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1.以下选项中,那些语言不是联合国的工作语言( ) A.汉语、俄语 B.日语、葡萄牙语 C法语、英语 D.阿拉伯语、西班牙语

2.2016-2017年安理会非常任理事国为( ) A.日本、埃及、塞内加尔、乌克兰、乌拉圭

B.安哥拉、马来西亚、委内瑞拉、新西兰、西班牙 C.哥伦比亚、德国、印度、葡萄牙、南非


3.现任联合国秘书长潘基文先生于多少年上任,多少年任期结束?( ) A.2007,2017 B.2006,2017 C.2006,2018 B.2007,2016

4.联合国大会第十届会议中,议题“被占领的东耶路撒冷和其他巴勒斯坦地区”的请求召开方是( )

A.安全理事会 B.巴勒斯坦地区

C.联合国秘书长 D.卡塔尔

5.Which of the following institutions is not a European Union institution?( )

A.The European Council B.The Council of Europe

C.The Council of the European Union D.The European Parliament

6.Which of the following paper isnotthe formal paper in a COMMON Model United Nations Conference? ()

A.Working Paper B.Position Paper C.Draft Resolution D. media newspaper

7. 众所周知,联合国设有六个主要机关。

其中联合国大会、安全理事会、经济及社会理事会、托管理事会和______________。 五个机关设在纽约联合国总部。第六个主要机关为国际法院,设在_______________。



9.Which country belongs to Permanent Five and be situated in Asia?_____________________。

10.The General Assembly have six main committees. The First Committee is ________________。


11.在模联会场上,批判性思维是必不可少的。请你以此思考“全球气候变化及治理措施”这一议题。 材料一


年起每年召开缔约方会议(Conferences of the Parties,COP)以评估应对气候变化的进展。 1997年12月《联合国气候变化框架公约的京都议定书》)于日本京都府通过。这是《联合国气候变化框架条约》的补充条款。自此召开《京都议定书》>缔约方会议,也就是CMP。


2009年12月《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方第15次会议 (COP15)于哥本哈根召开。根据《巴厘岛路线图》(COP13/CMP3通过),本次会议将诞生一份新的《哥本哈根议定书》,以代替2012年到期的《京都议定书》。如果在本次会议上各国未能达成共识、不能通过新的决议,那么在《京都议定书》第一承诺期(2012年)到期后,全球将没有一个共同文件来约束温室气体的排放。因此,本次会议被喻为“拯救人类的最后一次机会”。 然而这“最后一次机会”被放弃了,会议最终仅通过一项不具备法律意义的《哥本哈根协议》。

2012年12月8日,在卡塔尔召开的第18届联合国气候变化大会(COP18))上,本应于2012年到期的《京都议定书》被同意延长至2020年。 2015年11月-12月,在巴黎召开的2015年联合国气候峰会(即COP21/CMP11)上,195个《公约》缔约方与一致通过《巴黎协议》。

《协议》第十七条“把全球平均气温升幅控制在工业化前水平以上低于1.5℃之内” 这是COP21与会各国得到重大成果。这也预示着各国遏制全球暖化的意愿,但这份决议未来执行情况,仍充满了未知数。建议查找原文FCCC/CP/2015L.9(文件编号)了解更多。

材料二 生态困境并不仅限于美国。它已随着第三次工业革命的传播成为一个世界范围的问题。中国是一个很好的例子,它现在是第二大工业国,并且正以最快的速度向前发展它的高速发展的工业化主要是以国内巨大的煤炭贮藏量为推动的。目前,煤炭是最脏的燃料,它在燃烧时会释放出碳,因此中国现在在碳排放方面位居世界第二,到2025年很可能是世界第一。像所有地区的消费者一样,中国的消费者(超过10亿人)无疑也会努力追求更高的生活标准,拥有更多的汽车、更多的冰箱、更多的家庭供暖设备和更多的消费品;而所有这些则需要耗费更多的能源去生产和操作它们。一些环境保护论者已向这些“穷国”逐步上升的期望提出了质疑,但挪威首相G.H..布伦特兰指出,西欧人发动了工业革命,引发了随之而来的生态问题他们现在不能指责“穷国”的“永远一无所有的”的状态。




12.The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church) is one of the largest Mormon fundamentalist denominations (Krakauer, 2003). The founding members of FLDS left The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) because of religious

disagreement. The conflict occurred largely because of the LDS Church's suspension of the practice of polygyny and its decision to excommunicate its members who would continue the practice.

Polygyny is a form of plural marriage. A man is allowed to marry more than one wife for political, religious or racial reasons. In modern countries that permit polygamy, polygyny is typically the only form permitted. Today the practice of polygyny still remains, on a small scale, in many ways. Polygyny augments division of labor and brings economic benefits. The man with several wives and likely several young male children benefits from having a much larger workforce within his household. There’s strength in numbers; with combined efforts of his young sons and young wives, he may gradually expand his cultivation and become more and more prosperous, while a man with a single wife has less help in cultivation. Under this system, the labor force of men and the birth fertility of women are especially emphasized.

Polygyny brings about not only benefits, but also extra economic burden for men. It’s said that more people do more work, but wives are not thought to be the main labors. Especially in

farming systems, men do most of the agriculture work, a second wife can be an economic burden rather than an asset. In order to feed an additional wife, the husband must either work harder himself or he must hire laborers to do part of the work.

Polygyny may cause wider and faster spread of certain diseases. Among many polygynous communities, the fear of AIDS or becoming infected with the HIV virus has informed women's decisions about entering polygynous marriages. Furthermore, studies show that polygyny

increases the spread of Human Papilloma virus, which in turn increases the risk of cervical cancer. Polygamy confined the FLDS settlement to certain regions, and this confinement leads to

intermarriage between close members of two descending family clans, which has caused serious birth defects. Fumarase Deficiency is an enzyme irregularity that causes severe mental

retardation, epileptic seizures and other cruel effects that leave children nearly helpless and unable to take care of themselves — a comparative rare disease with only 13 cases in the whole world just a few years ago, before 20 more victims emerged all within a few blocks of each other on the Utah-Arizona border. It means that all the children with the deficiency is retarded with an IQ of around 25.

Polygamy is illegal in the US, but the authorities have reportedly been reluctant to confront the FLDS for fear of sparking a tragedy similar to the 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian sect in Waco, Texas, which led to the deaths of about 80 members. Such reluctancy lead to the still growing trend within the group. Every male FLDS member must have a number of at least 3 wives in their lifetime to have exaltation in heaven, and the number goes up with that individual’s power. Warren Jeffs, for one, is reputed to have 80 wives.

(1)According to the material and the knowledge you have, what are the main benefits and problems of polygamy which FLDS practice?

(2)Please choose one or two problems you mentioned, write some possible solutions to that.

