. 2.1. The program is fed into the control unit, which directs the processing equipment accordingly.

三部分的基本关系,由图2.1 所示。程序输入到控制单元由送入的程序来引导加工设备控制。

The program of instruction is the detailed step-by-step commands that direct the processing equipment. 指导程序是一步步详细的指导加工设备的指令。 In its most common form, the commands refer to positions of a machine tool spindle with respect to the worktable on which the part is fixtured. 通常指令把主轴上刀具相对于安装工具的工作台定位。More advanced instructions include

selection of spindle speeds, cutting tools, and other functions. The program is coded on a suitable medium for submission to the machine control unit. 更多先进的说明包括主轴的转速,加工工具的选择及其功能。The most common medium in use over the last several decades has been 1-in.-wide punched tape. 程序刻在合适的介质中,提交到机器控制单元中,在过去几十年中,最常用的介质是一英寸宽的打孔纸带。Because of the widespread use of the punched tape, NC is sometimes called ―tape control‖. However, this is a misnomer in modern usage of numerical control . 由于打孔纸带的广泛使用,NC 有时也叫纸带控制,然而这是现代数控使用的误称。Coming into use more recently have been magnetic tape cassettes and floppy diskettes. 现在进入使用更多的是磁带和软盘。

The machine control unit (MCU) consists of the electronics and control hardware that read and interpret the program of instruction and convert it into mechanical actions of the machine tool or other processing equipment. 机器控制单元(MCU)由电子和控制硬件组成,机器控制单元可以读出和执行指令程序,可以自动改变加工工具和其他加工设备。

The processing equipment is the third basic component of an NC system. It is the component that performs useful work. 执行单元是数控系统的第三基础部分,执行原件是有效执行工作的原件 In the most common example of numerical control, one that performs machining operations, 最常见的数控例子其中的一个加工操作,加工设备由工作台和主轴组成,就像用电动机来驱动一样。the processing equipment consists of the workable and spindle as well as the motors and controls needed to drive them. 加工设备由控制单元来驱动控制系统的类型。

Types of Control Systems 控制系统的类型

There are two basic types of control system in numerical control : point-to-point and contouring. In the point-to-point system, also called positioning, each axis of the machine is driven separately by leadscrews and, depending on the type of operation, at different velocities. 数控有2 种基本类型,点对点式和轮廓式控制,点对点式控制也称定位控制,每个轴都是通过丝杠单独驱动,根据加工类型不同,加工速度也不一样。 The machine moves initially at maximum velocity in order to reduce nonproductive time but decelerates as the tool reaches its


numerically defined position. 样。机器开始以最大速度运行来减少非加工时间,但当他达到数据定义的位置时,机器开始减速。 Thus in an operation such as drilling or punching, the positioning and cutting take place sequentially. 因此在一个操作中,如钻或冲孔操作先定位在加工。 After the hole is drilled or punched, the tool retracts, moves rapidly to another position, and repeats the operation. 在钻或冲孔之后,迅速收起工具移动到另一个位置重复此操作。The path followed from one position to another is important in only one aspect: The time required should be minimized for efficiency. 从一个位置移到另一个位置是非常重要的,要遵循一个原则,从效率上考虑只要时间最短即可。Point-to-point systems are used mainly in drilling, punching, and straight milling operations. 点对点系统主要用于钻,冲孔,直铣操作中。

In the contouring system, also known as the continuous path system, positioning and cutting operations are both along controlled paths but at different velocities. Because the tool cuts as it travels along a prescribed path, accurate control and synchronization of velocities and movements are important. 轮廓式也就是连续路径式系统,定位和切削同时按不同速度来控制,由于刀具在指定路线运动同时切削,因此速度和运动的同步控制是非常重要的。The contouring system is used on lathes, milling machines, grinders, welding machinery, and machining centers. 轮廓式系统常用于车床铣床磨床焊接设备和加工中心。

Movement along the path, or interpolation, occurs incrementally, by one of several basic methods. In all interpolations, the path controlled is that of the center of rotation of the tool. Compensation for different tools, different diameter tools, or tool wear during machining, can be made in the NC program. 沿着路径的运动或以增量差补是几个基本方式的一个,在所有的差补中,要控制刀具的回转中心定位,补偿可以以不同直径及刀具磨损,在数控程序中进行改写。

There are a number of interpolation schemes that have been developed to deal with the various problems that are encountered in generating a smooth continuous path with a contouring-type NC system. They include: 有一些已形成差补方案来处理数控系统中连续路径和加工系统产生的问题包括:

? Linear interpolation线性差补 ? Circular interpolation圆弧差补 ? Helical interpolation螺旋线差补

? Parabolic interpolation抛物线差补 ? Cubic interpolation立体差补

Each of these interpolation procedures permits the programmer (or operator) to generate machine instructions for linear or curvilinear paths, using a relatively few input parameters. The interpolation module in the MCU performs the calculations and directs the tool along the path. 每一种差补程序都允许程序源产生加工指令,适用于相对少的输入参数的直线或曲线路径。储存在数控单元中的模块预算指引工具沿计算出的路径运动

Linear interpolation is the most basic and is used when a straight-line path is to be generated in continuous-path NC. 线性差补是最基本的差补方法,用于连续路径的数控系统中。 Two-axis and three-axis linear interpolation routines are sometimes distinguished in practice, but conceptually they are the same. The programmer is required to specify the beginning point and end point of the straight line, and the feed rate that is to be followed along the straight line. 两轴和三轴线性差补路线在实际中有时会分辨出的,但在概念上他们是一样的,程序源要明确指定直线的起点和缺点及沿直线的进给率。The interpolator computes the feed rates for each of the two (or three) axis in order to achieve the specified feed rate. 差补需计算两轴或三轴的进给速率以达到设定的进给速度。

Linear interpolation for creating a circular path would be quite inappropriate because the programmer would be required to specify the line segments and their respective end points that are to be used to approximate the circle. 线性差补用来差补圆是不合适的因为程序源需要明确指定线段部分(线段数量)和各自的终点来大约模拟圆弧。Circular interpolation schemes have been developed that permit the programming of a path consisting of a circular arc by specifying the following parameters of the arc: the coordinates of its end points, the coordinates of its center, its radius, and the direction of the cutter along the arc. 使用圆弧只要给定以下参数,圆弧终点坐标,圆心坐标,半径和刀具沿圆弧路径的走刀方向。The tool path that is created consists of a series of straight-line segments, but the segments are calculated by the interpolation module rather than the programmer. 向。圆弧

差补也是由许多小的直线段来实现的,但这些小线段的参数由差补模块来计算出来的,而不是程序员设定的。The cutter is directed to move along each line


segment one by one in order to generate the smooth circular path. 切削是沿着每一小线段一个一个的进行以产生光滑曲线路径。 A limitation of circular interpolation is that the plane in which the circular are exists must be a plane defined by two axes of the NC system. 圆弧差补的局限性是圆弧路径所在平面是由数控系统中两轴所决定的平面。

Helical interpolation combines the circular interpolation scheme for two axes described above with linear movement of a third axis. This permits the definition of a helical path in three-dimensional space. 螺旋线差补结合了环形差补两轴在第三轴上做线性运动这样来定义空间三维螺旋路径。

Parabolic and cubic interpolation routines are used to provide approximations of free-form curves using higher-order equations. 抛物线差补和立方差补法通过高次高程来实现自由曲线。 They generally require considerable computational power and are not as common as linear and circular interpolation. 这通常需要有强的计算能力,正因如此,他不如直线差补和环形差补常见。Their applications are concentrated in the automobile industry for fabricating dies for car body panels styled with free-form designs that cannot accurately and conveniently be approximated by combining linear and circular interpolations. 他们主要用于汽车工业中具有自由风格的车身面,而这是线性差补和圆弧差补不能精确容易得到的

The most common application of numerical control is for machine tool control. This was the first application of NC and is today the most important commercially. 数控技术运用于数控机床,这是数控的主要应用。现在主要用于商业。 In this section we discuss the machine tool applications of NC with emphasis on metal machining. 我们仍讨论数控系统特别是金属数控车床。

Machine Tool Technology for NC 数控车床技术

Each of the five machining processes is carried out on a machine tool designed to perform that process. Turning is performed on a lathe, drilling is done on a drill press, milling on a milling machining, and so on. 每种加工过程都可以在设计的专门车床上来实现加工。在车床上车削,在钻床上钻,在铣床上加工。 There are several different type of grinding operations with a corresponding variety of machines to perform them. 有几种类型的磨削方法也要有相应种类的磨床。

Numerical control machine tools have been designed for nearly all of the machining processes. The list includes: 被设计的数控磨床可以进行下列加工包括:

? Drill presses钻加工

? Milling machines, vertical spindle and horizontal spindle铣床立式和卧式主轴

? Turning machines, both horizontal axis and vertical axis车床卧式主轴和立式主轴

? Horizontal and vertical boring mills卧式和立式镗床 ? Profiling and contouring mills仿形铣床

? Surface grinders and cylindrical grinders平面磨和圆柱磨

In addition to the machining process, NC machine tools have also been developed for other metalworking processes. These machines include: 除了上述几种机械加工方法,数控机床可用于其他金属加工过程包括:

? Punch presses for sheet metal hole punching用于薄片板的金属板上冲孔的冲压机

? Presses for sheet metal bending用于薄片金属弯曲的折弯机。

The introduction of numerical control has had a pronounced influence on the design and operation of machine tools. 数控技术的介入到机加工对机床的设计和运用有着显著的影响。One of the effects of NC has been that the proportion of time spent by the machine cutting metal under program control is significantly greater than with manually operated machines. 数控影响之一在程序控制下切削金属的时间与传统手动机床大得多。This causes certain components, such as the spindle, drive gears, and feed screws, to wear more rapidly. These components must be designed to last longer on NC machines。所以对于一些零件如主轴驱动主轴丝杠磨损更快,这些零件要设计成持续时间长的。 second, the addition of the electronic control unit has increased the cost of the machine, therefore requiring higher equipment utilization. 第二,增加电子控制单元后设备成本也随之增加,因此需要更高的利用率。 Instead of running the machine on only one shift, which was the convention with manually operated machines, NC machines are often operated two or even three shifts to obtain the required payback. 取代传统手工操作的一班制,数控机床通常采用两班或三班制来获得更多的回报。Also, the NC machines are designed to reduce the time consumed by the non-processing


elements in the operation cycle, such as loading and unloading the workpart, and changing tools. 数控机床的设计中减少了非操作过程的时间如装卸工件和换刀时间。Third, the increasing cost of labor has altered the relative roles of the operator and the machine tool. Consider the role of the human operator. 第三,增加的劳动成本由人工成本变为设备成本。Instead of being the highly skilled worker who controlled every aspect of the part production, the tasks of the operator have been reduced to part loading and unloading, tool changing, chip clearing, and the like. In this way, one operator can often run two or three automatic machines. The role and functions of the machine tool have also changed. 考虑到人工操作的角色,角色由技术熟练的工人控制,工件生产的每一个过程变为只控制装卸换刀和清除碎屑和类似的操作,这样一个工人可以同时操作两台或三台车床,机床的角色和功能也改变了。 NC machines are designed to be highly automatic and capable of combining several operations in one setup that formerly required several different machines. These changes are best exemplified by a new type of machine that did not exist prior to the advent and development of numerical control: the machining center. 数控需要设计成高度自动化具有需要在不同车床加工几种操作联合在一起一定加工的能力,这些变化是通过一种新型车床在数控技术存在之前是不存在的,他丰富了数控加工中心

The machining center, developed in the late 1950s, is a machine tool capable of performing several different machining operations on a workpart in one setup under program control. 加工中心是在20 世纪50 年代发展起来的具有在程序控制下在一个工件上一次裝夹完成几种不同的加工能力的机床。

The machining center is capable of milling, drilling,reaming, tapping, boring, facing, and similar operations. 加工中心能完成铣,钻,铰屑,攻丝,镗,车端面及一些类似机加工工作。 In addition, the features that typically characterize the NC machining center include the following: 另外数控加工中心的典型特征包括以下方面:

(1) Automatic tool-changing capability (1)自动换刀能力:

A variety of machining operations means that a variety of tools is required. 多种机加工工作一位着需要多种刀具。 The tools are contained on the machine in a tool magazine or drum. 刀具贝安装在刀库或多刀刀库中。 When a tool needs to be changed, the tool drum rotates to the proper position, and an

automatic tool changing mechanism, operating under program control, exchanges the tool in the spindle and the tool in the drum. 当一把刀需要被调换时,多刀刀座自动旋转到相应的位置上。自动化的换刀机构。在程序控制下进行,把主轴上需换下的刀和多刀刀座上的刀调换

(2) Automatic workpart positioning (2)工件的自动定位:

Most machining centers have the capability to rotate the job relative to the spindle, thereby permitting the cutting tool to access four surfaces of the part. 大多数加工中心都可以使工件沿着主轴旋转因此允许刀具达到工件的四个表面

(3) Pallet shuttle


Another feature is that the machining center has two (or more) separate pallets that can be presented to the cutting tool. 加工中心另一个特点是有两个或多个独立拖板每个拖板都可以调整在刀具上。 While machining is being performed with one pallet in position in front of the tool, the other pallet is in a safe location away from the spindle. 在加工过程中,一个拖板在刀具的前部,另一个拖板在远离主轴的安全位置。In this way, the operator can unload the finished part from the prior cycle and fixture the raw workpart for the next cycle while machining is being performed on the current workpiece. 这样当机床正在加工当前的零件时。操作人员就可以从上一个工作循环中卸下最终加工好的零件,同时加紧毛坯用于下一个工作循环。

Machining centers are classified as vertical or horizontal. 加工中心可以分为立式和卧式。 The descriptor refers to the orientation of the machine tool spindle. 这是参照机床主轴方向来划分的。 A vertical machining center has its spindle on a vertical axis relative to the worktable, and a horizontal machining center has its spindle on a horizontal axis. 立式加工中心具有轴线相对工作台垂直的主轴,卧式车床的主轴轴线是水平方向的。 This distinction generally results in a difference in the type of work that requires tool access from the top. 这种区别通常会导致在这些加工中心加工的零件类型不同。 A horizontal machining center is used for cube-shaped parts where tool access can best be achieved on the sides of the cube. 立式加工中心用于以上进刀的平面工作。卧式加工中心用于立体形状,刀具在立体侧面可以进刀。An example of an NC horizontal machining center,


capable of many of the features described above, is shown in Fig.2.2. 一台数控卧式加工中心,例子如图2.2 所示,具有上面提到的一些特征。

The success of the machining center has resulted in the development of similar machine tools for other metal working processes. 加工中心的成功应用导致了其他类似金属加工机床的发展。 One example is the turning center, designed as a highly automated and versatile machine tool for performing turning, facing, drilling, threading, and related operation. 例如:在车削中心,把车削加工设计成一个高度自动化万能机床可以完成车削,刨,钻,螺纹加工和类似的操作.


The development of numerical control was a significant achievement in batch and job shop manufacturing, from both a technological and a commercial viewpoint. 数控的发展在分批生产和小批量生产中有着重要意义,从技术和商业角度来说都有着重要意义。There have been two enhancements and extensions of NC technology, including: 数控有两方面的提高和扩展,包括:

? Direct numerical control直接数据控制

? Computer numerical control计算机数字控制

(1) Direct numerical control直接数据控制

Direct numerical control can be defined as a manufacturing system in which a number of machines are controlled by a computer through direct connection and in real time. 直接数据控制定义为一个制造系统,一定数量的机床有一台计算机通过直接硬件连线实时控制。The tape reader is omitted in DNC, thus relieving the system of its least reliable component. Instead of using the tape reader, the part program is transmitted to the machine tool directly from the computer memory. 相应的磁带播放机忽略在直接数控中,这样就消除系统中最不可靠的环节。不用磁带播放机而用电脑信息传给车床。 In principle, one computer can be used to control more than 100 separate machines. (One commercial DNC system during the 1970s boasted a control capability of up to 256 machine tools.) The DNC computer is designed to provide instructions to each machine tool on demand When the machine needs control commands, they are communicated to it immediately. 原则上说一台计算机可以控制100 台独立机器(DNC 系统在1970 年称为可控制26


Fig.2.3 illustrates the general DNC configuration. 图2.3 说明了DNC 的基本配置。The system consists of four components: 这个系统包括4 部分:

? Central computer中央计算机

? Bulk memory, which stores the NC part programs大量内存,用于存放数控程序

? Telecommunication lines通信线 ? Machine tools机床刀具

The computer calls the part program instructions from bulk storage and sends them to the individual machines as the need arises. 计算机从海量内存中取出部分程序指令送入到需要的独立机床中。 It also receives data back from the machines. 相应的计算机也接受机床反馈信息。This two-way information flow occurs in real time, which means that each machine‘s requests for instructions must be satisfied almost instantaneously. 这种双工的信息流在实时控制加工系统中出现意味着每台机床需要指令的请求能立即得到回应。 Similarly, the computer must always be ready to receive information from the machines and to respond accordingly. 类似的,计算机必须总是要准备要接受信息和进行回应。The remarkable feature of the DNC system is that the computer is servicing a large number of separate machine tools all in real time. Depending on the number of machines and the computational requirements that are imposed on the computer, it is sometimes necessary to make use of satellite computers, as shown in Fig.2.4. DNC 系统显著特点是:可以实时控制大量机床。更具机器数量和所需的计算机程度化。有时需要使用卫星计算机如图2.4 所示。These satellites are smaller computers, and they serve to take some of the burden off the larger central computer. 卫星计算机是更小的计算机,可以分担中央计算任务,减轻其负担。Each satellite controls several machines. 每台卫星控制几台机床。 Groups of part program instructions are received from the central computer and stored in buffers. 零件加工指令程序由计算机接受,储存在内存中。They are then dispensed to the individual machines as required Feedback data from the machines are also


stored in the satellite‘s buffer before being collected at the central computer. 当需要时卫星计算机发送指令程序到每个独立机床中。来自机床的反馈数据在电脑中央存储接受之前存储在卫星内存中。

(2)Computer numerical control计算机数字控制

Since the introduction of DNC, there have been dramatic advances in computer technology. 由于DNC 技术的介入,在计算机技术上得到了很大的发展。 The physical size and cost of a digital computer have been significantly reduced at the same time that its computational capabilities have been substantially increased. 计算机在尺寸和成本显著减少的同时,计算机的能力却有很大的提高。 In numerical control, the result of these advances has been that the large hard-wired MCU of conventional NC have been replaced by control units based on the digital computer. Initially, minicomputers were utilized in the early 1970s. 在数控中,这些发展使得由硬件布置的MCU变为数字电脑控制的控制单元。最早,小型机在1970 年使用。 As further miniaturization occurred in computers, minicomputers were replaced by today‘s microcomputers. 随着计算机进一步小型化,小型机被当今的微型机取代。

Computer numerical control is an NC system using dedicated microcomputer as the machine control unit. 计算机控制也是一种数字控制,它采用微型计算机作为控制单元。Because a digital computer is used in both CNC and DNC, it is appropriate to distinguish between the two types of system. There are three principal differences: 由于数字电脑用于CNC 和DNC 中,只近似区分两种类型。有三个区分原则:

? DNC computers distribute instructional data to, and collect data from, a large number of machines. CNC computers control only one machine, or a small number of machines. DNC 电脑接受和发送指令数据都是来自许多机器,CNC 电脑控制只是一个机器或多个机器。

? DNC computers occupy a location that is typically remote from the machines under their control. CNC computers are located very near their machine tools. DNC 电脑占有一个位置通过控制来实现机器的旋转。CNC 电脑要非常靠近车床。

? DNC software is developed not only to control individual pieces of

production equipment, but also to serve as part of a management information system in the manufacturing sector of the firm. DNC 软件的发展不经可以控制生产设备的每个单独零件,还可以在生产坚固性方面提供主要控制信息。 CNC software is developed to augment the capabilities of a particular machine tool. CNC 的提高可以提高特殊车床的能力。

The general configuration of a computer numerical control system is pictured in Fig.2.5. 电脑数控系统的大体配置如图2.5 所示。As illustrated in the diagram, the controller has a tape reader for initial entry of a part program. 如图中所示,最初进入控制器的是磁带播放机。In this regard, the outward appearance of a CNC system is similar to that of a conventional NC machine. 这样,CNC 的外部系统与传统的NC机相似。However, the way in which the program is used in CNC is different. 似。然而CNC 中的程序使用方法是不同的。With a conventional NC system, the punched tape is cycled through the tape reader for each workpart in the batch. The MCU reads in a block of instructions on the tape, executing that block before proceeding to the next block. 与传统的数控系统比,纸带通过纸带阅读机对每个批次的工件循环。MCU读取磁带上的指示块,执行该块,然后进行下一个块。In CNC, the entire program is entered once and stored in computer memory.在数控中,整个程序一旦进入并储存在电脑的存储器中。 The machining cycle for each part is controlled by the program contained in memory rather than from the tape itself.每个零件的加工周期控制在内存中,而不是来自磁带本身的程序。

Control algorithms contained in the computer convert the part program instructions into actions of the machine tool (or other processing equipment). 在计算机中的控制算法转换成机床(或其他加工设备)的行动的一部分程序指令。Certain functions are carried out by hard-wired components in the MCU. MCU中进行硬连接组件的某些功能。For example, circular interpolation calculations are often performed by hard –wired circuits rather than by stored program. Also, a hardware interface is required to make the connections with the machine tool servo systems. 例如,圆弧插补计算往往是通过硬连接的电路,而不是由存储程序执行。另外,硬件接口需要与机床伺服系统连接。


(3) Features of CNC control CNC的控制特点

In previous the important features and functions of the machine control unit in numerical control were described. 在前面,对数控机床控制单元的重要特征和功能进行了描述。CNC has made possible additional features beyond what is normally found in a conventional hard-wired MCU. Some of these features include the following: 数控已经超出了通常在传统的硬连线的单片机中可能发现的附加功能。其中一些功能包括以下内容:

1) Storage of more than one part program. 存储多个零件程序With improvements in computer technology, many of the newer CNC controllers have a large enough capacity to store more than a single program. 随着计算机技术的改进,许多新的CNC控制器有一个足够大的容量来存储大于一个单一的程序。This translates into the capability to store either one very large program or several small and medium-sized programs.这能力意味着存储成功其中一个非常大的程序或几个小型和中型项目。

2) Use of diskettes. 使用软盘There is a growing use of floppy disks for part programs in manufacturing. The capacity of an 8-in. 有越来越多的软盘制造业中的部分程序使用,8合一的能力。 diskette is the approximate equivalent of 8,000 ft of punched tape. Because of this more modern storage technology, many CNC controllers have the optional capability to read in programs stored on disks as well as punched tape. 软盘是大致相当于8000英尺纸带。因为这更现代的存储技术,许多CNC控制器可选的阅读能力在磁盘上以及纸带存储方案。

3) Program editing at the machine tool site.机床网站编辑计划 To deal with the mistakes in part programming, CNC systems permit the program to be edited while it is in computer memory. 为了解决部分编程的错误,数控系统允许程序编辑,而它是在计算机内存中。 Hence, the process of testing and correcting the program can be done entirely at the machine site rather than returning to the programming office in the shop to make the tape corrections. 因此,完全可以在机器网站中测试和纠正计划的过程,而不是去店里的编程办公室进行磁带更正。In

addition to part program corrections, editing can also be done to optimize the cutting conditions of the machining cycle. 除了部分程序更正,编辑也可以进行对切削条件下加工周期的优化。 After correcting and optimizing the program, a tape punch can be connected to the CNC controller in order to obtain a revised version of the tape for future use. 纠正和优化方案后,纸带穿孔机可以连接到CNC控制器,以获得供将来使用的磁带的修订版本。

4) Fixed cycles and programming subroutines. 固定周期和编程子程序The increased memory capacity and the ability to program the control computer in CNC provides the opportunity to store frequently use machining cycles in memory that can be called by the part program Instead of writing the instructions for the particular cycle into every program, a code is written into the program to indicate that the cycle should be execute. 增加内存容量和能力,在数控编程控制计算机提供了机会来存储经常使用在记录中的加工,而是写入到特定周期的指令,每一个程序的一部分程序,可以称为周期,写入代码到程序表明周期应当执行。Some of these cycles require the definition of certain parameters in order to execute. 这些周期需要通过某些参数的定义来执行。An example is a bolt hole circle, in which the diameter of the bolt circle, the spacing of the bolt holes, and other parameters must be specified. In other cases, the particular machining cycle used by the shop would not require parameter definition. 例如螺栓孔圆形,螺栓圈的直径,其中必须指定螺栓孔和其他参数的间距。在其他情况下,特别是加工店使用的周期并不需要参数的定义。

5) Interpolation.插值 Some of the interpolation schemes are normally executed only on a CNC system because of the computational requirements. 一些插值计划通常仅由于数控系统计算的要求而执行。Linear and circular interpolation are often hard-wired into the control unit.直线和圆弧插补往往很难连接到控制单元。 Helical, parabolic, and cubic interpolations are usually executed in a stored program algorithm.螺旋线,抛物线,立方插值通常作为存储程序的算法。

6) Positioning features for setup. 定位功能设置Setting up the


Robots, like NC machines can he powered by electrical motors,hydraulic systems,or pnetinlat tc

svsterns. Control for either device can lye either open-loop or closed-loop. In fact,many of the

developments used in robotics have evolved from the NC industry,and many of the manufactur-

ers of robots also manufacture NC machines or NC controllers. 工业机器人是相对来说较新的机电设备,它已经开始改变现代工业的面貌。工业机器人不像科幻小说中的那个模样具有人一样的能力并且能与其它移动物建立友谊。机器人能够看见听到触觉听的研究已经进行了20多年,现在开始开花结果了。然而,通常所说的工业机器人技术是是大多数机器人只包含了一条臂而不是拥有人解剖学上的全部结构。通常的控制只允许这些机器人在空间上从点到点的移动,完成相对简单的工作。美国机器人学会定义机器人为“一个可再编程序,多功能的机器手,它通过各种可编程的运行来完成不同的任务,用于搬用原料、零件、刀具、以及专用装置。如果认为不同类型的加工有不同的作用。那么一个数控加工中心也可以被认为是机器人。大部分制造工程师认为数控加工中心不是机器人,尽管他们有很多相似之处。数控机构和机器人的动力驱动和控制十分相似。想数控机构一样机器人能够由发动机、液压系统、气压系统提供动力。两种设备都能由开环控制或闭环控制。实际上,许多应用于机器人发展技术由数控工业演变过来并且许多机器人制造商也制造数控机床和数控控制器。

A physical robot is normally composed of a main frame (or arm) with a wrist and some tool-

ing (usually some type of gripper) at the end of the frame. \power system may also

be included with the robot. A controller with some type of teach pendant,joy-stick. or key pad

is also part of the system. I1 typical robotic system is shown in Fig. 5. 1. 实际的机器人由带有腕(或称为臂)的主机身和机器端部的工具(通常是某些的支撑器)组成。机器人也可能有一个辅助动力系统。机


Robots are usually characterized by the design of the mechanical system. A robot whose

main frame consists of three linear axes is called a Cartesian robot. The Cartesian robot derives its

name from the coordinate systern. Travel normally takes place linearly in three-space. Some

Cartesian robots are constructed like a gantry to minimize deflection alang each of the axes.

These robots are referred to as gantry robots. Fig. 5. 2 shows examples of Cartesian robots.

These robots behave and car, be controlled similarly to conventional :hree-axis IBC machines.、

Gantry robots are generally the most accuratN physical structure for robots. Gantry robots are

cOIIIIIi(]nly used for assemhly where tight tolerance and exact location are required. 机器人特点通常由机械系统的设计表现,一个主要框架包括三条移动轴的机器人称为笛卡尔机器人。笛卡尔机器人它的名字来源于笛卡尔坐标系沿三维空间的直线移动。一些笛卡尔机器人由龙门结构构成以便使沿每个轴的偏差最小。这些机器人称为龙门机器人。图5.2展示了笛卡尔机器人,这些机器人的动作控制都相似于传统的三坐标机床。龙门结构一般来说是最正确的机器人实际结构。龙门机器人通常用于公差较小和位置度要求较高的装配中。 A cylindrical robot is composed of two linear axes and one rotary axis. name from the work envelollE (the, space in which it operates)、which is This robot derives its

created by moving the axes from limit to limit甲F'ig.5。3 shows typical cylindrical robot、二Cylindrical robots are used for a variety of applications,but most frequently for material-handling operations. 圆柱机器人由两个移动轴和一个旋转轴组成,这种机器人的名称来源自包围轨迹(它的功作范围),它由轴移动的极限位置构成。图5.3




In order for a device to qualify as a robot,it must be easily reprogrammable. Nonprograniniahie

mechanisms,regardless of their potential flexibility by reasserrtbly or rewiring,do not qualify as

robots.‘A class of devices that fits this category are fixed or variable-sequence robots. Many of

these robots are pneumatically driven甲Rather than controlling the robot path.the device:、driv-

en to fixed stops or switches via some form of ladder logic. Although the、 ladder programming

qualifies for the definition of a robot,the switches or stops must normally he physically moved in

order to alter the tasks being performed. ' Drive actuators or motors are turned \

pending on the desired sequence of tasks and switch states. Robot operations for This type of sys

tem are normally limited to rather simple application 给机器人编程


Programming of more conventional robots normally takes one of three forms:(I)wAk-

through or pendent teaching,(2)lead-through leaching, or(3)Jfline programming. Each

robot normally comes with onf or more of these types of programming systems. Each has advan

tapes and disadvantages depending on the application being considered 传统机器人的程序通常采用以下三个形式之一:(1)操作器编程(2)导入式程序(3)脱机程序。每个机器人通常具有一个或更多这种程序类型的系统。每种形式的优缺点依不同的应用而不同

Walk-through or pendant teaching or programming is the most commonly used robot pro-

gramming procedure. In this type of programming,a pendant that normally contains one or snore

Joy一、ticks is used to move the -robot throughout its work envelope. At the end of each teach

point,the current robot position is saved. As was the case with N(一machines。some robot- allow

the programmer the option of defining the path between points. Again。these robots are called

continuous-path systems. Systems that do not allow the user to specify the path taken are called

point-to-point systems. Many continuous-path robots allow the user to define the path:。tale

(:artesian spac。甲Circular moves。as the name implies take place in circles ;along one of the major

planes. 6 The path that the robot takes using a joint-interpolation scheme is not always easy ire de-

termine. In joint interpolation,each of the robot joints are moved at a constant rate、。、that all

the axes start and stop at the same time. T For Cartesian robots,straight-line and joint一interpola

’Lion schemes produce the same path. For the other types of robot

systems。this is not true. 操作器编程最常用的机器人编程方式,


这种类型编程,A pendant 通常包括几个用于使机器人在它工作范围移动的操作杆。在每个工序的终点,机器人的位置被保存。像数控机床一样,一些机器人允许编程人员选择定义两点间路线。另外,这些机器人被称为连续路径系统。不允许用户指定路径系统称为点到点系统。许多连续路径机器人允许用户定义在两个主要点之间连线的路径。那么,用户可以定义直线、圆弧的、指定某一位置的路径。在直线路径中,机器人在笛卡尔空间中,以直线两两端点移动。顾名思义,圆弧运动就是在某一主平面上沿圆弧运动。机器人以插入某处方案执行路线很不容易确定。在接点插补中,机器人的每一关节都以一恒定速度移动以保证所有的轴同时启动和停止。对于笛卡尔机器人,直线和结点插补方案产生相同的路径。对于其他类型机器人系统,这不成立。

Pendant programming systems normally have supplemental commands that allow the pro

grammer to perform auxiliary operations such as close the end一。ffector,wait,pause。check the

status of a switch or several switches。return a complete status to a machine,etc. The program-

mer walks the robot through the necessary steps required to perform a task,saving each interme-

diate step along with the auxiliary information. The teach pendant used :o program the Fanuc

M1 robot is shown in Fig. 5. 4,

操作器编程系统通常提供允许编程人完成辅助操作的命令,如关闭终端,等待,暂停,检查一种或几种转换状态,返回全部状况给机床,等等。编程人员使机器人走过要求完成一项工作的必要步骤,保存每一中间步骤和辅助的信息。用于给fanuc M1机器人编程的操作器,如图5.4所示。

Lead-through programming is one of the simplest programming procedures used to program

a robot.八、the name implies。the programmer simply physically moves the robot through the re-

quired sequence of motions. The robot controller records the position and speed。、the program-

mer leads the robot through the (:peration. The power is normally shut down while the t)rogram-

mer is leading the robot through the necessary moves,so that the robot will not generate any

`glitches\might injure the operator. Although lead-through programming is the easiest pro-

gramming method to learn,it does introduce some severe limitations to the robot's application.

For instance, when the robot is being led through the operation,the operator carries the weight

of the robot. The gears, motor and lead screw may introduce a false resolver reading,so that

when the weight of the robot,and perhaps a part,must be supported by the system the actual

end-effector position may be significantly different from the position taught to the robot. ` Anoth-

er problem with this method is that since the position and speed are recorded as the robot is toeing

led through the desired path,a significant amount of data is generated. This data must be stored

arid later recalled. Storage and retrieval space and time can cause the programrner problem,甲Ye:一

haps the major problem associated with lead-through programming is that the human who leads

the robot through the process is capable of only finite accuracy and may introduce inconsistenciel,

into the proce二甲Human-indured errors and inaccuracies eliminate some of the major advantagesof using robots. 导入式程序是最简单的机器人程序设计过程之一。顾名思义,编程人简单实际的是机器人沿着路线轮廓移动。机器人控制器反馈它的位置并且像编程人一


样引导机器人完成操作。当编程人员负责引导机器人完成必要动作时,动力降低以便机器人不产生伤害操作人员。尽管导入式编程是最容易学的程序语言,但它也反映了一些机器人应用的限制,例如,当机器人正在进行操作时,操作人员搬运机器人。齿轮,电动机和丝杠会引入错误的运算读数值,这样当机器人的重量,也许是工件的重量必须由系统承担时,端部执行器的 实际位置可能与机器人的训练位置有很大差异。这种方式的另一个问题是由于在机器人的位置和速度被记录指引通过期望的路径是,大量的数据信号产生,这些数据不需存储后调用,存储和从新调用的空间和时间可能会引起汇编器问题 ,也许与导入方程式协调的主要问题是引导机器人完成工艺过程的人能够做有限的准确可能引起工艺过程的不协调,人为错误和不准确性削弱了使用机器人的优点。

tages over both lead-through and teach programming. The principles of offline programming are similar to using an offline language such as APT for NC programming. Several languages have

been developed at major universities as well in industry throughout the C3. S,,Examples of these

languages include VAL created by LTnimation,AR-Basic by American Robot Corp,ARMBA

SIC by Microbot,Inc,used. AR-Basic allows and the ANIL by IB141. To illustrate offline programming,AR-Basic will be user to, (1)Define the position of the robot (2)Control the motion of the robot

(3)Input and output control data脱机程序对机器人来说是 相对较新的技术,它能够提供导入式和控制板编程的一些优点。脱机程序的规律与对数控技术应用脱机语言类似。几种脱机语言已经在美国的主要大学和工业种发展。这些语言主要有unimation的VAL,美国机器人协会的ar-basic,microbot,lnc的arm-basic和ibm的ami,以ar-basic为例解释说明脱机语言,ar-bisic允许用户 定义机器人的位置

AR familiar Basic is prirnitive BASIC'. data

an interpretive BASIS system that employs many of the same functions

as the

programming language. In AR- Rasic,points and tools are defined。、。set of

Points are defined using the convention: X,Y .z,R, P,Y控制机器人的运动 输入输出控制数据

ar-basis系统的细化,他采用的许多相同的功能采用了我们熟悉的basic程序语言,在ar-basic中,点和刀具定义为初始化数据点由以下协议定义 x,y,z,r,y

where X , Y,and Z are the C artexian spa

roll,pitch and yaw of the tool. Each of the point definitions relative points (again defined in a similar manner as for NC can he specified as either absolute the nc machines),

X,,y,z表示由端部执行器占据笛卡尔空间,r p y表示刀具旋转进给和yaw.每个点的定义既可以是绝对的夜可以是相对的(也和数控机床有相似的规则)

Tool-definition commands are used to define the location of any tooling that i,iigl,t be re

quired for an operation. The tool definition specifies the midpoint of the robot's fac}_,)late,and

consists of the same six data used to describe a point. 。


The robot;。set into motion using。set of motion control commands. The motion commands allows the programmer to;

(1)Define the type of path to take (Straight-line,circular,or joint-coordinated)


(2)Define the end of tooling speed (3)Define the frame of reference (4)Describe the current tool tip

AR-Basic also allow the programmer to input and output data to any device to which the

robot is interfaced. Analog and digital data can be sent to A/T7 converters,D/A converters,par-

allel,or serial I/U ports. Table 5-1 contains Point and tool definition examples. Table 5-2 con-

tains AR-Basic examples for motion control.

机器人通过运动控制命令执行运动,运动命令允许编程人定义采取的路径类型(直线,圆弧,结点插补) 定义刀具的最终速度 定义参考柜架 定义刀尖的类别


Unit 6 Group Technology

Group technology is a manufacturing philosophy that involves identifying and grouping components having similar or related attributes in order to take advantage of their similarities in the design and/or manufacturing phases of the production cycle.(成组技术是一个制造业的哲学概念,它涉及到具有相似或相关属性零件的标识和分组,这样我们可利用产品的相似性这种特点,把这种技术应用于产品生产的设计制造过程中)

Historically, this novel principle first came into being here in the United States in 1920,when Frederick Taylor supported the idea of grouping parts that required special operations.(历史上,这个新颖的理论是在1920年Frederick Taylor支持将需要特殊加工的零件成组而被第一次提出的)He was followed by the Jones and Lamson Machine Company

in the early 1920s,which used a crude form of group technology to build machine tools.(在1920年早期,Jones andLamson公司继承他的思想,他们用粗糙的成组技术形式生产工具)Their manufacturing approach involved such principles as departmentalization by product rather than by process and minimizing the routing paths.(他们使用这一原理的生产方法就是以产品来划分部门,而不是以工艺或缩短路径来划分部门)Today, group technology is implemented through the application of well-structured classification and coding systems and supporting software to take advantage of the similarities of components.(现在,成组技术正在通过运用结构分类、代码系统和支持软件来利用相似零件的优势进一步实施)

Reasons for Adopting Group Technology

Modern manufacturing industries are racing a lot of challenges caused by growing international competition and fast-changing market demands. These challenges, which are exemplified in the following list, have been and can be successfully met by group technology:(现在制造工业正在接受由日益激烈的国际化竞争和多变的市场要求带来的挑战。这些挑战可以用成组技术成功地解决,如下所列:)

*There is an industrial trend toward low-volume production(small lot sizes)of a wider variety of products in order to meet the rising demand for specially ordered products in today's affluent societies. In other words, the share of the batch-type production in industry is growing day after day, and it is anticipated that 75 percent of all manufactured parts will be in small lot sizes.(工业生产发展的趋势是产品的品种更加多样而每种产品生产的数量减少,以此来满足当今繁荣社会不断增长的专门订货。换句话说,工厂中分批式生产的比例越来越高,预计将来全部的75%是小批量的。)

*As a result of the first factor, the conventional shop organization is becoming very inefficient and obsolete because of the wasteful routing paths of the products between the various machine tool departments.(作为第一个因素的结果,传统的车间机构变得越来越低效和过时,因为产品在不同的工具部传送的时候浪费时间)


*There is a need to integrate the design and manufacturing phases in order to cut short the lead time, thus winning a competitive situation in the international market.(有必要把设计和制造的阶段集成在一起可以减少订货至交货的时间,这样可以在国际化市场上具有竞争力) Benefits of Group Technology

(1)Benefits in product design.(在产品设计的优势)Concerning design of products, the principal benefit of group technology is that it enables product designers to avoid \the wheel\or duplicating engineering efforts. (关于产品的设计,成组技术最主要的好处在于可以防止重复发明和复制工程成果)In other words, it eliminates the possibility of designing a product that was previously designed because it facilitates storage and easy retrieval of engineering designs.(换句话说,由于它存储方便,并且相关的工程设计很容易被取出,所以消除了发明以前就存在的产品)When an order of a part is released, the part is first coded, and then existing designs that match that code are retrieved from the company's library of designs stored in the memory of a computer, thus saving a large amount of time in design work. (一旦要求设计某一个零件,这个零件首先被编码,然后检索存储于计算机存储器中的该公司的设计库,找出与这个编码相匹配的已有设计,这样便可节省大量的重复设计时间)If the exact part design is not included in the company's computerized files, a design close enough to the required one can be retrieved and modified in order to satisfy the requirements,(如果在公司计算机存储器中没有完全吻合的设计,那就找出与之最相似的设计,修正后可以满足要求)A further advantage of group technology is that it promotes standardization of production tools and work-holding devices.(此外,成组技术可以促进生产工具和工件夹持装置的标准化)

(2)Standardization of tooling and setup. (加工和装配的标准化)Since parts are grouped into families, a flexible design for a work-holding device(jig or fixture)can be made for each family in such a manner that it can accommodate every member of that family, thus reducing the cost of fixturing by reducing the number of fixtures required.(因为工件被分成

了类别,对工件夹持装置的灵活设计可以应用于每个类的所有零件,这样可以减少所需要的夹持件的数量,从而减少了夹持装置的费用)Also, it is obvious that a machine setup can bemade once for the whole family(because of the similarities between the parts of a family)instead of a machine setup for each of the individual parts.(并且,很显然一次的机器装配可以用于此类的所有零件,而不是只对单个零件适用) (3)More efficient material handling. (更高效的物料输送)When the plant layout is based on the group technology principles, i. e, dividing the plant into cells, each consisting of a group of different machine tools and wholly devoted to the production of a family of parts, material handling is more efficient because of the minimal routing paths of parts between machine tools achieved in this case. (基于成组技术原理规划工厂布局,即把工厂分为单元,每个单元由一组用于生产同一族零件的各种机床组成,这时原材料的传送是很有效的,因为这种情形下的零件在机床间的移动路径最短。)This is in contrast with the \lines in the case of the conventional departmentalization-by-process layout. That comparison is clearly illustrated in Fig.6.1,which indicates both cases.(这与传统的按工序分部门的很乱的布局形成了对比!) (4)Improving economies of batch-type production.(提高分批式生产的经济效益)Usually, batch-type production involves a wide variety of nonstandard parts, seemingly with nothing in common. (通常,分批式生产包括各种各样的不标准零件,貌似它们没有共性)Therefore, grouping parts(and processes)in families enable to achieve economies that are obtainable only in mass production.(但是,分组技术只有在大量生产时才可以取得经济效益)

(5)Easier scheduling.(更容易安排)Grouping the parts into families facilitates the task of scheduling, since this work will be done for each family instead of for each part.(将工件分族可以降低安排任务的难度) (6)Reduced work-in-process and lead time.(减少在制品和订货至交货的时间)Reduced work-in-process(WIP)and lead time result directly from reduced setup and material-handling time. (WIP源于减少了安装和原材料处理的时间)In other words, parts are not redundantly


transferred between machining departments, since material handling is carried out efficiently within each of the individual cells. (换句话说,由于在每个单元之间高效的物料输送,零件在加工部门传送地一点都不冗余)This is in contrast to the production in a typical plant with a process-type layout, where a piece that requires only a few minutes of machining may spend days on the shop floor. (这与本来一个工件可以几分钟加工完的却用了几天的基于过程布局的车间的生产形成了对比,)This latter situation involves increased WIP, which adversely affects the inventory turuover and the cash-flow cycle. (后一种情形下需要较多的在制品,这对库存换新率及现金的周转率产生不利的影响)Also, lead time for a product manufactured in a plant designed according to group technology principles is far shorter than that of a product manufactured in a plant with a process-type layout.(而且,基于成组技术的车间产品的订货至交货的时间比基于过程的车间快得多)

(7)Faster and more rational process planning. (更快更理智的过程设计)Group technology paves the way for automated process planning. (成组技术为自动过程设计做好了准备)This can be achieved through proper parts classification and coding system, where a detailed process plan for each part is stored under its code and thus can be easily retrieved.(这可以通过合理的零件分类和编码系统来实现,详细的加工计划储存在编码里面并且很容易被取出) 以下无。。。。。。。


CAD/CAM is a term which means computer-aided design and compuer-aided manufacturing. It is


the technology concerned which the use of digital computers to perform certain functions in


design and production. This technology is moving in the direction of

greater integration of design


and manufacturing, two activities which have traditionally been treated as distinct and separate functions in a production firm. Ultimately, CAD/CAM will provide the technology base for the computer-intgrated factory of the future.

Computer-aided design(CAD) can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in the


creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. The computer systems consist of the


hardware and software to perform the specialized design functions required by the particular user firm.The CAD hardware typically includes the computer, one or more graphics display terminals,


keybosrds, and other peripheral equipment.The CAD software consists of the computer programs


to implement computer graphics on the system plus application programs to facilitate the engineering functions of the user computer. Example of these application programs include


stress-strain analysis of components, dynamic response of mechanisms,


heat-transfer calculations,and numerical control part programming. The collection of application programs will vary from one user firm to the next because their product lines, manufacturing processes, and customer markets are different. These factors give rise to differences in CAD system requirements.

Compuer-aided manufacturing (CAM) can be defined as the utilization of computer systems to


plan, manage, and control the operations of a manufacturing plant through either direct or indirect computer interface with the plant’s production resources. As indicated by the definition, the applications of computer-aided manufacturing fall into two broad categories:

(1) Computer monitoring and control. These are the direct applications in which the computer is connected directly to the manufacturing process for the purpose of monitoring or controlling the process.电脑监测和控制(这两段基本上不会考)

(2) Manufacturing support applications. These are the indirect applications in which the computer is used in support of the production operations in the plant, but there is no direct interface between the computer and the manufacturing process制造业应用支持. Increasing Drafting Productivity

CAD/CAM systems can entail a whole new set of drafting philosophies, all of which enhance productivity. Cad、cam可以推导出一整组全新的绘图原理,他们都能够提高生产率。

For instance, most systems now on the market have a number of built-in functions that make new and useful drafting techniques automatically. Layering, for example, enables drafters to create drawing in logical segments that can be stored separately for easy identification; but the segments can still be output together , in one single piece , which

illustrates the entire drawing at once. The method is analogous to the anatomical drawing we are used to seeing in biology texts. The skeleton ,nerves ,internal organs ,blood vessels,an musles are all



represented on individual overlays of clear plastic . They can be viewed individually , or ,by laying them on top of one another, all together , to show how the pieces fit in relation to one another . Layering with a graphics system uses the same principle except the overlays are logical rather than physical . The uses for this are myriad . Layer can be used to separate English and metric dimensioning information , inventory data , textual information , electrical requirement , plumbing ,machine tool paths, and a host of other things . The result is cleaner , less cluttered drawings .

分别由具有不同颜色的塑料所替代。他们被看做个体,或者把他们叠加在一起,来显示各个部件之间是如何相匹配的。通过图象系统来分层设色,采用相同的原则,除非覆盖物是逻辑的而不是非物理的 。诸如此类的应用有很多。分层也可用于区分英文和数字维度信息,数据信息。文本信息,电子需要锯锤测探、机械部件路径等。结果是清晰、明了的图样

Another example of a productivity enhancement for drafting involve automating auxiliary views of

a design . By pressing the right button or by entering the right command , a drawing could be turned 90 degrees in one direction or anther . Three-dimensional designs could be rotated on any axis or displayed in any of several projections.




The potential is really endless. Productivity increases are limited only when system management


philosophies are limited. As an additional example, consider a drafting center for an architectural firm that specializes in designing warehouse. In such a situation, standard components of each drawing can be automated by creating macros.These macros are nothing more than a series of graphics system commands strung together and executed as a single unit to build, for example, a standard floor plan or a standard staircase, or a standard door and door frame.The system can do the work in seconds and the drafter is relieved from recreating that part of the design each time it must be inserted into a drawing.

Other macro programs could be useful.A set of commands might be put together that change the


dimensioning of a drawing automatically from English to meteric units---or that automatically scale an entire drawing and rotate it to a deired orientation---or that generate a bill of materials list for complicated engineering drawings.

To take it one step further, remember that enotire designs can be stored

on the system.When the drafter receives a job that has specifications similar to a stored drawing, he merely retrives it, brings it into working storage, and edits those portions of the design that are not consistent with the specifications of the new job. Productivity increases are thus compounded. The original job is speeded up, and that job, in turn, is used to speed up the next job even further. This illustrates the need to maintain a complete and up-to-date data base that can be accessed easily by all users.

进一步说,整套设计方案可以保存在系统中,当起草者接到一份和他储存的设计极其类似的工作时,他只要把它检索出来,把它放到工作方案中,修改一下和这份新工作中不太相关的部分。从而加速了生产率的提高。原来的工作加快了,那个工作,反过来说又进一步加快了下一个工作,这说明有必要保持一个可以让用户轻松访问的完整的和最新的资料库。 Other analytical benefits 其它分析的好处:

Cad/cam can infiuence a company's engineering systems in many other ways as well.


The proper installation of a fully integrated cad/cam syetem forces a company to evaluate all design and production methods and to begin appropriate standardization of those methods.



What are the drawbacks ? 缺点是什么呢?

The drawbacks of cad/cam may not be so obvious,but they can be devastating even to the best plans. CAD/CAM的缺点或许并不明显,但即使对于最好的设计也是?具有破坏性的。其中最大 的缺点是来自于从手工草图和保存的记录到


In other words ,cad/cam will highlight the inadequacies of the weakest areas of work.


When such unsatisfactory results occur,the finger is often pointed at the cad/cam system-hardly a fair accusation,but it is usually more comfortable than pointing at people or organization.


If management is unwilling to evaluate the existing operating conditions,standards,and procedures ,the implementation of cad/cam is very likely to fail-for a number of compounding reasons.

如果管理者不愿对现存的操作条件,标准,工艺过程进行评估,那对CAD/CAM的使用将很可能会失败----因为一系列的原因。原因之一,管理政策将因为CAD/CAM系统与标准操作过程的分离而不能被很好的组织。在低水平的管理者中将产生一种这个系统永远不会被人们有效使用的感觉。另一个原因,不同的部门之间的信息通道还没有建立起来,这也导致产生CAD/CAM系统不能被长期使用的感觉。还有一个原因,就是操作员对系统实施的方面没有输入,这就导致了绘图标准的缺点,系统管理的贫乏,系统使用者的无知,这种循环是不可原谅的。特别是对于标准操作条件的评价将直接给提高这些工艺过程提供意见,即使是CAD/CAM系统从来没被使用过。 CAD/CAM的应用

Cad/cam technology has come a long way since SKETCHPAD . CAD/CAM技术从画图板发展到如今已经经过了一个很长的历程,它已经广泛的应用在各种工业生产,涉及范围从航天飞机控制到武器研究。从绘图到动态诊断,从电路分析到结构钢分析。CAD/CAM广泛应用于绘图和制造的各个环节,从绘制影视音像设备草图到控制大量的机器人组装线,它的用途在不断的发展。

The first applications of cad/cam were mostly in electronics.


The cad/cam marketplace today 当今的CAD/CAM市场:

Today there are 4 different kinds of cad/cam vendors in the marketplace.



服务处。因为这些公司有着强大的后盾,所以他们的运作良好。但是他们同样受束缚作风的影响,使得他们的不能对市场变化作出快速反应,也不能把先进的技术用于生产线来提高设备的性能。 Second are the established turnkey vendors.

第二种是专门的交钥匙系统销售商。这些公司提供各种各样的作用于不同工业环境的CAD/CAM系统。这些公司已经从事CAD/CAM行业几年或几十年。他们已经在不断的技术发展中建立了良好的 声誉,这类公司有。。。。,这些企业由于规格较小,有时不能提供很好的售后服务,但他们对市场反灵敏,能很好的满足客户的要求,能够提供各种可以使用的CAD/CAM系统。

Third are the new ,enterpreneurial cad/cam vendors.

第三种是新兴的CAD/CAM销售企业。这些公司比较小,年轻,富有创新精神,但他们的市场占有率仅为5%,但是每个公司都擅长为部分市场单人独特的高品质的系统。通常,这些企业销售的微型监控系统对需要小型化专业化 的CAD/CAM系统的客户非常有用。事实上,这些客户在购买设备前都是经过深思熟虑的。 Fourth are the service bureaus.


Doing business with each of these vendor types has both benefits and drawbacks.


Unit 8 What Is FMS?


Def initions of FMS,or Flixi协le Manufacturing Sytems,are plentiful

and in many respects。:。dependent on the ultimate user's point of view as to what the FMS consists of and how it will块

use(l. However,the following rel)resent a collection of FMS definitions, some traceable and some

not traceable to their originating source.


United States Government. A series of automatic machine tools or items of fabrication equipment linked together with an automatic material handling system, a common hierarchical digital preprogrammed computer control, and provision for random fabrication of parts or assemblies that fall within predetermined families.


Kearney and Trecker. A FMS is a group of NC machine tools that can randomly process a group of parts, having automated material handling and central computer control to dynamically balance resource utilization so that the system can adapt automatically to changes in parts production, mixes, and levels of output.


FMS is a randomly loaded automated system based on group technology manufacturing linking integrated computer control and a group of machines to automatically produce and handle (move) parts for continuous serial processing.



FMS combines microelectronics and mechanical engineering to bring the economics of scale to batch work.

FMS结合微电子技术和机械工程带来的经济规模批量工作。 A central on-line computer controls the machine tools, other workstations, and the transfer of components and tooling.

A厂上线计算机控制机床,其他工作站,零部件和模具的转移。 The computer also provides monitoring and information control.


This combination of flexibility and overall control makes possible the production of a wide range of products in small numbers.

这种灵活性和控制整体组合使一个小数字产品的广泛生产。 (5)A process under control to produce varieties of components or products within its stated capability and to a predetermined schedule.


(6)A technology which will help achieve leaner factories with better response times, lower unit costs, and higher quality under an improved level of management and capital control.


Regardless of how broadly or narrowly FMS is defined, several key items emerge as critical to a general definition of FMS, and repeat themselves through a cross-section of standard definitions.


Words like NC machine tools, automatic material handling system, central computer controlled, randomly loaded, linked together and flexible all serve to help define a very general description and definition of FMS.


Flexible manufacturing affords users the opportunity to react quickly to changing product types, mixes, and volumes while providing increased utilization and predictable control over hard assets.


Although FMS provides users with many benefits, they are not easy to justify.


Limitations and alternatives must be weighed and compared to determine if FMS is the best or event he right approach to productivity and profitability improvements.


Basically, an FMS is make up of hardware and software elements. Hardware elements are visible and tangible such as CNC machine tool, pallet queuing carrousels (part parking lots), material handling equipment (robots or automatic guided vehicles), central chip removal and coolant systems, tooling systems, coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), part cleaning stations, and computer hardware equipment.




Software elements are invisible and intangible such as NC programs, traffic management software, tooling information, type of computer control.


For the most part, ASRSs are strictly warehouse tools that track incoming material and components, store parts, tools, CMM program work order files, and sophisticated FMS software.


A typical FMS layout and its major identifiable components can be seen in Fig. 8. 1 .


Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems 自动存储和检索系统

In the 1950s, a revolutionary concept in material handling was pioneered in the United States called automated storage and retrieval.


At the time, this concept of high-rise, high-density storage and retrieval was considered a radical change in inventory management and control, rather than a revolutionary breakthrough.


Automated storage and retrieval systems, commonly referred to as ASRSs, are automated inventory-handling systems designed to replace manual and remote-control systems.


Typically, they contain tall, vertical storage racks, narrow aisles, and stacker cranes and are coupled with some

and fixtures, and retrieve them when necessary.


The goal of an automated storage and retrieval system is to deliver the right material to the right place at the right time.


Material is held in storage and then issued to the point of use as close to the time of use as possible.

材料是在存储,然后举行分至使用点尽可能接近使用时间。 Automated storage and retrieval systems store standard-sized pallets of material, and they have aisles that divide the storage racks.


In each aisle is an arm or crane, sometimes known as a stacker crane. The crane picks up a load from an input station, stores it in a computer-assigned location, and delivers it to an output station, as seen in Fig. 8.2.


Stacker cranes are rated in terms of vertical and horizontal movement in feet per second. Cranes are capable of simultaneous vertical and horizontal movement.




Loads must be presented for crane movement within size, weight, and stability limits. Even if a load is within size and weight limits, an off-center load, for example, can still jam the crane.


The principal benefits of automated storage and retrieval systems are:


Improved inventory management and control 提高库存管理和控制

Reliable and immediate delivery 可靠和立即交货 Space efficiency 空间效率

Simplified and faster inventory response 简化和更快的库存的反应

Ability to operate in adverse environments 在不利环境的操作能力

Closed storage area to reduce pilferage 关闭存储区来减少偷盗

Reduced lost or misplaced parts,tools,and fixtures 降低丢失或错零件、工具和设备

Design flexibility to accommodate a wide range of loads降低丢失或容纳一个广泛的负载

FIve CNC machining centers,90 tools each. 五CNC加工中心每90名工具。

Fivetool interchange stations,one per machine,accepting tool delivery via cart.


Three computer-controlled cars,with wire-guided path. 三个电脑控制的汽车的车射飞弹路径。 Cart maintenance ststion. 车维修车站。

Two automatic work changes,10pallets each,with dual load/unload positions with 90 tilt, 360 rotation.


two material review stands, for on-demand part inspection. 对于需求的一部分检查,代表着两个材料进行审查,

inspection module,with horizontal arm coordinate measuring machine.

模块化检测,横臂坐标测量机。 Automatic part washing station. 自动零件清洗站。

Tool chain load/unload tool gage,and calibration gage stands.


Elevated computer room, with DEC VAX 8200 central computer.

提升机房,带有DEC VAX 8200中央计算机系统。

Centralized chip/coolant collection/recovery system, with dual flume.

集中芯片/冷却液收集/恢复系统,双水槽。 Reduced labor costs. 降低劳动成本。

Accurate inventory and load loaction. 精确的库存和负载位置。

Inventory reductions (as a result of improved accuracy). 库存减少(由于改善精度)。

Increased utilization potential. 增加利用潜力。


Reduced scrap and rework (resulting from manual part movement damage).


Over the past several years, many companies have focused their attention on automated storage and retrieval systems as a means to solve existing warehouse problems.


In many cases, implementing an ASRS and other material movement systems has successfully reduced operating costs and gained control over the storage and retrieval process.


However, business conditions and objectives determine the need for an ASRS, and a fully automated warehouse may be inappropriate for some businesses.


Overall work flow and manufacturing processes must be clearly understood and known in order to determine part, tool, and fixture movement frequency, as well as maximum and minimum load sizes.


Flow to and from the areas that the ASRS is to serve should be kept clean and free of obstructions and waiting to be moved components.


Automated Guided Vehicle(AGV) 自动搬运车(AGV)

An AGV is a computer-controlled, driverless vehicle used

for transporting materials from point to point in a manufacturing setting.


They represent a major category of automated materials handling devices.


An AGV can be used for any all materials handling tasks from bringing in raw materials to moving finished products to the shipping dock.


In any discussion of AGVs, three key terms are heard frequently:

在任何AGVS的讨论中,经常听到的三个关键术语: 1 guide path1.引路 2 routing.路由

23 traffic management3.交通管理

The term guide path refers to the actual path the AGV follows in making its rounds through a manufacturing plant.

长期引路指AVG通过一个制造工厂,及其轮的实际路径。 The guide path can be one of two types. 这份指南的路径可以是以下两种类型之一。 The first and oldest type is the embedded wire-guided path. 第一和最古老的类型是嵌入式的线导路径。

With this type, which has been in existence for over 20 years, the AGV follows a path dictated by a wire that is contained within a path that runs under the shop floor.


This is why the earliest AGVs were sometimes referred to as wire-guided vehicles.



The more modern AGVs are guided by optical devices. 更现代的AGVS指导光学设备。

The term routing is also used frequently in association with AGVs.

长期路径也经常使用AGV的关联。 Routing has to do with the AGV’s ability to make decisions that allow it to select the appropriate route as it moves across the shop floor.


The final tem, traffic management devices such as stop signs, yield signs, caution lights, and stop lights are used to control traffic in such a way as to prevent collisions and to optimize traffic flow and traffic patterns.


This is also what traffic management means when used in the context of AGVs.

这也意味着用于AGVS范围内时的交通管理。 Rationale for Using AGVs 使用AGV的理由

Some manufacturing plants still use traditional materials to handle systems.


Some use automated storage and retrieval systems, others use AGVs, and many use all of these together.


Manufacturing technology students should understand why manufacturing firm use AGVs.


Five of the most frequently stated reasons are as follows: 五个最经常提到的原因如下:

Because they can be computer controlled, AGVs represent a flexible approach to materials handling.

(1) 因为他们可以是电脑控制,AGVS代表材料灵活的方式处理 AGVs decrease labor costs by decreasing the amount of human involvement in materials handling.

(2) AGV的降低劳动力成本,减少人力参与处理材料的数量 AGVs are compatible with production and storage equipment. (3) AGV的是与生产和存储设备兼容

AGVs can operate in hazardous environments. (4) AGVS可以在危险的环境中运作

AGVs can handle and transport hazardous materials safely. (5) AGVS可以处理和运输危险材料的安全

Of the various reasons frequently given for using AGVs, perhaps the two that are the most important to the future of manufacturing are flexibility and compatibility.


Because they are so versatile, they can be adapted to be compatible with most production and storage equipment that might exist in a typical manufacturing setting.


Their flexibility and compatibility allow AGVs to fit in with trends in the world of manufacturing, including automation and integration of manufacturing processes.


Types of AGVs AGV的类型


Automated guided vehicles are called on for use in a variety of different manufacturing settings.


Consequently, there is not one type that will meet the needs of every setting.

因此,没有一种类型,这将满足每个设置的需求 Fig.8.3 and 8.4 show typical AGVs. fig.8.3和8.4显示典型的AGV

In the current state of development, there are six different types of AGVs :1) towing vehicles; 2) unit load vehicles; 3) pallet trucks;4)fork trucks 5) light load vehicles; 6) assembly line vehicles.


Towing Vehicles. 牵引车辆。

These AGVs are the work horses. 这些的AGVS是工作马匹。

Towing vehicles are the most widely used type of AGVs. 牵引车的AGV的使用最广泛的类型。

Their most common use is in transporting large amounts of bulky and heavy materials from the warehouse to various locations in the manufacturing plant.


A popular approach is to arrange a series of vehicles into a train configuration. In such a configuration, each vehical can be loaded with material for a specified location and the train can be programmed to move throughout the manufacturing facility, stopping at each location.


Unit Load Vehicles. 机组负荷的车辆。

Unit load vehicles represent the opposite extreme from towing vehicles.


Whereas towing vehicles are used in settings requiring the movement of large amounts of material to a variety of different locations, unit load vehicles are used in setting with short guide paths, high volume, and a need for independent movement and versatility.


Warehouses and distribution centers are the most likely settings for unit load vehicles.

仓库和配送中心是最有可能的机组负荷车辆设置。 An advantage of unit load vehicles is that they can operate in an environment where there is not much room and movement restricted.


Pallet Trucks. 托盘车。

The pallet truck is different from other AGVs in that it can be operated manually.


Pallet trucks are used most frequently for materials handling and distribution systems.



They are driven along a guide path from location to location and are unloaded as they go.


Because they can be operated manually pallet trucks represent a very flexible approach to materials handling.


Fork Truck. 叉车。

The fork truck type AGV is to the automated manufacturing plant what the fork lift us to a traditional materials handing setting.


Fork trucks are designed for use in highly automated manufacturing plants.


They are used when it is necessary to pick up the material up at the shop floor level and move it to a location at a higher level or to pick up the material at a higher level and move it down to the shop floor level.


Unlike the traditional fork lift, however, fork truck type AGVs travel along a guide path.

然而,不同于传统的叉车,叉车式AGV的旅行沿引路。 Light Load Vehicles. 轻负荷车。

Light load vehicle technology is simply the miniaturization of unit load vehicle technology.


Light load vehicles, as the name suggests, are used in manufacturing settings where the material to be moved is neither heave nor bulky.


Assembly Line Vehicles. 装配生产线的车辆。

As the name implies, assembly line vehicle type AGVs are used in conjunction with an assembly line process.

顾名思义,装配生产线的车辆类型AGVS结合装配线过程中使用。 There most common use is in the assembly of automobiles. 有最常见的用途是在汽车的组装。

Assembly line vehicles can be used to transport major subassemblies such as automobile engines transmissions, doors, and other associated subassemblies to the proper location on an assembly line.


Using such vehicles can enhance the flexibility of an automobile assembly line.


Unit 9 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing System


Computer-integrated manufacturing or (CIM) is the term used to describe the most modern ap-

proach to manufacturing. Although CIM encompasses many of the other advanced manufacturing

technologies such as computer numerical control (CNC) ,computer-aided design/computer-aided


manufacturing (CAD/CAM)。robotics,and just一in-time delivery (J1T),it is more than a new

technology or a new concept. Computer-integrated manufacturing is actually an entirely new ap-

proach to manufacturing a new way of doing business.

计算机集成制造(或CIM)是用来描述最现代化的一种制造方法的词汇。尽管CIM包含了许多其他的先进制造技术,如计算机数字控制(CNC),计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM),机器人学和及时供货等,但它不仅仅是一种更高层次新技术或新概念。计算机集成制造实际上是一种全新的制造方法和一种全新的贸易方式。

To understand CIM,it is necessary to begin with a comparison of modern and traditional

manufacturing. Modern manufacturing encompasses ail of the activities and processes necessary to convert raw materials into finished products, deliver them to the market,and support them in the field'. These activities include the following

为了理解CIM,有必要一开始就有一个现代和传统制造业的比较。现代制造业涵盖了所有活动和必要的过程将原料转化成成品,提供给市场,及保障它们的现场使用。这些活动包括以下内容。 1)identifying a need for a product

2) designing a product to meet the needs

3) obtaining the raw materials needed to produce the product

4) applying appropriate processes to transform the raw materials into finished products.

5) transporting product to the market

6) maintaining the product to ensure a proper performance in the field

●确定了一个产品的需求。 ●设计产品,以满足需求。 ●取得所需生产产品的原料。

●运用适当的程序,转换成成品的原料。 ●运输的产品推向市场。


This broad,modern view of manufacturing can be compared with the more limited tradition-

a1 view that focuses almost entirely on the conversion processes. The old approach separates such

critical preconversion elements as market analysis research, development,and design for manufac-

turing,as well as such after-conversion elements as product delivery and product maintenance. In

other words,in the old approach to manufacturing,only those processes that take place on the

shop floor are considered manufacturing. This traditional approach of separating the overall Con-

cept into numerous stand-alone specialized elements was not fundamentally changed with the ad-

vent of automation. While the separate elements themselves became automated 6. e,cornputer-aid-

ed drafting and design(CADD) in design and CNC in machining),they remained separate. Au-

tomation alone did not result in the integration of these islands of automation.


With CIM not only are the various elements automated', btit the islands of automation are all


linked together or integrated. Integration means that a system can provide complete and instanta-

neous sharing of information. In modern manufacturing, integration is accomplished by comput- ers. With this bEckground,CIM can now he defined as THE TOTAL INTEGRATION OF ALL MANUFACTURING ELE-MENTS THROUGH THE USE OF COMPUTERS.


Fig. 9. 1 is an illustration of:?CIM system,which shows hour the various machines and pro-

cesses used in the conversion process are integrated. However,such an illustration cannot show that research,developn-ienr·design,marketing,sales,shipping,receiving, management·and production personnel all have instant access to; all information generated in this system. This is what makes it a CIM system.



The term\computer-integrated manufacturing\was developed in 1974 by Joseph Harrington as the title of a book he wrote about tying islands of automation together through tine use of comput-

.It has taken many years for develop as a concept,but integrated manufacturuig is not

really new, In fact,integration is CIM towhere manufacturing actually began. Manufacturing has evolvedthrough four distlrict stages (Fig.9 2):

计算机集成制造这组词汇是由约瑟夫哈灵顿于1974年作为他撰写的一本书的标题提出来的,这是一本关于利用计算机将自动化孤岛连接在一起的书,作为一种概念,计算机集成制造已经形成了许多年,但集成制造并不真的事最新的。事实上,集成就是制造实际开始的地方。制造经历了4个阶段的发展: ])manual manufacturing●手工制造。

L)Mechanization 'spcclalizmioii●机械化/专业化。 3)automation●自动化。 4)integration集成化 1. Manual Manufacturing

Manual manufacturing using simple hand tools was actually integrated manufactuing. All in-

formation needed to design,produce.and deliver a product was readily available because it resided

in the mind of the one person who performed all of the necessary tasks. The tool of integration in

the earliest years of manufacturing was the human mind of the craftsman who designed,pro-

duced,and delivered the product甲An example of integrated manual manufacturing is the village

blacksmith producing a special tool for a local farmer. The blacksmith would have in his mind all

of the information needed to design,produce .and deliver the farmer's tool. In this example,all ele-

ments of manufacturing are integrated. 手工制造



